1,320 research outputs found

    Measurement of D0– mixing and search for CP violation in D0 → K+K−,π+π− decays with the full Belle data set

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    We report an improved measurement of D0–D0 mixing and a search for CP violation in D0 decays to CP-even final states K+K− and π+π−. The measurement is based on the final Belle data sample of 976 fb−1

    Biosigurnost od zoonoza na farmama za uzgoj domaćih preživača

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    Veterinarians in buiatric practice, alongside veterinary care and animal welfare, are also responsible for protecting assisting personnel and those working on the holding from zoonoses. Therefore, they need to be knowledgeable about common zoonotic diseases of ruminants, in particular, and protection from their contraction. Veterinarians should know which zoonotic diseases are present in their country and neighbouring countries to be prepared to advise. Zoonotic diseases of ruminants often show no typical clinical presentation, so awareness of self-protective behaviour when dealing with animals in the prevention of zoonoses is very important. This article provides a review of the common zoonoses of domestic ruminants in South-East Europe that are transmitted when handling animals, and their manner of transmission to humans. Safety culture in ruminant production relates to employee attitudes and behaviour concerning health and safety, which also has a significant impact on zoonosis prevention. Improving the safety culture among livestock sector workers and worker behaviours that prevent the risk of zoonoses are also discussed.Veterinari su u buiatričkoj praksi, uz vete- rinarsku skrb i dobrobit životinja, odgovorni i za zaštitu pomoćnog osoblja i osoblja koje radi na gospodarstvima od zoonoza. Stoga trebaju posjedovati znanje o uobičajenim zoonotskim bolestima preživača, posebno o zaštiti od obolijevanja od takvih bolesti. Veterinari bi trebali znati koje su zoonotske bolesti prisutne u njihovoj, kao i u susjednim zemljama kako bi bili spremni savjetovati osoblje na gospodarstvima. Zoonotske bolesti preživača često ne pokazuju nikakve tipične kliničke znakove, stoga je svijest o ponašanju u svrhu samozaštite kada se radi sa životinjama vrlo bitna u prevenciji zoonoza. Ovaj članak sadrži analizu uobičajenih zoonoza u domaćih preživača u jugoistočnoj Europi koje se pre- nose radeći sa životinjama te načina njihovog prenošenja na ljude. Osviještenost djelatnika o sigurnosti zaštite od zoonoza u proizvodnji preživača odnosi se na stavove i ponaša- nje zaposlenika u svezi zdravlja i sigurnosti, što isto tako ima znatan učinak na prevenciju zoonoze. Ujedno se raspravlja o povećanju osviještenosti djelatnika o sigurnosti zaštite od zoonoza među djelatnicima u stočarskom sektoru i ponašanjima radnika koja sprječa- vaju rizike od zoonoza

    Photon detectors for positron emission tomography

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    Various methods for the prevention of milk fever (MF) in dry dairy cows are available. We decided on intramuscular (i/m) administration of high vitamin D3 doses and oral administration of anionic salts. On three dairy farms with similar dietary treatments these two methods were applied in 30 Black and White cows. The first experimental group of cows (n = 10; DCAD =+95.99 mEq/kg DM) was given 10 ml Duphafral® Vit. D3 1000 (i/m) one week before the expected calving. The second group (n = 10; DCDA = –99.00 mEq/kg DMI) was orally administered 300 g of anionic salts (KatAn® ) per day two weeks before calving. The third group of cows (n = 10, DCDA =+95.99 mEq/kg DMI) was the control group. During the experimental period we controlled the clinical status of cows and venal blood samples were taken (2 and 1 week before parturition, 1, 2 and 7 days postpartum) for the determination of Ca, iP and Mg values. It was established that best preventive results were achieved by i/m application of vitamin D3. Only one cow from this group was two days after parturition affected by MF; in serum we found 1.47 mmol/L Ca; 0.71 mmol/L iP; 1.37 mmol/L Mg. In KatAn® group one cow was affected by typical MF (1.65 mmol/L Ca; 1.40 mmol/L iP; 1.25mmol/L Mg) the first day after calving and one cow showed retained foetal membranes. In the control group the incidence of the diseases was considerably higher. One cow had MF (1.34 mmol/L Ca; 0.83 mmol/L iP; 1.48 mmol/L Mg), one had retained foetal Membranes and one cow showed left-side displacement of the abomasums within one week after calving. On the basis of the analyses of clinical-laboratory data we are of the opinion that the best prophylactic measure for the prevention of milk fever and with it related diseases on small and medium large farms in Slovenia is i/m administration of high doses of vitamin D3.Postoje razne metode za prevenciju mliječne groznice (MF) u zasušenih mliječnih krava. Mi smo se odlučili za intramuskularnu (i/m) primjenu velikih doza vitamina D3 i oralnu primjenu anionskih soli. Ove SU dvije metode primijenjene na 30 crno-bijelih krava na tri mliječne farme sa sličnim postupcima hranidbe. Prva pokusna skupina krava (n=10; DCAD = + 95.99m/g/kg DM) dobila je 10 ml Duphaprala vit. D3 1000 (i/m) jedan tjedan prije očekivanog teljenja. Druga skupina (n=lO; DCDA = - 99.00 mEq/kg DMI) dobila je oralno 300 g anionskih soli (KatAn®) na dan dva tjedna prije teljenja. Treća skupina krava (n=10; DCDA = + 95.99 mEq/kg DMI) bila je kontrolna skupina. U pokusnom razdoblju kontrolirali smo klinički status krava i uzeli uzorke krvi iz vene (2 i 1 tjedan prije porođaja, 1, 2 i 7 dana postpartum) radi određivanja vrijednosti Ca, iP i Mg. Utvrđeno je da su najbolji preventivni rezultati postignuti i/m primjenom vitamina D3. Samo je jedna krava iz ove skupine oboljela od MF dva dana nakon porođaja; u serumu smo našli 1.47 mmol/L Ca; 0.71 mmol/L iP; 1.37 mmol/L Mg. U skupini KatAn jedna je krava oboljela od tipične MF (1.65 mmol/L Ca; 1.40mmol/L iP; 1.25 mmol/L Mg) prvog dana nakon teljenja, a kod jedne je krave zadržana posteljica. U kontrolnoj skupini pojava bolesti bila je znatno veća. Jedna je krava imala MF (1.34 mmol/L Ca; 0.83 mmol/L iP; 1.48 mmol/LMg), jedna je zadržala posteljicu, a kod jedne je došlo do skretanja abomasuma u lijevo u prvom tjednu nakon teljenja. Na temelju analiza kliničkih laboratorijskih podataka mišljenja smo da je najbolja profilaktička mjera za prevenciju mliječne groznice i srodnih oboljenja na malim i srednje velikim mliječnim farmama u Sloveniji i/m primjena velikih doza vitamina D3

    Concept design of video detection system in road traffic management system.

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    The presented work is dealing with virtual detection on video image analysis. The thesis presents all major parts and of video detection and their correlation within video detection systems. Video detection systems as traffic detectors are analyzed and their capabilities and limitations within traffic management systems are presented. The emphasis of this thesis is on virtual detector layout, its properties and on their role as a subsystem in a traffic management system. The last chapter presents examples of video detection system usage within a traffic management system. There is a special outline on video detection systems role and limitations when installed, acquired on experience with installment of video detection systems in traffic management systems in Slovenia

    Apparatus for positron emission tomography

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    New Experiments with Antiprotons

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    Fermilab operates the world's most intense antiproton source. Newly proposed experiments can use those antiprotons either parasitically during Tevatron Collider running or after the Tevatron Collider finishes in about 2011. For example, the annihilation of 8 GeV antiprotons might make the world's most intense source of tagged D^0 mesons, and thus the best near-term opportunity to study charm mixing and, via CP violation, to search for new physics. Other potential measurements include sensitive studies of hyperons and of the mysterious X, Y, and Z states. Production of antihydrogen in flight can be used for first searches for antihydrogen CPT violation. With antiproton deceleration to low energy, an experiment using a Penning trap and an atom interferometer could make the world's first measurement of the gravitational force on antimatter.Comment: Prepared for the Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics (SSP2009), June 2-5, 2009, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwa