46 research outputs found
Barn och fyrhjulingar
Föreliggande studie undersöker attityder och beteenden hos förĂ€ldrar och barn som kör fyrhjuling, samt deras erfarenheter av incidenter och skador. Resultaten skall ligga till grund för Ă„tgĂ€rdsförslag för olika aktörers fortsatta arbete. TvĂ„ fokusgrupper, en med ungdomar och en med förĂ€ldrar samt en djupintervju med en Ă„terförsĂ€ljare av fyrhjulingar utfördes inledningsvis. Intervjuerna analyserades och resulterade i sex teman som lĂ„g till grund för en intervjuguide som anvĂ€ndes för att göra riksomfattande telefonintervjuer med förĂ€ldrar och efter medgivande Ă€ven med en del av deras barn. 50 telefonintervjuer genomfördes under perioden hösten 2015 till vĂ„ren 2016. Av de intervjuade var 41 vuxna och 9 barn i Ă„ldrarna 5â14 Ă„r.
Resultaten analyserades och svaren för varje frĂ„ga sammanstĂ€lldes, hĂ€rav framkom 8 teman, vilka beskrivs i rapporten: 1. AnvĂ€ndning av fyrhjulingar. 2. Riskmedvetenhet. 3. Information hjĂ€lper ej â âInte vi men de andraâ. 4. FörĂ€ldrarnas uppfattning om barns förmĂ„ga. 5. Barnens lĂ€rande. 6. Barnens perspektiv. 7. Regler och ansvar och 8. Hur Ă€r det med riskacceptans? Resultaten visade bland annat att förĂ€ldrarna var riskmedvetna och flera visade pĂ„ en riskacceptans men samtidigt ett stort engagemang för barnens sĂ€kerhet. Ett flertal förslag till rekommendationer för att öka sĂ€kerheten lĂ€mnas i slutet av rapporten
Safety culture for automation in transport companies : Final Report
There is an increasing automation in road transport, involving introduction of fully automated vehicles (AV) in some areas. Organizations that introduce automated vehicles need support on how to develop a sustainable safety culture with zero accidents. There is a need to investigate the gap between the implementation of automated vehicles and human behavior at all organizational levels, and to link to the zero vision with practical applications to enhance the safety culture in transport businesses. The aim was to explore existing practice and knowledge of safety culture in traffic related to automation, trying to identify and analyze blank spots and risks. Additionally, to identify how companies using automated vehicles can succeed in achieving a good safety culture. At first a literature review was performed, secondly five interviews were made in Sweden and in Norway to explore experiences from innovation projects with fully autonomous vehicles. Thirdly a workshop was conducted with researchers from different areas and developers of AVs. The purpose was to get an interdisciplinary discussion on safety culture and technology development. The aim was to explore potential risks and the meaning of safety culture when autonomous vehicles are introduced. Finally, a proposal for a research project based on the findings were submitted and accepted. Results from the literature review concluded that a key area that should be examined in future research is the influence of organizational safety culture in implementation of AV in companies, e.g. terminals, ports etc. or professional drivers. The interviews revealed six themes. These themes should be lifted forward when investigating safety culture in industries that plan to introduce new or higher levels of automation. The interviews also explored existing practice and a low knowledge level of safety culture in traffic related to automation. In the workshop two topics were discussed: (i) Safety culture in the organization with Autonomous Vehicles and (ii) Safety culture in product development. It resulted in six themes that should be studied further; 1) Safety vs. Productivity 2) Culture and norms 3) Responsibility 4) Adjustability 5) From user to organizational centered design 6) Built-in safety culture in the design of product. The conclusion is that there is a lack of studies on safety culture in development of AVs. Automation is technology driven, and the transport sector needs to prepare by organizing safety from a systemâs perspective, such as safety culture. The themes from the workshop could form the basis to propose methods and instruments to measure and support safety culture in automation. The integration of sustainability and gender equality is also undeveloped and in order to achieve the 2030 agenda, the results could form a starting point to the processes and tools to facilitate change. Additional studies are needed to identify and to produce guidelines for companies using automated vehicles as well as to establish a good safety culture. The next step is to carry out the new FFI pre-study which forms the basis for a full application where tools for developing safety culture in automation, will be developed, studying best practice, KPIs and routines, using different case studies in the industry. The pre-study contributes with basic knowledge of survey tools for measuring and developing safety culture, sustainability and gender equality, as well as a model for understanding and developing the safety culture. Accomplishing a mutual learning between industries and researchers
Safety as a Process - From risk perception to safety activity
The frequency of occupational accidents in the Swedish food industry and agriculture is high. This thesis has therefore explored the âprocess of safetyâ in order to detect and analyse factors that either hinder or facilitate safety activity and to further develop intervention methods towards increased safety activity. The first study was based on in-depth interviews with 54 injured food-industry operators and their supervisors, exploring preconditions of accidents, using the qualitative method of grounded theory. Results showed that the accidents were embedded in the ânormalâ in which the accidents occurred without any warning. Preconditions of accidents were technical and organisational deficiencies such as insufficient communication and learning, high responsibility in combination with low control, conflicting goals, and a gap between procedures and practice. These factors influenced the safety culture toward risk acceptance and a normalisation of accidents. The second study tested a hypothetical model of the casual relationship between risk perception and safety activity as well as risk acceptance. Results were based on a cross-sectional questionnaire exploring the attitudes towards risk and safety of 315 farmers and farm workers. The results mainly confirmed two paths, one mediated by risk manageability and one by work stress, which counteracted each otherThe third study was an evaluation of a safety intervention methodology based on group discussions with three levels of structure. Eighty-eight farmers and farm workers divided into 9 groups gathered on seven occasions during one year. A pre-post questionnaire was used to evaluate the effects. The results showed a significant increase in safety activity. Stress as well as risk acceptance were reduced, but risk perception and perceived risk manageability did not change. The fourth study evaluated the process of the intervention. Results indicated good feasibility of the method. The social network was stated to be most beneficial and a time span was needed.The conclusions of the thesis were that the process of safety might benefit from reflecting and discussing incident experiences, detecting hindrances/facilitators to safety. Risk acceptance and normalisation of accidents may be influenced by focusing on work stress and the priority of safety, supporting a participative process of change with an honest climate
Safety as a Process - From risk perception to safety activity
The frequency of occupational accidents in the Swedish food industry and agriculture is high. This thesis has therefore explored the âprocess of safetyâ in order to detect and analyse factors that either hinder or facilitate safety activity and to further develop intervention methods towards increased safety activity. The first study was based on in-depth interviews with 54 injured food-industry operators and their supervisors, exploring preconditions of accidents, using the qualitative method of grounded theory. Results showed that the accidents were embedded in the ânormalâ in which the accidents occurred without any warning. Preconditions of accidents were technical and organisational deficiencies such as insufficient communication and learning, high responsibility in combination with low control, conflicting goals, and a gap between procedures and practice. These factors influenced the safety culture toward risk acceptance and a normalisation of accidents. The second study tested a hypothetical model of the casual relationship between risk perception and safety activity as well as risk acceptance. Results were based on a cross-sectional questionnaire exploring the attitudes towards risk and safety of 315 farmers and farm workers. The results mainly confirmed two paths, one mediated by risk manageability and one by work stress, which counteracted each otherThe third study was an evaluation of a safety intervention methodology based on group discussions with three levels of structure. Eighty-eight farmers and farm workers divided into 9 groups gathered on seven occasions during one year. A pre-post questionnaire was used to evaluate the effects. The results showed a significant increase in safety activity. Stress as well as risk acceptance were reduced, but risk perception and perceived risk manageability did not change. The fourth study evaluated the process of the intervention. Results indicated good feasibility of the method. The social network was stated to be most beneficial and a time span was needed.The conclusions of the thesis were that the process of safety might benefit from reflecting and discussing incident experiences, detecting hindrances/facilitators to safety. Risk acceptance and normalisation of accidents may be influenced by focusing on work stress and the priority of safety, supporting a participative process of change with an honest climate
Process evaluation of driving license for EU-moped
För att minska antalet skadade i mopedolyckor infördes den 1 oktober 2009 ett nytt körkort \u96AM \u96 för EU-moped. En obligatorisk utbildning pÄ 12 timmar varav minst fyra timmar praktiska moment infördes. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att utvÀrdera utbildningsprocessen och vilken effekt den kan tÀnkas ge pÄ elevernas beteende i trafiken. En samstÀmmighetsbedömning utfördes Àven avseende hur kursplanens mÄl realiserades i undervisningen. Fem olika typer av utbildningar i Göteborgsregionen studerades dÀr totalt 36 elever deltog varav 30 pojkar. Sammantaget visade resultaten att det förmodligen skett en höjning av kunskapsnivÄn, flera lÀrare menade att de hade tagit ett halvt B-körkort. Resultaten visade pÄ olika pedagogiska idéer men det gemensamma var anvÀndet av powerpoint-presentationer som grund för en lÀrarcentrerad undervisning. En utbildare hade fokus pÄ dialog med eleverna och bjöd ocksÄ in förÀldrarna för att prata om riskerna med mopedkörning. Kurserna fick genomgÄende gott omdöme och eleverna var generellt ambitiösa och fokuserade. Flertalet mÄl frÄn kursplanen togs upp, förutom sjÀlvvÀrdering. Teoriundervisningen var i de flesta fall provstyrd, vilket innebar att huvudvikten i teoriundervisningen var pÄ regler och bestÀmmelser och mindre pÄ att höja riskmedvetenheten. En förÀndring av elevernas riskmedvetenhet och attityd till hastighet och alkohol Àr dÀrför tveksam.In order to decrease moped accidents a new driving license category AM for class I mopeds was introduced on October 1st 2009 in Sweden. A 12 hour mandatory training course was introduced including at least 4 hours of practical training. The study aim was to examine the education and which effects it might have on traffic behavior. A qualitative study using direct observations, checklists, interviews and a questionnaire were performed studying five different types of training courses. Results showed that most educators used teacher centered education based on PowerPoint presentations, sometimes engaging students in short group discussions. Teachers received good judgments from the students and had good study materials and a good teaching climate. There was much information in a short amount of time hence the students had to learn a lot by self-tuition. The main emphasis of the theory education was on regulations and traffic signs. The results indicated an improvement of the level of knowledge. However, risk awareness and attitudes towards speeding and alcohol probably remained unchanged. In order to make the educators focus more on these questions, the examination ought to include higher levels of knowledge in accordance to the national curriculum
Workshop on traffic and education : current research and how to go on
A workshop initiated by the Traffic Education Group (TUG) at VTI on the theme "Traffic Education - What research is currently conducted in the field today and how do we want the field to develop" was held at VTI in November 2010. TUG was represented by six researchers and six visiting participants from The National Society for Road Safety (NTF), The Swedish National Association of Driving Schools (STR), Trivector Information and The Swedish Transport Agency participated. Initially a lecture was held on the topic of educational trends of today. The presentation focused on the relationships between learning goals, teaching methods and examination. The presentation was followed by a discussion presented in this report. A lot of research has been conducted in the field but has it been put into practice? Various methods have been tested but not yet used on a larger scale. A proposal about traffic education in the mandatory school has been developed but as the subject will not be compulsory it will probably have very low practical impact. Another important question is who is responsible for financing research in this field. It seems like this task has fallen through the cracks. The largest part of the discussion was devoted to driving license education and the question was raised whether or not there would be a revision of the whole system initiated by the politicians. The evaluation results of the new syllabus for driving license B indicate that little has changed within the driving license education and the question is whether the driving teachers need more support to transform the curriculum into practical education. The driving schools have to contend with a culture where as few lessons as possible is considered the best (cost and time), which makes it difficult to improve teaching quality
Bicycle tourism : a literature overview and an analysis of bicycle tourism globally
Studien inleds med en första del som avser kartlĂ€ggningar, utredningar och strategier, följt av certifiering av cykelleder. Den andra delen avser olika forskningsomrĂ„den: infrastruktur, transporter, sĂ€kerhet och mĂ€tning cykelturismens ekonomi och företagande resenĂ€rens efterfrĂ„gan, attityder och beteende cykelturism för hĂ€lsa och vĂ€lmĂ„ende cykelturism för trĂ€ning och sport cykelturism och hĂ„llbarhet Slutligen följer en geografisk orientering om cykelturismen i Sverige och andra lĂ€nder. Resultaten visade pĂ„ ett antal behov av praktisk karaktĂ€r som listas i rapporten samt följande exempel pĂ„ forskningsbehov: Utveckling av mĂ€t- och utvĂ€rderingsmetoder för specifika frĂ„gestĂ€llningar, högre kvalitĂ© pĂ„ studier om cykelturism, kvalitativa sĂ„vĂ€l som kvantitativa angreppssĂ€tt, finansiering av studier med forskningsmĂ„l, tillgĂ„ng till statistik specifikt för cykelturism, kartlĂ€ggning av olika grupper av cykelturisters behov, cykelturism och social hĂ„llbarhet, hĂ€lsoeffekter (fysiska och psykologiska) av cykelturism, beteendeförĂ€ndring för ökad cykling genom fritidscykling, cykelturism och miljömedvetande i transporter till/frĂ„n destinationer, samt slutligen mer engelsksprĂ„kig litteratur.The study begins with surveys, investigations and pronounced strategies, followed by a discussion on certification of cycle guides. The second part relates to different research areas: infrastructure, transport, safety and measurement bicycle tourism economy and entrepreneurship travelersâ demands, attitudes and behavior bicycle tourism for health and well-being bicycle tourism for training and sports bicycle tourism sustainability Finally, a geographical orientation on bicycle tourism in Sweden and other countries. The results showed a number of practical needs that are listed in the report and the following examples of research needs: Development of measurement and evaluation methods for specific destinations, higher quality of studies on bicycle tourism, qualitative as well as quantitative approaches, financing of studies with research objectives, access to statistics specifically for bicycle tourism, mapping of different groups of cyclists' needs, bicycle tourism and social sustainability, health effects (physical and psychological) of bicycle tourism, behavioral change for increased cycling through leisure cycling, cycling tourism and environmental awareness in transport to/from destinations, and finally more English-language literature
Sustainability culture in shipping
HÄllbarhetskulturen i sjöfarten har studerats genom enkÀtmÀtning i tvÄ rederier. I projektet konstruerades och testades en enkÀt som avser att mÀta hÄllbarhetskultur och attityder till ekologisk/grön hÄllbarhet. EnkÀtresultaten ger hjÀlp att se starka och svaga sidor i företaget vid utvecklingen av en god hÄllbarhetskultur genom metoder som tidigare applicerats inom sÀkerhetskulturen. Om hÄllbarhetskulturen utvecklas och ledare gör Ätaganden, kan det ge motivation, engagemang och ett högre tryck pÄ förÀndring, varvid miljöfrÄgorna flyttas upp pÄ dagordningen. I flera workshoppar diskuterades begreppet hÄllbarhet och hur kunskap och metoder kunde överföras frÄn sÀkerhetskultur till hÄllbarhetskultur. Litteratur sammanstÀlldes och enkÀtfrÄgor konstruerades och testades i tvÄ rederier. Resultaten analyserades och presenterades med intressanta samband och frekvenser. Ett nytt enkÀtverktyg som kan mÀta nivÄn pÄ attityder till hÄllbarhet och miljö har lanserats. Detta verktyg har potential att ge kunskap och underlag för dialog och ÄtgÀrder för ökad hÄllbarhet inom sjöfarten.The culture of sustainability in shipping has been studied through questionnaires in two shipping companies. In the project, a survey was designed and tested that aims to measure sustainability culture, attitudes to ecological/green sustainability. With the survey results, you get help to see strong and weak sides in the company in the development of a good sustainability culture through methods that have previously been applied within the safety culture. If the culture of sustainability develops and leaders make commitments, it can provide motivation, commitment and a greater pressure for change, whereby environmental issues are moved up the agenda. In several workshops, the concept of sustainability and how knowledge and methods could be transferred from a safety culture to a sustainability culture were discussed. Literature was compiled and survey questions constructed and tested in two shipping companies. The results were analyzed and presented with interesting connections and frequencies. A new survey tool that can measure the level of attitudes towards sustainability and the environment has been launched. This tool has the potential to provide knowledge and a basis for dialogue and measures for increased sustainability in shipping