125 research outputs found


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    Authors carried out modelling of watershed for precise delimitation of tourist facilities that the Dniester River includes; Article reveals 102 travel objects within the watershed area of the Dniester the most and the least popular tourist sites were determined, the problems of their popularity increase were analyzed. The article presents the set of potential tourists of the Dniester River. The solution to increase the popularity by using Internet project turkarta.com is presented. Visa requirements for foreigners coming to Ukraine and Moldova in order to increase popularity are analyzed.Проведено моделювання водозбірного басейн для точної делімітації туристичних об’єктів, які належать річці Дністер. Наведено 102 туристичних об’єкти в межах водозбірного басейну річки Дністер, встановлено найбільш і найменш популярні серед них, проведено аналіз проблеми підвищення їх популярності. Наведено перелік потенційних туристів річки Дністер, запропоновано рішення підвищення популярності, шляхом використання Інтернет – проекту – turkarta.com. Проаналізовано візові вимоги для приїзду іноземців на територію України та Молдови


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    The main components of the buildings and structures safety projects with regard to the location area arwere presented in the article. It has been suggested to carry out the research with the help of selection method using finite element method of stress-strain and dynamic state of the crust in the vicinity of engineering objects. The algorithm of determination of objects stability in emergencies using software developed by scientists from Lviv State University of Life Safety and S.I.Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was considered. The information from the point of view of economic and social effectiveness of the proposedapproach was given.Наведені основні складові положення розробки проектів безпеки будівель та споруд залежно від ділянок місцевості, на яких вони розміщені. Дослідження пропонується виконати методом підбору з використанням моделювання методом скінчених елементів напружено-деформованого і динамічного стану земної кори в околі інженерних об’єктів. Розглянуто алгоритм визначення стійкості об’єктів в умовах надзвичайних ситуацій за допомогою програмного забезпечення, розробленого науковцями ЛДУ БЖД та ІГФ НАН України. Наведені відомості з точки зору економічної ефективності запропонованого підходу

    Dose, exposure time, and resolution in Serial X-ray Crystallography

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    The resolution of X-ray diffraction microscopy is limited by the maximum dose that can be delivered prior to sample damage. In the proposed Serial Crystallography method, the damage problem is addressed by distributing the total dose over many identical hydrated macromolecules running continuously in a single-file train across a continuous X-ray beam, and resolution is then limited only by the available molecular and X-ray fluxes and molecular alignment. Orientation of the diffracting molecules is achieved by laser alignment. We evaluate the incident X-ray fluence (energy/area) required to obtain a given resolution from (1) an analytical model, giving the count rate at the maximum scattering angle for a model protein, (2) explicit simulation of diffraction patterns for a GroEL-GroES protein complex, and (3) the frequency cut off of the transfer function following iterative solution of the phase problem, and reconstruction of an electron density map in the projection approximation. These calculations include counting shot noise and multiple starts of the phasing algorithm. The results indicate counting time and the number of proteins needed within the beam at any instant for a given resolution and X-ray flux. We confirm an inverse fourth power dependence of exposure time on resolution, with important implications for all coherent X-ray imaging. We find that multiple single-file protein beams will be needed for sub-nanometer resolution on current third generation synchrotrons, but not on fourth generation designs, where reconstruction of secondary protein structure at a resolution of 0.7 nm should be possible with short exposures.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl


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    The article presents the main components of energy and public safety through the development of geothermal resources in Ukraine. The development of geothermal resources is performed by geothermal power plants construction (GPPC) type, tube in tube "that do not require fuel resources, does not produce harmful emissions into the environment and are able to provide all spheres of society own thermal and electrical energy in sufficient amount. The data from the GPPC theory and technology of construction, industrial feasibility, socio-economic and ecological effectiveness are presented.В статті наведені основні складові енергетичної і екологічної безпеки суспільства на основі освоєння геотермальних ресурсів України. Освоєння геотермальних ресурсів виконується шляхом спорудження геотермальних енергоустановок (ГТЕУ) типу ,,труба в трубі”, що не потребують паливних ресурсів, не виробляють шкідливих викидів у довкілля і здатні забезпечити всі сфери діяльності суспільства власною тепловою і електричною енергією в достатній кількості. Наведені відомості з теорії ГТЕУ, техніки і технології їх спорудження, промислової доцільності, соціально-економічної та екологічної ефективності

    In situ observations of the atomistic mechanisms of Ni catalyzed low temperature graphene growth.

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    The key atomistic mechanisms of graphene formation on Ni for technologically relevant hydrocarbon exposures below 600 °C are directly revealed via complementary in situ scanning tunneling microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. For clean Ni(111) below 500 °C, two different surface carbide (Ni2C) conversion mechanisms are dominant which both yield epitaxial graphene, whereas above 500 °C, graphene predominantly grows directly on Ni(111) via replacement mechanisms leading to embedded epitaxial and/or rotated graphene domains. Upon cooling, additional carbon structures form exclusively underneath rotated graphene domains. The dominant graphene growth mechanism also critically depends on the near-surface carbon concentration and hence is intimately linked to the full history of the catalyst and all possible sources of contamination. The detailed XPS fingerprinting of these processes allows a direct link to high pressure XPS measurements of a wide range of growth conditions, including polycrystalline Ni catalysts and recipes commonly used in industrial reactors for graphene and carbon nanotube CVD. This enables an unambiguous and consistent interpretation of prior literature and an assessment of how the quality/structure of as-grown carbon nanostructures relates to the growth modes.L.L.P. acknowledges funding from Area di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica of Trieste and from MIUR through Progetto Strategico NFFA. C.A. acknowledges support from CNR through the ESF FANAS project NOMCIS. C.A. and C.C. acknowledge financial support from MIUR (PRIN 2010-2011 nº 2010N3T9M4). S.B. acknowledges funding from ICTP TRIL program. S.H. acknowledges funding from ERC grant InsituNANO (n°279342). R.S.W. acknowledges funding from EPSRC (Doctoral training award), and the Nano Science & Technology Doctoral Training Centre Cambridge (NanoDTC). The help of C. Dri and F. Esch (design) and P. Bertoch and F. Salvador (manufacturing) in the realization of the high temperature STM sample holder is gratefully acknowledged. We acknowledge the Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin Electron storage ring BESSY II for provision of synchrotron radiation at the ISISS beamline and we thank the BESSY staff for continuous support of our experiments.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACS at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn402927q

    Prediction of inorganic superconductors with quasi-one-dimensional crystal structure

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    Models of superconductors having a quasi-one-dimensional crystal structure based on the convoluted into a tube Ginzburg sandwich, which comprises a layered dielectric-metal-dielectric structure, have been suggested. The critical crystal chemistry parameters of the Ginzburg sandwich determining the possibility of the emergence of superconductivity and the Tc value in layered high-Tc cuprates, which could have the same functions in quasi-one-dimensional fragments (sandwich-type tubes), have been examined. The crystal structures of known low-temperature superconductors, in which one can mark out similar quasi-one- dimensional fragments, have been analyzed. Five compounds with quasi-one-dimensional structures, which can be considered as potential parents of new superconductor families, possibly with high transition temperatures, have been suggested. The methods of doping and modification of these compounds are provided.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures and 2 table

    Interdependency of subsurface carbon distribution and graphene-catalyst interaction.

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    The dynamics of the graphene-catalyst interaction during chemical vapor deposition are investigated using in situ, time- and depth-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and complementary grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations coupled to a tight-binding model. We thereby reveal the interdependency of the distribution of carbon close to the catalyst surface and the strength of the graphene-catalyst interaction. The strong interaction of epitaxial graphene with Ni(111) causes a depletion of dissolved carbon close to the catalyst surface, which prevents additional layer formation leading to a self-limiting graphene growth behavior for low exposure pressures (10(-6)-10(-3) mbar). A further hydrocarbon pressure increase (to ∼10(-1) mbar) leads to weakening of the graphene-Ni(111) interaction accompanied by additional graphene layer formation, mediated by an increased concentration of near-surface dissolved carbon. We show that growth of more weakly adhered, rotated graphene on Ni(111) is linked to an initially higher level of near-surface carbon compared to the case of epitaxial graphene growth. The key implications of these results for graphene growth control and their relevance to carbon nanotube growth are highlighted in the context of existing literature.R.S.W. acknowledges a Research Fellowship from St. John’s College, Cambridge. S.H. acknowledges funding from ERC grant InsituNANO (No. 279342) and EPSRC under grant GRAPHTED (Ref. EP/K016636/1). We acknowledge the Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin Electron storage ring BESSY II for provision of synchrotron radiation at the ISISS beamline and we thank the BESSY staff for continuous support of our experiments. This research was partially supported by the EU FP7 Work Programme under grant Graphene Flagship (No. 604391). PRK acknowledges funding the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust. H.A. and C.B. acknowledge J.-Y. Raty and B. Legrand for fruitful discussions.This is the final published version. It's also available from ACS at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja505454v