110 research outputs found

    Degree of Pyritization and Methylmercury Analysis, Weeks Bay Alabama

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    Methylmercury (MeHg) production is magnified in the natural environment by geochemical influxes and an active sulfate reducing bacteria community. It has been found that the presence of sulfides, excess nutrients, and the type of depositional environment (normal marine or euxinic) greatly influences MeHg production and degree of pyritization (DOP). The aim of this research is to investigate a possible connection between MeHg accumulation and the DOP in Weeks Bay sediment. Collected sediment samples have confirmed a significant presence of total reduced sulfides, inorganic mercury, reactive iron, and total organic carbon. Pyritization results indicate a normal marine environment and, of the three measured elements (S, Fe, and C,) carbon and sulfur are the dominant limiting factors to the DOP in Weeks Bay. Current geochemical and pH/redox conditions favor MeHg and pyrite production. The quantified pyrite greatly exceeds that of MeHg indicating DOP inhibits MeHg precipitation

    Processing and analysis of long-range scans with an atomic force microscope (AFM) in combination with nanopositioning and nanomeasuring technology for defect detection and quality control

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    This paper deals with a planar nanopositioning and -measuring machine, the so-called nanofabrication machine (NFM-100), in combination with a mounted atomic force microscope (AFM). This planar machine has a circular moving range of 100 mm. Due to the possibility of detecting structures in the nanometre range with an atomic force microscope and the large range of motion of the NFM-100, structures can be analysed with high resolution and precision over large areas by combining the two systems, which was not possible before. On the basis of a grating sample, line scans over lengths in the millimetre range are demonstrated on the one hand; on the other hand, the accuracy as well as various evaluation methods are discussed and analysed


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    Although the importance of investigating the developmental course of problem behavior has been emphasized in the developmental psychopathology literature, few studies have examined both ADHD and ODD symptoms longitudinally to ascertain developmental changes in symptom patterns or their co-occurrence across time. Furthermore, few studies control for comorbid symptoms, making it unclear whether ADHD, ODD or their combination drive the reported associations with early risk factors and later negative outcomes. Consequently, the current study aimed to (1) explicate longitudinal patterns of DSM-IV defined ADHD and ODD symptoms and their co-occurrence across middle childhood (ages 9 to 12) using a person-centered, semi-parametric group-based modeling approach (Nagin, 1999); (2) examine the associations of trajectories of ADHD, ODD and ADHD+ODD symptoms with possible early risk factors, children's executive functioning and maternal parenting at 54 months; and (3) investigate whether academic and social outcomes at age 12 varied as a function of symptom trajectories. Prospective data were collected from birth through sixth grade from a community sample of 1081 children participating in the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD). Five longitudinal patterns of ADHD symptoms were identified: very low, low, increasing, decreasing, and high stable symptom trajectories. Only three trajectories of ODD symptoms were identified: very low, low, and high stable symptom groups. The dual symptom trajectory model did not converge making it impossible to explore dual symptom trajectories. Differential associations with early risk factors and later outcomes were found after controlling for comorbid disruptive symptoms. Preschool measures of children's executive functioning predicted later levels of ADHD symptoms, but not ODD symptoms. Maternal sensitivity predicted later ODD and ADHD symptoms and harsh maternal control predicted ADHD symptoms. Later academic performance was associated with ADHD symptoms after controlling for ODD symptoms, but not with ODD symptoms alone. Finally, both ADHD and ODD symptoms were significantly associated with mother- and teacher-reported social skills. These results underscore the importance of early cognitive skills in predicting elevated ADHD symptoms and of early relationship quality in predicting symptoms of both ADHD and ODD; implications for intervention are discussed

    Differenzierung von Methicillin-sensiblem und Methicillin-resistentem Staphylococcus aureus anhand flĂŒchtiger organischer Verbindungen mittels MultikapillarsĂ€ulen-IonenmobilitĂ€tsspektrometrie und elektronischer Nase „Cyranose 320“

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    Hintergrund: Staphylococcus aureus besiedelt als Kommensale 20 – 40 % der Bevölkerung und gehört zu den hĂ€ufigsten Verursachern nosokomialer Infektionen. Bereits frĂŒhzeitig sind multiresistente StĂ€mme entstanden, welche in Methicillin-sensible StĂ€mme (MSSA) und Methicillin-resistente StĂ€mme (MRSA) eingeteilt werden. Auch gegen Reserveantibiotika entwickeln sich zunehmend Resistenzen. S. aureus ist fĂŒr eine erhöhte MorbiditĂ€t und MortalitĂ€t sowie fĂŒr eine verlĂ€ngerte Hospitalisationszeit inklusive Isolationsmaßnahmen und damit einhergehender Kosten verantwortlich. Die mikrobiologische Diagnostik mittels Erregerkultivierung stellt den Goldstandard zum Keimnachweis und zur Bestimmung von Resistenzen dar, ist jedoch zeitaufwendig und teuer. Die PCR-basierte Diagnostik ist zwar schneller, jedoch wirtschaftlich nicht effizient. Ein frĂŒhzeitiger Keimnachweis durch Screening-Untersuchungen mit darauffolgender Isolation oder Dekolonisierung kann zu einer Reduktion der KeimĂŒbertragung und folglich der MorbiditĂ€t, MortalitĂ€t und der assoziierten Kosten fĂŒhren. Somit besteht die Notwendigkeit fĂŒr kosten- und zeiteffektive Methoden zur Erkennung von MSSA und MRSA mit hoher diagnostischer Wertigkeit. Ziel: In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte festgestellt werden, ob sich MRSA und MSSA anhand der Analyse volatiler organischer Verbindungen (volatile organic compounds, VOC), welche durch Stoffwechselprozesse von Organismen exprimiert werden, mittels MultikapillarsĂ€ulen-IonenmobilitĂ€tsspektrometrie (MCC-IMS) sowie der elektronischen Nase Cyranose 320 aus dem NĂ€hrmedium Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI) identifizieren und voneinander differenzieren lassen. Methoden: Es wurden aus routinemĂ€ĂŸig entnommenen Screening-Abstrichen je 20 Proben mit MRSA und MSSA ins FlĂŒssignĂ€hrmedium BHI ĂŒbertragen und auf eine Konzentration von 108 KBE/ml verdĂŒnnt. Aus jeder Probe wurden 500 ÎŒl fĂŒr die Messungen entnommen. Mit dem MCC-IMS wurden mittels Headspace-Messungen je 20 MRSA- und MSSA- Proben und analog dazu 27 Proben des nicht bebrĂŒteten FlĂŒssignĂ€hrmediums BHI analysiert. Vor jeder Probenmessung erfolgte eine Leermessung der Laborflasche zur Referenz und zur Elimination von Störfaktoren. Die aus den Messungen resultierenden Peaks wurden visualisiert und statistisch analysiert und ermöglichten im Anschluss durch Zuordnung spezifischer Peaks zu den jeweiligen Proben eine Differenzierung der Gruppen. Durch Abgleich mit einer bestehenden Datenbank konnten die Peaks entsprechenden organischen Substanzen zugeordnet werden. Mit der Cyranose 320 wurde der Headspace von je 20 MRSA- und MSSA-Proben und von 20 Proben nicht bebrĂŒteter BHI analysiert. Jede Probe wurde 5-mal hintereinander gemessen, um ein Machine-Learning zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Im Anschluss erfolgten eine lineare Diskriminanzanalyse und die Berechnung der Mahalanobis-Distanz zur Differenzierung der Gruppen. Eine Leave-One-Out Kreuzvalidierung wurde zur Bestimmung des Kreuzvalidierungswerts durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Gruppen konnten durch eine Mustererkennung voneinander unterschieden werden. Ergebnisse: Mittels MCC-IMS konnten in der GegenĂŒberstellung der Gruppen MRSA und BHI 19 hochsignifikante Peaks (p [ 0.001) nachgewiesen werden, welche eine Unterscheidung mit einer SensitivitĂ€t und SpezifitĂ€t von jeweils ] 90 % bis 99.9 % ermöglichen. MSSA konnte aus dem NĂ€hrmedium BHI anhand 20 hochsignifikanter Peaks mit einer SensitivitĂ€t von 92.6 % bis 96.3 % und einer SpezifitĂ€t von 90 % bis 99.9 % differenziert werden. MRSA und MSSA konnten anhand 11 hochsignifikanter Peaks mit einer SensitivitĂ€t und SpezifitĂ€t von jeweils 90 % bis 99.9% voneinander differenziert werden. Zwei Peaks waren ausreichend, um anhand eines Entscheidungsbaums in zwei Schritten eine Trennung aller Gruppen zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Die Cyranose 320 konnte die Gruppen MRSA und BHI mit einer SensitivitĂ€t von 96 % und einer SpezifitĂ€t von 94 % voneinander abgrenzen. Eine Differenzierung von MSSA und BHI konnte mit einer SensitivitĂ€t von 81 % und einer SpezifitĂ€t von 75 % erreicht werden. MRSA und MSSA konnten mit einer SensitivitĂ€t von 100 % und einer SpezifitĂ€t von 91 % voneinander unterschieden werden. Schlussfolgerung: Eine Unterscheidung der Bakterien MRSA und MSSA aus dem FlĂŒssignĂ€hrmedium BHI und insbesondere eine Differenzierung der Keime voneinander ist mittels MCC-IMS sowie Cyranose 320 mit hoher SensitivitĂ€t und SpezifitĂ€t möglich. Es bedarf weiterer, prospektiver Studien im klinischen Setting, um die Ergebnisse zu verifizieren und somit eine potenzielle zeit- und kostensparende Alternative zur konventionellen Diagnostik zu ermöglichen


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    Using data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care, we examined whether: 1) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms remain stable from preschool (54 months) through early school age (1st grade); 2) preschool behavioral inhibition moderates the relationship between preschool and first grade ADHD symptomatology; and 3) deficits in behavioral inhibition at preschool age mediate the relationship between ADHD symptomatology assessed at preschool and first grade. Modest stability in ADHD symptoms from 54 months to 1st grade was found. Two out of three measures of inhibition predicted later teacher ratings uniquely. However, no evidence of moderation or mediation was found. Results are discussed in terms of executive and motivational facets of inhibition that may be related to early signs of ADHD

    Evaluating photolysis and sorption of antibiotics in both laboratory and environmental settings

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    There is growing public health concern about the development of antimicrobial strains of bacteria and the possibility that the continuous exposure of natural microbes to antibiotic residues in the environment could be one pathway. For a complete perspective on fate and transport of antibiotics in the aquatic environment and their potential role in this process, both aqueous phase and sediment concentrations are important to determine environmental exposure. Sulfamethoxazole (SMX), trimethoprim (TMP), ciprofloxacin (CPX), and tetracycline (TCC) were quantified in surface water and sediment extracts using standard addition and isotopically labeled surrogates. While SMX was found at the highest concentrations in surface waters (198-328 ng/L), CPX was the most concentrated in the sediments (20-25 ng/g). An alternative fate for aqueous phase antibiotics is that of photolysis. To evaluate this process under laboratory conditions, a reactor was constructed to simulate a controlled stream environment. SMX was shown to degrade in the presence of UV-light into sulfanilic acid and a photoisomer. Highly organic sediments were the most efficient at removing SMX from the aqueous phase

    Management of abdominal pseudotumours in haemophilia: a systematic review

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    AIM: Haemophilic pseudotumours are complications in patients with haemophilia A or B and result from locally repetitive bleeding, mainly in the musculoskeletal system. Abdominal haemophilic pseudotumours are exceptionally rare but may cause severe complications. This systematic review aimed to evaluate therapy strategies for symptomatic abdominal haemophilic pseudotumours. METHODS: We systematically searched three databases (Medline [PubMed], Web of Science and EMBASE) for publications published between 1995 and 2023. Two reviewers independently selected the studies, extracted data and performed a quality assessment using the JBI critical appraisal checklist. RESULTS: From a total of 1199 articles, 39 articles describing 41 cases were included for final analysis. Conservative or interventional treatment was performed in 12 cases. In eight cases, a step-up to surgical therapy after interventional treatment was indicated. Primary surgical therapy was performed in 21 cases. Failure to cure was documented in 50% (n = 6) of patients treated in the first group, with a mortality rate of 16.6% (n = 2). Interventional therapy with a step-up to surgery showed no morbidity or mortality. Primary surgical resection documented favourable results in 66.6% (n = 14), with failure to cure in 9.5% (n = 2) and a mortality rate of 14.3% (n = 3). CONCLUSION: Primary surgical resection can be a first-line therapy for symptomatic, abdominal haemophilic pseudotumours, whereas preoperative embolisation could be used as a bridging therapy before surgery, especially in emergency settings. Diagnostic biopsy and percutaneous drainage should be avoided to prevent complications

    Untersuchungen zur Positioniergenauigkeit der NanoFabrikationsmaschine (NFM-100)

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    Dieser Beitrag beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Analyse der Positioniergenauigkeit einer neuen Nano-Fabrikationsmaschine. Diese Maschine verwendet ein planares Direktantriebssystem und hat einen Positionierbereich von 100 mm im Durchmesser. Die Positioniergenauigkeit wurde in verschiedenen Bewegungsszenarien untersucht, einschließlich Phasen der Beschleunigung und Abbremsung. Auch die Positionsabweichung bestimmter Bewegungen wird bei unterschiedlichen Positionen des Maschinentisches betrachtet. Derzeit ist die NFM-100 mit einem spitzenbasierten Messsystem ausgestattet. Dieses Rasterkraftmikroskop (AFM) verwendet aktive Mikroantilever, die auch fĂŒr die Field-Emission-Scanning-Probe-Lithographie (FESPL) geeignet sind. Dieses Verfahren ist in der Lage, Strukturen im Nanometer-Bereich herzustellen. In Kombination mit der NFM-100 und ihrem Positionierbereich können Nanostrukturen im makroskopischen Bereich analysiert und geschrieben werden, ohne jeglichen Werkzeugwechsel. Der Schwerpunkt in diesem Artikel liegt jedoch auf der Mess- und Positioniergenauigkeit des spitzenbasierten Messsystems in Kombination mit der NFM-100 und wird durch wiederholte Messungen verifiziert. Abschließend wird ein Linienscan, der mit beiden Systemen realisiert wurde, ĂŒber einen großen Bewegungsbereich von 30 mm gezeigt.This contribution deals with the analysis of the positioning accuracy of a new Nano Fabrication Machine. This machine uses a planar direct drive system and has a positioning range up to 100 mm in diameter. The positioning accuracy was investigated in different movement scenarios, including phases of acceleration and deceleration. Also, the target position error of certain movements at different positions of the machine slider is considered. Currently, the NFM-100 is equipped with a tip-based measuring system. This Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) uses self-actuating and self-sensing microcantilevers, which can be used also for Field-Emission-Scanning-Probe-Lithography (FESPL). This process is capable of fabricating structures in the range of nanometres. In combination with the NFM-100 and its positioning range, nanostructures can be analysed and written in a macroscopic range without any tool change. However, the focus in this article is on the measurement and positioning accuracy of the tip-based measuring system in combination with the NFM-100 and is verified by repeated measurements. Finally, a linescan, realised using both systems, is shown over a long range of motion of 30 mm

    Silicon carbide - graphene nano-gratings on 4H and 6H semi-insulating SiC

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    A technical methodology of fabrication of hierarchically scaled multitude graphene nanogratings with varying pitches ranging from the micrometer down to sub 40 nm scale combined with sub 10 nm step heights on 4H and 6H semi-insulating SiC for length scale measurements is proposed. The nanogratings were fabricated using electron-beam lithography combined with dry etching of graphene, incorporating a standard semiconductor processing technology. A scientific evaluation of critical dimension, etching step heights, and surface characterization of graphene nanograting on both polytypes were compared and evaluated

    Measurement precision of a planar nanopositioning machine with a range of motion of Ø100 mm

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    This work deals with various investigations into the accuracy of a newly developed planar nanopositioning machine. This machine, called Nanofabrication Machine 100 (NFM-100), has a positioning range of 100 mm in diameter. To determine the precision, various movement scenarios are performed with the machine table, and the trajectory deviation from the set trajectory is determined. In particular, the focus is on high velocities of up to 20 mm/s. Even at high speeds in the range of several millimetres per second, this machine can impress with its performance and only has a deviation in the nanometre range
