19 research outputs found

    Main Particulars Optimisation of a Sea-Going Ferry for a Given Shipping Route

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    The paper presents a two-stage optimisation approach of sea-going ferry main particulars intended for a particular route. The method is especially suited for determining owner's specific design requirements. The goal of the first stage is a maximisation of cargo capacity, mostly in terms of the total lane length. Empirical method based on the fleet statistics of existing ferries is used throughout the stage one. The objective function of the second stage are the capital and service costs of a ferry, which are to be minimised. The solution of the latter optimisation will essentially involve a ship manoeuvring motions simulatio

    Assessment of ship manoeuvring safety in waterway systems by relative navigational risk

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    The safety of vessels navigating in the sea waterway system is ensured by fulfilling the acceptable restrictions called safe ship operation conditions in that system. The assessment of navigation safety is particularly important when the conditions for safe operation of ships in the waterway system are changed concerns increasing the maximum parameters of vessels, increasing the allowable hydrometeorological conditions or changing the minimum tug assistance. The article presents a method for assessing navigation safety when the conditions for the safe operation of vessels in the waterway system get changed. The method uses two indicators, which are difference in navigation risks and relative navigation risk. To determine the navigational risk, algorithms were developed for calculating the probability of accidents caused by the deterioration of navigation conditions and technical failure of ship equipment and tugs. Another algorithm was developed for calculating the consequences of the accidents that involve blocking a waterway by a ship anchoring in an emergency, grounding, impact of the ship against a port structure or moored ship and a collision with another ship in motion. The method developed for assessing navigation safety by means of relative navigation risk can be used in practice when changing the conditions for safe operation of vessels in the waterway system and when the system is modernized. Navigational safety management is a decision process that is implemented in the loop presented in the article. The acceptable risk is determined on the basis of vessel traffic intensity and ship parameters defined by safe operation conditions for a given waterway system. Relative navigational risk may be used in assessment and comparison of various conditions of safe ship operation. The probability of an accident caused by ship's moving outside the available navigable area due to technical failures of ship equipment or tugs is determined, depending on the type of port waterway and the manoeuvres performed

    Optimization of LNG terminal parameters for a wide range of gas tanker sizes: the case of the port of Świnoujście

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    LNG terminals are built to handle tankers of specific size, with cargo capacities within a narrow scope. This is related to the differences in cargo, fender and mooring systems used for LNG tanker handling of various sizes. The research problem solved in the article is the development of the method for optimal design of a universal LNG cargo handling facility that enables safe operations of LNG tankers in a wide range of cargo capacity that covers almost entire spectrum of global fleet tanker sizes. The article presents a methodology of optimizing the parameters of LNG cargo terminals to accommodate both small bunker ships with cargo capacity of 500 m3 (50 metres in length) to Q-flex type tankers capable of carrying up to 220 000 m3 (320 m in length). The authors have determined conditions for the safe operation of these tankers in sea LNG terminals and described differences in the construction of cargo, fendering and mooring systems. The optimization of both location and terminal parameters for a wide range of gas tanker sizes as well as approach channels leading to the LNG berths was performed using a specially designed two-stage simulation method of optimization. In the first stage the best location of a universal LNG terminal and its berths in the existing port basin is determined. The second stage defines optimal parameters of approach waterways to the berths of a universal LNG terminal. The optimization criterion at both stages was the minimization of the costs to build and to operate a universal LNG terminal. The developed optimization methodology was actually used in the design of the universal LNG terminal in the outer port of Świnoujście. The tests made use of real time simulation (RTS) and non-autonomous models of ships, in which ship movement is controlled by a human (pilot, captain). Simulation tests were performed on a multi-bridge ship handling Polaris simulator with a 3D projection, from Kongsberg Maritime AS. This full-mission bridge simulator (FMBS) is located at the Marine Traffic Engineering Centre, Maritime University of Szczecin. Two simulation ship movement models were built and verified for testing the manoeuvres of port entry and berthing. These are: Q-flex type tanker (length: 320 m) and an LNG bunker ship, 6,000 m3 capacity, 104 m in length. The test results were used in the design of the universal LNG terminal in the outer port of Świnoujście and approach waterways leading to the berths (now this investment project is in progress)

    Conditions of safe ship operation in seaports – optimization of port waterway parameters

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    A seaport is presented in this article as a system composed of various types of waterways. The author has defined relationships between port waterway system elements and conditions of safe operation of ships in port. Relationships were determined between the conditions of safe operation of ships and the parameters of the following port waterways: anchorage, fairways (approach and inner channels, port entrances), turning area and port basin. The identified relationships between port waterway system and conditions of safe ship operation provided a basis for formulating the objective function of waterway parameter optimization during port design. In practice, these relations were used to determine the parameters of the Outer Container Terminal being built in Świnoujście, where two optimization problems were to be solved: 1. The optimization of approach channel parameters, 2. The optimization of parameters of the port entrance, turning area and port basin. The Outer Container Terminal in Świnoujście is expected to handle ocean-going ships with a length overall Lo = 400 m, and its projected capacity is estimated at 1.5 million TEU per year, a figure that can be doubled in the future

    Studying Sea Waterway System with the Aid of Computer Simulation Methods

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    The article presents a systematic approach to studying sea waterways. Relations between the parameters of sea waterway system elements and the conditions of safe ship operation are determined. Principles of formulation of the simulation experiment research process in the sea waterway system design process at the preliminary and detailed design stages are defined

    Studying Sea Waterway System with the Aid of Computer Simulation Methods

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    The article presents a systematic approach to studying sea waterways. Relations between the parameters of sea waterway system elements and the conditions of safe ship operation are determined. Principles of formulation of the simulation experiment research process in the sea waterway system design process at the preliminary and detailed design stages are defined

    Dimensioning of port waterways for vessels handling offshore wind farms using the navigational risk analysis

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    This article indicates the development trends in the construction of offshore wind turbines worldwide, and the characteristics of existing and planned ships for wind turbine installation and maintenance; it presents an approach to design ports with their future operations in mind. Problem: The safety of navigation in port waterways is the basic restrictions for the construction of harbors (terminals) to handle ships used for the construction of OWT and for increasing their size. Navigational risk is a criterion of navigational safety assessment that allows its accurate estimation in port waterways. Method: The article presents the method for dimensioning port waterways for ships serving offshore sea wind turbine transport and construction. Furthermore, a method for determining the navigational risk of jack-up vessels navigating in port waterway areas is presented. Results: The authors have determined conditions for safe operation of these ships in restricted areas and defined the basic condition of navigational safety. The presented method of navigational risk analysis refers to the departure of a loaded ship carrying offshore wind turbine components in the presently designed port terminal in Świnoujście for handling offshore wind farm projects. Conclusion: These are universal methods that can be applied to the design of ports serving vessels that install offshore wind turbines in various types of waters

    Main Particulars Optimisation of a Sea-Going Ferry for a Given Shipping Route

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    The paper presents a two-stage optimisation approach of sea-going ferry main particulars intended for a particular route. The method is especially suited for determining owner's specific design requirements. The goal of the first stage is a maximisation of cargo capacity, mostly in terms of the total lane length. Empirical method based on the fleet statistics of existing ferries is used throughout the stage one. The objective function of the second stage are the capital and service costs of a ferry, which are to be minimised. The solution of the latter optimisation will essentially involve a ship manoeuvring motions simulation

    Methods for Optimization of Sea Waterway Systems and their Application

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    This paper presents developed optimization methods for sea waterway systems. Objective function of optimization of sea waterway systems have been formulated and its detail form for fairways has been determined. Three probabilistic methods for determining safe bed-breadth of fairway are described. Limitations of the presented methods are also discussed. The developed optimization methods for sea waterway systems have been applied to determine parameters of a modernized fairway between Świnoujście and Szczecin as well as its navigation system