10 research outputs found

    The Brookhaven Landfill: An Environmental Case Study on Politics, Policy, and Perceptions

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Social Studies of Bard College

    An Analysis of the Service Marketing and Service Quality of Broadcasting Companies in the United Kingdom

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    The field of television broadcasting is interesting and a complex one from a business studies point of view since it is a fast moving industry. The main challenge faced by companies is the need to take into account innovation and customer orientation in order to remain competitive. Due to increased competition, services and their quality have become considerably important for businesses. The aim of this dissertation is to give an overview of the services of four broadcasting companies that either have shaped the broadcasting landscape in the United Kingdom or have the potential to have a sincere impact in the future. The BBC, British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB), Virgin Media, and Joost were selected and examined using models of service marketing. In addition, a sketch of future developments of broadcasting technologies and customer demand and their impact on the broadcasting services is presented. The analysis of all four broadcasters revealed several opportunity areas mainly in the field of e-services. The paper culminates in the provision of suggestions for the companies to improve their services

    An Analysis of the Service Marketing and Service Quality of Broadcasting Companies in the United Kingdom

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    The field of television broadcasting is interesting and a complex one from a business studies point of view since it is a fast moving industry. The main challenge faced by companies is the need to take into account innovation and customer orientation in order to remain competitive. Due to increased competition, services and their quality have become considerably important for businesses. The aim of this dissertation is to give an overview of the services of four broadcasting companies that either have shaped the broadcasting landscape in the United Kingdom or have the potential to have a sincere impact in the future. The BBC, British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB), Virgin Media, and Joost were selected and examined using models of service marketing. In addition, a sketch of future developments of broadcasting technologies and customer demand and their impact on the broadcasting services is presented. The analysis of all four broadcasters revealed several opportunity areas mainly in the field of e-services. The paper culminates in the provision of suggestions for the companies to improve their services

    LED-Technik im Scheinwerfer

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    Vollfarbtaugliche LC-Display-Beleuchtung fuer die multimediale Mobilkommunikation Teilvorhaben: Hocheffiziente innovative Opto-Halbleiterkomponenten im ultravioletten Spektralbereich fuer LC-Display-Beleuchtung Abschlussbericht

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    Available from TIB Hannover: F04B655 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Kurzwellige Lichtquellen fuer molekularelektronische Speicher Frequenzverdopplung von GaAs-Halbleiterlasern. T. 1 und 2. Abschlussbericht

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    Second harmonic generation to the 430nm band was investigated using waveguide- and bulk-concepts with LiNbO_3 and KNbO_3 respectively. Using the Cerenkow-configuration or alternatively periodically domain-invested waveguides, blue light of a few #mu#W has been obtained. With LiBnO_3 it is difficult to achieve stable SHG power levels in the mW-range. More promising materials seem to be LiTaO_3 or KTP. Optimization of a KNbO_3 monolithic-SHG-ring-resonator results in SHG-Power 4.5 mW equivalent to an optical efficiency of 5% in stabel cw-operation. For control of laserfrequency a new procedure was developed which is free of sideband. Reliable AlGaAs/GaAs-highpower lasers for optical frequency-doubling had been developed. Quantumwell-MCRW-Lasers with a thresholdcurrent of 35 mA and an efficiency of 0.9 W/A emit 100 mW/CW with diffraction limited beam quality in a single longitudinal mode (960 nm). Lasers with segmented contacts show a reduction of the mirror temperature by 50 K. In collaboration with the University Stuttgart the technology for DFB-Lasers with first order gratings has been developed. Testlaser with a grating period of 125 nm show single mode emission at 852 n. GaAlAs/GaAs-QW-structures had been developed for laser emission between 700 and 800 nm. The lowest threshold current density at 720 nm under pulse operation was < 799 A/cm"2 for GRIN-/SCHDQW power laser diodes. 767 nm-highpower lasers showed at 1W/CW over 1400 h good operating lifetimes. DFB-emission could be observed between 730 and 764 nm for optically pumped SCH-DQW structures (collaboration with the University Stuttgart). (orig.)Fuer die Frequenzverdopplung (SHG) in das 430nm-Spektralband wurden Wellenleiter- und Bulk-SHG-Konzepte mit den Materialien LiNbO_3 bzw. KNbO_3 untersucht. Sowohl in Cerenkow-Anordnung als auch mit periodisch gepolten Wellenleitern wurden SHG-Leistungen in #mu#W-Bereich realisiert. Mit LiNbO_3 ist zeitlich stabile SHG-Leistung im mW-Bereich nur schwer zu erreichen. Aussichtsreicher erscheinen alternative Materialien wie z.B. LiTaO_3 oder KTP. Optimierung eines monolithischen SHG-Ring-Resonator aus KNbO_3 ergab die SHG-Leisutng 4.6 mW entsprechend 5% optischen Wirkungsgrad im stabilen cs-Betrieb. Zur Regelung der Laserfrequenz wurde ein neues Verfahren entwickelt, welches die bisherigen Loesungen stoerenden Seitenbaender vermeidet. Es wurden zuverlaessige AlGaAs/GaAs-Hochleistungslaser fuer die optische Frequenzverdopplung entwickelt. Quantumwell-MCRW-Laser mit einem Schwellenstrom von 35 mA und einer Steilheit von 0.9 W/A erreichen 100 nW im Dauerstickbetrieb mit spektral einmodiger (860 nm) und raeumlich beugungsbegrenzter Strahlqualitaet. Bei Lasern mit getrennten Kontakten konnte eine Reduktion der Spiegeltemperatur um 50 K erzielt werden. In Verbund mit der Universitaet Stuttgart wurde die Technologie von DFB-Lasern mit Gittern 1. Ordnung entwickelt. Testlaser mit einer Gitterperiode von 125 nm zeigen einmodige Emission um 852 nm. GaAlAs/GaAs-Qw-Strukturen wurden fuer den Emissionsbereich zwischen 700 und 800 nm entwickelt. Die niedrigsten Schwellenstromdichten im Pulsbetrieb lagen fuer GRIN-SCH-DQW-Leistungslaserdioden bei einer Wellenlaenge von 720 nm unterhalb von 700 A/cm"2. Hochleistungsglaser mit 767 nm zeigten bei 1W im Dauerstrichbetrieb ueber 1400 h gute Leistungsstabilitaet. DFB-Laseremission konnte bei optisch gepumpten SCH-DQW-Strukturen zwischen 730 und 764 nm nachgewiesen werden (Zusammenarbeit mit der Universitaet Stuttgart). (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F93B694+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman