660 research outputs found

    Strengthening Data Leadership Across Government (2018)

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    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kewirausahaan terhadap Niat Berwirausaha Siswa Smk Negeri 1 Pedan Tahun 2013

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    The purposes of this study are to figure out: 1) the difference student's entrepreneurial intention between class with entrepreneurship practice (experimental class) and class without entrepreneurship practice (control class), 2) the difference student's entrepreneurial intention before and after the instructional practices of entrepreneurship and 3) the impact of entrepreneurship education on student's entrepreneurial intention based on Theory of Planned Behavior.This research used quantitative approach with quasi-experimental methods. The research populations consisted of all the student of grade XI of SMK Negeri 1 Pedan academic year 2012/2013. The research sample were all the student of grade XI of Accounting, which taken by cluster random sampling. Questionnaire and documentation used to collect the data. Data analysis techniques were t-test and path analysis.The results of this study are as follows: 1) there is a significant difference between students' entrepreneurial intention the experimental class and control class, 2) there is a significant difference in student's entrepreneurial intention before and after the instructional practices of entrepreneurship, 3) entrepreneurship education significantly influence the student's entrepreneurial intention based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, 4) directly, components of the Theory of Planned Behavior give effect to the students' entrepreneurial intention by 53%, and 5) the overall effective contribution of the model is 79.7%, that result is the impact of entrepreneurship education components based on the Theory of Planned Behavior on students' entrepreneurial intention directly and indirectly

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Quantum Teaching Berbantuan Flip Book terhadap Hasil Belajar Ditinjau dari Gaya Belajar Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran Pengantar Ekonomi dan Bisnis (Studi Eksperimen pada Peserta Didik Kelas X Smk Negeri 1 Karangany

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    The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) the difference of effect between the Flip Book-assisted Quantum Teaching model and the Expository learning model on the learning result in the subject matter of Introduction to Economics and Business; (2) the difference of effect among the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles on the learning result in the subject matter of Introduction to Economics and Business; and (3) the interaction of effect of the learning models and the learning styles to the learning result in the subject matter of Introduction to Economics and Business. This research used the experimental research method with the factorial design of 2x3. The samples of research were taken by using the simple random sampling technique. The data of research were gathered through test of learning result on the subject matter of Introduction to Economics and Business and questionnaire of learning styles. The proposed hypotheses of research were analyzed by using the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) continued with multiple-comparison test. The results of research are as follows: (1) there is a difference of effect between the Flip Book-assisted Quantum Teaching learning model and the Expository learning model on the learning result in the subject matter of Introduction to Economics and Business; (2) there is a difference of effect among the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles on the learning result in the subject matter of Introduction to Economics and Business; and (3) there is an interaction of effect of the learning models and the learning styles to the learning result in the subject matter of Introduction to Economics and Business

    Pengembangan Buku Panduan Praktik Laboratorium Bank Mini dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Keterampilan Pencatatan Transaksi Keuangan pada Program Keahlian Akuntansi

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    The objective of this research is to develop a valid and effective guidance book for practice to be applied at Mini Bank laboratory of the Accounting Expertise Program of State Senior Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta as to improve the skills of financial transaction recording.This research used the research and development (R&D) method claimed by Borg and Gall. It consisted of eight phases of development, namely: (1) research and information collecting, (2) planning, (3) development of preliminary form of product, (4) preliminary field testing, (5) main product revision, (6) main field testing, (7) operational product revision, and (8) operational field testing. The validation of product was done through internal and external ones. The former was done to the components of developed book through peer review which involved a material expert, a media expert, two practitioners, namely the teachers who develop the mini bank of the school. Meanwhile, the latter was done by testing the feasibility of the developed book which involved the students in Grade X and Grade XI of the Accounting Expertise Program of the school. The research methods used in the testing implementation was the descriptive qualitative and quantitative one.The results of research show that: (1) the developed guidance book for practice of mini bank laboratory is valid and feasible to be used according to the result of validations by experts and that of testing by students; (2) the developed guidance book for practice of mini bank laboratory is proven to be effective to be applied as a reference for practical learning activities so that it can improve the skills of financial transaction recording of the students of the school. Thus, a conclusion is drawn that the developed guidance book for practice of mini bank laboratory is valid and effective to improve scores in the skills of financial transaction recording of the students in Grade X and XI of the Accounting Expertise Program of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Akuntansi Dengan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Accelerated Instruction (Tai) Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Ditinjau Dari Aktivitas Belajar Siswa Kelas XI SMA N 1 Kartasura Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013

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    The purposes of this research are to determine: (1) effect of the use Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI) learning type toward accounting learning achievement, (2) effect of student learning activities toward accounting learning achievement, (3) effect interaction Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI) learning type with student learning activities toward accounting learning achievement.This research includes quasi experimental research. The population is class XI student of Kartasura senior secondary school on academic year 2012/2013. The study uses simple random sampling. Data collection techniques are method of documentation, test and questionnaires. Test of hypotheses show: (1) the use of learning methods affect the learning achievement of accounting, (2) students learning activities affect the learning achievement of accounting, (3) interaction learning methods with student learning activities affect the learning achievement of accounting. The multiple comparison test show: (1) TAI method produce learning achievement that is better than lecture method, (2) learning achievements of students who have a high learning activity and medium learning activity is better than the students who have low learning activity, (3) There is no difference in learning achievement of students that uses TAI with high, medium and low learning activities

    Strategi Integrated Marketing Communication (Imc) Untuk Meningkatkan Loyalitas Anggota Bmt Amanah Ummah Sukoharjo

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    The research is aimed to determine the strategy of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is most effective in increasing customer loyalty of BMT Sukoharjo Amanah Ummah. This research used a descriptive research method with a qualitative analysis approach. Data collection techniques used was interview, observation, and documentation. The results of this research indicate that the five elements of the IMC strategy there is one element which is most effectively used to increase customer loyalty, namely personal selling strategy. Based on the results of the interview, it can be seen that personal selling is the most obtained information source by the customer of BMT. It is proved by 21 customers or 56.8 %. While the location factor is the fewest obtained information source that is 7 customers or 18.9 %. Personal selling strategies can increase customer loyalty, because it interacts with BMT directly. BMT marketing goes straight to the customers by providing good service so it can create a good context with the customers. This case can make close context between customers and BMT, therefore it will create loyalty. Thus, it can be concluded that personal selling strategies is the most effective to increase customer loyalty of BMT. Another advantage of personal selling strategy is it can be used in the long term that will strengthen the brand of BMT in society.Keywords : Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), Loyalty Members, Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT

    Analisis Pengaruh Orientasi Kewirausahaan dan Kompetensi Aspek Pengetahuan dan Ketrampilan terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran di Pengrajin Pande Besi Kabupaten Madiun

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    The objective of this research is to investigate how far the correlation between entrepreneurship orientation and competency of knowledge and skill aspects on marketing performance of blacksmith craftsmen in Madiun Regency. This research used the survey method with the quantitative analysis approach with associative problem formulation. The samples of research were taken by using the saturated sampling technique for the population number was relatively small, namely: 30. The data of research were gathered through questionnaire. They were then processed and analyzed by using the computer program of SPSS 16 for Windows. The result of research shows that the variables of entrepreneurship orientation and competency of knowledge and skill aspects significantly influence the marketing performance as indicated by the value of Fcount = 45.624 with the significance value = 0.000 < 0.05, meaning that the two variables, entrepreneurship orientation and competency of knowledge and skill aspects, have a positively significant effect on the variable of marketing performance. Due to the significant effect of each variable, the blacksmith craftsmen in Madiun Regency are encouraged to improve their entrepreneurship orientation and competency of knowledge and skill aspects so as to improve the marketing performance of their business operation

    Survey of Activities of Young People, 2015

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    The Survey of Activities of Young People (SAYP) reports on activities of young people aged 7–17 years. The survey covers involvement of children in market production activities, production for own final consumption, household chores as well as activities that children engaged in at school. Statistics South Africa collects SAYP information as part of the module of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) every four years. The Survey of Activities of Young People (2015) is the third of its kind to be conducted at a national level by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). This report compares figures of 2010 and 2015 and please note that the 2010 figures have been revised due to re-benchmarking

    Survey of Activities of Young People, 2010

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    SAYP is a household-based sample survey that collects data on the activities which children aged 7 to 17 years who live in South Africa get involved in. This information is gathered from respondents who are members of households living in dwellings that have been selected to take part in the QLFS and have children aged 7–17 years. The survey covers market production activities, production for own final consumption, household chores as well as activities that children engaged in at school. The reference period for some activities is the week preceding the survey interview and for others it is the past twelve months
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