68 research outputs found

    Extending the adverbial coverage of a NLP oriented resource for French

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    This paper presents a work on extending the adverbial entries of LGLex: a NLP oriented syntactic resource for French. Adverbs were extracted from the Lexicon-Grammar tables of both simple adverbs ending in -ment '-ly' (Molinier and Levrier, 2000) and compound adverbs (Gross, 1986; 1990). This work relies on the exploitation of fine-grained linguistic information provided in existing resources. Various features are encoded in both LG tables and they haven't been exploited yet. They describe the relations of deleting, permuting, intensifying and paraphrasing that associate, on the one hand, the simple and compound adverbs and, on the other hand, different types of compound adverbs. The resulting syntactic resource is manually evaluated and freely available under the LGPL-LR license.Comment: Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP'11), Chiang Mai : Thailand (2011

    Constructions définitoires des tables du Lexique-Grammaire

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    International audienceLexicon-Grammar tables are a very rich syntactic lexicon for the French language. This linguistic database is nevertheless not directly suitable for use by computer programs, as it is incomplete and lacks consistency. Tables are defined on the basis of features which are not explicitly recorded in the lexicon. These features are only described in literature. Our aim is to define for each tables these essential properties to make them usable in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, such as parsing

    Les Entités Nommées : usage et degrés de précision et de désambiguïsation

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    International audienceThe recognition and classification of Named Entities (NER) are regarded as an important component for many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. The classification is usually made by taking into account the immediate context in which the NE appears. In some cases, this immediate context does not allow getting the right classification. We show in this paper that the use of an extended syntactic context and large-scale resources could be very useful in the NER task

    A French Corpus Annotated for Multiword Nouns

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    International audienceThis paper presents a French corpus annotated for multiword nouns. This corpus is designed for investigation in information retrieval and extraction, as well as in deep and shallow syntactic parsing. We delimit which kind of multiword units we targeted for this annotation task; we describe the resources and methods we used for the annotation; and we briefly comment on the results. The annotated corpus is available at http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/ under the LGPLLR license.Cet article présente un corpus du français muni d'annotations sur les noms composés. Ce corpus est conçu pour la recherche sur l'extraction d'informations ainsi que sur l'analyse syntaxique superficielle ou profonde. Nous délimitons quels types de mots composés nous avons ciblés pour cette tâche d'annotation ; nous décrivons les ressources et les méthodes que nous avons utilisées pour l'annotation ; et nous commentons brièvement les résultats. Le corpus annoté est disponible sur http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/ sous licence LGPLLR

    A French Corpus Annotated for Multiword Expressions with Adverbial Function

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    International audienceThis paper presents a French corpus annotated for multiword expressions (MWEs) with adverbial function. This corpus is designed for investigation on information retrieval and extraction, as well as on deep and shallow syntactic parsing. We delimit which kind of MWEs we annotated, we describe the resources and methods we used for the annotation, and we briefly comment the results. The annotated corpus is available at http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/ under the LGPLLR license.Cet article présente un corpus du français pourvu d'annotations sur les expressions multi-mots à fonction adverbiale. Ce corpus est conçu pour la recherche sur l'extraction d'information ainsi que sur l'analyse syntaxique profonde ou superficielle. Nous délimitons le type d'expressions multi-mots que nous avons annotées, nous décrivons les ressources et méthodes que nous avons utilisées pour l'annotation, et nous commentons brièvement les résultats. Le corpus annoté est disponible sur http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/ sous licence LGPLLR

    La complémentarité des approches manuelle et automatique en acquisition lexicale

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    National audienceCet article traite de la complémentarité de l'acquisition automatique et de la construction manuelle de ressources linguistiques (en particulier dans le cadre des schémas de sous-catégorisation

    Extending the adverbial coverage of a French morphological lexicon

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    International audienceWe present an extension of the adverbial entries of the French morphological lexicon DELA (Dictionnaires Electroniques du LADL / LADL electronic dictionaries). Adverbs were extracted from LGLex, a NLP-oriented syntactic resource for French, which in its turn contains all adverbs extracted from the Lexicon-Grammar tables of both simple adverbs ending in -ment (i.e., '-ly') (Molinier and Levrier, 2000) and compound adverbs (Gross, 1986b; Gross, 1986a). This work exploits fine-grained linguistic information provided in existing resources. The resulting resource is reviewed in order to delete duplicates and is freely available under the LGPL-LR license

    Constructions d\'efinitoires des tables du Lexique-Grammaire

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    Lexicon-Grammar tables are a very rich syntactic lexicon for the French language. This linguistic database is nevertheless not directly suitable for use by computer programs, as it is incomplete and lacks consistency. Tables are defined on the basis of features which are not explicitly recorded in the lexicon. These features are only described in literature. Our aim is to define for each tables these essential properties to make them usable in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, such as parsing

    Description morphosyntaxique et sémantique des adverbes figés en vue d‟un système d‟analyse automatique des textes grecs

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    The object of this research is the systematic and formal description of Modern Greek fixed and semi-fixed adverbs, abbreviated here to fixed adverbs (i.e. κέζα ζηα άγξηα κεζάλπρηα/in the dead of night, ην κήλα πνπ δελ έρεη ΢άββαην/in a month of Sundays). Our goal is to obtain the most exhaustive and explicit description in the prospect of the automatic analysis of Greek language. Our framework is the Lexicon-Grammar methodology (M. Gross 1975, 1990a), based on the Transformational Grammar principles defined by Zellig S. Harris. This framework has provided us with an adequate model for the formal and systematic description of natural language. Our study is organised into five parts. The first part gives an overview of the two core notions present throughout our research: the notions of adverb and (fixed) multiword expression (MWE). In the second part, we study the lexical composition of 4,880 fixed adverbial forms, collected in printed and digital resources. In particular, we insist on the different types of variations and on the problems they raise in the representation of fixed adverbs in both morphological electronic dictionaries and lexicon-grammar tables. The third part is devoted to the syntactic and semantic analysis of fixed adverbs. In the first place, we distinguish fixed adverbs from complements which have identical forms but different syntactic behaviours. In the second place, we proceed to the syntactic analysis of simple sentences containing fixed adverbs or adverbs of date. The fourth part deals with the classification of fixed adverbs, classified into sixteen distinct morphosyntactic classes. We expose the theoretical principles of our classification operation and we describe how the lexicon-grammar tables of Greek fixed adverbs are organised. In addition, we present the classification criteria, the regularities and particularities of the classes established and the syntactic and semantic properties of fixed adverbs. The fifth part is dedicated to the exploitation of our linguistic data for Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. Our interest is focused on the lexical recognition of fixed and semi-fixed adverbs in Greek texts. Representative samples of the fixed adverbs lexicon-grammar tables and the date expressions local grammar are illustrated in Appendix (volume 2).Cette recherche a pour objectif la description systématique et formelle des adverbes figés et semi-figés du grec moderne, abrégés ici en adverbes figés (i.e. κέζα ζηα άγξηα κεζάλπρηα/à l‟aube, ην κήλα πνπ δελ έρεη ΢άββαην/la semaine des quatre jeudis). Notre intention est d‟aboutir à une description aussi exhaustive et explicite que possible en vue de l‟analyse automatique de la langue grecque. La méthodologie du lexique-grammaire (M. Gross 1975, 1990a), s‟appuyant sur les principes de la grammaire transformationnelle harisienne, nous a fourni un modèle de description de la langue naturelle adéquat. Notre étude s‟articule autour de cinq parties. Dans la première partie, nous abordons les deux notions fondamentales qui véhiculent notre recherche : les notions d‟adverbe et de figement. Dans la deuxième partie, nous étudions la composition lexicale d‟un ensemble de 4 880 formes adverbiales figées, recensées à partir des sources éditées et numériques. Nous insistons particulièrement sur les différents types de variations mises en jeu ainsi que sur les problèmes que celles-ci posent lors de la représentation formalisée des adverbes dans le dictionnaire électronique morphologique et les tables du lexique-grammaire. La troisième partie traite l‟analyse syntaxico-sémantique des adverbes figés. En premier lieu, nous distinguons les adverbes figés des compléments formellement similaires mais syntaxiquement différents. En deuxième lieu, nous entreprenons l‟analyse syntaxique des phrases simples à adverbes figés et celle à adverbes de date. La quatrième partie porte sur la classification des adverbes figés, répartis en seize classes morpho-syntaxiquement distinctes. Après avoir exposé les principes théoriques qui régissent notre opération de classification, nous présentons l‟organisation des tables du lexique-grammaire des adverbes figés grecs. Les critères classificatoires, les régularités et les particularités que les classes établies comportent ainsi que les propriétés syntaxico-sémantiques des adverbes figés font également l‟objet de cette partie. La cinquième partie est consacrée à l‟exploitation de nos données linguistiques à des fins de traitement automatique des langues naturelles (TALN). Notre intérêt est focalisé sur la reconnaissance lexicale des adverbes figés et semi-figés dans les textes grecs. Nous présentons en annexe (volume 2) des échantillons représentatifs des tables du lexique-grammaire des adverbes figés et de la grammaire locale des expressions de date