33 research outputs found

    Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling in the early stages of infarction could optimize patient risk stratification over five years

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    Background: Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction is recognized as a cardinal prognostic marker in heart failure (HF) patients. Myocardial infarction (MI) is often followed by unrecognized RV dysfunction, which can be associated with worse outcome. It is recently shown that the ratio between TAPSE and PASP (RV/PA) may depict cardiopulmonary hemodynamics better than the two parameters alone. Aim: To evaluate the interactions between left ventricular (LV) and RV function in early phase of MI and to assess the prognostic significance of RV/PA coupling in patients with first MI during 5 years follow up. Methods: The prospective study included 144 patients with the first MI treated with the primary percutaneous coronary intervention (p PCI) who underwent Doppler echocardiography within 2Ā±1 days of MI. LV function analysis included: LV ejection fraction (EF), ratio between early diastolic velocity and tissue annular velocity (E/e) and global longitudinal strain (GLS). RV function and RV-PA interaction was expressed as ratio between TAPSE and PASP. During the five-year follow-up, major cardiovascular events and especially hospitalization for HF were analyzed. Results: Progressive RV/PA uncoupling was associated with higher degree of LV impairment and dysfunction (EF p<0.001, E/e p=0.002, GLS p<0.001) and severity of mitral regurgitation (p=0.013). Lower baseline RV/PA coupling significantly reflects the frequency of hospitalizations for HF in the population of patients with first MI during five-year follow-up (0.62 v.s.0.51, p=0.021). After multivariate adjustment RV/PA remained an independent predictor of all major cardiac events (MACE) after five years (OR 14.0 [1.5ā€“130.8], p=0.019). Conclusion: A lower baseline RV-PA coupling, reflecting a higher degree of LV-induced pulmonary hypertension and secondary RV-dysfunction, is associated with decline of LV function in early phase of MI, and is independently associated with worse prognosis after five years. The value of RV-PA ratio as an prognstic marker warrants further investigation.ESC Congress 2023 25ā€“28 August 2023 Amsterdam, Netherland

    Butler-volmer current equation and fractal nature correction in electrochemical energy

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    The Global Energy Crisis necessitated improving research into new, renewable and alternative energy sources. Due to that, our focus is on the area of some phenomena and applications where different synthetic methods and microstructure property optimization achieved significant improvement in the electro physical properties of output materials and components. This is especially important for higher energy efficiency and electricity production (batteries and battery systems, fuel cells, and hydrogen energy). The improvement of energy storage tank capacity is one of the most important development issues in the energy sphere too. It is because of this very promising research and application area that we are expanding the knowledge on these phenomena through fractal nature analysis. So, the results obtained in the field of electrochemical energy sources, especially in electrolyte development, are taken into account the analysis of fractal nature optimization. Based on the research field of fractal material science, particularly electronic materials, we conducted research in micro-structure fractal influence in the area of electrochemistry. We investigated the consolidation parameters of Fe2O3 redox processes. The influence of activation energy, fundamental thermodynamic parameters, and also the fractal correction of electrode surface area through complex fractal dimension with recognized grains and pores, and the Brownian motion of particles is introduced. Finally, the electrochemical Butler-Volmer equation fractalization is obtained. These results practically open new frontiers in electrochemical energy processes performed through the Arrhenius equation within electrolyte bulk and electrode relations and more complete and precise energy generation

    LGALS-3 containing haplotype block tag variants in association with cardiac parameters changes within six months after the first acute myocardial infarction

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    After myocardial infarction (MI) and consequential ischemia, the heart undergoes a set of geometric and functional changes. In the early days after injury, these changes, defined as cardiac remodeling, are the powerful factor that preserves cardiac function and promotes survival. However, it may continue for months after MI and eventually lead to adverse remodeling with impaired systolic function and reduced myocardial contractility and further cardiovascular complications, such as heart failure (HF). Left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF) is widely used as an index of systolic function in cardiac patients. However, global myocardial strain has been found to be superior to the conventional parameters, such as LVEF, in terms of assessment of cardiac performance after MI. Galectin-3 (gal-3) is a multifunctional protein involved in a variety of physiological and pathological processes, affecting the entire cardiovascular continuum of MI. Gal-3 is encoded by a LGALS-3 gene, located in a unique, 300 kb long haplotype block in Caucasians. Gal-3 serum level has been approved as a diagnostic marker for risk stratification and prognosis evaluation of HF patients according to the ACC/AHA/HFSA Guideline for the management of HF. The purpose of the present prospective study was to analyze the possible association of tag genetic variants of the haplotype block containing LGALS-3 with changes in cardiac parameters, LVEF and global radial strain (GRS), within 6 months post-MI. The study enrolled 120 patients with first acute MI that were prospectively followed-up 6 months after MI. According to Tagger server, rs4040064 G/T, rs11628437 G/A and rs7159490 C/T variants cover 82% (r2>0.8) of phenotypic variance of the aforementioned haplotype block. Tag variants were detected and genotyped by commercially available assays for allelic discrimination. Echocardiography examinations were performed at admission and 6 months post-MI. Change (Ī”) of cardiac parameters was calculated as a difference between the value at 6-month follow-up and baseline value (at admission). The referent haplotype is set by the software for carrying haplotype association analysis and represents the most frequent haplotype in the studied groups. Bonferroni correction for multiple testing was performed and p values <0.025 were considered as statistically significant.We found that, compared to the reference GGC haplotype, GAT haplotype had significantly higher expected phenotypic mean [95% CI] of Ī”GRS (3.77 [1.28 - 6.25] vs. āˆ’5.34 [āˆ’12.69 - 2.01], respectively, p=0.025) and Ī”LVEF (0.84 [āˆ’1.88 - 3.56] vs. āˆ’12.91 [āˆ’17.30 - āˆ’8.53], respectively, p=0.00001), in the direction of decrease of GRS and LVEF 6 months after MI in patients bearing GAT haplotype. Our findings suggest that GAT haplotype bears the risk for diminished LV transmural contractility and radial systolic function: In order to reach a definitive conclusion, our exploratory results should be further validated on a larger sampleHeart Failure 2021 Congress : June 29 - July 1, 2021

    Ispitivanje belih sireva u salamuri sa teritorije pirotskog okruga

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    In this paper the parameters of quality and nutrition value of cow, goat and sheep cheese in brine were investigated. The samples of cheese were produced on the Pirot territory. The dynamic of changes of this parameters was investigated throughout storage of cheeses. Investigation of chemical composition (dry matter, fat, total nitrogen, salt, calcium and ash), as well as pH and titrimetric acidity of cheeses in brine were analyzed through 6 months: after production, and 30, 60, 120 and 180 days of storage. The obtained results are according to general characteristics of white cheese in brine: sour-bitter taste, soft appearance, and high content of fat in dry matter. After detailed chemical analyses white cheeses in brine, it might be concluded that analyzed cheese samples have significant nutritive value after 6 months of production. It could be concluded that the most intensive dynamic of chemical changes is first month after their production.U radu su ispitani hemijski parametri kvaliteta i nutritivne vrednosti belih sireva u salamuri od kravljeg, kozijeg i ovčijeg mleka, proizvedenih na teritoriji pirotskog okruga kao i dinamika promene ovih parametara tokom perioda zrenja i čuvanja. Ispitivanje hemijskog sastava (suve materije, masti, ukupnih azotnih materija, NaCl, kalcijuma, pepela) i kiselosti (pH i titraciona kiselost) analiziranih belih sireva u salamuri vrÅ”eno je tokom 6 meseci zrenja i to po sledećoj dinamici: nakon proizvodnje, 30, 60, 120 i 180-og dana nakon proizvodnje. Dobijeni rezultati su u skladu sa opÅ”tim karakteristikama belih sireva u salamuri: kiselo-slani ukus, meka konzistencija i visok sadržaj masti u suvoj materiji. Nakon detaljne hemijske analize belih sireva u salamuri, koji su proizvedeni od kravljeg, ovčijeg i kozjeg mleka, može se zaključiti da ovi sirevi i nakon Å”est meseci imaju značajnu nutritivnu vrednost, a na osnovu praćenja dinamike promene hemijskog sastava analiziranih sireva tokom perioda zrenja, da je ona najintenzivnija tokom prvih 30 dana zrenja

    Sadržaj minerala u surutki i proizvodima od surutke

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    Consumption of whey and whey-based products has been growing in last ten years because of whey nutritional value and health beneficial effects. Especially children, reconvalescents, older population, athletes and patients with liver disease are using these products. The main aim of this investigation was control of mineral content in whey and whey products. Results show that during milk processing, most of K and Na is retained in whey. The ratio of Na/K is appropriate in whey-based fruit-flavored soft drinks. The amounts of Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn are significantly higher in whey-based fruit-flavored soft drinks than in liquid whey. Whey should become an important product because of its possibility to improve the quality of everyday nutrition, due to healing quality and high nutrition value.Surutka i proizvodi od surutke imaju visoku bioloÅ”ku i nutritivnu vrednost Upotreba surutke je posebno popularna kod osetljivih kategorija stanovniÅ”tva kao Å”to su deca, starije osobe, rekonvalescenti. U ovim populacionim grupama koriŔćenje surutke i proizvoda od surutke se preporučuje zbog prisustva proteina mlečnog seruma koje odlikuje visoka bioloÅ”ka vrednost i laka svarljivost zbog male količine lipida, ali i značajnog sadržaja minerala. Istraživanja su pokazala da i surutka i proizvodi koji sadrže surutku imaju pozitivno dejstvo na različite funkcije u organizmu te se ovi proizvodi proučavaju u cilju svrstavanja u funkcionalnu hranu

    Uticaj probiotika na mineralni sastav sireva tipa kvarka

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    Quark cheese is a diary product with high nutritive value. This product is essential food, but could, nevertheless, be enriched with some nutriments and thus, presented as functional food. A food can be regarded as "functional" if it is satisfactory demonstreted to affect beneficially one or more target functions in body, beyond adequate nutritional effects. The presented study evaluated the effect of probiotics on mineral composition. The results showed that quark cheese with probiotic has higher amount of Ca, Mg, Zn, K (45,61% 30,32; 20,18; 37,99 i 29,32; respectively), compared with quark cheese without probiotics. Results showed lower amount of Cu in quark cheese with probiotics.Sirevi tipa kvark su sveži sirevi visoke nutritivne i relativno niske energetske vrednosti. Nakon suplementacije ovog sira probioticima, bioloÅ”ki aktivnim sastojcima koji povoljno deluju na gastrointestinalni trakt, mogu se svrstati u funkcionalne namirnice. U cilju ispitivanja uticaja dodatih probiotika na mineralni sastav, izvrÅ”ena je analiza svežih belih sireva tipa kvark suplementiranih probioticima (ABT-grupa). Takođe, urađena je i analiza mineralnog sastava sireva tipa kvark, koji su proizvedeni koriŔćenjem tradicionalne kulture (FD-grupa). Rezultati su pokazali da ABT-grupa sadrži povećan sadržaj Ca, Mg, Zn, Na i K (45,61%; 30,32%; 20,18%; 37,99% i 29,32% redom) u odnosu na FD-grupu. Međutim, sadržaj Cu je neznatno smanjen (0,78%) u ABT-grupi. Zaključeno je i da sirevi tipa kvark sa probioticima imaju povoljan odnos pojedinih mineralnih materija (Ca, K, Zn) te bi se, uz određene korekcije mineralnog sastava, mogli svrstati u funkcionalnu hranu i preporučiti osobama sa osteoporozom. Zbog povoljnog odnosa Ca, Mg, K, a nakon smanjenja količine soli (Na), ovaj proizvod se može preporučiti i osobama sa hroničnom hipertenzijom

    The Effects ofAronia melanocarpaJuice Consumption on the mRNA Expression Profile in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Subjects at Cardiovascular Risk

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    Foods and food products that contain polyphenols are proposed to modulate risk of cardiovascular disease. The aim of this three-arm, crossover, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention study was to examine the impact ofAronia melanocarpajuice (AMJ), high-polyphenol (AMJ treatment, 1.17 g/100 mL polyphenols) and low-polyphenol (dAMJ treatment, 0.29 g/100 mL polyphenols) dose, on the transcriptome in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of 19 subjects at cardiovascular risk. Transcriptome data were obtained by microarray. Bioinformatic functional annotation analysis was performed on both the whole transcriptome datasets and the differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Expression of selected DEGs was validated by RT-qPCR. Administration of AMJ and dAMJ treatments during the two consecutive four-week treatment periods had additive effects on PBMC transcriptome profiles, with the most pronounced and specific effect noticed for AMJ in the last treatment period (TP3) of the trial. Between the high-dose and low-dose treatments in TP3, there was a multitude of overlapping DEGs and DEG-enriched biological processes and pathways, which primarily included immunomodulation and regulation of cell proliferation/death. Increased expression ofTNF,IL1B,IL8,RGS1,OSM, andDUSP2in TP3 was confirmed by RT-qPCR. The results suggest the immunomodulatory effects of prolonged habitual consumption of polyphenol-rich aronia juice in individuals at cardiovascular risk

    Removal of cationic pollutants from water by xanthated corn cob: optimization, kinetics, thermodynamics, and prediction of purification process

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    The removal of Cr(III) ions and methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solutions by xanthated corn cob (xCC) in batch conditions was investigated. The sorption capacity of xCC strongly depended of the pH, and increase when the pH rises. The kinetics was well fitted by pseudo-second order and Chrastilā€™s model. Sorption of Cr(III) ions and MB on xCC was rapid during the first 20 min of contact time and, thereafter, the biosorption rate decrease gradually until reaching equilibrium. The maximum sorption capacity of 17.13 and 83.89 mg g-1 for Cr(III) ions and MB, respectively was obtained at 40 Ā°C, pH 5 and sorbent dose 4 g dm-3 for removal of Cr(III) ions and 1 g dm-3 for removal of MB. The prediction of purification process was successfully carried out and the verification of theoretically calculated amounts of sorbent was confirmed by using packed-bed column laboratory system with recirculation of the aqueous phase. The wastewater from chrome plating industry was successfully purified, i.e. after 40 min concentration of Cr(III) ions was decreased lower than 0.1 mg dm-3. Also, removal of MB from the river water was successfully carried out and after 40 min removal efficiency was about 94 %

    Teacher-parent partnership as a precondition for inclusion in education

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    Inclusion in education implies openness and readiness of all social elements to provide every child with the best possible education either within a school environment or in a class which a child would attend at any rate. By approaching each child individually teachers should organise the activities for their students bearing in mind the onward changes of the entire personality of a child. Modern educational practice is based on humanist and constructivist standpoints - a child is in the centre of interest and it should build and construct its own knowledge on its own, while the exchange of information should go both from professionals and parents towards a child and vice versa. Global changes on a family level caused by a birth of a child with developmental disability represent the changes in a family identity as well as the changes in integration processes within the family. The role of a teacher is extremely significant in the process of the family adjustment as well as in the process of a continuous support which is necessary for all families with children with developmental disabilities throughout their lives. The basis of the relationship between a school and parents should be the perception of parents as partners - the interests, priorities and concerns of a family should be in the focus of both theory and practice in schools. The common problem of parents and teachers is the problem of allocating attention from children's limitations and difficulties to their potentials and possibilities, from academic achievements to social and affective outcomes and life skills development