313 research outputs found

    Photoreceptor spectral sensitivities of the Small White butterfly Pieris rapae crucivora interpreted with optical modeling

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    The compound eye of the Small White butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora, has four classes of visual pigments, with peak absorption in the ultraviolet, violet, blue and green, but electrophysiological recordings yielded eight photoreceptors classes: an ultraviolet, violet, blue, double-peaked blue, green, blue-suppressed-green, pale-red and deep-red class. These photoreceptor classes were identified in three types of ommatidia, distinguishable by the different eye shine spectra and fluorescence; the latter only being present in the eyes of males. We present here two slightly different optical models that incorporate the various visual pigments, the light-filtering actions of the fluorescent, pale-red and deep-red screening pigment, located inside or adjacent to the rhabdom, and the reflectance spectrum of the tapetum that abuts the rhabdom proximally. The models serve to explain the photoreceptor spectral sensitivities as well as the eye shine

    Path integral approach to eikonal and next-to-eikonal exponentiation

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    We approach the issue of exponentiation of soft gauge boson corrections to scattering amplitudes from a path integral point of view. We show that if one represents the amplitude as a first quantized path integral in a mixed coordinate-momentum space representation, a charged particle interacting with a soft gauge field is represented as a Wilson line for a semi-infinite line segment, together with calculable fluctuations. Combining such line segments, we show that exponentiation in an abelian field theory follows immediately from standard path-integral combinatorics. In the non-abelian case, we consider color singlet hard interactions with two outgoing external lines, and obtain a new viewpoint for exponentiation in terms of ``webs'', with a closed form solution for their corresponding color factors. We investigate and clarify the structure of next-to-eikonal corrections.Comment: 43 pages, 16 figure

    Path integral approach to eikonal and next-to-eikonal exponentiation

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    We approach the issue of exponentiation of soft gauge boson corrections to scattering amplitudes from a path integral point of view. We show that if one represents the amplitude as a first quantized path integral in a mixed coordinate-momentum space representation, a charged particle interacting with a soft gauge field is represented as a Wilson line for a semi-infinite line segment, together with calculable fluctuations. Combining such line segments, we show that exponentiation in an abelian field theory follows immediately from standard path-integral combinatorics. In the non-abelian case, we consider color singlet hard interactions with two outgoing external lines, and obtain a new viewpoint for exponentiation in terms of ``webs'', with a closed form solution for their corresponding color factors. We investigate and clarify the structure of next-to-eikonal corrections.Comment: 43 pages, 16 figure

    Ultra-dense, curved, grating optics determines peacock spider coloration

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    Controlling light through photonic nanostructures is important for everyday optical components, from spectrometers to data storage and readout. In nature, nanostructured materials produce wavelength-dependent colors that are key for visual communication across animals. Here, we investigate two Australian peacock spiders, which court females in complex dances with either iridescent color patterns (Maratus robinsoni) or an approximately angle-independent blue coloration (M. nigromaculatus). Using light microscopy, FIB-SEM imaging, imaging scatterometry, and optical modeling, we show that both color displays originate from nanogratings on structured 3D surfaces. The difference in angle-dependency of the coloration results from a combination of the local scale shape and the nanograting period. The iridescence of M. robinsoni arises from ordered gratings on locally flat substrates, while the more stable blue colors of M. nigromaculatus originate from ultra-dense, curved gratings with multiscale disorder. Our results shed light on the design principle of the peacock spiders' scales and could inspire novel dispersive components, e.g. used in spectroscopic applications

    Functional interplay of visual, sensitizing and screening pigments in the eyes of Drosophila and other red-eyed dipteran flies

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    Several fly species have distinctly red-coloured eyes, meaning that the screening pigments that provide a restricted angular sensitivity of the photoreceptors may perform poorly in the longer wavelength range. The functional reasons for the red transparency and possible negative visual effects of the spectral properties of the eye-colouring screening pigments are discussed within the context of the photochemistry, arrestin binding and turnover of the visual pigments located in the various photoreceptor types. A phylogenetic survey of the spectral properties of the main photoreceptors of the Diptera indicates that the transition of the brown eye colour of the Nematocera and lower Brachycera to a much redder eye colour of the higher Brachycera occurred around the emergence of the Tabanidae family

    Cortex Thickness Is Key for the Colors of Iridescent Starling Feather Barbules With a Single, Organized Melanosome Layer

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    The iridescent plumage of many birds is structurally colored due to an orderly arrangement of melanosomes in their feather barbules. Here, we investigated the blue- to purple-colored feathers of the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and the blue and green feathers of the Cape starling (Lamprotornis nitens). In both cases, the barbules contain essentially a single layer of melanosomes, but in S. vulgaris they are solid and rod-shaped, and in L. nitens they are hollow and rod- as well as platelet-shaped. We analyzed the coloration of the feathers by applying imaging scatterometry, bifurcated-probe- and micro-spectrophotometry. The reflectance spectra of the feathers of the European starling showed multiple peaks and a distinct, single peak for the Cape starling feathers. Assuming that the barbules of the two starling species contain a simple multilayer, consisting locally only of a cortex plus a single layer of melanosomes, we interpret the experimental data by applying effective-medium-multilayer modeling. The optical modeling provides quantitative insight into the function of the keratin cortex thickness, being the principal factor to determine the peak wavelength of the reflectance bands; the melanosome layer only plays a minor role. The air cavity in the hollow melanosomes of the Cape starling creates a strongly enhanced refractive index contrast, thus very effectively causing a high reflectance