22 research outputs found

    Primena disperzivne mikroekstrakcije čvrstom fazom kao tehnike pripreme uzoraka za GC – MS analizu PAU u vodi

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    The aim of this paper is to determine the efficiency of D-µ-SPE with application of novel sorbents as a technique for sample preparation of water samples for the analysis of 16 priority PAHs by GC-MS. The sample preparation technique proved to be very fast, efficient and economical. The results of the proposed method demonstrate that this technique can be applied for routine analysis of PAHs in water. The advantages of this method are characterized by low values of limit of detection (from 0.147 ppb for benzo [a] anthracene to 0.784 ppb for naphthalene) and the limit of quantification (0.717 ppb for naphthalene to 9.459 ppb for benzo [k] fluorantene.Ciljevi istraživanja ovog rada su određivanje efikasnosti disperzivne mikroekstrakcije čvrstom fazom (D-µ-SPE) kao tehnike pripreme uzoraka vode za analizu 16 prioritetnih PAU gasnom hromatografijom sa masenom spektrometrijom, primenom novih sorbenasa. Tehnika pripreme uzoraka pokazala se kao veoma brza, efikasna i ekonomična. Rezultati predložene metode dokazuju da se ova tehnika može primeniti kao tehnika pripreme uzoraka za rutinsku analizu PAU u vodi. Prednosti ovakovog načina analize odlikuju se niskim vrednostima granice detekcije (od 0.147 ppb za benzo[a]antracen do 0.784 ppb za naftalen) i granice kvatifikacije (0.717 ppb za naftalen do 9.459 ppb za benzo[k]fluoranten)

    Primena novih sorbenasa u D-µ-SPE TEhnici pripreme uzoraka za GC – MS analizu PAU u vodi

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    The aim of this paper is application of novel sorbents in dispersive micro solid phase extraction (D-μ-SPE) as a technique for sample preparation of water, for the analysis of 16 PAHs by gass chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS). D-μ-SPE proved to be an effective technique consuming a small amount of the solvent for the analysis. D-μ-SPE is characterized by its rapidity (7 minutes per sample including all preparation of standard solutions and measuring of sorbents) and cheapness as well. Low values of the detection limit and limit of quantification, acceptable accuracy and precision values propose this method for routine water analysis for the determination of PAHs.Cilj istraživanja ovog rada je primena novih sorbenasa u disperzivnoj mikroekstrakciji čvrstom fazom (D-µ-SPE) kao tehnikom pripreme uzoraka vode za analizu 16 prioritetnih PAU gasnom hromatografijom sa masenom spektrometrijom (GC-MS). D-µ-SPE se pokazala kao efikasna i ekonomična tehnika pripreme uzoraka vode pri čemu se troši mala količina rastvarača za ekstrakciju i koristi jeftin pribor za pripremu uzoraka koja traje 7 minuta (uključujući pripreme standardnih rastvora i odmeravanje sorbenasa). Niske vrednosti granice detekcije i kvantifikacije, prihvatljive vrednosti tačnosti i preciznosti predloženu metodu analize 16 prioritetnih PAU kvalifikujuje za rutinsku analizu vode

    Chloroplast pigments in post-fire-grown cryptophytes on Vidlič Mountain (Southeastern Serbia)

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    In this study the content of chloroplast pigments (chlorophyll a, b, a+b, and carotenoids) in the leaves of Geranium macrorrhizum L., Doronicum columnae Ten., Aegopodium podagraria L. and Tussilago farfara L. from a beech forest that had undergone fire on Vidlič Mountain was determined. The same species of plants from a place that had not been exposed to fire were taken as controls. Chloroplast pigments were determined from acetone extracts of these plants spectrophotometrically. In the first year after the fire the content of chlorophyll a, b and a+b in Geranium macrorrhizum L. and Doronicum columnae Ten. was greater than in the plants not exposed to fire. The results were the opposite for Aegopodium podagraria L. and Tussilago farfara L. These differences can be attributed to the different physiology of the plants and consequently their different adaptation patterns. The carotenoid content was higher in the plant species at the fire site than in the area not exposed to fire

    Ramalina Capitata (Ach.) Nyl. Acetone Extract: Hplc Analysis, Genotoxicity, Cholinesterase, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity

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    In the present investigation, effects of Ramalina capitata acetone extract on micronucleus distribution on human lymphocytes, on cholinesterase activity and antioxidant activity (by the CUPRAC method) were examined, for the first time as well as its HPLC profile. Additionally, total phenolic compounds (TPC), antioxidant properties (estimated via DPPH, ABTS and TRP assays) and antibacterial activity were determined. The predominant phenolic compounds in this extract were evernic, everninic and obtusatic acids. Acetone extract of R. capitata at concentration of 2 mu g mL(-1) decreased a frequency of micronuclei (MN) for 14.8 %. The extract reduces the concentration of DPPH and ABTS radicals for 21.2 and 36.1 % (respectively). Values for total reducing power (TRP) and cupric reducing capacity (CUPRAC) were 0.4624 +/- 0.1064 mu g ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE) per mg of dry extract, and 6.1176 +/- 0.2964 mu g Trolox equivalents (TE) per mg of dry extract, respectively. The total phenol content was 670.6376 +/- 66.554 mu g galic acid equivalents (GAE) per mg of dry extract. Tested extract at concentration of 2 mg mL(-1) exhibited inhibition effect (5.2 %) on pooled human serum cholinesterase. The antimicrobial assay showed that acetone extract had inhibition effect towards Gram-positive strains. The results of manifested antioxidant activity, reducing the number of micronuclei in human lymphocytes, and antibacterial activity recommends R. capitata extract for further in vivo studies

    Biological activities of Umbilicaria crustulosa (Ach.) Frey acetone extract

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    This paper reports for the first time the effect of an acetone extract of Umbilicaria crustulosa on the micronucleus distribution of human lymphocytes, and on the cholinesterase activity and antioxidant activity by the cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC) method. Additionally, the total phenolic compounds (TPC) and the antioxidant properties were estimated via DPPH, ABTS and TRP assays. Moreover, the antibacterial activity against two Gram-positive and three Gram-negative bacteria were determined. Acetone extract of U. crustulosa at concentration of 1 and 2 mu g mL(-1) decreased a frequency of micronuclei (MN) by 10.8 and 16.8 %, respectively, acting more or slightly less than the synthetic protector amifostine (AMF, WR-2721, 11.4 %, at concentration of 1 mu g mL(-1)). The tested extract did not inhibit cholinesterase activity nor did it exhibit activity toward the examined bacteria. The extract reduced the concentration of DPPH and ABTS radicals by 88.7 and 96.2 %, respectively. Values for total reducing power (TRP) and cupric reducing capacity (CUPRAC) were 0.6197+/-0.0166 mu g ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE) per mg of dry extract, and 19.7641+/-1.6546 mu g trolox equivalents (TE) per mg of dry extract, respectively. The total phenol content was 350.4188 +/-14.587 mu g gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per mg of dry extract. The results of the present study showed that U. crustulosa acetone extract is a promising candidate for in vivo experiments considering its antioxidant activity and protective effect on human lymphocytes

    Određivanje sadržaja mikro i makro elemenata u lekovitoj biljci Seseli pallasii Besser

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    Metals, whether from natural and anthropogenic sources, can migrate between different parts of the environment and accumulate in flora and fauna, and in this way can finally reach people through the food chain. The possibility of contamination of plants by metals limits their use both in the pharmaceutical and food industry, because the increased concentration of some metals can have a negative impact on the health of humans and animals. The medicinal herbaceous species Seseli pallasii Besser is used in traditional medicine, but also as a spice in nutrition, so the assessment of the presence of metals is essential to ensure its safe application. For the estimation of the contents of the micro (Al, B, Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, V, Zn) and macroelenates (Ca, K, Mg and Na) in vegetative parts of plant species Seseli pallasii Besser (root, leaf, flower and fruit) from Southeast Serbia the method of induced coupled plasma with optical emission spectrometry (ISP-OES) was applied. The content of micro and macroelements in the studed medicinal plant species is below the recommended limits, which confirms that Seseli pallasii Besser can be safely used in traditional medicine and nutrition.Metali, bilo da su iz prirodnih i antropogenih izvora, mogu da migriraju između različitih delova životne sredine i akumuliraju se u floru i faunu, i na taj način konačno mogu dospeti do ljudi putem lanca ishrane. Mogućnost kontaminacije biljaka metalima ograničava njihovu upotrebu kako u farmaceutskoj tako i u prehrambenoj industriji, jer povećana koncentracija nekih metala može imati negativan uticaj na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Lekovita biljna vrsta Seseli pallasii Besser koristi se u tradicionalnoj medicini, ali i kao začin u ishrani, pa je procena prisustva metala od suštinske važnosti kako bi se osigurala njena bezbedna primena. Za procenu sadržaja mikro (Al, B, Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, V, Zn) i makroelenenata (Ca, K, Mg i Na) u delovima biljke S. pallasii Besser (koren, list, cvet i plod) iz jugoistočne Srbije korišćena je metoda indukovano spregnute plazme sa optičkom emisionom spektrometrijom (ISP-OES). Sadržaj mikro i makroelemenata u proučavanoj lekovitoj biljnoj vrsti je ispod preporučenih granica, što potvrđuje da se S. pallasii Besser može sigurno koristiti u tradicionalnoj medicini i ishrani

    Phytochemistry, Toxicology and Therapeutic Value of Petasites hybridus Subsp. Ochroleucus (Common Butterbur) from the Balkans

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    Petasites hybridus (Common butterbur) is extensively used in traditional medicine, and is currently gaining interest and popularity as a food supplement and for its medicinal properties. It contains a large number of active compounds of potential therapeutic activity, but also toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Science-based information is needed to support the developing modern use of this plant, and to direct continued safe practice in traditional medicine. The present study focused on the essential oils from leaves and rhizomes of the understudied P. hybridus ssp. ochroleucus from the Balkans, and evaluated its phytochemistry and potential therapeutic activities (antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-cholinesterase and anti-inflammatory), as well its toxicology potential (acute toxicity in insects and mice). We studied the essential oils, which are not commonly used in traditional practices, but have a potential for safe use since the toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are non-volatiles, are usually not present in the distilled essential oils. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids were indeed not detected in the essential oils; ingestion of the essential oils did not induce toxicity signs in mice, and topical application did not elicit skin irritation in humans. The essential oils had no antimicrobial properties against 20 pathogenic bacterial strains, but demonstrated good local anti-inflammatory activity in a Carrageenan-induced paw edema test. An insect toxicity test demonstrated that the leaf essential oil is an efficient insect repellent, and the demonstrated anti-cholinesterase activity suggests a potential for the treatment of neurological conditions. Isopetasin, a sesquiterpene found in plants of the genus Petasites, known to have anti-inflammatory effects, was present only in the rhizomes essential oil (3.9%), and sesquiterpene lactones concentrations were high, likely contributing to the antioxidant activity

    Sadržaj pigmenata hloroplasta u lekovitoj biljci Teucrium chamaedrys sa sanirane deponije Rudarsko metalurško hemijskog kombinata “Trepča”

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    In this paper, the contents of chloroplast pigments (chlorophyll a, b, a+b and carotenoids) in the leaves of medicinal plant Teucrium chamaedrys from tailing pond „Žitkovac“ of Mining and Metallurgical Chemical Company „Trepča“ and from uncontaminated area near city of Niš were compared. Chloroplast pigments were determined spectrophotometrically in the acetone extracts of experimental and control samples of plant material. The contents of chlorophyll a, a+b and ratio a/b were higher in leaves of samples from tailing pond in comparison with control samples from uncontaminated habitat near city of Niš. In response to stress conditions caused by pollution and full intensity of sunlight in samples of leaves from tailing pond providing the protection of chlorophyll from photooxidation or ultraviolet radiation damage.U ovom radu upoređen je sadržaj pigmenata hloroplasta (hlorofil a, b, a+b, karotenoidi) iz listova lekovite bilјne vrste podubica - Teucrium chamaedrys sa deponije „Žitkovac“ Rudarsko Metalurško Hemijskog Kombinata „Trepča“ i nezagađenog područja okoline Niša. Pigmenti hloroplasta su određeni spektrofotometrijski u acetonskim ekstraktima eksperimentalnih i kontrolnih uzoraka bilјaka. Sadržaj hlorofila a, a+b i odnos a/b je bio veći kod u uzorcima listova sa deponije u poređenju sa kontrolnim uzorcima sa nezagađenog staništa iz okoline Niša. Kao odgovor na stresne uslove uzrokovane zagađenjem i punim intenzitetom sunčeve svetlosti zabeležen je i povećan sadržaj karotenoida kod uzoraka listova sa deponije, što obezbeđuje zaštitu hlorofila od fotooksidacije odnosno štetnog dejstva ultravioletnog zračenja

    Aktivnost enzima katalaze i sadržaj organskih kiselina kod Hajdučke trave (Achillea millefolium) sa sanirane deponije „Žitkovac“ Rudarsko metalurško hemijskog kombinata „Trepča“

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    In this comparative study, the activity of enzyme catalase and total content of organic acids were determined in undergroung and above-ground plant parts of medicinal plant Achillea millefolium from tailing pond “Žitkovac” of Mining and Metallurgical Chemical Company „Trepča“ and from uncontaminated area near city of Niš. Catalase activity was measured using the gasometric method and the values obtained for this activity were expressed as ml of O2. The content of organic acids in the plant material was detrmined by modified titration method in the presence of indicator. An increased catalase activity on tailing pond, in comparison with uncontaminated habitat, is a result of stress that is caused by chemical changes in the soil on tailing pond representing good metabolic ways of detoxification, which belongs to the mechanisms of defence and acquiring resistance. An increased content of organic acids in samples on tailing pond is an efficient mechanism reducing the heavy metal uptake, binding them to complexes and allowing the plant growth at high level of contamination.U ovom komparativnom istraživanju određeni su aktivnost enzima katalaze i ukupan sadržaj organskih kiselina u podzemnim i nadzemnim delovima lekovite biljke hajdučka trava (Achillea millefolium) sa sanirane deponije „Žitkovac“ Rudarsko Metalurško Hemijskog Kombinata „Trepča“ i nezagađenog područja okoline Niša. Aktivnost katalaze je izmerena korišćenjem gasometrijske metode i izražena u ml kiseonika. Sadržaj organskih kiselina u bilјnom materijalu određen je modifikovanom metodom titracije u prisustvu indikatora. Uvećanje aktivnosti enzima katalaze kod uzoraka na deponiji u poređenju sa nezagađenim staništem je rezultat stresa uzrokovan hemijskim promenama u zemljištu i predstavlja metabolički vid razgradnje štetnih jedinjenja, odnosno detoksikacije, koja spada u kvalitetne mehanizme sticanja otpornosti, kao odgovor na izmenjene uslove u životnoj sredini. Povećan sadržaj organskih kiselina u uzorcima sa deponije je efikasan mehanizam, koji smanjuje unos teških metala u bilјku vezujući se za njih u komplekse i omogućava rast biljke pri visokom nivou kontaminacije

    The development of a new inhibition kinetic spectrophotometric method for determination of phenylhydrazine

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    Anew sensitive kinetic method has been developed for the determination of trace amounts of phenylhydrazine in the range of 1.08×10-7 to 1.08×10-6 g/cm3. The detection limit of this method is 0.008 mg/cm3, based on the 3Sb criterion. Themethod is based on the inhibitory effect of phenylhydrazine on the oxidation of Victoria Blue 4-R by KBrO3. The reaction was monitored spectrophotometrically at 596.3 nm. The method development includes the optimization of the reagent concentration and temperature. The kinetic parameters of the reaction are reported and a rate equation is suggested. The effects of certain foreign ions upon the reaction rate were determined for the assessment of the selectivity of the method. The new developedmethod was found to have fairly good selectivity, sensitivity, simplicity and rapidity