498 research outputs found
Using experiments and expert judgment to model catchability of Pacific rockfishes in trawl surveys, with application to bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) off British Columbia
The time series of abundance indices for many groundfish
populations, as determined from trawl surveys, are often imprecise and short, causing stock assessment estimates
of abundance to be imprecise. To improve precision, prior probability distributions (priors) have been developed
for parameters in stock assessment models by using meta-analysis, expert judgment on catchability, and empirically based modeling. This article presents a synthetic approach for formulating priors for rockfish trawl survey catchability (qgross). A multivariate prior for qgross for different surveys is formulated by using 1) a correction factor for bias in estimating fish density between trawlable and untrawlable areas, 2) expert judgment on trawl net catchability, 3) observations from trawl survey experiments, and 4) data on the fraction of population
biomass in each of the areas surveyed. The method is illustrated by using bocaccio (Sebastes paucipinis) in British Columbia. Results indicate that expert judgment can be updated markedly by observing the catch-rate ratio from different trawl gears in the same areas. The marginal priors
for qgross are consistent with empirical estimates obtained by fitting a stock assessment model to the survey data under a noninformative prior for qgross. Despite high prior uncertainty (prior coefficients of variation ≥0.8) and high prior correlation between qgross, the prior for qgross still enhances the precision of key stock assessment
Rhodium Pyrazolate Complexes as Potential CVD Precursors
Reaction of 3,5-(CF3)(2)PzLi with [Rh(mu-Cl)(eta(2)-C2H4)(2)](2) or [Rh(mu-Cl)(PMe3)(2)](2) in Et2O gave the dinuclear complexes [Rh(eta(2)-C2H4)(2)(mu-3,5-(CF3)(2)-Pz)](2) (1) and [Rh-2(mu-Cl)(mu-3,5-(CF3)(2)-Pz) (PMe3)(4)] (2) respectively (3,5-(CF3)(2)Pz = bis-trifluoromethyl pyrazolate). Reaction of PMe3 with [Rh(COD)(mu-3,5-(CF3)(2)-Pz)](2) in toluene gave [Rh(3,5-(CF3)(2)-Pz)(PMe3)(3)] (3). Reaction of 1 and 3 in toluene (1 : 4) gave moderate yields of the dinuclear complex [Rh(PMe3)(2)(mu-3,5-(CF3)(2)-Pz)](2) (4). Reaction of 3,5-(CF3)(2)PzLi with [Rh(PMe3)(4)]Cl in Et2O gave the ionic complex [Rh(PMe3)(4)][3,5-(CF3)(2)-Pz] (5). Two of the complexes, 1 and 3, were studied for use as CVD precursors. Polycrystalline thin films of rhodium (fcc-Rh) and metastable-amorphous films of rhodium phosphide (Rh2P) were grown from 1 and 3 respectively at 170 and 130 degrees C, 0.3 mmHg in a hot wall reactor using Ar as the carrier gas (5 cc min(-1)). Thin films of amorphous rhodium and rhodium phosphide (Rh2P) were grown from 1 and 3 at 170 and 130 degrees C respectively at 0.3 mmHg in a hot wall reactor using H-2 as the carrier gas (7 cc min(-1)).Welch Foundation F-816Petroleum Research Fund 47014-ACSNSF 0741973Chemistr
Widespread Hydrogenation of the Moons South Polar Cold Traps
The study shows widespread evidence that the Moons permanently shadowed
regions (PSR) are enhanced in hydrogen, likely in the form of water ice, as
compared to non-permanently shadowed region locations (non-PSRs), to 79deg S.
Results are consistent with the original findings of Watson et al, 1961. We use
a novel method to aggregate the hydrogen response from all PSR, greater than 2
km wide pixels. Poleward of 79deg S, the PSR have a consistent hydrogen spatial
response, which is enhanced in PSR (where the PSRs area density is highest) and
diminishes with distance from any PSR (where the PSR area density is lowest). A
correlation between the PSRs diameters and their observed hydrogen, is induced
by the instrumental blurring of relatively hydrogenated PSR areas. An
anomalously enhanced hydrogen concentration observed at Cabeus-1 PSR suggests a
second hydrogen budget process at that location. Linear correlations, derived
from the PSRs hydrogen observations, from two independent latitude bands,
closely predict the hydrogen observation at Shoemaker, the largest area PSR, 1)
75deg to 83deg S, 2) 83deg to 90deg S. Results are consistent with ongoing
processes that introduce volatiles to the surface including outgassing, solar
wind production with regolith silicates, and mixing from small-scale meteor
impacts and diurnal temperature variation. Results are derived from the
Collimated Sensor for EpiThermal Neutrons (CSETN), which part of the Lunar
Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND), onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
(LRO).Comment: 27 pages, 14 Figure
Time-Resolved Data Acquisition for In Situ Subsurface Planetary Geochemistry
The current gamma-ray/neutron instrumentation development effort at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center aims to extend the use of active pulsed neutron interrogation techniques to probe the subsurface geochemistry of planetary bodies in situ. All previous NASA planetary science missions, that used neutron and/or gamma-ray spectroscopy instruments, have relied on a constant neutron source produced from galactic cosmic rays. One of the distinguishing features of this effort is the inclusion of a high intensity 14.1 MeV pulsed neutron generator synchronized with a custom data acquisition system to time each event relative to the pulse. With usually only one opportunity to collect data, it is difficult to set a priori time-gating windows to obtain the best possible results. Acquiring time-tagged, event-by-event data from nuclear induced reactions provides raw data sets containing channel/energy, and event time for each gamma ray or neutron detected. The resulting data set can be plotted as a function of time or energy using optimized analysis windows after the data are acquired. Time windows can now be chosen to produce energy spectra that yield the most statistically significant and accurate elemental composition results that can be derived from the complete data set. The advantages of post-processing gamma-ray time-tagged event-by-event data in experimental tests using our prototype instrument will be demonstrated
Chemical Heterogeneity on Mercury's Surface Revealed by the MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer
We present the analysis of 205 spatially resolved measurements of the surface composition of Mercury from MESSENGER's X-Ray Spectrometer. The surface footprints of these measurements are categorized according to geological terrain. Northern smooth plains deposits and the plains interior to the Caloris basin differ compositionally from older terrain on Mercury. The older terrain generally has higher Mg/Si, S/Si, and Ca/Si ratios, and a lower Al/Si ratio than the smooth plains. Mercury's surface mineralogy is likely dominated by high-Mg mafic minerals (e.g., enstatite), plagioclase feldspar, and lesser amounts of Ca, Mg, and/or Fe sulfides (e.g., oldhamite). The compositional difference between the volcanic smooth plains and the older terrain reflects different abundances of these minerals and points to the crystallization of the smooth plains from a more chemically evolved magma source. High-degree partial melts of enstatite chondrite material provide a generally good compositional and mineralogical match for much of the surface of Mercury. An exception is Fe, for which the low surface abundance on Mercury is still higher than that of melts from enstatite chondrites and may indicate an exogenous contribution from meteoroid impacts
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MESSENGER Detection of Electron-Induced X-Ray Fluorescence from Mercury's surface
The X-Ray Spectrometer (XRS) on the MESSENGER spacecraft measures elemental abundances on the surface of Mercury by detecting fluorescent X-ray emissions induced on the planet's surface by the incident solar X-ray flux. The XRS began orbital observations on 23 March 2011 and has observed X-ray fluorescence (XRF) from the surface of the planet whenever a sunlit portion of Mercury has been within the XRS field of view. Solar flares are generally required to provide sufficient signal to detect elements that fluoresce at energies above ∼2 keV, but XRF up to the calcium line (3.69 keV) has been detected from Mercury's surface at times when the XRS field of view included only unlit portions of the planet. Many such events have been detected and are identified as electron-induced X-ray emission produced by the interaction of ∼1-10 keV electrons with Mercury's surface. Electrons in this energy range were detected by the XRS during the three Mercury flybys and have also been observed regularly in orbit about Mercury. Knowledge of the energy spectrum of the electrons precipitating at the planet's surface makes it possible to infer surface composition from the measured fluorescent spectra, providing additional measurement opportunities for the XRS. Abundance results for Mg, Al, and Si are in good agreement with those derived from solar-induced XRF data, providing independent validation of the analysis methodologies. Derived S and Ca abundances are somewhat higher than derived from the solar-induced fluorescence data, possibly reflecting incomplete knowledge of the energy spectra of electrons impacting the planet
Comprehensive survey of energetic electron events in Mercury\u27s magnetosphere with data from the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer
Data from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer have been used to detect and characterize energetic electron (EE) events in Mercury\u27s magnetosphere. This instrument detects EE events indirectly via bremsstrahlung photons that are emitted when instrument and spacecraft materials stop electrons having energies of tens to hundreds of keV. From Neutron Spectrometer data taken between 18 March 2011 and 31 December 2013 we have identified 2711 EE events. EE event amplitudes versus energy are distributed as a power law and have a dynamic range of a factor of 400. The duration of the EE events ranges from tens of seconds to nearly 20 min. EE events may be classified as bursty (large variation with time over an event) or smooth (small variation). Almost all EE events are detected inside Mercury\u27s magnetosphere on closed field lines. The precise occurrence times of EE events are stochastic, but the events are located in well-defined regions with clear boundaries that persist in time and form what we call “quasi-permanent structures.” Bursty events occur closer to dawn and at higher latitudes than smooth events, which are seen near noon-to-dusk local times at lower latitudes. A subset of EE events shows strong periodicities that range from hundreds of seconds to tens of milliseconds. The few-minute periodicities are consistent with the Dungey cycle timescale for the magnetosphere and the occurrence of substorm events in Mercury\u27s magnetotail region. Shorter periods may be related to phenomena such as north-south bounce processes for the energetic electrons
Heterogeneous Distribution of Chromium on Mercury
Measurements made with geochemical instruments on the MESSENGER spacecraft revealed that Mercury's crust is surprisingly rich in volatile elements, including S, Na, K, Cl, and C, and that it is enriched in Mg and depleted in Al, Ca, and Fe, relative to other terrestrial planets. Geochemical maps also indicated the presence of a number of distinct geochemical terranes. The MESSENGER X-ray Spectrometer (XRS) detected X-ray fluorescence, induced by incident solar X-rays, from the top approx. 10s of micrometers of Mercury's surface. Like Fe, Cr was only detectable by XRS during large solar flares. However, accurate Cr measurements are more susceptible to systematic errors than other elements measured by the XRS. Therefore, to date, Cr data have been published for only 11 XRS measurements, but we have recently derived a map of Cr/Si across Mercury's surface. This map is based on data acquired through the complete MESSENGER mission and reveals clear spatial heterogeneity in Cr
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