206 research outputs found

    Влияние внешнего и внутреннего долга на финансово-экономическую безопасность Украины

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    Increasing threats to financial security are one of the major economic problems in Ukraine in terms of accelerated globalization of the world economy against the background of overcoming the global financial crisis. Ensuring of effective response to real threats in the financial sector needs to improve state financial control. The paper analyzes the impact of the state debt on economic security and considers the negative consequences.Однією з найважливіших економічних проблем в Україні в умовах прискореної глобалізації світового господарства на фоні процесів подолання світової фінансової кризи є зростання загроз фінансовій безпеці держави. Забезпечення ефективної протидії реальним загрозам у фінансовій сфері потребує удосконалення державного фінансового контролю. В роботі проаналізовано вплив державного боргу на економічну безпеку і розглянуті негативні наслідки.Одной из важнейших экономических проблем в Украине в условиях ускоренной глобализации мирового хозяйства на фоне процессов преодоления мирового финансового кризиса является рост угроз финансовой безопасности государства. Обеспечение эффективного противодействия реальным угрозам в финансовой сфере нуждается в усовершенствовании государственного финансового контроля. В работе проанализировано влияние государственного долга на экономическую безопасность и рассмотрены негативные последствия

    Non-osteopenic Bone Pathology After Allo-hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Inborn Errors of Immunity

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    PURPOSE: There is a lack of data on post-HSCT non-osteopenic bone pathology specifically for children with inborn errors of immunity (IEI). We collected data on non-osteopenic bone pathology in children with IEI post-HSCT over two decades in a large tertiary pediatric immunology center. METHODS: Descriptive study with data analysis of bone pathology in allo-HSCT for IEI was performed between 1/1/2000 to 31/12/2018 including patients alive at follow-up to July 2022. Records were analyzed for bone pathology and risk factors. Exclusion criteria included isolated reduced bone density, fractures, and skeletal anomalies due to underlying IEI and short stature without other bone pathology. Bone pathologies were divided into 5 categories: bone tumors; skeletal dysplasia; avascular necrosis; evolving bone deformities; slipped upper femoral epiphysis. RESULTS: A total of 429 children received HSCT between 2000 and 2018; 340 are alive at last assessment. Non-osteopenic bone pathology was observed post-HSCT in 9.4% of patients (32/340, mean 7.8 years post-HSCT). Eleven patients (34%) had > 1 category of bone pathology. Seventeen patients (17/32; 53%) presented with bilateral bone pathology. The majority of patients received treosulfan-based conditioning (26/32; 81.2%). Totally, 65.6% (21/32) of patients had a history of prolonged steroid use (> 6 months). Pain was the presenting symptom in 66% of patients, and surgical intervention was required in 43.7%. The highest incidence of bone pathologies was seen in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) (n = 8/34; 23.5%) followed by hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis patients (n = 3/16; 18.8%). CONCLUSION: Non-osteopenic bone pathology in long-term survivors of allo-HSCT for IEI is not rare. Most patients did not present with complaints until at least 5 years post-HSCT highlighting the need for ongoing bone health assessment for patients with IEI. Children presenting with stunted growth and bone pathology post-HSCT should undergo skeletal survey to rule out development of post-HSCT skeletal dysplasia. Increased rates and complexity of bone pathology were seen amongst patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

    A Counterexample Regarding Labelled Well-Quasi-Ordering

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    Korpelainen, Lozin, and Razgon conjectured that a hereditary property of graphs which is well-quasi-ordered by the induced subgraph order and defined by only finitely many minimal forbidden induced subgraphs is labelled well-quasi-ordered, a notion stronger than that of n-well-quasi-order introduced by Pouzet in the 1970s. We present a counterexample to this conjecture. In fact, we exhibit a hereditary property of graphs which is well-quasi-ordered by the induced subgraph order and defined by finitely many minimal forbidden induced subgraphs yet is not 2-well-quasi-ordered. This counterexample is based on the widdershins spiral, which has received some study in the area of permutation patterns

    Fatty acid composition of adipose tissue triglycerides after weight loss and weight maintenance: the DIOGENES study

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    Fatty acid composition of adipose tissue changes with weight loss. Palmitoleic acid as a possible marker of endogenous lipogenesis or its functions as a lipokine are under debate. Objective was to assess the predictive role of adipose triglycerides fatty acids in weight maintenance in participants of the DIOGENES dietary intervention study. After an 8-week low calorie diet (LCD) subjects with > 8 % weight loss were randomized to 5 ad libitum weight maintenance diets for 6 months: low protein (P)/low glycemic index (GI) (LP/LGI), low P/high GI (LP/HGI), high P/low GI (HP/LGI), high P/high GI (HP/HGI), and a control diet. Fatty acid composition in adipose tissue triglycerides was determined by gas chromatography in 195 subjects before the LCD (baseline), after LCD and weight maintenance. Weight change after the maintenance phase was positively correlated with baseline adipose palmitoleic (16:1n-7), myristoleic (14:1n-5) and trans-palmitoleic acid (16:1n-7t). Negative correlation was found with baseline oleic acid (18:1n-9). Lower baseline monounsaturated fatty acids (14:1n-5, 16:1n-7 and trans 16:1n-7) in adipose tissue triglycerides predict better weight maintenance. Lower oleic acid predicts lower weight decrease. These findings suggest a specific role of monounsaturated fatty acids in weight management and as weight change predictors


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    Anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab2), according to the network theory of Jerne, are second-generation immunoglobulins that are produced against the idiotype of an antibody to a specific antigen. Despite the large number of works devoted to the study of the properties of these proteins, their role in the regulation of the immune system is not fully known. It may consist in maintaining or blocking a minimal immune response to the antigen. The study of Ab2 is of great practical and scientific importance. The special properties of Ab2, namely, the ability to partially reproduce the structure of the primary antigen and, upon immunization, induce the appearance of tertiary antibodies, which, like first-generation antibodies, can bind to the antigen, have found application in the development of Ab2-based vaccines, in particular, for the treatment of tumors. In view of the presence of a number of limitations on research related to psychoactive substances, the development of Ab2- based vaccines against drug addiction also seems promising. To example, anti-idiotypic antibodies obtained for this purpose possessing a cocaine-like structure are described in the literature. In this work, murine monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies (mAb2) mimicking the structure of various morphine derivatives were obtained. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies to the 6-hemisuccinyl derivative of morphine conjugated with bovine serum albumin isolated by affinity chromatography were used as primary antibodies for immunization. Four hybridoma clones were obtained as a result of the fusion of immunized mice lymphocytes with mouse Sp2/0 mouse myeloma cells by the Milstein-Köhler method. After growth in animals, mAb2 produced by hybridoma cells were affinity purified. We investigated the physicochemical and antigenic properties of the isolated antibodies. It was shown that the obtained mAb2 differ in immunological specificity, competing in different degree with morphine derivatives for binding to first-generation antibodies. We tested the possibility of using the obtained mAb2 as antigen analogues in the solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine the titer of primary antibodies against morphine in the blood serum of laboratory animals immunized with morphine derivatives. Based on the obtained anti-idiotypic antibodies, it is proposed to develop test systems to determine the serum opiate-specific antibodies in people after specific vaccination for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes to avoid the use of drugs as antigens immobilized on the solid phase in the analysis

    Preparation of polyclonal and monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies against morphine-specific immunoglobulins

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    The preparation and study of anti-idiotypic (secondary) antibodies (Ab2) against monoclonal primary antibodies (Ab1) specific to biologically active molecules with a known structure is of great scientific and practical importance. Due to partial antigenic similarity of Ab2 and the initial antigen structures, these antibodies can be the basis of the vaccine, if the antigen usage is not possible, or is limited by law. In particular, one may create Ab2-based preparations, designed for immunization, in order to prevent and treat the drug addiction. The value of Ab2 properties increases even more if Ab1, used to obtain them, recognize different parts of the antigen molecule, which makes it possible to obtain second-generation antibodies with a wide range of specificity. In this work, the morphine-like polyclonal and monoclonal Ab2 were obtained. In each case, as the first-generation immunoglobulins for immunization, we used two murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific to different morphine derivatives: 3K11 antibodies to 3-0-carboxymethyl (CMM) and 2-p-carboxyphenylazomethyl (FAM) derivatives, as well as 6G1 antibodies to 6-hemisuccinyl derivative (GSM). After immunization of the horse with Ab1 and development of immune response, three pools of specific polyclonal antibodies were isolated from the animal blood serum: horse anti-species antibodies to the total mouse immunoglobulins (HAM); horse anti-idiotypic antibodies against 3K11 antibodies (HAM-K11), and against 6G1 antibodies (HAM-G1). In parallel, immunization of mice with 3K11 and 6G1 antibodies and fusion of obtained lymphocytes with Sp2/0 mouse myeloma cells by the Milstein-Köhler method resulted in three producers of anti-idiotypic antibodies: a clone producing mouse monoclonal Ab2 specific for mAb-6G1 (AIG1), as well as clones producing anti-mAb-3K11 antibodies (AI-K11A and AI-K11B). The physico-chemical and antigenic properties of all the Ab2 obtained were characterized. It was shown that the horse anti-idiotypic immunoglobulins not only belong to different classes, but are also polyvalent, while all monoclonal Ab2 obtained are represented by IgM immunoglobulins, being also strictly specific to the corresponding first-generation antibodies. Subsequently, the morphine-like properties of the first domestic polyclonal and monoclonal Ab2 obtained in the work will be investigated in a cellular model. Likewise, we shall study their ability to induce Ab3 as well as morphine-specific Ab1

    Features of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its pharmacotherapy in outpatients

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) remains the most common type of DM and is associat-ed with disabling complications, reduced quality of life and reduced life expectancy. Satisfactory control of carbohydrate metabolism remains the key way to manage them. Aim. To perform a retrospective analysis of carbohydrate metabolism (in terms of glycated hemoglobin – HbA1c), the prevalence of complications, and features of hypoglycemic and concomitant therapy in patients with type 2 DM. Materials and methods. The analysis of sex and age characteristics, achieved level of HbA1c, diabetes complications, sugar-reducing and concomitant therapy according to the data of outpatient records of the patients who are on dispensary registration with an endocrinologist in the Endocrinology Department of the Consultative and Diagnostic Polyclinic of the Tomsk Regional Clinical Hospital in Tomsk was carried out. Results. 546 outpatient medical records of patients with type 2 DM were analysed, among which there were 39.6% men (n=216) with a history of type 2 DM 8.0 years [3.0; 13.0] , median age 64.0 years [54.5; 71.0] and 60.4% women (n=330), history of type 2 DM 10.0 years [5.0; 15.0], median age 70.0 years [63.0; 75.0]. The achieved HbA1c level in men was 7.6% [6.3; 9.0] and in women 7.4% [6.4; 9.1]. 19.4% of men and 13.6% of women had an aggravated history of type 2 DM. According to the history, 6.5% of men (n=14) and 3% of women (n=10) with type 2 DM had a history of stroke, and myocardial infarction 12% (n=26) and 1.5% (n=5), respectively. Among the analysed outpatient records of type 2 DM patients, 18.5% of men (n=40) and 12.4% of women (n=41) were found to have diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic retinopathy was reported in 9.3% (n=20) of men and 4.2% (n=14) of women. Diabetic macroangiopathies were detected in 29.6% (n=64) of males and 9.7% (n=32) of females. Among other chronic complications of DM, diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy was recorded in 1% (n=2) of males and 3% (n=10) of females, diabetic polyneuropathy in 25% (n=54) and 21.5% (n=71), respectively. Diabetic foot was diagnosed in 1.9% (n=4) of men and 1.8% (n=6) of women. Among comorbid pathology, obesity was diagnosed in 45.4% (n=88) of men and 69.1% (n=228) of women, dyslipidaemia in 10.2% (n=22) and 10.6% (n=35) respectively, hypertension in 39.8% (n=86) and 32.6% (n=108) of cases. The diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease was verified in 3.7% of men (n=7) and 1.8% of women (n=6), chronic heart failure in 7.4% of men (n=16) and 2.4% of women (n=8) registered for type 2 DM. According to the analysed outpatient records, 4.1% (n=23) of patients received diet therapy, 48.3% (n=263) received monotherapy and 47.6% (n=260) received combination therapy for type 2 DM. Metformin was the most commonly used monotherapy for type 2 DM 36.1% (n=197), followed by insulin 6.9% (n=38), sulfonylurea derivatives – 2.7% (n=15). Combination of metformin and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (13.9%) was the most commonly used combination therapy. Conclusion. Analysis of the current situation in the diabetology service will help to identify weaknesses and strengths, which is necessary to optimise existing therapeutic approaches in accordance with current clinical recommendations

    Finite Hilbert stability of (bi)canonical curves

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    We prove that a generic canonically or bicanonically embedded smooth curve has semistable m-th Hilbert points for all m. We also prove that a generic bicanonically embedded smooth curve has stable m-th Hilbert points for all m \geq 3. In the canonical case, this is accomplished by proving finite Hilbert semistability of special singular curves with G_m-action, namely the canonically embedded balanced ribbon and the canonically embedded balanced double A_{2k+1}-curve. In the bicanonical case, we prove finite Hilbert stability of special hyperelliptic curves, namely Wiman curves. Finally, we give examples of canonically embedded smooth curves whose m-th Hilbert points are non-semistable for low values of m, but become semistable past a definite threshold. (This paper subsumes the previous submission and arXiv:1110.5960).Comment: To appear in Inventiones Mathematicae, 2012. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co