9 research outputs found
Adaptable Landscapes in Housing Renovation: A Tool for Activating Local Territorial Communities
Based on the basic theoretical principles and the existing practices of community involvement into planning, the article explores the ways of improving urban landscapes of residential territories, especially in the process of housing renovation. Researchers of different countries increasingly focus their attention on adaptability of landscape in the process of housing renovation and identify the main actors in this process. Local communities are strongly motivated players in the process of improving residential areas, providing the planners and architects with the ideas for programming, designing and implementing diverse housing projects on different scales. At the same time, the local communities themselves get strengthened by consolidating their interests towards achieving common goals in the territory of their interest. Housing renovation process is a perfect sphere where local communities could express their goals of improving living standards in the existing area of residence. The main interest areas of local residents for better living space and the surrounding area are presented, where landscape is seen as an important consolidating element. As a physical resource, landscape is important for local communities for its recreational function in a close environment also in connection to wider urban landscape. Providing green links for the residents among local, urban and suburban areas is a way to develop an integrated landscape system. As a visual element, landscape has an impact on visual identity of the residence that is perceived and memorised by residents. The article gives a set of recommendations on the ways of improving the methods and practices of complex urban renovation underlining community-based landscape development plans
A Hybrid Fuzzy BWM-COPRAS Method For Analyzing Key Factors of Sustainable Architecture
open access articleSustainable development by emphasizing on satisfying the current needs of the general public without threating their futures, alongside with taking the environment and future generations under consideration, has become one of the prominent issues in different societies. Therefore, identifying and prioritizing the key factors of sustainable architecture according to regional and cultural features could be the first step in sustaining the architecture as a process and an outcome. In this paper, the key indicators of the environmental sustainability in contemporary architecture of Iran has been identified and prioritized. This study has been performed in three phases. First, identifying key factors of environmental sustainability according to the experts’ point of view and transforming the collected data to triangular fuzzy numbers. Subsequently, the best-worst multi-criteria decision-making method (henceforth BWM) under grey system circumstances has determined the weights and priority of the identified criteria. Eventually, identified key factors were prioritized by the complex proportional assessment method (hereafter COPRAS) under the condition of fuzzy sets. The results indicate that the key factors of creating engagement between buildings and other urban systems has the highest priority in the built environment sustainability in contemporary architecture and proving building management systems has the lowest
The article examines the applications aspects of cultural landscape for the preparation of the classical performing arts staging. Research findings highlighted that the cultural landscape (parks, estates, castles, bastions, etc. objects) occupies an increasingly important role in public recreation and classical art development programs. At the same time it is noted that event’s aesthetic and emotional quality suffers due to the fact that no specific attention was given for the preparation of the event space. More methodological materials are necessary for preparation of this type of design spaces. In Lithuania classical performing arts events in cultural landscape open spaces are based on XVI–XVII century tradition and has good prospects for modern development. A review of some of the classical art events installations, based on the importance of quality of open spaces influence on the emotional impact, that should be an integral part of the cultural event. The author summarizes his experience of ballet events in open spaces in the cultural landscape – Klaipėda, Trakai. Presented is Tchaikovsky's ballet “Swan Lake” construction in Klaipėda John Hill project that includes infrastructure and environmental design concept: audience space, stage design, stage design performance solutions. Analogous key decisions are later adapted to the ballet performance in the natural environment of the lake Trakai. Experience of this project dictated the necessity of deeper understanding and methodological basis for the classical performing arts analysis and design.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjami kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio pritaikymo ir parengimo klasikinio scenos meno pastatymams aspektai. Atlikto tyrimo išvadoje akcentuojama, kad kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio (parkų, dvarų, pilių, bastionų, kt. objektų) potencialo panaudojimas pastaruoju metu užima vis svarbesnį vaidmenį visuomenės rekreacijos bei klasikinio meno vystymo programose. Tuo pat metu pastebėta, kad renginių estetinė bei emocinė kokybė nukenčia dėl to, kad renginio erdvės parengimui neskiriama reikiamo dėmesio. Tokio pobūdžio erdvių projektavimui trūksta metodinės medžiagos. Lietuvoje klasikinio scenos meno renginiai kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio atvirose erdvėse remiasi XVI–XVII amžiaus tradicijomis ir turi geras perspektyvas šiuolaikiniam vystymui. Apžvelgus kai kuriuos klasikinio meno renginių pastatymus, pagrįsta atvirų erdvių kokybės emocinės įtakos svarba, kuri turėtų būti neatsiejama kultūrinio renginio dalis. Straipsnio autorė apibendrina savo patirtį organizuojant baleto renginius atvirose kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio erdvėse – Klaipėdoje, Trakuose. P. Čaikovskio baleto „Gulbių ežeras“ pastatymo Klaipėdos Jono kalnelyje projekte pateikta renginio infrastruktūros ir aplinkos dizaino koncepcija, apimanti žiūrovinės erdvės, scenos konstrukcijos, spektaklio scenografijos sprendimus. Analogiški pagrindiniai sprendimai adaptuoti ir vėliau įvykusiame baleto spektaklyje Trakų ežero gamtinėje aplinkoje. Šių projektų patirtis padiktavo gilesnės kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio pritaikymo klasikinio scenos meno analizės ir projektavimo metodikos pagrindimo būtinybę.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: kultūrinis kraštovaizdis, klasikinis scenos menas, sąsaja, atvira erdvė, kultūros paveldas
Contemporary cities are facing some big challenges of the post-industrial era, and abandoned territories are one of them. Different regeneration programs and ideas are being implemented in the cities and some of them have been turned into entire experimental urban labs. Nevertheless, landscape urbanism seems to take its right position and is very promising for sustainable and balanced future development in urban environment.
One of the ways to develop the green regeneration is to use the potential of abandoned territories, which appear to be part of inner city’s structure, while activating them, converting into recreational spaces and incorporating into the general system of urban recreation.
Vilnius is a very green city and it has lots of recreational potential. However, it is not properly used and the system of urban recreation is fragmented. At the moment there is around 614 ha of the city’s territory, which needs to be regenerated and this opportunity should be used to build up an even more accessible recreational network. Abandoned territories, such as sport stadiums developed during the Soviet regime, have a big potential to be activated as local recreational spaces as they are spreading quite gradually in the residential districts.
Įvairiais istoriniais laikotarpiais miestai susidūrė su regeneracijos problemomis, o jas sprendžiant didelę įtaką turėjo gamtinis miesto karkasas ir viešųjų erdvių sistemos formavimas. XIX a. industrializacija ir XX a. įvykių virtinė bei santvarkų kaita iš esmės pakeitė požiūrį į viešąsias erdves ir rekreacines miesto teritorijas. Šiuo metu dauguma miestų bando spręsti poindustrinio palikimo klausimus: ieškoma būdų, kaip atgaivinti atsiradusias dykras miesto vidinėje struktūroje ir sustabdyti urbanizuotos aplinkos plėtimąsi į išorę. Ypač aktualios viešųjų erdvių, rekreacinių miesto teritorijų ir gamtinės aplinkos gaivinimo problemos. Vykdant miestų gaivinimo programas, bandoma sekti darnios raidos principais, tačiau kyla įvairių diskusijų dėl tvariųjų koncepcijų konkretinimo. Šiuo atveju dykros ir apleistos teritorijos turi didelę potenciją taisant praeito amžiaus planavimo klaidas, jas konvertuojant ir įtraukiant į miesto rekreacijos sistemą – sveikos miesto aplinkos palaikymo programą.
Raktiniai žodžiai: miestų regeneracija; kraštovaizdžio urbanizmas; apleistų teritorijų konversija; rekreacinis potencialas; stadiona
EDUGAME4CITY. A Gamification for Architecture Students. Viability Study Applied to Urban Design
Hereby we present the first results of a Financed Research Project that focuses on the use of (Serious games) SG for training future architects and urban planner in the urban design context. After the first viability studies and
tests in the creation of urban scenarios at intermediate scale, virtual simulation, vegetative environment and lighting, as well as basic gamification, the complete development of the teacher’s methodology proposal of the research project is outlined. First five urban scenarios have been selected in which the students of Máster y Grado de Arquitectura of the ETSABarcelona-UPC of landscape and urban design have developed of urban intervention projects from the local administration and neighborhood associations. These projects have been completed
subsequently in different optional courses ICT, in which 3-D virtual scenarios have been created and rehearsed under a first basic gamification. Following with the project it has continued with other courses of Architectonic
Representation degree, where final settings and designs have been created, according to the students´ interest in using Virtual Reality Technology. Afterwards the virtual models and scenarios were transferred to La Salle-Barcelona
URL Architecture students in different courses of Representation tools, in order to continue with advanced gamification, HMD and analysis of its usage and their motivation. The results of these instructed processes have reached the administration, neighbors, professionals and general public.info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MINECO/1PE/ BIA2016-77464-C2-1-RPostprint (author's final draft
The article deals with the problems of brownfield in Lithuania. The paper overviews Lithuanian and foreign experience of integrating the introduced areas into the urban framework based on social, economic, ecological and cultural contextuality. The main problem, on Lithuanian scale, is the absence of an official definition of urban brownfield. The legal framework in Lithuania does not contain any provisions to be processed. The article is aimed at identifying potential threats to the areas in respect of criteria for urban brownfields, and, according to this review, at revealing possible uses of this land. One of the most effective ways of urban sustainable development is the conversion of former military, industrial and other land accepted as the legacy of the Soviet regime. The authors have established a causal relationship resulting in the emergence of the urban areas of wilderness and developed guidance on using them. The authors have analysed and evaluated the existing real estate developers and current trends towards opportunities for private and public partnership (PPP) in Lithuania. Although PPP is widespread in most of European countries, it is a rare phenomenon in Lithuania, and has no deep-rooted tradition of this kind of investment in urban infrastructure; however, evaluation is one of the most potential ways to revitalize abandoned urban territories. Based on practices of foreign countries, the authors have identified PPP as a priority.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama apleistų teritorijų Lietuvoje problematika, apžvelgiama tokių teritorijų integravimo į miestų urbanistinį karkasą, atsižvelgiant į socialinį, ekonominį, ekologinį ir kultūrinį kontekstualumą, Lietuvos ir užsienio patirtis. Pagrindinė vyraujanti problema yra informacijos, kaip vertinti apleistas teritorijas, stoka. Lietuvos teisinėje bazėje nėra jokių jų tvarkymo nuostatų. Šio straipsnio tikslas – įvertinus Europos šalių patirtį apibrėžti tokių teritorijų keliamas grėsmes ir atskleisti panaudojimo galimybes Lietuvos miestuose. Buvusių karinių, pramoninių ir kitų teritorijų, susiformavusių mieste sovietinio režimo metais, konversija – tai vienas efektyviausių tvariosios plėtros būdų. Autoriai identifikavo priežastinį ryšį, lėmusį miesto dykrų atsiradimą, ir parengė jų panaudojimo metodines rekomendacijas. Atlikdami analizę autoriai įvertino esamą bendrąją Lietuvos miestų urbanistinę situaciją bei privataus ir viešojo sektorių partnerystės (angl. Public Private Partnership – PPP) taikymo galimybes. Lietuvoje toks investavimo į miesto infrastruktūrą būdas, priešingai nei Europos šalyse, yra retas, neturi gilių tradicijų, tačiau vertinamas kaip potencialus. Atlikę užsienyje taikomų modelių apžvalgą autoriai šį partnerystės būdą išskyrė kaip prioritetinį.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: „rudosios dėmės“, viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystė, miestų planavimas, teritorijų pertvarkymas, darni plėtra, kompaktiškas miestas