113 research outputs found

    Ozonolysis can produce long-lived greenhouse gases from commercial refrigerants

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    Hydrofluoroolefins are being adopted as sustainable alternatives to long-lived fluorine- and chlorine-containing gases and are finding current or potential mass-market applications as refrigerants, among a myriad of other uses. Their olefinic bond affords relatively rapid reaction with hydroxyl radicals present in the atmosphere, leading to short lifetimes and proportionally small global warming potentials. However, this type of functionality also allows reaction with ozone, and whilst these reactions are slow, we show that the products of these reactions can be extremely long-lived. Our chamber measurements show that several industrially important hydrofluoroolefins produce CHF3 (fluoroform, HFC-23), a potent, long-lived greenhouse gas. When this process is accounted for in atmospheric chemical and transport modeling simulations, we find that the total radiative effect of certain compounds can be several times that of the direct radiative effect currently recommended by the World Meteorological Organization. Our supporting quantum chemical calculations indicate that a large range of exothermicity is exhibited in the initial stages of ozonolysis, which has a powerful influence on the CHF3 yield. Furthermore, we identify certain molecular configurations that preclude the formation of long-lived greenhouse gases. This demonstrates the importance of product quantification and ozonolysis kinetics in determining the overall environmental impact of hydrofluoroolefin emissions.Get fu

    Blood-Based Protein Changes in Childhood Are Associated With increased risk for later psychotic disorder: evidence from a nested case–control study of the ALSPAC Longitudinal Birth Cohort

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    The identification of early biological changes associated with the psychotic disorder (PD) is important as it may provide clues to the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. We undertook the first proteomic profiling of blood plasma samples of children who later develop a PD. Participants were recruited from the UK Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort who also participated in psychiatric assessment interviews at age 18. Protein expression levels at age 11 were compared between individuals who developed PD at age 18 (n = 37) with population-based age-matched controls (n = 38). Sixty out of 181 plasma proteins profiled were found to be differentially expressed (P < .05) in children with an outcome of the PD. Thirty-four of these proteins were found to be differentially expressed following correction for multiple comparisons. Pathway analysis implicated the complement and coagulation cascade. A second, targeted proteomic approach was used to verify these findings in age 11 plasma from subjects who reported psychotic experiences at age 18 (n = 40) in comparison to age-matched controls (n = 66). Our findings indicate that the complement and coagulation system is dysregulated in the blood during childhood before the development of the PD

    Global emissions of perfluorocyclobutane (PFC-318, c-C4F8) resulting from the use of hydrochlorofluorocarbon-22 (HCFC-22) feedstock to produce polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and related fluorochemicals

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    Abstract. Emissions of the potent greenhouse gas perfluorocyclobutane (c-C4F8, PFC-318, octafluorocyclobutane) into the global atmosphere inferred from atmospheric measurements have been increasing sharply since the early 2000s. We find that these inferred emissions are highly correlated with the production of hydrochlorofluorocarbon-22 (HCFC-22, CHClF2) for feedstock (FS) uses, because almost all HCFC-22 FS is pyrolyzed to produce (poly)tetrafluoroethylene ((P)TFE) and hexafluoropropylene (HFP), a process in which c-C4F8 is a known by-product, causing a significant fraction of global c-C4F8 emissions. We find a global emission factor of ∼0.003 kg c-C4F8 per kilogram of HCFC-22 FS pyrolyzed. Mitigation of these c-C4F8 emissions, e.g., through process optimization, abatement, or different manufacturing processes, such as refined methods of electrochemical fluorination and waste recycling, could reduce the climate impact of this industry. While it has been shown that c-C4F8 emissions from developing countries dominate global emissions, more atmospheric measurements and/or detailed process statistics are needed to quantify c-C4F8 emissions at country to facility levels

    Evidence of a recent decline in UK emissions of hydrofluorocarbons determined by the InTEM inverse model and atmospheric measurements

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    National greenhouse gas inventories (GHGIs) are submitted annually to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). They are estimated in compliance with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodological guidance using activity data, emission factors and facility-level measurements. For some sources, the outputs from these calculations are very uncertain. Inverse modelling techniques that use high-quality, long-term measurements of atmospheric gases have been developed to provide independent verification of national GHGIs. This is considered good practice by the IPCC as it helps national inventory compilers to verify reported emissions and to reduce emission uncertainty. Emission estimates from the InTEM (Inversion Technique for Emission Modelling) model are presented for the UK for the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) reported to the UNFCCC (HFC-125, HFC-134a, HFC-143a, HFC-152a, HFC-23, HFC-32, HFC-227ea, HFC-245fa, HFC-43-10mee and HFC-365mfc). These HFCs have high global warming potentials (GWPs), and the global background mole fractions of all but two are increasing, thus highlighting their relevance to the climate and a need for increasing the accuracy of emission estimation for regulatory purposes. This study presents evidence that the long-term annual increase in growth of HFC-134a has stopped and is now decreasing. For HFC-32 there is an early indication, its rapid global growth period has ended, and there is evidence that the annual increase in global growth for HFC-125 has slowed from 2018. The inverse modelling results indicate that the UK implementation of European Union regulation of HFC emissions has been successful in initiating a decline in UK emissions from 2018. Comparison of the total InTEM UK HFC emissions in 2020 with the average from 2009-2012 shows a drop of 35ĝ€¯%, indicating progress toward the target of a 79ĝ€¯% decrease in sales by 2030. The total InTEM HFC emission estimates (2008-2018) are on average 73 (62-83)ĝ€¯% of, or 4.3 (2.7-5.9)ĝ€¯Tgĝ€¯CO2-eqĝ€¯yr-1 lower than, the total HFC emission estimates from the UK GHGI. There are also significant discrepancies between the two estimates for the individual HFCs.</p

    The increasing atmospheric burden of the greenhouse gas sulfur hexafluoride (SF&lt;sub&gt;6&lt;/sub&gt;)

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    We report a 40-year history of SF6 atmospheric mole fractions measured at the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE) monitoring sites, combined with archived air samples, to determine emission estimates from 1978 to 2018. Previously we reported a global emission rate of 7.3±0.6 Gg yr-1 in 2008 and over the past decade emissions have continued to increase by about 24% to 9.04±0.35 Gg yr-1 in 2018. We show that changing patterns in SF6 consumption from developed (Kyoto Protocol Annex-1) to developing countries (non-Annex-1) and the rapid global expansion of the electric power industry, mainly in Asia, have increased the demand for SF6-insulated switchgear, circuit breakers, and transformers. The large bank of SF6 sequestered in this electrical equipment provides a substantial source of emissions from maintenance, replacement, and continuous leakage. Other emissive sources of SF6 occur from the magnesium, aluminium, and electronics industries as well as more minor industrial applications. More recently, reported emissions, including those from electrical equipment and metal industries, primarily in the Annex-1 countries, have declined steadily through substitution of alternative blanketing gases and technological improvements in less emissive equipment and more efficient industrial practices. Nevertheless, there are still demands for SF6 in Annex-1 countries due to economic growth, as well as continuing emissions from older equipment and additional emissions from newly installed SF6-insulated electrical equipment, although at low emission rates. In addition, in the non-Annex-1 countries, SF6 emissions have increased due to an expansion in the growth of the electrical power, metal, and electronics industries to support their continuing development. There is an annual difference of 2.5-5 Gg yr-1 (1990-2018) between our modelled top-down emissions and the UNFCCC-reported bottom-up emissions (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), which we attempt to reconcile through analysis of the potential contribution of emissions from the various industrial applications which use SF6. We also investigate regional emissions in East Asia (China, S. Korea) and western Europe and their respective contributions to the global atmospheric SF6 inventory. On an average annual basis, our estimated emissions from the whole of China are approximately 10 times greater than emissions from western Europe. In 2018, our modelled Chinese and western European emissions accounted for ∼36% and 3.1 %, respectively, of our global SF6 emissions estimate.NASA (Grant NAG5-12669, NNX07AE89G and NNX11AF17G)NOAA (Contract RA-133R-15-CN-0008

    Quantifying fossil fuel methane emissions using observations of atmospheric ethane and an uncertain emission ratio

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    We present a method for estimating fossil fuel methane emissions using observations of methane and ethane, accounting for uncertainty in their emission ratio. The ethane:methane emission ratio is incorporated as a spatially and temporally variable parameter in a Bayesian model, with its own prior distribution and uncertainty. We find that using an emission ratio distribution mitigates bias from using a fixed, potentially incorrect emission ratio and that uncertainty in this ratio is propagated into posterior estimates of emissions. A synthetic data test is used to show the impact of assuming an incorrect ethane:methane emission ratio and demonstrate how our variable parameter model can better quantify overall uncertainty. We also use this method to estimate UK methane emissions from high-frequency observations of methane and ethane from the UK Deriving Emissions linked to Climate Change (DECC) network. Using the joint methane–ethane inverse model, we estimate annual mean UK methane emissions of approximately 0.27 (95 % uncertainty interval 0.26–0.29) Tg yr−1 from fossil fuel sources and 2.06 (1.99–2.15) Tg yr−1 from non-fossil fuel sources, during the period 2015–2019. Uncertainties in UK fossil fuel emissions estimates are reduced on average by 15 % and up to 35 % when incorporating ethane into the inverse model, in comparison to results from the methane-only inversion

    A Pilot study of the Sharing Risk Information Tool (ShaRIT) for Families with Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Individuals who carry deleterious BRCA mutations face significantly elevated risks of breast, ovarian, and other cancers. These individuals are also responsible for informing relatives of their increased risk for carrying the family BRCA mutation. Few interventions have been developed to facilitate this family communication process.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We developed the Sharing Risk Information Tool (ShaRIT), a personalized educational intervention, to support BRCA carriers as they discuss BRCA positive results and their implications with relatives. We conducted a pilot study of 19 BRCA carriers identified through the University of California San Francisco Cancer Risk Program. Our study had two aims: 1) to assess the feasibility and acceptability of ShaRIT, and 2) describe characteristics associated with increased family communication and BRCA testing. Participants in our study were divided into two groups: those who had not received ShaRIT as part of their genetic counseling protocol (control group, n = 10) and those who received ShaRIT (n = 9).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All 9 women who received ShaRIT reported that it was a useful resource. Characteristics associated with increased sharing and testing included: female gender, degree of relationship, and frequency of communication. Increased pedigree knowledge showed a trend toward higher rates of sharing.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both participants and genetic counselors considered ShaRIT a well-received, comprehensive tool for disseminating individual risk information and clinical care guidelines to Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome families. Because of this, ShaRIT has been incorporated as standard of care at our institution. In the future we hope to evaluate the effects of ShaRIT on family communication and family testing in larger populations of BRCA positive families.</p

    Combining top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate recent trends and seasonal patterns in UK N2O emissions

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    Atmospheric trace gas measurements can be used to independently assess national greenhouse gas inventories through inverse modeling. Atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) measurements made in the United Kingdom (UK) and Republic of Ireland are used to derive monthly N2O emissions for 2013–2022 using two different inverse methods. We find mean UK emissions of 90.5 ± 23.0 (1σ) and 111.7 ± 32.1 (1σ) Gg N2O yr−1 for 2013–2022, and corresponding trends of −0.68 ± 0.48 (1σ) Gg N2O yr−2 and −2.10 ± 0.72 (1σ) Gg N2O yr−2, respectively, for the two inverse methods. The UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) reported mean N2O emissions of 73.9 ± 1.7 (1σ) Gg N2O yr−1 across this period, which is 22%–51% smaller than the emissions derived from atmospheric data. We infer a pronounced seasonal cycle in N2O emissions, with a peak occurring in the spring and a second smaller peak in the late summer for certain years. The springtime peak has a long seasonal decline that contrasts with the sharp rise and fall of N2O emissions estimated from the bottom-up UK Emissions Model (UKEM). Bayesian inference is used to minimize the seasonal cycle mismatch between the average top-down (atmospheric data-based) and bottom-up (process model and inventory-based) seasonal emissions at a sub-sector level. Increasing agricultural manure management and decreasing synthetic fertilizer N2O emissions reduces some of the discrepancy between the average top-down and bottom-up seasonal cycles. Other possibilities could also explain these discrepancies, such as missing emissions from NH3 deposition, but these require further investigation

    The effect of neprilysin inhibition on left ventricular remodeling in patients with asymptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction late after myocardial infarction

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    Background: Patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) following myocardial infarction (MI) are at high risk of developing heart failure. The addition of neprilysin inhibition to renin angiotensin system (RAS) inhibition may result in greater attenuation of adverse LV remodeling due to increased levels of substrates for neprilysin with vasodilatory, anti-hypertrophic, anti-fibrotic and sympatholytic effects. Methods: We performed a prospective, multi-center, randomized, double-blind, active-comparator trial comparing sacubitril/valsartan 97/103mg twice daily with valsartan 160mg twice daily in patients ≥3 months following MI with a LV ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤40% who were taking a RAS inhibitor (equivalent dose of ramipril ≥2.5mg twice daily), and a beta-blocker unless contraindicated or intolerant. Patients in New York Heart Association functional classification ≥II or with signs and symptoms of HF were excluded. The primary outcome was change from baseline to 52-weeks in LV end-systolic volume index (LVESVI) measured using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Secondary outcomes included other MRI measurements of LV remodeling, change in N-terminal prohormone of B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-TnI), and a patient global assessment of change questionnaire. Results: From July 2018 to June 2019, 93 patients were randomized: mean age 60.7±10.4 years, median time from MI 3.6 years (IQR 1.2-7.2), mean LVEF 36.8%±7.1, median NT-proBNP 230pg/mL (124-404). Sacubitril/valsartan, compared with valsartan, did not significantly reduce LVESVI; adjusted between-group difference -1.9mL/m2 (95%CI -4.9, 1.0); p=0.19. There were no significant between-group differences in NT-proBNP, hs-TnI, LV end-diastolic volume index, left atrial volume index, LVEF, LV mass index, or patient global assessment of change. Conclusions: In patients with asymptomatic LVSD following MI, treatment with sacubitril/valsartan did not have a significant reverse remodeling effect compared with valsartan. Clinical Trial Registration: URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov Unique identifier: NCT0355257