161 research outputs found

    The Shape and Orientation of NGC 3379: Implications for Nuclear Decoupling

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    The intrinsic shape and orientation of the elliptical galaxy NGC 3379 are estimated by dynamical modeling. The maximal ignorance shape estimate, an average over the parameter space, is axisymmetric and oblate in the inner parts, with an outward triaxiality gradient. The 1 sigma limits on total-mass triaxiality T are T < 0.13 at 0.33 kpc and T = 0.08 +/- 0.07 at 3.5 kpc from the center. The luminous short-to-long axis ratio c_L = 0.79 +0.05-0.1 inside 0.82 kpc, flattening to c_L = 0.66 +0.07-0.08 at 1.9 kpc. The results are similar if the galaxy is assumed to rotate about its short axis. Estimates for c_L are robust, but those for T are dependent on whether the internal rotation field is disklike or spheroid-like. Short-axis inclinations between 30 and 50 degrees are preferred for nearly axisymmetric models; but triaxial models in high inclination are also allowed, which can affect central black hole mass estimates. The available constraints on orientation rule out the possibility that the nuclear dust ring at R = 1.5" is in a stable equilibrium in one of the galaxy's principal planes. The ring is thus a decoupled nuclear component not linked to the main body of the galaxy. It may be connected with ionized gas that extends to larger radii, since the projected gas rotation axis is near the minor axis of the ring. The gas and dust may both be part of a strongly warped disk; however, if caused by differential precession, the warp will wind up on itself in a few 10^7 years. The decoupling with the stellar component suggests that the gas has an external origin, but no obvious source is present.Comment: Astronomical Journal, accepted. 15 pages, incl. 5 figs, 1 table. AASTeX 4.0. Paper with better quality figures in PDF format at http://www.phy.ohiou.edu/~tss/Shape3379.pd

    Streamlines of the Mean Stellar Motions in Elliptical Galaxies

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    The stellar velocity fields of elliptical galaxies hold clues to their dynamical structure and origin. The construction of velocity field models is greatly simplified by assuming an approximate geometrical form for the streamlines of the mean stellar motions. We test the conjecture that confocal streamlines are a valid approximation for realistic triaxial systems. We numerically integrate orbits in Schwarzschild's logarithmic potential, and fit confocal streamlines to their mean velocity fields by minimizing the RMS magnitude of the cross product between the velocity vectors and the streamlines. We find that most orbits at a given energy can be fitted by nearly identical confocal systems. There are statistically significant differences between the streamline parameters obtained for different orbit families, but the differences are small. The fitted parameters reproduce, to high accuracy, the boundary between short axis and outer long axis tubes, which is a direct measure of the triaxiality of the potential. These results strongly support efforts to obtain accurate statistical measurements of triaxiality from kinematic observations and reasonably simple velocity field models

    The Three-Dimensional Mass Distribution in NGC 1700

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    A variety of modeling techniques is used with surface photometry from the literature and recently acquired high-accuracy stellar kinematic data to constrain the three-dimensional mass distribution in the luminous cuspy elliptical galaxy NGC 1700. First, we model the radial velocity field and photometry, and, using a Bayesian technique, estimate the triaxiality T and short-to-long axis ratio c in five concentric annuli between approximately 1 and 3 effective radii. The results are completely consistent with T being constant inside about 2.5 r_e (36 arcsec; 6.7/h kpc). Adding an assumption of constant T as prior information gives an upper limit of T < 0.16 (95% confidence); this relaxes to T < 0.22 if it is also assumed that there is perfect alignment between the angular momentum and the galaxy's intrinsic short axis. Near axisymmetry permits us then to use axisymmetric models to constrain the radial mass profile. Using the Jeans (moment) equations, we demonstrate that 2-integral, constant-M/L models cannot fit the data; but a 2-integral model in which the cumulative enclosed M/L increases by a factor of roughly 2 from the center out to 12/h kpc can. Three-integral models constructed by quadratic programming show that, in fact, no constant-M/L model is consistent with the kinematics. Anisotropic 3-integral models with variable M/L, while not uniquely establishing a minimum acceptable halo mass, imply, as do the moment models, a cumulative M/L_B approximately 10 h at 12/h kpc. We conclude that NGC 1700 represents the best stellar dynamical evidence to date for dark matter in elliptical galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, AASTeX v4.0, with 11 eps figures. To appear in The Astronomical Journal, January 1999. Figures 1 and 3 are color but are readable in b/

    Constraints on the near-Earth asteroid obliquity distribution from the Yarkovsky effect

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    Aims. From lightcurve and radar data we know the spin axis of only 43 near-Earth asteroids. In this paper we attempt to constrain the spin axis obliquity distribution of near-Earth asteroids by leveraging the Yarkovsky effect and its dependence on an asteroid’s obliquity. Methods. By modeling the physical parameters driving the Yarkovsky effect, we solve an inverse problem where we test different simple parametric obliquity distributions. Each distribution results in a predicted Yarkovsky effect distribution that we compare with a X2 test to a dataset of 125 Yarkovsky estimates. Results. We find different obliquity distributions that are statistically satisfactory. In particular, among the considered models, the best-fit solution is a quadratic function, which only depends on two parameters, favors extreme obliquities, consistent with the expected outcomes from the YORP effect, has a 2:1 ratio between retrograde and direct rotators, which is in agreement with theoretical predictions, and is statistically consistent with the distribution of known spin axes of near-Earth asteroids

    Survey Simulations of a New Near-Earth Asteroid Detection System

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    We have carried out simulations to predict the performance of a new space-based telescopic survey operating at thermal infrared wavelengths that seeks to discover and characterize a large fraction of the potentially hazardous near-Earth asteroid (NEA) population. Two potential architectures for the survey were considered: one located at the Earth-Sun L1 Lagrange point, and one in a Venus-trailing orbit. A sample cadence was formulated and tested, allowing for the self-follow-up necessary for objects discovered in the daytime sky on Earth. Synthetic populations of NEAs with sizes >=140 m in effective spherical diameter were simulated using recent determinations of their physical and orbital properties. Estimates of the instrumental sensitivity, integration times, and slew speeds were included for both architectures assuming the properties of new large-format 10 um detector arrays capable of operating at ~35 K. Our simulation included the creation of a preliminary version of a moving object processing pipeline suitable for operating on the trial cadence. We tested this pipeline on a simulated sky populated with astrophysical sources such as stars and galaxies extrapolated from Spitzer and WISE data, the catalog of known minor planets (including Main Belt asteroids, comets, Jovian Trojans, etc.), and the synthetic NEA model. Trial orbits were computed for simulated position-time pairs extracted from the synthetic surveys to verify that the tested cadence would result in orbits suitable for recovering objects at a later time. Our results indicate that the Earth-Sun L1 and Venus-trailing surveys achieve similar levels of integral completeness for potentially hazardous asteroids larger than 140 m; placing the telescope in an interior orbit does not yield an improvement in discovery rates. This work serves as a necessary first step for the detailed planning of a next-generation NEA survey.Comment: AJ accepted; corrected typ

    The post-merger elliptical NGC 1700: Stellar kinematic fields to four effective radii

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    We have measured the stellar motions in the elliptical galaxy NGC 1700 along four position angles, to very large radii, using absorption features in spectra obtained with the Multiple Mirror Telescope. Our data extend the coverage of the stellar velocity field by a factor of 5 (2.5 times further in radius and twice as many PAs) beyond previous work. We have attained 10 km s-1 accuracy in the mean velocity V out to nearly 2 effective radii (re), and errors are &lt;15% of the maximum rotation speed out to nearly 3 re. The lack of detectable minor-axis rotation and the nearly identical kinematics on the ±45° PAs suggest that NGC 1700 is nearly oblate for r≲2.5re. Beyond this radius, twisting of the morphological and kinematic axes indicate increasing triaxiality, an intrinsic twist, or both. The velocity distribution in the low-amplitude counterrotating core is weakly skewed in the direction of rotation, arguing against a central stellar disk. The small skewness and the depression of the central velocity dispersion are consistent with the accretion of a low-mass stellar companion in a retrograde orbit. Photometric fine structure at large radii (Schweizer &amp; Seitzer 1992) is also indicative of a merger; a velocity reversal ∼50″ northeast suggests a major event. However, radially increasing prograde rotation in the main body of the galaxy implies that this was not the same event responsible for the counterrotating core. The strong rotation at large R and the nearly oblate shape are consistent with N-body simulations of group mergers (Weil 1995); that all disturbances inside ∼2.5re have phase-mixed out suggests that NGC 1700 owes its present form to a merger of 3 or more stellar systems 2 - 4h-1 Gyr ago