2,506 research outputs found

    Improved unitarity constraints in Two-Higgs-Doublet-Models

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    Two-Higgs-Doublet-Models (THDMs) are among the simplest extensions of the standard model and are intensively studied in the literature. Using on-shell parameters such as the masses of the additional scalars as input, corresponds often to large quartic couplings in the underlying Lagrangian. Therefore, it is important to check if these couplings are for instance in agreement with perturbative unitarity. The common approach for doing this check is to consider the two-particle scattering matrix of scalars in the large centre-of-mass energy limit where only point interactions contribute. We show that this is not always a valid approximation: the full calculation including all tree-level contributions at finite energy can lead to much more stringent constraints. We show how the allowed regions in the parameter space are affected. In particular, the light Higgs window with a second Higgs below 125 GeV completely closes for large values of the Z2Z_2 breaking parameter ∣M12∣|M_{12}|. We also compare against the loop corrected constraints, which use also the large s\sqrt{s} approximation, and find that (effective) cubic couplings are often more important than radiative corrections.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    The Higgs mass in the CP violating MSSM, NMSSM, and beyond

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    We discuss the automatised calculation of the Higgs mass in renormalisable supersymmetric models with complex parameters at the two-loop level. Our setup is based on the public codes SARAH and SPheno, which can now compute the two-loop corrections to masses of all neutral scalars in such theories. The generic ansatz for these calculations and the handling of the `Goldstone Boson catastrophe' is described. It is shown that we find perfect agreement with other existing two-loop calculations performed in the DR-bar scheme. We also use the functionality to derive results for the MSSM and NMSSM not available before: the Higgs mass in the constrained version of the complex MSSM, and the impact of CP phases in the two-loop corrections beyond order alpha-strong alpha-top for the scale invariant NMSSM are briefly analysed.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figure

    On the two-loop corrections to the Higgs masses in the NMSSM

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    We discuss the impact of the two-loop corrections to the Higgs mass in the NMSSM beyond O(αS(αb+αt))O(\alpha_S(\alpha_b + \alpha_t)). For this purpose we use the combination of the public tools SARAH and SPheno to include all contributions stemming from superpotential parameters. We show that the corrections in the case of a heavy singlet are often MSSM-like and reduce the predicted mass of the SM-like state by about 1 GeV as long as λ\lambda is moderately large. For larger values of λ\lambda the additional corrections can increase the SM-like Higgs mass. If a light singlet is present the additional corrections become more important even for smaller values of λ\lambda and can even dominate the ones involving the strong interaction. In this context we point out that important effects are not reproduced quantitatively when only including O((αb+αt+ατ)2)O((\alpha_b+\alpha_t+\alpha_\tau)^2) corrections known from the MSSM.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Dirac Gauginos and the 125 GeV Higgs

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    We investigate the mass, production and branching ratios of a 125 GeV Higgs in models with Dirac gaugino masses. We give a discussion of naturalness, and describe how deviations from the Standard Model in the key Higgs search channels can be simply obtained. We then perform parameter scans using a SARAH package upgrade, which produces SPheno code that calculates all relevant quantities, including electroweak precision and flavour constraint data, to a level of accuracy previously impossible for this class of models. We study three different variations on the minimal Dirac gaugino extension of the (N)MSSM.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figure

    Supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric models without catastrophic Goldstone bosons

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    The calculation of the Higgs mass in general renormalisable field theories has been plagued by the so-called "Goldstone Boson Catastrophe", where light (would-be) Goldstone bosons give infra-red divergent loop integrals. In supersymmetric models, previous approaches included a workaround that ameliorated the problem for most, but not all, parameter space regions; while giving divergent results everywhere for non-supersymmetric models! We present an implementation of a general solution to the problem in the public code SARAH, along with new calculations of some necessary loop integrals and generic expressions. We discuss the validation of our code in the Standard Model, where we find remarkable agreement with the known results. We then show new applications in Split SUSY, the NMSSM, the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model, and the Georgi-Machacek model. In particular, we take some first steps to exploring where the habit of using tree-level mass relations in non-supersymmetric models breaks down, and show that the loop corrections usually become very large well before naive perturbativity bounds are reached.Comment: 45 pages, 12 figure

    Shedding light on the b→sb\to s anomalies with a dark sector

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    The LHCb collaboration has recently reported on some anomalies in b→sb\to s transitions. In addition to discrepancies with the Standard Model (SM) predictions in some angular observables and branching ratios, an intriguing hint for lepton universality violation was found. Here we propose a simple model that extends the SM with a dark sector charged under an additional U(1)U(1) gauge symmetry. The spontaneous breaking of this symmetry gives rise to a massive Z′Z^\prime boson, which communicates the SM particles with a valid dark matter candidate, while solving the b→sb\to s anomalies with contributions to the relevant observables.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Few typos corrected, references adde

    The Higgs Mass in the MSSM at two-loop order beyond minimal flavour violation

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    Soft supersymmetry-breaking terms provide a wealth of new potential sources of flavour violation, which are tightly constrained by precision experiments. This has posed a challenge to construct flavour models which both explain the structure of the Standard Model Yukawa couplings and also predict soft-breaking patterns that are compatible with these constraints. While such models have been studied in great detail, the impact of flavour violating soft terms on the Higgs mass at the two-loop level has been assumed to be small or negligible. In this letter, we show that large flavour violation in the up-squark sector can give a positive or negative mass shift to the SM-like Higgs of several GeV, without being in conflict with other observations. We investigate in which regions of the parameter space these effects can be expected.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Global digital data sets of soil type, soil texture, surface slope and other properties: Documentation of archived data tape

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    The file structure and coding of four soils data sets derived from the Zobler (1986) world soil file is described. The data were digitized on a one-degree square grid. They are suitable for large-area studies such as climate research with general circulation models, as well as in forestry, agriculture, soils, and hydrology. The first file is a data set of codes for soil unit, land-ice, or water, for all the one-degree square cells on Earth. The second file is a data set of codes for texture, land-ice, or water, for the same soil units. The third file is a data set of codes for slope, land-ice, or water for the same units. The fourth file is the SOILWRLD data set, containing information on soil properties of land cells of both Matthews' and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sources. The fourth file reconciles land-classification differences between the two and has missing data filled in

    Dark matter scenarios in a constrained model with Dirac gauginos

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    We perform the first analysis of Dark Matter scenarios in a constrained model with Dirac Gauginos. The model under investigation is the Constrained Minimal Dirac Gaugino Supersymmetric Standard model (CMDGSSM) where the Majorana mass terms of gauginos vanish. However, RR-symmetry is broken in the Higgs sector by an explicit and/or effective BμB_\mu-term. This causes a mass splitting between Dirac states in the fermion sector and the neutralinos, which provide the dark matter candidate, become pseudo-Dirac states. We discuss two scenarios: the universal case with all scalar masses unified at the GUT scale, and the case with non-universal Higgs soft-terms. We identify different regions in the parameter space which fullfil all constraints from the dark matter abundance, the limits from SUSY and direct dark matter searches and the Higgs mass. Most of these points can be tested with the next generation of direct dark matter detection experiments.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures; v2: minor changes, title modified; matches published versio
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