41 research outputs found

    Second-order transport, quasinormal modes and zero-viscosity limit in the Gauss-Bonnet holographic fluid

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    Gauss-Bonnet holographic fluid is a useful theoretical laboratory to study the effects of curvature-squared terms in the dual gravity action on transport coefficients, quasinormal spectra and the analytic structure of thermal correlators at strong coupling. To understand the behavior and possible pathologies of the Gauss-Bonnet fluid in 3+13+1 dimensions, we compute (analytically and non-perturbatively in the Gauss-Bonnet coupling) its second-order transport coefficients, the retarded two- and three-point correlation functions of the energy-momentum tensor in the hydrodynamic regime as well as the relevant quasinormal spectrum. The Haack-Yarom universal relation among the second-order transport coefficients is violated at second order in the Gauss-Bonnet coupling. In the zero-viscosity limit, the holographic fluid still produces entropy, while the momentum diffusion and the sound attenuation are suppressed at all orders in the hydrodynamic expansion. By adding higher-derivative electromagnetic field terms to the action, we also compute corrections to charge diffusion and identify the non-perturbative parameter regime in which the charge diffusion constant vanishes.Comment: 56 pages, 3 figures; V2: references added, version published in JHE

    From strong to weak coupling in holographic models of thermalization

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    We investigate the analytic structure of thermal energy-momentum tensor correlators at large but finite coupling in quantum field theories with gravity duals. We compute corrections to the quasinormal spectra of black branes due to the presence of higher derivative R2R^2 and R4R^4 terms in the action, focusing on the dual to N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM theory and Gauss-Bonnet gravity. We observe the appearance of new poles in the complex frequency plane at finite coupling. The new poles interfere with hydrodynamic poles of the correlators leading to the breakdown of hydrodynamic description at a coupling-dependent critical value of the wave-vector. The dependence of the critical wave vector on the coupling implies that the range of validity of the hydrodynamic description increases monotonically with the coupling. The behavior of the quasinormal spectrum at large but finite coupling may be contrasted with the known properties of the hierarchy of relaxation times determined by the spectrum of a linearized kinetic operator at weak coupling. We find that the ratio of a transport coefficient such as viscosity to the relaxation time determined by the fundamental non-hydrodynamic quasinormal frequency changes rapidly in the vicinity of infinite coupling but flattens out for weaker coupling, suggesting an extrapolation from strong coupling to the kinetic theory result. We note that the behavior of the quasinormal spectrum is qualitatively different depending on whether the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density is greater or less than the universal, infinite coupling value of /4πkB\hbar/4\pi k_B. In the former case, the density of poles increases, indicating a formation of branch cuts in the weak coupling limit, and the spectral function shows the appearance of narrow peaks. We also discuss the relation of the viscosity-entropy ratio to conjectured bounds on relaxation time in quantum systems.Comment: V2: 53 pages, 31 figures. References adde

    Adding new branches to the "Christmas tree" of the quasinormal spectrum of black branes

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    In holography, quasinormal spectra of black branes coincide with the poles of retarded finite-temperature correlation functions of a dual quantum field theory in the limit of infinite number of relevant degrees of freedom such as colours. For asymptotically anti-de Sitter backgrounds, the spectra form a characteristic pattern in the complex frequency plane, colloquially known as the "Christmas tree". At infinite coupling, the tree has only one pair of branches. At large but finite coupling, the branches become more dense and lift up towards the real axis, consistent with the expectation of forming a branch cut in the limit of zero coupling. However, it is known that at zero coupling, the corresponding correlators generically have not one but multiple branch cuts separated by intervals proportional to the Matsubara frequency. This suggests the existence of multiple branches of the "Christmas tree" spectrum in dual gravity. In this note, we show numerically how these additional branches of the spectrum can emerge from the dual gravitational action with higher-derivative terms. This phenomenon appears to be robust, yet, reproducing the expected weak coupling behaviour of the correlators quantitatively implies the existence of certain constraints on the coefficients of the higher-derivative terms of the dual gravity theory.Comment: V2: 13 pages, 8 figures. Version to appear in JHE

    The complex life of hydrodynamic modes

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    We study analytic properties of the dispersion relations in classical hydrodynamics by treating them as Puiseux series in complex momentum. The radii of convergence of the series are determined by the critical points of the associated complex spectral curves. For theories that admit a dual gravitational description through holography, the critical points correspond to level-crossings in the quasinormal spectrum of the dual black hole. We illustrate these methods in N=4{\cal N}=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions, in a holographic model with broken translation symmetry in 2+1 dimensions, and in conformal field theory in 1+1 dimensions. We comment on the pole-skipping phenomenon in thermal correlation functions, and show that it is not specific to energy density correlations.Comment: V3: 54 pages, 18 figures. Appendix added. Version to appear in JHE

    Holographic zero sound at finite temperature

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    We use gauge-gravity duality to study the temperature dependence of the zero sound mode and the fundamental matter diffusion mode in the strongly coupled {\cal N}=4 SU(N_c) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with N_f {\cal N}=2 hypermultiplets in the N_c>>1, N_c>>N_f limit, which is holographically realized via the D3/D7 brane system. In the high density limit \mu>>T, three regimes can be identified in the behavior of these modes, analogous to the collisionless quantum, collisionless thermal and hydrodynamic regimes of a Landau Fermi-liquid. The transitions between the three regimes are characterized by the parameters T/\mu and (T/\mu)^2 respectively, and in each of these regimes the modes have a distinctively different temperature and momentum dependence. The collisionless-hydrodynamic transition occurs when the zero sound poles of the density-density correlator in the complex frequency plane collide on the imaginary axis to produce a hydrodynamic diffusion pole. We observe that the properties characteristic of a Landau Fermi-liquid zero sound mode are present in the D3/D7 system despite the atypical T^6/\mu^3 temperature scaling of the specific heat and an apparent lack of a directly identifiable Fermi surface.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, 3 animation

    On the convergence of the gradient expansion in hydrodynamics

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    Hydrodynamic excitations corresponding to sound and shear modes in fluids are characterised by gapless dispersion relations. In the hydrodynamic gradient expansion, their frequencies are represented by power series in spatial momenta. We investigate the analytic structure and convergence properties of the hydrodynamic series by studying the associated spectral curve in the space of complexified frequency and complexified spatial momentum. For the strongly coupled N=4{\cal N}=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma, we use the holographic duality methods to demonstrate that the derivative expansions have finite non-zero radii of convergence. Obstruction to the convergence of hydrodynamic series arises from level-crossings in the quasinormal spectrum at complex momenta.Comment: V3: 5 pages, 2 figures. Final version. Published in Physical Review Letters with the title "Convergence of the Gradient Expansion in Hydrodynamics

    Quasinormal modes of black holes and black branes

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    Quasinormal modes are eigenmodes of dissipative systems. Perturbations of classical gravitational backgrounds involving black holes or branes naturally lead to quasinormal modes. The analysis and classification of the quasinormal spectra require solving non-Hermitian eigenvalue problems for the associated linear differential equations. Within the recently developed gauge-gravity duality, these modes serve as an important tool for determining the near-equilibrium properties of strongly coupled quantum field theories, in particular their transport coefficients, such as viscosity, conductivity and diffusion constants. In astrophysics, the detection of quasinormal modes in gravitational wave experiments would allow precise measurements of the mass and spin of black holes as well as new tests of general relativity. This review is meant as an introduction to the subject, with a focus on the recent developments in the field

    Transport peak in thermal spectral function of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma at intermediate coupling

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    We study the structure of thermal spectral function of the stress-energy tensor in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at intermediate 't Hooft coupling and infinite number of colors. In gauge-string duality, this analysis reduces to the study of classical bulk supergravity with higher-derivative corrections, which correspond to (inverse) coupling corrections on the gauge theory side. We extrapolate the analysis of perturbative leading-order corrections to intermediate coupling by nonperturbatively solving the equations of motion of metric fluctuations dual to the stress-energy tensor at zero spatial momentum. We observe the emergence of a separation of scales in the analytic structure of the thermal correlator associated with two types of characteristic relaxation modes. As a consequence of this separation, the associated spectral function exhibits a narrow structure in the small frequency region which controls the dynamics of transport in the theory and may be described as a transport peak typically found in perturbative, weakly interacting thermal field theories. We compare our results with generic expectations drawn from perturbation theory, where such a structure emerges as a consequence of the existence of quasiparticles

    Book review: Handbook on Transport and Development

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    This paper reviews: Book Review: Handbook on Transport and Development. R Hickman, M Givoni, D Bonilla and D Banister. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2015, ISBN 978-0-85793-725-4 (hardback), £210·00, 698 pp