45 research outputs found
Intrapancreatic Accessory Spleen Misdiagnosed as a Nonsecreting Endocrine Tumor: Case Report and Review of the Literature
In a large series of nonselected autopsy investigations an accessory spleen was found in 10–30%. The second most common site is the pancreatic tail (17%). We report a case of intrapancreatic accessory spleen misdiagnosed as a nonsecreting neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas. Nuclear scintigraphy may provide the definitive diagnosis of an intrapancreatic spleen and therefore prevent patients from unnecessary major surgery
Acromioclavicular joint cyst: nine cases of a pseudotumor of the shoulder
Objective: (1) To analyse the imaging appearances of nine patients with acromioclavicular joint cysts presenting as shoulder masses for tumor staging with operative, histopathological and joint aspiration findings. Design and patients: Retrospective review of imaging and correlation with clinical, operative and surgical notes. Images were reviewed by two musculoskeletal radiologists by consensus. Nine patients who presented clinically with a shoulder mass were evaluated by radiographs (n=9), ultrasound (n=1), conventional arthrography (n=3), MRI (n=6; with direct MR arthrography n=2, indirect MR arthrography n=4). Results: All patients had a focal mass superior to the AC joint, with a size ranging from 1.5cm to 6cm and a mean of 3.27cm. Correlation was available with surgery (n=7), histopathology (n=2) and cyst aspiration (n=2). Two patients were managed conservatively. Geyser sign was positive in all three arthrograms. All MRIs revealed extensive rotator cuff tears with a column of fluid extending from the glenohumeral joint through the rotator cuff tear into the acromioclavicular joint and acromioclavicular cyst. Chondrocalcinosis was seen in the acromioclavicular joint cyst (n=2) and in the glenohumeral joint (n=1). Aspirate in two patients contained calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals. Conclusion: Acromioclavicular joint cysts may present as a tumor mass. They are associated with extensive rotator cuff tears and there is usually communication of the cyst with the joint space. This feature excludes a diagnosis of tumor. AC joint cysts may be associated with calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition diseas
Ostéonécrose maxillaire associée aux biphosphonates. Présentation d’un cas et revue de la littérature
In recent years, a growing number of reports in the literature have linked osteonecrosis of the jaw bones with intravenously administered bisphosphonates prescribed for the treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy due to bone lesions of multiple myeloma or bone metastases in patients with breast or prostate cancer. Furthermore, an association between chronic oral bisphosphonate use in patients with osteoporosis or Paget's disease, and bone necrosis in the mandible or maxilla has been demonstrated in numerous case reports and case series in the last couple of years. Therapeutically, osteonecrosis of the jaws seems to be difficult to treat surgically, often resulting in a recurring or even progressing lesion. In the present case report of a bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the maxilla in a patient with osteoporosis, the current literature will be discussed, and open research questions and potential problems for our daily dental practice routine will be addressed.In den letzten Jahren sind in der Literatur immer mehr Berichte über Nekrosen des Kieferknochens im Zusammenhang mit intravenös verabreichten Bisphosphonaten bei Malignom-bedingten Osteolysen (zum Beispiel Knochenmetastasen bei Mamma- oder Prostatakarzinom sowie hämatologische Neoplasien) veröffentlicht worden. Auch bei oral eingenommenen Bisphosphonaten zur Therapie/Prävention von Knochenfrakturen bei bekannter Osteoporose ist in letzter Zeit über Osteonekrosen der Mandibula und/oder Maxilla berichtet worden. Therapeutisch haben sich diese Osteonekrosen des Kieferknochens als chirurgisch schwer beeinfl ussbar erwiesen, oft kommt es zu Rezidiven oder gar zur Progression der Erkrankung. Anhand eines Fallberichtes einer Bisphosphonat-assoziierten Knochennekrose der Maxilla bei einer Osteoporosepatientin soll die aktuelle Literatur zur Thematik aufgezeigt und diskutiert werden. Darüber hinaus soll auch auf offene Fragen sowie potentielle Probleme für den zahnmedizinischen Praxisalltag eingegangen werden.Les dernières années, les publications relatives à des cas d’ostéonécrose maxillaire associée à l’administration intraveineuse de biphosphonates lors d’ostéolyses d’origine tumorale (provoquées par exemple par des métastases osseuses ou des néoplasies hématologiques) se sont accumulées dans la littérature. Plus récemment, des cas d’ostéonécrose mandibulaire et/ou maxillaire en relation avec la prise orale de biphosphonates pour le traitement ou la prévention de fractures osseuses lors d’ostéoporose manifeste ont également été rapportés. Sur le plan thérapeutique, la prise en charge de ces ostéonécroses maxillaires s’est révélée diffi cile; les récidives sont fréquentes et la maladie peut même progresser. A l’aide de la présentation d’un cas d’ostéonécrose maxillaire associée aux biphosphonates chez une patiente ostéoporotique, la littérature relative à cette thématique est revue et discutée, en signalant les questions qui restent posées et les problèmes potentiels en pratique médico-dentaire quotidienne
Pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland: histopathologic analysis of the capsular characteristics of 218 tumors
BACKGROUND: Histopathologic features of the capsule may have an impact on the recurrence rate of pleomorphic adenomas. METHODS: Retrospective (n = 154) and prospective (n = 64) histologic analysis of the capsular characteristics such as incompleteness, tumor penetration, pseudopodia, and satellite tumors of 218 pleomorphic adenomas. RESULTS: In 160 of the 218 (73%) pleomorphic adenomas, 1 or more capsular characteristics such as incomplete capsule (33%), capsule penetration (26%), pseudopodia (40%), and satellite nodules (13%) were detected. Incomplete capsule and satellite tumors were most frequently seen in the stroma-rich (myxoid) subtype. Capsular penetration and pseudopodia were significantly more common in the prospective group than in the retrospective group (p < .05/<.05). CONCLUSION: Pseudopodia and satellite tumors were more common than reported in the literature. If left in the surrounding salivary gland tissue at surgery, they can lead to recurrences of pleomorphic adenomas of the parotid gland
Unusual Presentation of Clear Cell Odontogenic Carcinoma: Case Report and Literature Review
Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (CCOC) is a rare, aggressive epithelial neoplasm of the jaw first described in 1985 by Hansen and classified as an odontogenic malignant tumor in the 2005 WHO classification. To date, only 117 cases have been reported in the literature written in English. In this paper, we report the atypical presentation of a pericoronal localized tumor in the right mandibular wisdom tooth discovered during a routine radiologic examination. The patient, a 44-year-old healthy female, was referred by her general dental practitioner for examination of temporomandibular dysfunction and recurrent myofascial pain. Anamnesis and clinical examination did not suggest tumoral disease. The osteolytic lesion was removed, and histological examination revealed a clear cell odontogenic tumor (CCOT) of the right posterior lower jaw. Segmental lower jaw resection was performed, and a free iliac crest bone transplant was fixed with mandibular reconstruction plate. No cervical neck dissection was needed. A five-year follow-up examination shows excellent local and systemic recovery and no sign of tumor recurrence. The patient still suffers from bruxism and myofascial related pain, which are treated conservatively with a Michigan splint and physiotherapy. Based on this additional case, we review the literature and discuss the challenging diagnostic aspects, the unusual clinical presentation, and the treatment of CCOC
In einer Stomatologiesprechstunde diagnostizierte Mundschleimhautveränderungen. Eine Untersuchung klinisch-histopathologischer Befunde aus dem Jahre 2003
During 2003, a total of 258 new patients with oral soft tissue lesions were admitted at the Stomatology Service of the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology at the University of Berne. For the present study, 185 patients with clinically and histopathologically verified diagnoses were included. The following data was collected: prevalence of oral mucosal lesions, distribution of benign, precancerous and malign lesions in different age groups, and the concordance of the referral with the working diagnosis at the Stomatology Service. The most frequent pathological soft tissue findings were fibrous hyperplasias (n = 44) and oral lichen planus (n = 30). Precancerous lesions were present in 41 cases (30 patients with oral lichen planus, eleven oral leukoplakias), and ten patients had oral malignomas. Most lesions were found in patients between the age of 40 and 60 years. The referral diagnosis concurred in 36.6% (n = 67) of the cases with the definite diagnosis before initiation of treatment, the working diagnosis in 70% (n = 128) of the cases. Therefore, it can be concluded that a specialised Stomatology Service serves as a center of competence due to large numbers of patients/cases seen and treated, and the resulting high level of clinical experience of the staff. Moreover, it is important in the primary diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma, in collaboration with the referring dentist in private practice.Im Verlauf des Jahres 2003 wurden 258 Patienten mit Mundschleimhautveränderungen in der Stomatologiesprechstunde der Klinik für Oralchirurgie und Stomatologie der Universität Bern aufgenommen. Für die vorliegende Untersuchung wurden bei 185 Patienten, bei denen die Diagnose klinisch und histopathologisch abgesichert wurde, folgende Daten erhoben: Prävalenz der oralen Mukosaläsionen, Häufigkeitsverteilung von benignen Veränderungen, Präkanzerosen und Malignomen nach Altersgruppen und die Übereinstimmung der Zuweisungs- mit der Arbeitsdiagnose in der Stomatologiesprechstunde. Die häufi gsten Schleimhautpathologien waren fibröse Hyperplasien (n = 44) und der orale Lichen planus (n = 30). Insgesamt wurden 41 Präkanzerosen (30 Patienten mit einem oralen Lichen planus, elf orale Leukoplakien) und zehn Malignome diagnostiziert. Die meisten stomatologischen Veränderungen wurden bei Patienten im Alter zwischen 40 und 60 Jahren vorgefunden. Die Zuweisungsdiagnosen stimmten in 36,6% (n = 67), die Arbeitsdiagnosen in 70% (n = 128) der Fälle mit der definitiven Diagnose vor Therapiebeginn überein. Es kann somit festgehalten werden, dass eine spezialisierte Stomatologiesprechstunde durch grosse Fall-/Patientenzahlen und damit einhergehender hoher klinischer Erfahrung der Behandler bei der Primärdiagnose des Mundhöhlenkarzinoms in Zusammenarbeit mit den zuweisenden Kollegen in der Privatpraxis eine wichtige Rolle einnimmt
Elective neck dissection for carcinomas of the oral cavity: occult metastases, neck recurrences, and adjuvant treatment of pathologically positive necks
BACKGROUND: Supraomohyoid neck dissection (SOHND) is currently performed in patients with carcinoma of the oral cavity with clinically negative neck. Most investigators consider SOHND as a staging procedure. METHODS: Records of 100 patients with cancer of the oral cavity and clinically negative neck undergoing SOHND were reviewed. The rate and significance of occult metastases are evaluated, the neck recurrences are analyzed and the indication of adjuvant radiation of pN+ necks is discussed. RESULTS: In 34 of 1814 of analyzed lymph nodes, metastatic disease was detected as follows: 30 macrometastases and 4 micrometastases. In 13 of 34 metastases (38%), extracapsular spread was observed. Twenty of 100 patients (20%) had to be upstaged. In 9 of 87 (10%) patients without local recurrence and with a minimal follow-up of 24 months, 5 ipsilateral (4 within the dissection field) and 5 contralateral neck recurrences were observed. Regional recurrence developed in 4% and 35% of patients with pN0 and pN+ necks, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In 20% of patients with oral cavity tumors and pN0 neck, occult metastases were disclosed. Neck recurrences developed significantly more often in patients with pN+ than in those with pN0 necks. To evaluate the exact indication for an adjuvant treatment of patients with cN0/pN+ necks, prospective studies should be performed
Metastatic disease to the parotid gland
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to review the clinico-pathologic findings and outcome of patients with metastasis to the parotid lymph nodes and gland. METHODS: Retrospective study. Thirty-four out of 520 patients with a parotid mass treated at our institution met the criteria for this study. Age, gender, clinical findings, histopathology, treatment. and outcome were analyzed. RESULTS: Twenty-three patients had metastases to parotid lymph nodes from a squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, seven from a cutaneous malignant melanoma after a mean interval of 15 months, two from a ductal breast carcinoma, one with a metastatic disease from a rhabdomyosarcoma of the lower limb, and one from a Merkel cell carcinoma. The 5-year cause-specific and absolute survival for squamous cell carcinoma was 64% and 48% respectively and 71% and 57% for malignant melanomas. CONCLUSIONS: Metastatic disease to the parotid gland is mostly caused by squamous cell carcinoma. Despite combined treatment modalities long-term survival remains poor
Parotid tumors: fine-needle aspiration and/or frozen section
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the value of fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and frozen section (FS) analysis in the assessment of parotid gland tumors. STUDY DESIGN: Chart review and cross-sectional analysis. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: FNAC and FS analysis of 110 parotid tumors, 68 malignancies and 42 benign tumors, were analyzed and compared with the final histopathologic diagnosis. RESULTS: The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of FNAC in detecting malignant tumors were 79 percent, 74 percent, and 88 percent, respectively. On FS analysis, the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in detecting malignant tumors were 94 percent, 93 percent, and 95 percent, respectively. The histologic tumor type was correctly diagnosed by FNAC and FS in 27 of 42 (64%) and 39 of 42 (93%) benign tumors, respectively, and in 24 of 68 (35%) and 49 of 68 (72%) malignant neoplasms, respectively. CONCLUSION: The current analysis showed a superiority of FS compared with FNAC regarding the diagnosis of malignancy and tumor typing. FNAC alone is not prone to determine the surgical management of parotid malignancies
Histologic characteristics and tumor spread of recurrent glottic carcinoma: analysis on whole-organ sections and comparison with tumor spread of primary glottic carcinomas
BACKGROUND: The assessment of the precise tumor extent of recurrent glottic carcinomas is a challenge. METHODS: The histologic characteristics of 29 recurrent glottic carcinomas after radiation failures, initially classified as T1 and T2, were analyzed on whole-organ slices. The growth patterns of 21 recurrent prT3 and prT4 and 52 primary pT3 and pT4 carcinomas were compared. RESULTS: Fifteen of 29 (52%) recurrent carcinomas were under-staged by imaging studies and endoscopy. Most recurrent carcinomas presented with multicentric tumor foci, whereas most primary carcinomas with a concentric tumor growth pattern (p < .05). Undifferentiated dissociated tumor cells were observed more often in the vicinity of recurrent tumor foci than of the primary tumor mass (p < .05). CONCLUSION: Recurrent glottic carcinomas are often under-staged and present with multiple tumor foci dispersed in different regions of the larynx. If voice-preserving salvage surgery is considered as a treatment option, these facts should be kept in mind