68 research outputs found

    Akumulacija teških metala i mikroelemenata u lucerki (Medicago sativa L.) gajenoj uz deonicu autoputa E75 Beograd-Leskovac

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    The contents of heavy metals and trace elements and their accumulation in Medicago sativa L., cultivated on Eutric cambisol along the E75 route section Belgrade-Leskovac, were examined in order to assess the health and safety of animal feed. The samples of soil and aerial parts of the plant material were collected from both sides of lanes at 10, 30, 50 and 400 m perpendicular to the direction of the highway. Soil and plant analyses of the metals content were done according to ICP methodology. The results showed that at the locality L 14, a distance of 30 and 50 meters away from the lanes, the content of total forms of Cr, Ni and Pb in soil was above the maximum permissible concentration. In the plant biomass it was determined the following: in a sample from the location L 14 at a distance of 50 meters from the lanes concentrations of Ni and Co were higher than normal values, and concentrations of Fe and Pb were above toxic levels or maximum tolerance levels for animal feed; determined Fe content in the sample of alfalfa at location L 11, 400 m away from the lanes, and Ni in the sample from the site D 12 at a distance of 50 m from the lanes, was above the normal values, while in the sample from D12 location, at a distance of 30 m from the lanes, the content of Pb was above the toxic levels or maximum tolerance levels for animal feed. The results suggest a caution in the use of alfalfa, grown near the highway route, for animal feed because of the potential entry of heavy metals into the food chain.U deset uzoraka zemljišnog i biljnog materijala duž trase autoputa E 75 kroz Republiku Srbiju, na deonici od Beograda do Leskovca, ispitan je sadržaj teških metala i mikroelemenata i njihova akumulacija u Medicago sativa L. gajenoj na eutričnom kambisolu, radi ocene zdravstvene ispravnosti stočne hrane. Uzorci zemljišta i nadzemnog dela biljnog materijala uzorkovani su sa obe strane kolovoznih traka i to na 10, 30, 50 i 400 m upravno na pravac autoputa. Analiza zemljišnih uzoraka pokazala je da je na lokalitetu L 14, na udaljenosti 30 i 50 metara od kolovoznih traka sadržaj ukupnih formi Cr, Ni i Pb bio iznad maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija. U biljnoj masi u uzorku sa lokacije L14 na udaljenosti 50 metara od kolovoznih traka koncentracije Ni i Co su bile više od normalnih vrednosti, a koncentracije Fe i Pb bile su iznad toksičnih vrednosti odnosno maksimalno tolerantnog nivoa za ishranu životinja. Utvrđeni sadržaj Fe u uzorku lucerke na lokaciji L11 udaljenoj 400 m od kolovoznih traka, kao i Ni u uzorku sa lokacije D12 na udaljenosti 50 m od kolovoznih traka, bio je iznad normalnih vrednosti, dok je u uzorku D12 na udaljenosti 30 m od kolovoznih traka sadržaj Pb, bio iznad toksičnih vrednosti, odnosno maksimalno tolerantnih nivoa za ishranu životinja. Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na oprez pri korišćenju lucerke gajene pored trase autoputa za ishranu životinja zbog mogućeg ulaska teških metala u lanac ishrane

    Dangerous and harmful materials in agricultural soil and cultivated crops in the municipality of Prokuplje

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    In the area of the Municipality of Prokuplje in the Republic of Serbia, in the period JulyNovember 2019, 26 samples of soil and aboveground part of plant material found at the research sites were sampled. In the laboratory of the Institute of Soil Science, Belgrade, a test of the content of hazardous and harmful substances in the sampled soil and plant material was conducted. The analyzed plant cultures are used partly for human consumption (fruits), one part is used for human and animal nutrition (cereals, corn), and one part belongs to animal feed (grass mixture). The study was aimed to examine the possibility that hazardous and harmful substances enter the food chain. The obtained values of the tested trace elements in the plant material are low at most of the examined localities, even on plots with increased content of total forms of tested elements in the soil, there are no increased contents in plant material, except at one locality where Pb content was found in wheat. In this specific sample, value was above (MPC) the maximum permitted concentrations (Pb=0.94 mg. kg-1 ), which is recommended to be excluded for human consumption

    Chemical composition and antiproliferative potential of dried wild apple and pear tea before and after in vitro simulated digestion

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    Decoctions obtained from dried apple and pear fruits were subjected to in vitro digestion in the presence of a food matrix in order to determine changes in the polyphenol content and antiproliferative activity. The total phenolic and total proanthocyanidins contents were determined using spectrophotometrical methods, and the phenolic compounds were analyzed by RP-HPLC/DAD before and after digestion. Chlorogenic acid and phlorizin dihydrate were the major identified compounds. The addition of a food matrix immediately decreased the contents of individual and total phenolics. After digestion, they were slightly elevated but still lower than in the initial samples. Antiproliferative activity was investigated on human epithelial carcinoma cell line (HeLa), human colon carcinoma (LS174) and human foetal lung fibroblast (MRC-5) cells. The exhibited growth inhibition was not correlated with the content of phenolics in the tested samples, indicating that it could not be explained solely by their content. With the exception of the apple decoction effect on HeLa cells, the digestion process resulted in significant increases in the antiproliferative activity


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    In this paper the performances, i.e. cutting force, moment and surface roughness, in the end milling of aluminum 6082-T6 with solid carbide end mill were measured and analyzed for different values of the cutting parameters: number of revolutions, feed rate and depth of cut. The cutting force and moment were measured using a Kistler piezoelectric dynamometer. Surface roughness was measured using a Mahr profilometer. The results were analyzed in the Minitab 17 software package, in order to determine the influence of the given factors on the performances and modeling of the milling process

    Evaluation of the organic matter and clay content contribution to the corrected remediation values of the trace elements macimum allowed concentrations in the agricultural soils of Prokuplje municipality, Serbia

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    In the samples of Prokuplje Municipality agricultural soil, it was assessed the contribution of the organic matter and clay content influence on the corrected remediation values of the total forms of Cd, Cr, Pb and Ni maximum allowed concentrations (MAC). A total of 25 samples were analyzed, of which 8 samples were on Fluvisol type of soil, 3 samples were on Vertisol type of soil, 12 samples were on Eutric cambisol type of soil, and 2 samples were on Humofluvisol type of soil. In composite soil samples, taken from a depth of 0-30 cm, certain parameters of soil fertility (content of clay fraction and total forms of Cd, Cr, Pb and Ni), were determined.The interpretation of the obtained results was carried out in relation to the MAC of tested microelements defined in the Regulation on permitted levels of hazardous and harmful substances in the soil, and based on the formula for calculating threshold and remediation values according to Ordinance on the program of soil quality systematic monitoring, indicators for risk assessment from soil degradation, and methodology for developing remediation programs. A high correlative dependence related to the content of organic matter was determined for Vertisols and Humofluvisols, while it was low for Eutric cambisol and Fluvisol. The correlative dependence related to the content of clay fraction showed a strong correlation, for all examined soils

    Антидијабетски потенцијал једноставних карбамата: компаративна експериментална и рачунарска студија

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    With the increasing global burden of diabetes mellitus type 2, the search for the new drugs, with better pharmacological profile is continued. As a part of this surge, the synthesis, pharmacological in vitro and computational evaluation of five, simple carbamate derivatives, against carbohydrate digestive enzyme α-glucosidase, is disclosed herein. Results of the experimental and computational assessment indicated that examined carbamates deterred the activity of α-glucosidase with acceptable IC50 values ranging from 65.34 to 79.89 μM compared to a standard drug acarbose (109.71 μM). Similarly, the studied compounds displayed in silico binding affinity for α-glucosidase enzyme with significant binding energies. Preliminary toxicity profiles of studied carbamates against three cancerous cell lines indicated their poor activity, suggesting that significant structural modifications have to be made to improve their anticancer efficiency. Results of the present study indicate that the examined carbamates were able to virtually or experimentally interact with an important target of diabetes mellitus type 2. Additionally, a new pharmacophore model is proposed featuring hydrogen bond donating carbamate –NH group, hydrogen bond accepting carbamate –OCH3 group and hydrophobic stabilization of aromatic moieties.Са порастом појаве дијабетеса типа 2 у свету, јавља се потрага за новим лековима са што ефикаснијим фармаколошким профилом. Као део овог истраживања, приказана је синтеза, фармаколошко in vitro и рачунарско испитивање пет карбамата једноставне структуре, као инхибитора – глукозидазе, ензима који учествује у дигестивном разлагању шећера. Резултати експерименталног испитивања показали су да испитивани карбамати инхибирају активност – глукозидазе са задовољавајућим IC50 вредностима у опсегу од 65,34 до 79,89 μM, а у поређењу са стандардним леком, акарбозом (109,71 μM). Такође, in silico методом добијене су значајне енергије везивања за активно место – глукозидазе. У прелиминарном испитивању цитотксичности према три типа канцерозних ћелија, карбамати су показали лошу активност, сугеришући да су потребне значајне структурне промене за побољшање њиховог антиканцерозног дејства. Уопштено говорећи, резултати ове студије показали су да су испитивани карбамати успешно виртуелно и експериментално интераговали са важном метом код дијабетеса типа 2. Такође је предложен и нови фармакофорни модел за -глукозидазу, који укључује карбаматну –NH групу као донора водоничне везе, затим карбаматну –OCH3 групу као акцептора водоничне везе, а такође и стабилизујуће хидрофобне интеракције ароматичних прстенова

    Accumulation of heavy metals and trace elements in Medicago sativa L. grown along the E75 route section Belgrade-Leskovac

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    The contents of heavy metals and trace elements and their accumulation in Medicago sativa L., cultivated on Eutric cambisol along the E75 route section Belgrade-Leskovac, were examined in order to assess the health and safety of animal feed. The samples of soil and aerial parts of the plant material were collected from both sides of lanes at 10, 30, 50 and 400 m perpendicular to the direction of the highway. Soil and plant analyses of the metals content were done according to ICP methodology. The results showed that at the locality L 14, a distance of 30 and 50 meters away from the lanes, the content of total forms of Cr, Ni and Pb in soil was above the maximum permissible concentration. In the plant biomass it was determined the following: in a sample from the location L 14 at a distance of 50 meters from the lanes concentrations of Ni and Co were higher than normal values, and concentrations of Fe and Pb were above toxic levels or maximum tolerance levels for animal feed; determined Fe content in the sample of alfalfa at location L 11, 400 m away from the lanes, and Ni in the sample from the site D 12 at a distance of 50 m from the lanes, was above the normal values, while in the sample from D12 location, at a distance of 30 m from the lanes, the content of Pb was above the toxic levels or maximum tolerance levels for animal feed. The results suggest a caution in the use of alfalfa, grown near the highway route, for animal feed because of the potential entry of heavy metals into the food chain

    Chemical and granulometric parameters of agricultural soil in the Surčin area : Republic of Serbia

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    In the period from June to October 2019, tests of chemical properties and granulometric composition of 280 composite soil samples were conducted in the area of Petrovčić and Progar, Surčin Municipality (Belgrade, Serbia), to a depth of 30 cm. The presence of total sand, clay and silt fractions in the analyzed soil samples indicates a relatively uniform granulometric composition (textural class of light clays), but with unfavorable ratio of total sand/clay fractions, in which the clay fraction prevails. The largest number of soil samples has strongly acidic, medium and acidic values of substitution and active acidity, are carbonate-free, while the values of electrical conductivity are very low and indicate the complete absence of salinity in the surface soil horizon/layer. The largest number of soil samples is moderately provided with total nitrogen and humus, with very low, low and medium content of easily available phosphorus, as well as medium (CM Petrovčić) to high and medium provided with easily available potassium (CM Progar). The obtained results indicate that the studied soils of Petrovčić and Progar are suitable for intensive field production. However, low pH values indicate an adequate application of limestone and fertilizers, as well as measures such as undermining and drainage

    Pharmacokinetic characterization, benefits and barriers of subcutaneous administration of monoclonal antibodies in oncology

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    Objective: Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in oncology are slowly becoming the dominant treatment option for many different cancer types. The main route of administration, infusion, requires extensive product preparations, patient hospitalization and close monitoring. Patient comfort improvement, staff workload reduction and cost savings dictated the development of subcutaneous formulations. The aim of this review is to present pharmacokinetic characteristics of subcutaneous products, discuss the differences between intravenous and subcutaneous routes and to point out the advantages as well as challenges of administration route shift from the formulation development and pharmacometric angle. Data sources: Food and Drug administration's Purple book database and electronic medicines compendium were used to identify monoclonal antibodies in oncology approved as subcutaneous forms. Using keywords subcutaneous, monoclonal antibodies, pharmacokinetics, model, as well as specific drugs previously identified, both PubMed and ScienceDirect databases were researched. Data summary: There are currently six approved subcutaneous onco-monoclonal antibodies on the market. For each of them, exposure to the drug was similar in relation to infusion, treatment effectiveness was the same, administration was well tolerated by the patients and costs of the medical service were reduced. Conclusion: Development of subcutaneous forms for existing and emerging new monoclonal antibodies for cancer treatment as well as shifting from administration via infusion should be encouraged due to patient preference, lower costs and overall lack of substantial differences in efficacy and safety between the two routes

    Influence of highway distance on heavy metals dynamics in the soil-fruit system

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    At five locations of apple orchards grown on eutric cambisol at a different distance from the E 75 highway, the presence of heavy metals in soil and plant material was examined. In the soil samples it were determined pH in 1M KCl, CaCO3, total C, SOM, content of clay and content of total and available forms of Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. Content of Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn was analyzed in the plant material. In the tested soil samples, the content of the total forms of the tested elements is within the limits of maximum allowable concentrations, while in the tested plant material, only the content of lead in one of the five tested apple samples is within the permitted limits. In apple samples from locations 30 m away from the highway, the lead content is well above the limit values, which requires further research to determine whether the increased concentration of this element is due to aerosol pollution or protective equipment applied