435 research outputs found


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    The work deals with the analysis of the real estate market and the specificities of the formation of real estate prices in the Republic of Srpska. The specificity is reflected, among other things, in the definition of the market value of real estate if the prices are known from the sales contracts entered in the Real Estate Price Register (formed on the basis of supply and demand for apartments), the formation of value zones (location factor), the value tables (relational tables and value levels), the additional factors of influence (factor of the position of the apartment in the building) and equations for estimating the value of the real estate. The analysis was done using the CAMA algorithm. The research results show that real estate prices from the Real Estate Price Register and real estate prices calculated according to the CAMA algorithm are 70% accurate, i.e. they are within the permitted deviation interval of +,- 10 %, which means that the CAMA algorithm can also be used for real estates that have not been registered in the Real Estate Price Register yet


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    In this paper a new algorithm for distributed blind macro-calibration of Networked Control Systems is presented. It is assumed that the measured signal is stochastic and unknown. The algorithm is in the form of recursions of gradient type for estimation of the correction parameters for sensor gains and offsets. The recursion for gain correction is autonomous, derived from the measurement increments. The recursion for offset correction is based on differences between local measurements and utilizes the results of gain correction. It is proved that the algorithm provides asymptotic convergence to consensus in the sense that the corrected gains and offsets are equal for all sensors. It is demonstrated that the adopted structure of the algorithm enables obtaining high convergence rate, superior to the algorithms existing in the literature. Simulation results are provided illustrating the proposed algorithm properties

    Marketing Sustainable Retail Development

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    One of the primary benefits of sustainable retail over the long run has to be the marketing gain from having something other competitors do not: lower operating costs, a more socially responsible public profile, ease of gaining planning approval for new projects, better access to certain investment pools, higher rents (in the case of developers), ease of recruiting and retaining key people. Each of these benefits needs marketing and public relations support; each benefits from a clear and consistent corporate message that promotes sustainable retail.To date, there are very few retailers or developers who have championed sustainability long enough, consistently enough and with enough actual demonstration of changes in standard operations to gain the benefits of green marketing, but the very paucity of examples serves to underscore the point: the green marketing space is wide open for large retailers and developers.What would be the marketing steps that a company could take to benefit from its “sustainability focus?” The key to any marketing program is to differentiate a company’s actions from those of competitors and to do it along lines that its various stakeholders care about. This practice of differentiation is often expressed as “finding a difference that makes a difference, to someone who makes difference to you.”For retail developers, the first differentiator should be to attract more and better tenants to all of their centers, tenants who value lower operating costs and the developer’s program of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

    Improvement of solubility of disperse materials by the means of the mechanochemical treatment

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    Poster presented at the 12th Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society of Serbia - YUCOMAT 2010, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 6–10. septembar 2010


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    The work deals with the analysis of the real estate market and the specificities of the formation of real estate prices in the Republic of Srpska. The specificity is reflected, among other things, in the definition of the market value of real estate if the prices are known from the sales contracts entered in the Real Estate Price Register (formed on the basis of supply and demand for apartments), the formation of value zones (location factor), the value tables (relational tables and value levels), the additional factors of influence (factor of the position of the apartment in the building) and equations for estimating the value of the real estate. The analysis was done using the CAMA algorithm. The research results show that real estate prices from the Real Estate Price Register and real estate prices calculated according to the CAMA algorithm are 70% accurate, i.e. they are within the permitted deviation interval of +,- 10 %, which means that the CAMA algorithm can also be used for real estates that have not been registered in the Real Estate Price Register yet


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    Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a very complex medical, social and economic problem. Long duration and variability of symptoms can be frustrating for patients and lead to various psychological and behavioral changes, which can be expressed as an over-powering fear of movement and lead to avoidance behavior. The aim of this study was to highlight  the importance of individually designed exercises (IDE) and cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) in the treatment of patients with CLBP who have signs of fear-avoidance behavior and kinesiophobia. One hundred and thirty patients were included in a prospective randomized study. Group 1 (G1; n = 35) had a combined IDE and CBT program. Group 2 (G2; n = 35) had IDE, without CBT. Group 3 (G3; n = 30) had standard group exercises for CLBP. Group 4 (G4; n = 30) was a control, patients did not have IDE or CBT. Waddel's Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) and Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK), were used for monitoring and evaluation. Patients completed them at the beginning, at the end of the therapy, and also after 3 months. After therapy and three months later, a statistically significant reduction in symptoms in G1 and G2 was recorded, with better results in G1: FABQph = 4.77±3.83/5.51±4.02; FABQw = 2.31±3.69/2.94±4.19; TSK = 5.63±4.56/5.69 ± 4.55. (p <0.001). The combination of IDE and CBT is an effective therapy for CLBP patients with fear avoidance behaviour and kinesiophobia

    A novel carbon paste electrode modified by NP-Y2O3 doped with the g-C3N4 for sensitive electrochemical detection of herbicide bentazone in river, soil, and vegetable samples

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    Pesticides have a significant role in the world food chain in the setting of rising agricultural output demand and rising climate change impacts on agricultural productivity. Pesticide contamination across the world is not just a pressing issue; it also has the potential to get worse, for instance, because of movements in global production to nations with laxer environmental regulations [1]. In this work, we have designed a new electrochemical sensor for detecting bentazone (BZT) by using NP-Y2O3/g-C3N4 modified carbon paste electrode (CP). For the first time, the Pechini method was employed to synthesize the Y2O3 nanocomposite. The nanomaterial was characterized by Xray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In order to create an analytical technique for identifying and measuring BZT, the electrocatalytic characteristics of the suggested Y2O3/g-C3N4 modified CP electrode were examined. Using the CV and DPV approaches, the electrochemical behavior of BZT at the Y2O3/gC3N4 sensor was investigated. The proposed electrochemical sensor exhibited excellent electrochemical response toward BZT with a wide linear range of 1 to 100 µM, with a detection limit of 0.68 µM. The effect of possible interfering agents is negligible, confirming the good selectivity of the method. The sensor also displayed excellent sensitivity, reproducibility, and stability. Additionally, the Y2O3/g-C3N4 sensor was utilized for the detection of BZT in water and soil samples, and also in red and green pepper samples, and it exhibited good recovery results

    Mechanochemical synthesis of ZnO nanostructured powder using different organic surfactants and their influence on the particles size and morfology

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    Poster presented at the 11th Conference of the Materials Research Society of Serbia - YUCOMAT 2009, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, August 31 – September 4, 200

    Business incubators in education for entrepreneurship

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    U doba sveopće globalizacije i procesa pridruživanja Hrvatske Europskoj uniji neminovno je prilagoditi se i iznaći nove modele edukacije za poduzetništvo. Ovim radom prikazat će se kako postojeći model poticanja poduzetništva putem poduzetničkih inkubatora može biti primijenjen u edukaciji za poduzetništvo. Rad će dati stručno-znanstvene osnove za razumijevanje studentskih poduzetničkih inkubatora koji mogu postati novim zamašnjakom razvoja hrvatskog gospodarstva. Autori će dokazati postavljenu tezu prema kojoj je pokretanje poduzetničkih inkubatora unutar visokoškolskih institucija nužno za stvaranje pozitivne poduzetničke klime i jačanje poduzetničkih kompetencija. Svoju tezu autori će u radu potkrijepiti primjerom dobre prakse. Na kraju će se izvesti zaključak koji će moći primijeniti i ostale visokoobrazovne institucije u edukaciji studenata za poduzetništvo te stjecanju poduzetničkih kompetencija uz pomoć studentskih poduzetničkih inkubatora kao alata za razvoj poduzetništva.In the age of globalization and during the process of Croatian accession to the European Union, it is essential to adjust and find new models of education for entrepreneurship. This paper will show how the existing model of encouraging entrepreneurship through business incubators can be applied to education for entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the paper will provide basis for understanding student business incubators which can become a new driving force of Croatian economy. The authors will prove the thesis that establishing business incubators within higher education institutions is essential for creating positive entrepreneurial climate and developing entrepreneurial competences. The thesis will be substantiated by example of good practice. The conclusion will be relevant to other higher education institutions in educating students for entrepreneurship and developing entrepreneurial competences through student business incubators as a tool for developing entrepreneurship