8 research outputs found

    Chapter La terminologia della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro in tedesco per l’Alto Adige

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    The paper deals with the German language terminology of occupational health and safety (OHS) in South Tyrol, Italy, where the minority language has official status next to the national language. The South Tyrolean German legal language is developed along two main lines, i.e. through secondary term formation based on translations of Italian terms or by adopting terms already established in the German-speaking countries. The examples given in the paper show the presence of terminological gaps in South Tyrolean German, the influence of Italian, the delicate relation with the legal terminology of the foreign German-speaking legal systems and the difficulty of disseminating an unambiguous terminology in the domain of OHS at local level. The final part explains the currently adopted development and dissemination strategies

    Terminologia e interculturalità. Problematiche e prospettive

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    La terminologia contribuisce al consolidamento di patrimoni linguistici e culturali mentre la sua diffusione intra- e interlinguistica favorisce la costruzione di dialoghi interdisciplinari, evolvendo in parallelo a nuovi bisogni e contesti. Queste dinamiche si innestano nelle problematiche della comunicazione interculturale, tanto nelle pratiche dell’espressione quanto in quelle della traduzione interlinguistica. In questo volume, studiose e studiosi, specialiste e specialisti di terminologia presentano le loro riflessioni su queste tematiche, indagando la dimensione culturale e interculturale della ricerca terminologica e delle sue pratiche, interrogando tutti i fenomeni relativi all’incontro fra culture in atto nella realizzazione discorsiva di ambito specialistico. Tali riflessioni considerano ogni dimensione della testualità, fino agli spazi digitali, che offrono strumenti di analisi oltre i limiti della materialità, offrendo così un panorama ampio nel dibattito in corso, un terreno fertile per la verifica teorica alle questioni di ricerca in ambito terminologico

    Chapter La terminologia della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro in tedesco per l’Alto Adige

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    The paper deals with the German language terminology of occupational health and safety (OHS) in South Tyrol, Italy, where the minority language has official status next to the national language. The South Tyrolean German legal language is developed along two main lines, i.e. through secondary term formation based on translations of Italian terms or by adopting terms already established in the German-speaking countries. The examples given in the paper show the presence of terminological gaps in South Tyrolean German, the influence of Italian, the delicate relation with the legal terminology of the foreign German-speaking legal systems and the difficulty of disseminating an unambiguous terminology in the domain of OHS at local level. The final part explains the currently adopted development and dissemination strategies

    Ko jezik postane pravo: metodologija in kriteriji južnotirolske komisije za standardizacijo nemških in italijanskih ekvivalentov

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    South Tyrol is a part of Northern Italy where a large German-speaking minority lives. In 1972 the local population was granted the right to use the minority language with the public administration, in court and in all realms of public life (DPR 672/1972). An urgent need for a clear and consistent German legal language that faithfully reflected the Italian legal system ensued. The task of responding to such terminological emergency was assigned to a commission of six legal experts and translators (DPR574/1988), who were to officially validate (i.e. standardise) the German language equivalents to the existing legal and administrative Italian terms. The use of the newly standardised terminology is mandatory for all public bodies. After about 20 years of activity, the proposed paper aims at analysing the results obtained and difficulties faced by the Commission during their daunting task of creating a German language terminology to express the concepts of Italian law with a constant view to the neighbouring well-established German speaking legal systems. The paper will illustrate the decision-making process, term selection criteria and strategies of neologyas well as discuss the procedural problems and terminological inconsistencies on the basis of real examples.Na Južnem Tirolskem, ki je del severne Italije, živi velika nemško govoreča manjšina. Leta 1972 je bila tej populaciji zagotovljena pravica do rabe maternega jezika v javni upravi, na sodišču in na vseh področjih javnega življenja (DPR 672/1972). Temu je sledila nujna potreba po jasnem in doslednem nemškem pravnem jeziku, ki bi skladno zrcalil značilnosti italijanskega pravnega sistema. Naloga reševanja nastale terminološke nujnosti je bila zaupana šestčlanski komisiji, sestavljeni iz pravnih strokovnjakov in prevajalcev (DPR 574/1988). Komisija je morala obstoječim pravnim in upravnim italijanskim terminom določiti nemške ekvivalente in jih tako standardizirati. Raba te novo standardizirane terminologije pa je postala zavezujoča za vse javne organe. Avtorice želijo v svojem prispevku analizirati rezultate dela komisije in težave, s katerimi se ta že več kot dvajset let sooča pri oblikovanju take nemške terminologije, ki bi ustrezala pojmom italijanskega pravnega sistema, pri tem pa ima vseskozi pred očmi tudi uveljavljene pravne rede sosednjih nemško govorečih držav. Avtorice skušajo ponazoriti, kako potekajo odločitve komisije, kakšne kriterije ta uporablja za izbiro terminov in kakšne strategije pri oblikovanju neologizmov, ob tem pa s pomočjo konkretnih zgledov opozarjajo na proceduralne težave in terminološke nedoslednosti

    When Language becomes law: The methodology and criteria adopted by the South Tyrolean terminology commission for the standardization of German and Italian translation equivalents

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    South Tyrol is a part of Northern Italy where a large German-speaking minority lives. In 1972 the local population was granted the right to use the minority language with the public administration, in court and in all realms of public life (DPR 672/1972). An urgent need for a clear and consistent German legal language that faithfully reflected the Italian legal system ensued. The task of responding to such \u201cterminological emergency\u201d was assigned to a commission of six legal experts and translators (DPR 574/1988), who were to officially validate (i.e. standardise) the German language equivalents to the existing legal and administrative Italian terms. The use of the newly standardised terminology is mandatory for all public bodies. After about 20 years of activity, the proposed paper aims at analysing the results obtained and difficulties faced by the Commission during their daunting task of creating a German language terminology to express the concepts of Italian law with a constant view to the neighbouring well-established German speaking legal systems. The paper will illustrate the decision-making process, term selection criteria and strategies of neology as well as discuss the procedural problems and terminological inconsistencies on the basis of real examples

    Terminologische Herausforderungen bei Gesetzes\ue4nderungen am Beispiel des Familienrechts

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    Changes in legislation can heavily affect the terminology of a specific legal domain; designations and concepts may evolve and change or new concepts be introduced. This paper illustrates the effects of legislative reforms with examples from the domain of family law. Historical and legal developments in the domain followed common principles in Italy and the German-speaking countries. However, important differences at conceptual and linguistic level remain, as is evident from the short overview over the most important reforms in Italy and Germany. This paper addresses both the challenges of translating across legal systems and within the same (multilingual) legal system. The discussion of the latter focuses on the northern Italian province of South Tyrol, where German is an official language alongside Italian and terminology needs to be developed taking into account the terminology of other German-speaking areas. As a means of addressing the above-mentioned challenges, we describe the method of micro-comparison. The method helps to reveal similarities and differences at conceptual level between terms from different legal systems, thus determining the existence or absence of equivalent concepts. The method can also be applied by translators in their daily work

    Trilingual Legal Terminology bistro (ELEXIS)

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    bistro is the Information System for Legal Terminology created by researchers at the Institute for Applied Linguistics of Eurac Research. Initially started in 2001 as a support tool for communication, writing and translations within a legal context, work on an updated version began in 2013 with the intention of creating a flexible and reliable tool able to meet the various needs of users, whether they be law professionals, translators, students or people who need valid support in the understanding and translation of texts and legal documents