2,039 research outputs found

    Stereoscopic Analysis of Fatigue Products of Photochromic Triarylemethane Leucocyanide Dyes

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    Thin layer chromatography and infrared spectroscopy were used to identify the fatigue products of malachite green, crystal violet, and new fuschine leucocyanides in dimethylsulfoxide and reagent alcohol. In DMSO solutions, a yellow substance with an absorption peak near 350 nanometers and a decomposition product of DMSO were found. The latter product appeared to be a mixture of several compounds, including water, dimethylsulfite , and dimethylsulfone, and was found to cause unfatigued solutions to fatigue with no exposure. In leucocyanide in reagent alcohol solutions , the leucohydroxide and leucoethoxide forms of the dyes were found in fatigued solutions. The Rf values of these compounds were used to identify the fatigue products of the leucocyanide solutions. These compounds were found to have worse photochromism than the leucocyanide forms of the dyes. The photochromic properties of the leucocyanides were determined for up to 200 exposures. The maximum density was found to decrease linearly for a number of exposures and then level off. The fade time stayed constant and then increased exponentially. The yellow fatigue product concentration in DMSO increased exponentially and then leveled off, and the leucoethoxide fatigue product in reagent alcohol concentration increased linearly. A three factor ANOVA was performed on malachite green and crystal violet leucocyanide in DMSO, with oxygen level, water level, and tempurature as the factors. Some water was found to be beneficial to photochromism and fatigue. Temperature had an adverse effect on maximum density and fatigue, and oxygen had little effect by itself, but did interact with water to increase photochromism and fatigue. A subsequent investigation showed an optimum level of water for both photochromism and fatigue at fifteen percent water

    The Development of Theory of Mind in Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing Preschool Children

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    Theory-of-mind (ToM) is a conceptual framework used for interpreting human social activity (Astington, 2003). ToM has traditionally been conceptualized as an understanding of false belief, which is the understanding that people have different beliefs about the same object or situation and that those beliefs may not be consistent with reality. Hearing children acquire false belief between 4- and 5-years-of-age. In contrast, many deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) children show developmental delays in false belief, sometimes stretching into adolescence (Courtin, 2000; Jackson, 2001; Peterson & Siegel, 1995). Wellman and Liu (2004) have argued that false belief is just one step in a progression of the child’s understanding of mental states. They created and validated a five-step ToM scale that assesses a series of related understandings of mental states, beginning with the understanding of desires and ending with false belief. Peterson and Wellman (2009) found that school-age DHH children showed delays on the ToM scale. In addition, they found that DHH school-age children developed ToM in a different sequential order from hearing preschoolers. The present study examines the development of ToM in DHH and hearing preschoolers—the time period when ToM develops for hearing children. The primary goals of the present study are to compare the developmental sequence of ToM in DHH and hearing children, while also addressing the measurement properties of the scale. One hundred and eighty one children (109 hearing, 72 DHH; M age = 50 months) were tested on the 5-item ToM scale. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the results suggest that 1) DHH children are not delayed in their overall ToM compared to hearing children, but there are differences by task, 2) DHH and hearing children follow a similar sequence of ToM, and 3) the five tasks that make up the ToM scale reasonably measure a single construct within both groups

    Analyzing Potential Benefits of Heat Integration Designs for a DTBP Production Plant

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    This thesis looks at the implementation of various heat integration designs for a ditertiary butyl peroxide (DTBP) production plant. Heat integration, also known as process integration, is a common industrial practice in the chemical process industry to reduce utility costs. Heat integration is commonly analyzed using pinch technology, which focuses producing a heat exchanger design that pairs hot streams with excess energy with cold streams that need to be heated. These designs usually cut utility costs, but they also require the building of more heat exchangers to place within the process

    The Diffusion of British Steam Technology and the First Creation of America\u27s Urban Proletariat

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    The intent of this thesis project is to thoroughly analyze the effects of the transatlantic transfer of British steam engine machinery to the United States during the Antebellum and Gilded Ages. The American assimilation of British steam engine technology sustained improvements in industrial production, commerce, and transportation. In the process, transforming the work habits of native-born Americans and recent European immigrants by creating the need for a more mobile labor force while leading to the first urban proletariat in American society. The transatlantic transfer of textile machine technology disseminated to America from England, during the Republic, had initiated the movement from a predominantly agrarian to and industrial society However, despite this fact, American improvements in the application of British steam engine technology perpetuated urban industrialization and westward expansion during the Antebellum and Gilded Ages. Meeting the needs of developing urban industrial centers meant being able to supply a more mobile and diverse labor force Industrial capitalists would be able to accomplish this task by totally control the means of production through the utilization of steam power in the manufacturing and transportation processes. This newly created labor force would not only include the exploitation of lower class native-born Americans, individuals from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds, but would also include women and children as well. Therefore, the primary focus of this thesis project will be to examine how the incorporation of American steam engine machinery in agriculture, industry, and transportation recreated American society during the Antebellum and Gilded Ages. Specifically analyzing the interaction between steam technology, labor, and the social and cultural institutions effected by its various applications. Each of these particular factors, in turn, had a profound effect on members of the labor class, and recent European immigrants, exposed to the utilization of steam machinery on a more frequent basis. The American transformation of British steam technology would not only create a more mobile labor force needed for industrial expansion, but also modify the organizational structure and function of the corporate bureaucracies that controlled labor. This particular organizational feature would be further refined with the advent of the steam locomotive connecting urban industrial and rural regions throughout the United States during the Gilded Age

    I Commentarii e Pio II: suggestioni artistiche e luoghi del sacro

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    Questo capolavoro letterario rende perfettamente la personalità complessa, a tratti drammatica e contraddittoria del suo autore. Gli interessi vastissimi, quasi enciclopedici, di Pio II, da quelli storici a quelli geografici, da quelli politici a quelli artistici, da quelli teorici sulla monarchia a quelli più strettamente religiosi e teologici, confluiscono tutti in questo testo straordinario, che non teme confronti nella coeva letteratura umanistica, anche per la sua prosa latina, concisa, fulminante, priva di sbavature. I Commentarii sono l’opera di un uomo maturo di anni e di esperienze, che sente la necessità di stendere il grave bilancio di una vita intera e insieme del suo secolo Forse il punto di maggior forza nella scrittura dei Commentari è: “… la coscienza del potere evocativo delle immagini, la fiducia che le opere d’arte possono suggestionare le menti e persuadere le coscienze”. In questo senso le descrizioni presenti nei Commentarii possono essere considerate una fonte interessantissima, non del tutto esplorata ancor oggi, per la storia del’arte. Questa attenzione vivissima che Pio II riservò alle arti, e dal concreto riflesso che ebbe sulla sua opera di committente, vuole diventare l’orizzonte di riferimento per lo sviluppo del nostro discorso, raccogliendo altresì quel suggerimento in precedenza compitato di vagliare tra le pieghe delle descrizioni di argomento storico-artistico, anche quando questo si riveli all’attenzione in senso lato, presenti nei Commentarii

    VASCOMP 2. The V/STOL aircraft sizing and performance computer program. Volume 6: User's manual, revision 3

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    This report describes the use of the V/STOL Aircraft Sizing and Performance Computer Program (VASCOMP II). The program is useful in performing aircraft parametric studies in a quick and cost efficient manner. Problem formulation and data development were performed by the Boeing Vertol Company and reflects the present preliminary design technology. The computer program, written in FORTRAN IV, has a broad range of input parameters, to enable investigation of a wide variety of aircraft. User oriented features of the program include minimized input requirements, diagnostic capabilities, and various options for program flexibility

    Uncoupling protein 2: a key player and a potential therapeutic target in vascular diseases

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    Uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) is an inner mitochondrial membrane protein that belongs to the uncoupling protein family and plays an important role in lowering mitochondrial membrane potential and dissipating metabolic energy with prevention of oxidative stress accumulation. In the present article, we will review the evidence that UCP2, as a consequence of its roles within the mitochondria, represents a critical player in the predisposition to vascular disease development in both animal models and in humans, particularly in relation to obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. The deletion of the UCP2 gene contributes to atherosclerosis lesion development in the knockout mice, also showing significantly shorter lifespan. The UCP2 gene downregulation is a key determinant of higher predisposition to renal and cerebrovascular damage in an animal model of spontaneous hypertension and stroke. In contrast, UCP2 overexpression improves both hyperglycemia- and high-salt diet-induced endothelial dysfunction and ameliorates hypertensive target organ damage in SHRSP. Moreover, drugs (fenofibrate and sitagliptin) and several vegetable compounds (extracts from Brassicaceae, berberine, curcumin, and capsaicin) are able to induce UCP2 expression level and to exert beneficial effects on the occurrence of vascular damage. As a consequence, UCP2 becomes an interesting therapeutic target for the treatment of common human vascular diseases
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