2 research outputs found

    Positive and Negative Impacts of Renewable Energy Sources

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    In this paper, positive and negative impacts of renewable energy sources are presented. Impacts of solar power, biomass power, fuel cells, hydro power, wind power and geothermal power are described. Ecological, social and political impacts of different renewable energy sources are described. Impacts of power plants using different renewable energy sources on the power grid are also described

    Installation and adjustment of the measuring equipment in the laboratory for renewable energy ETFOS

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    U ovom radu dan je opis Laboratorija za obnovljive izvore Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Osijeku. Zadatak rada je automatizirati mjerenja temperature, struje, napona i sunčevog zračenja na fotonaponskim modulima postavljenim na krovu fakulteta. Kako bi se predstavio cijeli proces dan je opis pojedinih dijelova mjernog sustava ključnih za izvedbu navedenih mjerenja. Također, dane su upute za postavljanje instrumenta i programa zaduženih za prikupljanje mjernih podataka i obradu istih, kako bi studenti, odnosno osoblje fakulteta lakše moglo ponoviti ista ili slična mjerenja obavljenim u ovom radu. U sklopu ovog diplomskog rada bit će izrađena aplikacija koja će dati vjerni prikaz laboratorija s opisom opreme i pristupom mjerenjima putem web sučelja. 3D modeli laboratorija izrađeni su u SketchUp-u, a za animacije, interakciju i korisničko sučelje koristi se Unreal engine.In this paper, an overview of the Laboratory for Renewable Energy Sources of Faculty of Electrical Engineering is given. The task of this thesis is to automate measurements of temperature, current, voltage and solar radiation on photovoltaic modules mounted on the roof of Faculty. To represent the entire process, the individual parts of measuring system, key to perform these measurements, are described. Also, instructions for setting up the instrument and the program responsible for the collection and processing of measuring data are made, so students, or faculty staff could easily repeat the same or similar measurement performed in this thesis. As part of this master's thesis, an application that will give real presentation of Laboratory with full description of the equipment and access to future measurements via a web interface will be developed using SketchUp for 3D modeling, and Unreal engine for animation, interaction and user interface