353 research outputs found

    Merkmale der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugung in den Siedlungen der Starčevo-Kultur im Gebiet zwischen dem heutigen Vinkovci und Slavonski Brod, Kroatien

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    Obavljena su istraživanja deset lokaliteta starčevačke kulture u istočnom dijelu Hrvatske. Starčevačka je kultura na prostoru naših istraživanja trajala od 6000. do oko 5100. prije Krista. Lokaliteti su smješteni na površini od oko 1100 km2 između gradova Vinkovaca i Slavonskog Broda. Analizirane su tehnologije poljoprivredne proizvodnje, procijenjena mogućnost obujma proizvodnje i, na osnovi toga, mogući rast brojnosti stanovništva. Upotrebljavane su efikasne tehnologije proizvodnje žitarica i mesa goveda. Za uspješnu i opsežniju proizvodnju žitarica i mesa goveda bile su potrebne šumske biljne zajednice. Zaključeno je da je stanovništvo doseljeno, jer nema nalaza koji bi dokazivali postupni razvoj poljoprivrednih tehnologija. Uzgajali su emmer (Triticum dicoccum) i einkorn (Triticum monococcum) te već domesticirane ovce, a mjesto domestikacije emmera, einkorna i ovce su područja Palestine i Anatolije. S istraženoga područja nastavilo se seljenje prema zapadu Hrvatske gdje se javlja linearnotrakasta keramika koja se daljnjim seljenjem, uz prenošenje žitarica (emmera i einkorna) i ovčarske proizvodnje, proširila do područja Nizozemske i Ukrajine, a brže seljenje odvijalo se u smjerovima na kojima su se nalazile šumske biljne zajednice. Prijelaz iz starčevačke u sopotsku kulturu koji karakteriziraju veće društvene promjene, mogao je ubrzati iseljavanje stanovništva iz južne i zapadne Panonije.Research of ten sites of the Starčevo culture in the eastern part of Croatia has been published. The Starčevo culture, in the area of our research, existed from 6000 to 5100 B.C. The sites are situated in an area of 1100 square km between the towns Vinkovci and Slavonski Brod. The authors of the research analysed technologies of agricultural production, assessed the possibility of production volume thus estimating the possible growth of population. Efficient technologies of cereal crops and beef production were used. For a successful and more extensive production of cereals and beef woodland plant communities were needed. It has been concluded that the inhabitants were settlers because there are no findings to prove a gradual development of agricultural technologies. They cultivated emmer (Triticum dicoccum), and einkorn (Triticum monococcum) and raised already domesticated sheep, Palestine and Anatolia being the places of domestication for emmer, einkorn and sheep. From the area researched movement continued towards the west of Croatia where linear-stripped ceramics could be found, moving further again with the crops (emmer and einkorn) and sheep raising, spreading all the way to the Netherlands as well as Ukraine, while a faster movement took place in the directions where there were woodland plant communities to be found. The transformation from the Starčevo to the Sopot culture, characterised by significant social changes, could have quickened the pace of emigration from southern and west Panonia.Der Artikel berichtet über die Erforschung von Siedlungsresten an insgesamt zehn Lokalitäten der Starčevo-Kultur im Osten Kroatiens. Die in diesem Raum nachgewiesene Kultur dauerte von 6000 bis etwa 5100 v.Chr. Die Siedlungsreste befinden sich auf einer Fläche von ungefähr 1100 km2 zwischen den Städten Vinkovci und Slavonski Brod. Man analysierte die zu jener Zeit verfügbare Technologie der Feldbestellung, unternahm eine Schätzung des landwirtschaftlichen Ertrags sowie aufgrund dessen eine Schätzung des Bevölkerungswachstums. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass wirksame Methoden zur Getreidegewinnung und Rinderzucht angewandt worden waren. Zur Steigerung der Erzeugung von Getreide und Rindfleisch war der Aufenthalt in der unmittelbaren Nähe von Wald-Pflanzengemeinschaften notwendig. Die Forschung kam zum Schluss, dass es sich bei den Menschen der Starčevo-Kultur um Zuzügler handelte, da es keinerlei Nachweise gibt, die die allmähliche Entwicklung landwirtschaftlicher Technologien bestätigen. Angebaut wurden Emmer (Triticum dicoccum) und Einkorn (Triticum monococcum), als Haustiere dienten bereits domestizierte Schafe. Es ist jedoch bekannt, dass die genannten Getreidearten sowie das Schaf im Gebiet Palästinas und Anatoliens domestiziert wurden. Die Menschen der Starčevo-Kultur setzten ihre Wanderung in das Gebiet Westkroatiens, wo die ersten Gefäße aus Schnurkeramik gefunden wurden, fort. Von dort weitete sich die Schnurkeramik mitsamt dem darin transportierten Getreide (Emmer und Einkorn) wie auch die Schafzucht bis in das Gebiet der heutigen Niederlande und der Ukraine aus. In waldreichen Gegenden gingen die Wanderzüge schneller vor sich. Der Übergang von der Starčevo- zur Sopot-Kultur, den bedeutende gesellschaftliche Wandel charakterisieren, hat möglicherweise die Auswanderung der in Süd- und Westpannonien lebenden Volksstämme beschleunigt

    Population Growth in the Border Villages of Srem, Serbia

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    Population growth in the border villages of Srem (Vojvodina, Serbia) has been analysed in this paper, with the goal of explaining how and why it differed from other areas in the region. Special attention has been paid to the 1990s, because these villages became part of a border region and a high level of migration on the territory of the former Yugoslavia occurred, much of it through this territory. The results of the research are derived from literary resources and applying mathematical and statistical procedures in the processing of data received from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. They were checked on the field via a questionnaire. This paper is significant because it enriches knowledge about villages of Srem, the municipality of Šid and population trends at the end of the 20th century

    Die Auswirkungen des Krieges auf die Einwohnerzahlen in Bosnien und Herzegowina und Kroatien 1991–1998

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    Na temelju dostupnih izvora te vlastitih procjena, autor u ovom članku raspravlja o utjecaju rata (1991. – 1995.) na demografske promjene u Bosni i Hercegovini 1991. – 1998. godine. Pri tome se posebno analizira (demografska) sudbina Hrvata i daje procjena o veličini "izbjegličkog prinosa" na kretanje ukupnog broja stanovnika Hrvatske.Based on available resources and individual estimates the author of this text discusses the impact of war (1991-1995) on demographic changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1991-1998. He especially analyses the (demographic) fate of Croats and assesses the magnitude of the “refugees’ contribution” to Croatia’s total population trend.Ausgehend von den zur Verfügung stehenden Quellen als auch von eigenen Schätzungen erörtert der Verfasser dieses Artikels die Auswirkungen des Krieges (1991–95) auf die demographische Lage in Bosnien und Herzegowina 1991–98. Dabei befasst er sich insbesondere mit dem (demographischen) Schicksal der dort lebenden Kroaten und gibt Schätzungen zum Ausmaß der Flüchtlingswelle, die die Gesamteinwohnerzahl Kroatiens nachhaltig beeinflusste

    Financial sector and economic growth in the Republic of Croatia 1995-2005

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    Financial sector in the Republic of Croatia had a strong growth between 1995 2005.g. Liberalization of financial sector in 1999 led to an increase in bank foreign debt, which resulted in a strong increase in foreign currency reserves and appreciation of the national currency. The growth of the financial sector and credit expansion have been allocated in favour of private and public consumption, but not in industry investments. GDP growth didn't have the same momentum as financial aggregates. Economic growth, after a contraction in 1999 was within the average of global economic growth. Relying on neoclassical growth model, government and central bank didn't put in place the needed set of pro-active policies. Factor allocation was solely through private bank channels financing private consumption. If the sustainable economic growth and new employment are to be major macroeconomic goals, a new macroeconomic paradigm as combination of neclassical and neokeynesians approach will be needed

    Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Rural Area of Croatia

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    Rural areas, where 47.6% of the Croatian population lives are not generally the focus of research; yet there are challenges which affect the rural population that often go unreported. These communities often exhibit disadvantages in many areas of health. The aim of this study is to examine the specific health needs and related determinants of rural populations influenced by transition that were affected by the consequences of war. The focus of the research is rural lifestyle, behaviour and cardiovascular risk factors in three villages of Sisa~ko-moslava~ka County. Results show that participants generally understand that their own lifestyles influence their health, but they often neglect to change their behaviour to improve their health. This can be explained through complex socio-economic conditions and traditional values of their heritage. These results suggest a need for further research on health status, attitude, and behaviour of Croatia’s rural population. Specific public health intervention and services for rural populations must be promoted

    Chosen socio-demographic indicators of the development of Croatia and Croatian counties

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    Procesi i trendovi u razvoju stanovništva (napose strukturnom) nameću se značajnim okvirom ili odrednicom gospodarskoga razvoja. Oni su istodobno i razmjerno pouzdani indikatori ukupne društveno-gospodarske razvijenosti na nekom prostoru. Sociodemografski indikatori analizirani i prikazani u ovome prilogu važni su za ocjenu dosegnute razine društveno-gospodarske razvijenosti Hrvatske, ali i regionalnih aspekata toga razvoja s obzirom na signifikantne razlike koje u vrijednosti pojedinih indikatora postoje među hrvatskim županijama. Kao reprezentativni sociodemografski indikatori na razini Hrvatske i županija izdvojeni su: indeks promjene broja stanovnika izme|u 1991. i 2001. godine, indeks starenja, koeficijent ukupne dobne ovisnosti, opća stopa aktivnosti ukupnog stanovništva, stopa zaposlenosti, stopa nezaposlenosti i “indeks obrazovanosti”. Rangirajući županije prema navedenim indikatorima, može se ustanoviti njihova hijerarhija, s dva jasno istaknuta pola: Međimurskom i šibensko-kninskom županijom. Prema većini izdvojenih sociodemografskih indikatora, naročito s obzirom na op}u stopu aktivnosti, indeks starenja te stopu zaposlenosti i nezaposlenosti, Međimurska se županija može apostrofirati kao županija s najvišom dosegnutom razinom društveno-gospodarske razvijenosti, i to kako u odnosu na druge hrvatske županije, tako i u odnosu na Hrvatsku u cijelosti.The processes and trends in the population development (especially in structural development) became the very important determinant of the economic development. Those processes are also relatively reliable indicators of total socio – economic development in certain region. Socio – economic indicators, analysed and shown in this paper are important for evaluation of the reached level of socio – economic development of Croatia. The mentioned indicators are also important for the evaluation of regional socio – economic development of Croatia, due to significant differences in certain indicators among Croatian counties. The following representative socio – demographic indicators for both, Croatia in general and Croatian counties are selected: index of population change for the period 1991 – 2001, index of ageing, coefficient of total age dependence, general rate of activity of total population, employment rate, unemployment rate and “index of education”. By ranking the counties according to the mentioned indicators, the hierarchy with two clearly defined poles can be established. Those poles are Me|imurje county and Šibenik – Knin county. With the consideration of the most of selected socio – economic indicators, especially general activity rate, index of ageing and rates of employment and unemployment, the county of Međimurje can be shown as the county with the highest level of socio – economic development, in relation to other Croatian counties, as well as to Croatia in general

    Schätzungen zur Zahl der von der Volkszählung 1991 bis zum 30. Juni 1998 aus der Republik Kroatien ausgewanderten Kroaten

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    U prvom su dijelu rada navedeni nedostaci statističkog praćenja vanjskih migracija u popisima stanovništva između 1971. i 1991. godine. Velika teškoća pri procjeni iseljenih hrvatskih građana proizlazi i zbog statističkog neevidentiranja kretanja i obujma izlaznih migracija. Budući da se, uz to, iseljavanje iz Hrvatske na početku analiziranog razdoblja zbivalo u ratnim okolnostima, procjena vanjskih migracija postaje vrlo kompleksna problematika. Stoga su ukratko nabrojeni i glavni razlozi daljnjeg iseljavanja iz Hrvatske devedesetih godina. Demografsko-analitičkom procjenom određen je broj vanjskih migranata između svake promatrane godine što je rezultiralo ukupnim kontingentom od približno 130 tisuća iseljenog stanovništva iz Republike Hrvatske između 1991. i 1998. godine. Time je broj hrvatskih građana koji rade ili borave u inozemstvu povećan s 285.000 (1991. godine) na oko 415.000 (1998.). Na kraju rada procijenjen je i broj iseljenog hrvatskog stanovništva po godinama za svaku županiju.In the first part of the paper the author has presented the insufficiencies of statistical follow-ups of external migrations in the censuses from 1971 and 1991. The great difficulty in estimating the number of emigrated Croatian citizens emerges also from not recording statistically the trends and scope of migrations out of the country. Since, in addition, at the beginning of the period analysed people emigrated from Croatia in circumstances of war, the assessment of external migrations has become a very complex issue. Therefore, the author has also enumerated the main reasons for further emigration from Croatia in the nineties. In a demographic analytical assessment the number of external migrants was determined for every year observed which resulted in an overall contingent of approximately 130 thousand emigrants from the Republic of Croatia between 1991 and 1998. Thus the number of Croatian citizens working or residing abroad was increased from 285 000 (in 1991) to 415 000 (in 1998). In the end the size of the Croatian emigrant population was assessed annually and for each county separately.Im ersten Teil dieser Studie werden die Nachteile angeführt, die sich bei der statistischen Erfassung (Volkszählungen) der Auslandsmigrationen zwischen 1971 und 1991 ergeben. Die Einschätzung der Zahl abgewanderter Kroaten ist u.a. deshalb so schwierig, weil die Abwanderung selbst und ihr Umfang nicht verzeichnet wurden. Da der Auswanderungstrend zu Beginn des untersuchten Zeitraums mit dem Kriegszustand in Kroatien zusammenfällt, wird die Einschätzung seines Umfangs zu einem äußerst komplexen Problem. Es sind daher die Hauptgründe für diesen auch weiterhin in den 90-ern zu beobachtenden Trend angeführt. Mittels einer demographisch-analytischen Schätzung wurde die Zahl der Auswanderer zwischen 1991 und 1998 bestimmt und insgesamt auf etwa 130.000 angesetzt. Somit vergrößert sich die Zahl der im Ausland lebenden und arbeitenden Kroaten von 285.000 (im Jahr 1991) auf etwa 415.000 (1998). Der Autor liefert abschließend eine Schätzung der Bevölkerungsabwanderung nach Gespanschaften in den einzelnen Jahren

    A contribution to procedures for the demographic evaluation of settlements

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    U članku je prikazan kvalitativni postupak demografskog vrednovanja naselja na temelju odabranih sedam uzročno povezanih demografskih pokazatelja. Vrednovanje je provedeno za prostor općine Pregrada, a naselja su svrstana u pripadajuće vrijednosne kategorije. Radi izbjegavanja subjektivnih elemenata vrednovanja, u prikazanom je kvalitativnom postupku obavljeno vrednovanje naselja u općini Pregrada i kvantitativnom metodom. Rezultati analize, u smislu demografskog značenja naselja i njihove važnosti u prostoru općine Pregrada, pokazali su sukladnost sa stvarnim prometno-geografskim položajem naselja u općini, i s tim u svezi s demografskim značenjem naselja u skupu naselja općine Pregrada.The article illustrates a qualitative procedure for the demographic evaluation of settlements based on seven interconnected demographic indicators. The procedure was used to classsify settlements in the Pregrada Municipality. To eliminate subjectivity present in the earlier qualitative procedure, settlements in the Pregrada Municipality were evaluated on the basis of a quantitative method. The results, in the sense of the demographic features of the settlements and their importance in the Pregrada Municipality, were congruent with the actual geographical and traffic position of the settlements in the municipality, and with their actual demographic importance in the Pregrada Municipality

    Kriegsauswirkungen und veränderte demographische Strukturen in Kroatien

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    Procjenjujući kretanje ukupnog stanovništva Hrvatske nakon popisa stanovništva 1991., a do godine 1998. uočili smo više nepovoljnih (i nepoželjnih) procesa u našem stanovništvu, nastalih u proteklih osam godina. U ovome radu analizirali smo tri, po našem mišljenju, najmanje poželjna procesa s aspekta budućeg razvitka hrvatskog pučanstva. Prvo je riječ o opadanju broja ukupnog stanovništva Hrvatske. Godine 1998. bilo je 6,5 posto stanovnika manje nego godine 1991. Drugi nepoželjan proces, povezan s prethodnim, jest značajno narušavanje teritorijalnog razmještaja našeg stanovništva. Napučenost hrvatskih županija vrlo je neujednačena. Tijekom dvadesetoga stoljeća neki su prostori postajali sve napućeniji (kao i prosječna napučenost Hrvatske), a drugi su pak doživjeli raspučivanje između godina 1991. i 1998. Upravo od ranije slabije napučeni prostori doživjeli su, zbog ratnih zbivanja, daljnje raspučivanje, pa je današnja slika napučenosti Hrvatske još nepovoljnija nego ona iz 1991. godine. Tako je, primjerice u 1998. godini na svega 12 posto sjeverozapadnog dijela Hrvatske (6.938 km2) čak 35 posto pučanstva Hrvatske (1.476.500 st.), a u devet županija središnjeg dijela Hrvatske (Koprivničko-križevačka, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska, Virovitičko-podravska, Požeško-slavonska, Sisačko-moslavačka, Karlovačka, Ličko-senjska, Zadarska i Šibensko-kninska) ili 50 posto hrvatskog teritorija (28.271 km2) živjelo svega 24 posto pučanstva (1.004.200) Hrvatske. Treći je važan, a nepoželjan proces, demografsko starenje čiju detaljnu analizu, uz moguće dugoročne posljedice za razvitak hrvatskoga pučanstva također iznosimo.In making estimates of the total population trends in Croatia in the period between the 1991 census and the year1998, the author has observed the appearance of several unsatisfactory (and undesirable) processes in Croatia’s population in the past eight years. In this paper three of these are analysed, according to the author’s opinion – the least desirable processes from the point of view of the future development of Croatian population. The first is a matter of total population decrease in Croatia. In 1998 there were 6.5% less inhabitants than in 1991. The second undesirable process, connected with the previous, is a considerable disturbance of the Croatian population’s territorial distribution. The population of Croatian counties is very uneven. During the twentieth century some areas were becoming increasingly populated (Croatia’s average population also grew), while other areas were losing inhabitants. Between 1991 and 1998 the previously scarcely populated areas experienced, due to war circumstances, a further loss of inhabitants, thus making the present situation even more unfavourable than the one in 1991. Therefore, in 1998 in the 12% of the northwestern Croatian territory (6,938 km2) lived as much as 35% of the population (1,476,500 inhabitants), while in nine counties of the central part of Croatia (Koprivničko – Križevačka, Bjelovarsko – Bilogorska, Virovitičko – Podravska, Požeško – Slavonska, Sisačko – Moslavačka, Karlovačka, Ličko – Senjska, Zadarska and Šibensko – Kninska) comprising 50% of the Croatian territory (28,271 km2) there was only 24% of the population (1,004,200 inhabitants). The third important yet undesirable process is demographic aging, about which a detailed analysis is also presented with possible long-term consequences regarding the development of the Croatian population.Aufgrund einer Auswertung der demographischen Bewegungen in Kroatien von der Volkszählung im Jahre 1991 bis zum Jahr 1998 entdeckte der Verfasser dieser Studie einige ungünstige (und unerwünschte) Vorgänge, die sich während der vergangenen acht Jahre in der kroatischen Bevölkerung breit gemacht haben. Die Arbeit analysiert drei Prozesse, die vom Aspekt der zukünftigen Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Kroatien am ungünstigsten sind. Es geht zunächst um den allgemeinen Bevölkerungsrückgang in Kroatien. 1998 verzeichnete man 6,5% weniger Einwohner als 1991. Der zweite ungünstige Umstand und eine Konsequenz des Obengenannten ist die ungleichmäßige territoriale Verteilung der Bevölkerung. Die Bevölkerungsdichte in den einzelnen Gespanschaften ist sehr unterschiedlich. Im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts wurden bestimmte Gebiete immer dichter besiedelt (parallel zum Anstieg der durchschnittlichen Bevölkerungsdichte), während andere eine immer stärkere Abwanderung der Bevölkerung zu verzeichnen hatten. Zwischen 1991 und 1998 erlebten gerade dünner besiedelte Landstriche infolge des Kriegsgeschehens einen weiteren Rückgang der Einwohnerzahlen, so dass der heutige Bevölkerungszustand Kroatiens noch ungünstiger ist als im Jahre 1991. So lebten etwa 1998 auf nur 12% des nordwestlichen Landesteils (6.938 km2) sogar 35% der kroatischen Gesamtbevölkerung (1.476.500 Einw.), während in den neun Gespanschaften Mittelkroatiens (Koprivnica-Križevci, Bjelovar-Bilogora, Virovitica-Podravina, Požega-Slawonien, Sisak-Moslavina, Karlovac, Lika-Senj, Zadar und Šibenik-Knin) bzw. auf der Hälfte des kroatischen Territoriums (28.271 km2) lediglich 24% der Bevölkerung (1.004.200 Einw.) lebten. Der dritte wichtige und äußerst ungünstige Umstand ist das zunehmende Durchschnittsalter der kroatischen Bevölkerung. Der Verfasser liefert dazu eine detaillierte Analyse und eine Prognose zu den möglichen langfristigen Konsequenzen