44 research outputs found

    Functional and Structural Brain Connectivity in Children With Bilateral Cerebral Palsy Compared to Age-Related Controls and in Response to Intensive Rapid-Reciprocal Leg Training

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    BackgroundCompared to unilateral cerebral palsy (CP), less is known about brain reorganization and plasticity in bilateral CP especially in relation or response to motor training. The few trials that reported brain imaging results alongside functional outcomes include a handful of studies in unilateral CP, and one pilot trial of three children with bilateral CP. This study is the first locomotor training randomized controlled trial (RCT) in bilateral CP to our knowledge reporting brain imaging outcomes.MethodsObjective was to compare MRI brain volumes, resting state connectivity and white matter integrity using DTI in children with bilateral CP with PVL and preterm birth history (<34 weeks), to age-related controls, and from an RCT of intensive 12 week rapid-reciprocal locomotor training using an elliptical or motor-assisted cycle. We hypothesized that connectivity in CP compared to controls would be greater across sensorimotor-related brain regions and that functional (resting state) and structural (fractional anisotropy) connectivity would improve post intervention. We further anticipated that baseline and post-intervention imaging and functional measures would correlate.ResultsImages were acquired with a 3T MRI scanner for 16/27 children with CP in the trial, and 18 controls. No conclusive evidence of training-induced neuroplastic effects were seen. However, analysis of shared variance revealed that greater increases in precentral gyrus connectivity with the thalamus and pons may be associated with larger improvements in the trained device speed. Exploratory analyses also revealed interesting potential relationships between brain integrity and multiple functional outcomes in CP, with functional connectivity between the motor cortex and midbrain showing the strongest potential relationship with mobility. Decreased posterior white matter, corpus callosum and thalamic volumes, and FA in the posterior thalamic radiation were the most prominent group differences with corticospinal tract differences notably not found.ConclusionsResults reinforce the involvement of sensory-related brain areas in bilateral CP. Given the wide individual variability in imaging results and clinical responses to training, a greater focus on neural and other mechanisms related to better or worse outcomes is recommended to enhance rehabilitation results on a patient vs. group level

    Clinical spectrum of SIX3-associated mutations in holoprosencephaly: correlation between genotype, phenotype and function

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    BACKGROUND: Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is the most common structural malformation of the human forebrain. There are several important HPE mutational target genes, including the transcription factor SIX3, which encodes an early regulator of Shh, Wnt, Bmp and Nodal signalling expressed in the developing forebrain and eyes of all vertebrates. OBJECTIVE: To characterise genetic and clinical findings in patients with SIX3 mutations. METHODS: Patients with HPE and their family members were tested for mutations in HPE-associated genes and the genetic and clinical findings, including those for additional cases found in the literature, were analysed. The results were correlated with a mutation-specific functional assay in zebrafish. RESULTS: In a cohort of patients (n = 800) with HPE, SIX3 mutations were found in 4.7% of probands and additional cases were found through testing of relatives. In total, 138 cases of HPE were identified, 59 of whom had not previously been clinically presented. Mutations in SIX3 result in more severe HPE than in other cases of non-chromosomal, non-syndromic HPE. An over-representation of severe HPE was found in patients whose mutations confer greater loss of function, as measured by the functional zebrafish assay. The gender ratio in this combined set of patients was 1.5:1 (F:M) and maternal inheritance was almost twice as common as paternal. About 14% of SIX3 mutations in probands occur de novo. There is a wide intrafamilial clinical range of features and classical penetrance is estimated to be at least 62%. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that SIX3 mutations result in relatively severe HPE and that there is a genotype-phenotype correlation, as shown by functional studies using animal models


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    Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is a complex brain malformation resulting from incomplete cleavage of the prosencephalon, occurring between the 18th and the 28th day of gestation and affecting both the forebrain and the face. It is estimated to occur in 1/16,000 live births and 1/250 conceptuses. Three ranges of increasing severity are described: lobar, semi-lobar and alobar HPE. Another milder subtype of HPE called middle interhemispheric variant (MIHF) or syntelencephaly is also reported. In most of the cases, facial anomalies are observed in HPE, like cyclopia, proboscis, median or bilateral cleft lip/palate in severe forms, ocular hypotelorism or solitary median maxillary central incisor in minor forms. These latter midline defects can occur without the cerebral malformations and then are called microforms. Children with HPE have many medical problems: developmental delay and feeding difficulties, epilepsy, instability of temperature, heart rate and respiration. Endocrine disorders like diabetes insipidus, adrenal hypoplasia, hypogonadism, thyroid hypoplasia and growth hormone deficiency are frequent. To date, seven genes have been positively implicated in HPE: Sonic hedgehog (SHH), ZIC2, SIX3, TGIF, PTCH, GLI2 and TDGF1. A molecular diagnosis can be performed by gene sequencing and allele quantification for the four main genes SHH, ZIC2, SIX3 and TGIF. Major rearrangements of the subtelomeres can also be identified by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA). Nevertheless, in about 70% of cases, the molecular basis of the disease remains unknown, suggesting the existence of several other candidate genes or environmental factors. Consequently, a "multiple-hit hypothesis" of genetic and/or environmental factors (like maternal diabetes) has been proposed to account for the extreme clinical variability. In a practical approach, prenatal diagnosis is based on ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) rather than on molecular diagnosis. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive, and requires a multidisciplinary management. Child outcome depends on the HPE severity and the medical and neurological complications associated. Severely affected children have a very poor prognosis. Mildly affected children may exhibit few symptoms and may live a normal life