49 research outputs found

    An integrated platform for design and numerical analysis of shield tunnelling processes on different levels of detail

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    Building and construction information modelling for decision making during the life cycle of infrastructure projects are vital tools for the analysis of complex, integrated, multi-disciplinary systems. The traditional design process is cumbersome and involves significant manual, time-consuming preparation and analysis as well as significant computational resources. To ensure a seamless workflow during the design and analysis and to minimise the computation time, we propose a novel concept of multi-level numerical simulations, enabling the modelling on different Levels of Detail (LoDs) for each physical component, process information, and analysis type. In this paper, we present SATBIM, an integrated platform for information modelling, structural analysis and visualisation of the mechanised tunnelling process for design support. Based on a multi-level integrated parametric Tunnel Information Model, numerical models for each component on different LoDs are developed, considering proper geometric as well as material representation, interfaces and the representation of the construction process. Our fully automatic modeller for arbitrary tunnel alignments provides a high degree of automation for the generation, the setup and the execution of the simulation model, connecting the multi-level information model with the open-source simulation software KRATOS. The software of SATBIM is organized in a modular way in order to offer high flexibility not only for further extensions, but also for adaptation to future improvements of the simulation software. The SATBIM platform enables practical, yet flexible and user-friendly generation of the tunnel structure for arbitrary alignments on different LoDs, supporting the design process and providing an insight into soil-structure interactions during construction

    Jenseits der "Erlebenswelt": Musik im Horizont der Sozialität

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    "Alfred Schütz hat im Zusammenhang der Entwicklung seiner soziologischen Position mehrfach im exemplarischen Sinne auf die Musik Bezug genommen, so in seinen Studien zur face-to-face Situation des gemeinsamen Musizierens und in den zu seinen Lebzeiten nicht publizierten Fragmenten zur Phänomenologie der Musik. Insbesondere waren es die Diskussionen und Analysen zum soziologischen und phänomenologischen Problem der 'Intersubjektivität', in deren Kontext Schütz sich an der Erfahrung von Musik, im Sinne eines expliziten oder impliziten Bezugsrahmens, orientierte. Eine zentrale Rolle in diesem Zusammenhang spielt die Einführung des 'tuning-in', eines grundlegenden Einstimmens, das als konstitutives Fundament das Zusammenwirken von Musikern ermöglicht, und das darüber hinaus als fundamentales Moment innerhalb einer Genealogie des 'Wir' interpretiert werden kann. Die für das Konzept des 'tuning-in' zentrale Dimension der Temporalität von Verhalten und Erfahrung und deren spezifische Strukturen wie Synchronisation und Simultaneität fungieren auch in anderen Argumentationszusammenhängen für Alfred Schütz als grundlegender Bezugsrahmen für wissenschaftliches Verstehen der sozialen Welt und sozialer Beziehungen. Die Sozialität musikalischer Strukturen und Phänomene wurde von einem weiteren, aus der philosophischen Schule Edmund Husserls hervorgegangenen Wissenschaftler derselben Generation thematisiert: Günther Stern alias Günther Anders (vgl. z.B. 'Das Duo: Gespräch über musikalische und menschliche Verhältnisse.' In: Süddeutsche Zeitung (München) vom 22./ 23.1.1972.) Im Zentrum der Analysen von Günther Anders steht weniger die Temporalität musikalischer Kontexte, sondern Spezifik und Differenz der 'musikalischen Situation', ausgeführt in der als Habilitationsschriftgeplanten, unveröffentlicht gebliebenen Arbeit 'Philosophische Untersuchungen übermusikalische Situationen', entstanden Ende der 20er Jahre. Der Vortrag diskutiert Perspektiven beider Ansätze mit Blick auf ihre Relevanz für soziologische Theorie kultureller Differenz und kultureller Praxis." (Autorenreferat

    Myasthenia gravis - a retrospective analysis of e-mail inquiries made to a patient organisation and specialized center to uncover unmet needs from patients and caregivers

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    Background and aims: Myasthenia Gravis requires expert treatment from specialized neurologists. In Germany, this treatment is mainly provided by 18 Integrated Myasthenia Centers (iMZ) accredited by the German Myasthenia Gravis Association (DMG). The DMG is a large and well-organized patient organisation that is regarded as a trusted source for disease-specific information. The aim of this study was to analyse the type of requests that each of these institutions receives in order to identify any potential unmet needs regarding the availability of advice for patients and caregivers. This data can then be used in further research to tailor modern digital communication tools to the specific needs of MG patients. Methods: Counselling requests sent via e-mail to both institutions were extracted for defined examination periods and divided into a period 'before COVID-19 pandemic' (01.07.2019-31.12.2019) and 'during COVID-19 pandemic' (01.07.2020-31.12.2020). Requests were then analysed using four main categories: medical requests, organisational issues, COVID-19 and social legislation inquiries. Results: One thousand seven hundred eleven requests for advice were addressed to DMG and iMZ Charite. Most inquiries directed to the DMG (47%; n = 750) were related to medical issues, most frequently to side effects of medications (n = 325; 20%) and questions about treatment (n = 263; 16%), followed by inquiries regarding organisational issues (26%; n = 412). About half of the inquiries (n = 69; 58%) to the iMZ Charite were related to medical issues and almost one in three inquiries concerned organisational issues (n = 37; 30%). About one in ten inquiries concerned socio-legal matters (iMZ: n = 7; 6% and DMG: n = 177; 11%). During the pandemic, COVID-19 related issues accounted for 8% (n = 6) of inquiries at iMZ, and 16% (n = 253) at DMG. Conclusions: MG sufferers have a high demand for timely advice. In the current setting, they address their requests to both iMZs and the DMG via e-mail. Our findings confirm that the DMG is highly trusted by patients and caregivers and is used to obtain second opinions. A relevant proportion of requests to the iMZ could be answered more effectively through standardized responses or improved process management. The implementation of modern digital solutions, including telemedicine, for communication between patient and specialist should be evaluated in further research

    A hybrid finite element and surrogate modelling approach for simulation and monitoring supported TBM steering

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    The paper proposes a novel computational method for real-time simulation and monitoring-based predictions during the construction of machine-driven tunnels to support decisions concerning the steering of tunnel boring machines (TBMs). The proposed technique combines the capacity of a process-oriented 3D simulation model for mechanized tunnelling to accurately describe the complex geological and mechanical interactions of the tunnelling process with the computational efficiency of surrogate (or meta) models based on artificial neural networks. The process-oriented 3D simulation model with updated model parameters based on acquired monitoring data during the advancement process is used in combination with surrogate models to determine optimal tunnel machine-related parameters such that tunnelling-induced settlements are kept below a tolerated level within the forthcoming process steps. The performance of the proposed strategy is applied to the Wehrhahn-line metro project in Düsseldorf, Germany and compared with a recently developed approach for real-time steering of TBMs, in which only surrogate models are used

    Burden of disease in myasthenia gravis: taking the patient’s perspective

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    Background: Myasthenia gravis (MG) leads to exertion-dependent muscle weakness, but also psychological and social well-being are limited. We aim to describe the burden of disease in MG including sociodemographic, economical, psychosocial as well as clinical aspects, to compare health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients with MG to the general population (genP) and to explore risk factors for a lower HRQoL. Methods: This case-control study was conducted with MG patients of the German Myasthenia Association. A questionnaire-based survey included sociodemographic and clinical data as well as standardized questionnaires, e.g. the Short Form Health (SF-36). HRQoL was compared to genP in a matched-pairs analysis. Participants of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) served as control group. Results: In our study, 1660 MG patients participated and were compared to 2556 controls from the genP. Patients with MG showed lower levels of physical functioning (SF-36 mean 56.0, SD 30.3) compared to the genP (mean 81.8, SD 22.1, adjusted difference: 25, 95% CI 22-29) and lower mental health sub-score (SF-36 mean 67.3, SD 19.8, vs. 74.1, SD 16.7, adjusted difference: 5, 95% CI 2-8). Female gender, higher age, low income, partnership status, lower activities of daily life, symptoms of depression, anxiety and fatigue and self-perceived low social support were associated with a lower HRQoL in MG patients. Discussion: HRQoL is lower in patients with MG compared to genP. The burden of MG on patients includes economic and social aspects as well as their emotional well-being. New therapies must achieve improvements for patients in these areas

    Meta models for real-time design assessment within an integrated information and numerical modelling framework

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    In situations where rapid decisions are required or a large number of design alternatives is to be explored, numerical predictions of construction pro-cesses have to be performed in near real-time. For the design assessment of com-plex engineering problems such as mechanised tunnelling, simple numerical and analytical models are not able to reproduce all complex 3D interactions. To over-come this problem, in this paper a novel concept for on-demand design assess-ment for mechanized tunnelling using simulation-based meta models is proposed. This concept includes: i) the generation of enhanced simulation-based meta mod-els; ii) real-time meta model-based design assessment in the design tool, and; iii) the implementation within a unified numerical and information modelling plat-form called SATBIM. The capabilities of this concept are demonstrated through an example for the evaluation of tunnel alignment design and the assessment of the impact of tunnelling on existing infrastructure. Moreover, meta models are used for fast forward calculation in sensitivity analyses for the evaluation of the importance of model parameters. The concept proved its efficiency by assessing the design alternatives in real-time with the prediction error of less than 3% com-pared to complex numerical simulation in presented example

    Parallelisation and model generation methods for large-scale simulations of shield tunnelling processes

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    Ein Simulationsmodell zur prozessorientierten numerischen Modellierung des maschinellen Tunnelvortriebs wird vorgestellt. Dabei kommen problemangepasste Parallelisierungsstrategien zum Einsatz. Der Benutzeraufwand wird mithilfe eines automatischen Modellerzeugungsprogramms minimiert. Durch eine hybride Gebietszerlegungsmethode wird eine gute Skalierbarkeit der parallelen Lösung erreicht, durch die auch große Simulationen in kurzer Zeit berechnet werden können. Die Modellerzeugungssoftware erlaubt die automatische Erzeugung der Geometrie, der Modellkomponenten, der Modelldiskretisierung und der Randbedingungen. Dadurch können parametrisierte Modelle für die Untersuchung von Planungsvarianten und zur Entscheidungsunterstützung während des Vortriebs erzeugt werden. Die Leistungsfähigkeit der parallelen Simulation wird anhand numerischer Beispiele und Simulationen von Tunnelprojekten demonstriert. Zudem werden die Simulationsergebnisse mit Messdaten aus einem Tunnelbauprojekt validiert