4 research outputs found

    Digitalne generacije - nove sposobnosti?

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    Era digitalne tehnologije donosi jednu potpuno novu kulturu življenja. Digitalne tehnologije su zaÅ”le u sve ā€žporeā€œ druÅ”tva i ljudskog bivstvovanja. Stoga ne čudi Å”to su se mnogi autori iz različitih oblasti zainte- resovali za tragove koje digitalne tehnologije ostavljaju na kognitivno funkcionisanje jedinki. Iz želje za razumevanjem drugačijeg konteksta proizaÅ”lo je shvatanje da individue koje su odrastale u doba interneta imaju kvalitativno drugačije karakteristike od njihovih prethodnika. Međutim, obrazovni sistem je naročito ā€žpogodiloā€œ pitanje diskrepancije između načina na koji nove generacije uče i načina na koji starije generacije poučavaju. Uzimajući u obzir tu dilemu i saznanja do kojih su brojni autori doÅ”li, obrazovni sistem mora proći kroz transformaciju koju mu nameću drugačije potrebe učenika nove generacije i savremeno doba digitalnih tehnologija

    Prisustvo stres sindroma (PSS) kod svinja rase mangulica

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    Porcine stress syndrome (PSS) is one kind of molecular genetics defect which will cause malignant hyperthermia syndrome in pigs. It was reported that mutation of pig rynodine receptor (RYR1) gene is the main reason for PSS. The aim of this study was to test the RYR1 genotype of 10 Mangalitsa pigs using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction endonuclease fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique, which is a reliable and simple method for RYR1 gene testing. Extraction of DNA was done by using hair follicles. The results showed that the RYR1 genotype of all the 10 porcine cases were negative. These results suggested that Mangalitsa pig could be one of the porcine breeds selectively bred for medical and clinically experiments.Stres sindrom svinja (PSS - Porcine Stress Syndrome) pripada genetskim oboljenjima svinja i može da izazove sindrom maligne hipertermije. Utvrđeno je da je mutacija rijanodin receptora (RYR1) gena svinja glavni razlog za pojavu PSS-a. Cilj ovog ogleda bio je testiranje RYR1 gena na 10 svinja rase mangulica koriŔćenjem PCR-restriktivnog endonukleaza testa (PCR-RFLP), koji predstavlja jednostavnu i pouzdanu tehniku za testiranje RYR1 gena. Ekstrakcija DNK je obavljena koriŔćenjem korena dlake svinja. Rezultati ogleda potvrđuju da je RYR1 genotip kod svih 10 svinja bio negativan. Na osnovu napred navedenog može se zaključiti da bi mangulica mogla da bude jedna od genotipova koji se koriste za medicinska i klinička ispitivanja

    Physiological and cell ultrastructure disturbances in wheat seedlings generated by Chenopodium murale hairy root exudate.

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    Chenopodium murale L. is an invasive weed species significantly interfering with wheat crop. However, the complete nature of its allelopathic influence on crops is not yet fully understood. In the present study, the focus is made on establishing the relation between plant morphophysiological changes and oxidative stress, induced by allelopathic extract. Phytotoxic medium of C. murale hairy root clone R5 reduced the germination rate (24% less than control value) of wheat cv. NataŔa seeds, as well as seedling growth, diminishing shoot and root length significantly, decreased total chlorophyll content, and induced abnormal root gravitropism. The R5 treatment caused cellular structural abnormalities, reflecting on the root and leaf cell shape and organization. These abnormalities mostly included the increased number of mitochondria and reorganization of the vacuolar compartment, changes in nucleus shape, and chloroplast organization and distribution. The most significant structural changes were observed in cell wall in the form of amoeboid protrusions and folds leading to its irregular shape. These structural alterations were accompanied by an oxidative stress in tissues of treated wheat seedlings, reflected as increased level of H2O2 and other ROS molecules, an increase of radical scavenging capacity and total phenolic content. Accordingly, the retardation of wheat seedling growth by C. murale allelochemicals may represent a consequence of complex activity involving both cell structure alteration and physiological processes.This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Protoplasma. The final authenticated version is available online at: [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00709-018-1250-0