842 research outputs found

    Alumina-based nanoparticles obtained by anodic dissolution of Al in electrolytes with alcohol solvents

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    In the present work, alumina-based nanoparticles were produced by an electrochemical method. Alcohols (methanol, ethanol, and propanol) containing 5 % of water and LiCl were applied as electrolytes. Sizes of the micelles in the obtained solution ranged from 200 nm to over 1 μm\mu m depending on the used alcohol. Measurements performed by ultraviolet and visible light (UV-VIS) spectroscopy indicated a presence of aluminum oxides and hydroxides in the solution. Studies using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that the obtained nanoparticles are in a form of flakes and membranes and their size is \sim 200 nm for methanol and \sim nm for propanol. The composition of the product was characterized by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and x-ray diffraction (XRD). It consists of amorphous Al oxides and hydroxides as well as poorly crystallized aluminates and metallic Al

    Mechanisms of Electrical Conductivity in Y(1-x)CaxBa2Cu3O6.1 System

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    Systematic studies of transport properties in deoxygenated Y(1-x)CaxBa2Cu3O6.1 series allowed to propose a diagram of conductivity mechanisms for this system. At intermediate temperature a variable range hopping (VRH) in 2 dimensions prevails. At lower temperature VRH in the presence of a Coulomb gap for smaller x and VRH in 2 dimensions for larger x are found. In a vicinity of superconductivity we observe conductivity proportional to \sqrt{T}. Thermally activated conductivity dominates at higher temperature. This diagram may be universal for the whole family of undoped high Tc related cuprates.Comment: 5 page

    Jakość życia seksualnego młodych kobiet z stwardnieniem rozsianym

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    Seksualność i jakość życia młodych kobiet z rozpoznaniem SM jest mało znana. Z nielicznych badań wynika, że zaburzenia seksualne występują u większości pacjentek i najczęściej obejmują zaburzenia pożądania, podniecenia i orgazmu. Etiologia zaburzeń seksualnych jest wieloczynnikowa. Rehabilitacja seksualna obejmuje wiele metod, które są mało u nas znane i rzadko stosowane. (PNN 2013;2(3):104-108)Sexuality and quality of life in young multiple sclerosis women is poorly known. Few studies indicate that sexual dysfunction can be found in the majority of patients. The most common are desire, arousal and orgasm disorders. The etiology of sexual dysfunctions is multifactorial. Sexual rehabilitation includes several methods that are also poory known and rarely implemented. (PNN 2013;2(3):104-108

    Functional Properties and Maillard Reaction Product Formation in Rye-Buckwheat Ginger Cakes Enhanced with Rutin

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    A study of functional properties and Maillard reaction progress in rye-buckwheat ginger cakes supplemented with low and high rutin amount was conducted. The cakes were formulated on rye flour substituted by flour from husked buckwheat or flour from roasted buckwheat groats at 30 % level. The dough was either spontaneously fermented for 72 h at 21 °C, or the fermentation step was omitted. The cakes were baked at 180 °C for 18 min. Fortification of rye-buckwheat ginger cakes by low and high level of rutin was associated with the beneficial progress of the Maillard reaction towards the formation of melanoidins, while furosine formation at the early stage of Maillard reaction was decreased. However, loss of the nutritional value due to the formation of high amount of fluorescent (carboxymethyllysine (CML)) and fluorescent-intermediate compounds was observed. It has also been proved that rye-buckwheat ginger cakes fortified with low and high rutin doses are a rich source of biologically active compounds. Therefore, the cakes showed a high ability to inhibit the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in vitro and revealed high antioxidant potential. These findings may be important factors in complete evaluation of functional properties of ginger cakes. Stronger influence of rutin enrichment was observed in cakes baked from fermented-like dough than without this process

    Electronic structure and transport properties of CeNi9In2

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    We investigated CeNi9In2 compound, which has been considered as a mixed valence (MV) system. Electrical resistivity vs. temperature variation was analysed in terms of the model proposed by Freimuth for systems with unstable 4f shell. At low temperature the resistivity dependence is consistent with a Fermi liquid state with a contribution characteristic of electron-phonon interaction. Ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) studies of the valence band did not reveal a Kondo peak down to 14 K. A difference of the spectra obtained with photon energies of low and high photoionization cross sections for Ce 4f electrons indicated that 4f states are located mainly close to the Fermi energy. The peaks related to f_{5/2}^1 and f_{7/2}^1 final states cannot be resolved but form a plateau between -0.3 eV and the Fermi energy. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) studies were realized for the cerium 3d level. The analysis of XPS spectra within the Gunnarsson-Sh\"onhammer theory yielded a hybridization parameter of 104 meV and non-integer f level occupation, being close to 3. Calculations of partial densities of states were realized by a full potential local orbital (FPLO) method. They confirm that the valence band is dominated by Ni 3d states and are in general agreement with the experiment except for the behavior of f-electrons.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Health Concerns of Adolescents and Adults With Spina Bifida

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    Due to advancements in medical care, people with spina bifida (SB) are surviving well into adulthood, resulting in a growing number of patients transitioning to an adult sector unequipped to care for people with chronic rehabilitative and medical needs. The Transitional and Lifelong Care (TLC) program is a multidisciplinary clinical service that compensates for this gap, providing comprehensive, coordinated care to adolescents, and adults with SB. As a relatively new clinical service, objective data about the patients using the service and their needs is scant. This study sought to identify the most common health concerns among TLC patients with SB at initial clinical consultation. A retrospective chart review of 94 patient charts was performed. Following data extraction, descriptive analyses were completed. The mean age of the sample was 29.04 ± 13.8 years. One hundred individual concerns and 18 concern categories were identified. On average, patients or care providers identified nine health concerns across various spheres of care, with care coordination being the most prevalent concern identified (86%). Patients also commonly had concerns regarding neurogenic bladder (70%), medications (66%), assistive devices (48%), and neurogenic bowel (42%). The numerous and wide-ranging health concerns identified support the need for individualised, coordinated care and a “medical home” for all adolescents and adults with SB during and following the transition to adult care. Health care providers caring for this population should continue to address well-documented health concerns and also consider raising discussion around topics such as sexual health, mental health, and bone health. Further research is required to understand how best to address the complex medical issues faced by adults with SB to maximise health and quality of life and improve access to healthcare

    The role of illness beliefs in adaptation to diabetes mellitus - the characteristics and review of the research

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    Adaptacja do cukrzycy to proces złożony. Jest to bowiem przystosowanie do choroby, która wymaga od pacjenta samodyscypliny. Z praktyki klinicznej wiadomo, że chorzy na cukrzycę istotnie różnią się między sobą pod względem stopnia samokontroli i przestrzegania zaleceń lekarskich. Coraz częściej klinicyści i badacze poszukują częściowego wyjaśnienia tych różnic w indywidualnych, psychologicznych cechach pacjenta, wymieniając rolę takich zmiennych, jak osobowość, radzenie sobie ze stresem czy wreszcie poznawczy obraz choroby; w niniejszym artykule skoncentrowano się na roli ostatniego czynnika. Zaprezentowano teorie na temat genezy tego konstruktu poznawczego, wchodzących w jego skład przekonań zdrowotnych i ich roli w kształtowaniu procesu adaptacji do cukrzycy. Czołowe miejsce w prezentowanej pracy zajmuje przegląd badań na temat roli takich przekonań, jak: spostrzegana powaga cukrzycy, ocena własnej podatności na komplikacje wynikające z tej choroby, poczucie umiejscowienia kontroli zdrowia, spostrzeganie dostępności społecznego wsparcia w aktywności prozdrowotnej związanej z przestrzeganiem zaleceń lekarskich i samokontrolą stężenia glukozy, a także w wyborze strategii radzenia sobie ze stresem towarzyszącym cukrzycy.The process of adaptation to diabetes mellitus is very complex. This disease requires from patients a great dose of selfdiscipline. The clinical practice brings the observation that patients with diabetes mellitus strongly differ between each other in the level of self control and fallowing doctor’s orders. The researchers more often try to explain this fact by analysing the individual, personal defferences between patients. They concentrate on such charakteristics as personality, coping with stress and personal illness beliefs. This article concentrate on the last factor- illness representation. It presents the genesis of this construct as well as its role in adaptation to diabetes mellitus. The main gole of this article is to present the research which concentrate on the role of such beliefs as: perceived severity of the illness, perceived vulnerability to diabetes complications, health locus of control and perceived social support in self care behaviors, glucose control and coping with stress

    Evidence of momentum dependent hybridization in Ce2Co0.8Si3.2

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    We studied the electronic structure of the Kondo lattice system Ce2Co0.8Si3.2 by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The spectra obtained below the coherence temperature consist of a Kondo resonance, its spin-orbit partner and a number of dispersing bands. The quasiparticle weight related to the Kondo peak depends strongly on Fermi vectors associated with bulk bands. This indicates a highly anisotropic hybridization between conduction band and 4f electrons - V_{cf} in Ce2Co0.8Si3.2.Comment: 6 page