24 research outputs found
Vaccinations against infuenza of healthcare workers
Flu is a contagious disease that poses a problem recurring in each influenza season with varying intensity. At the end of the XX and early XXI century new subtypes appeared , which indicates the high variability of the pathogen from the moment of its isolation to the present day. Many people do not realize, how big a threat is flu, its consequences have a significant rebound in both the health and economic sphere.
On the issue of influenza, the best prevention measure is prophylaxis. Hygiene behaviour meet with approval and the problem of incorporating these behaviours into life, while the most effective way of preventing influenza in the form of vaccination, for unknown reasons, does not enjoy excessive recognition and good reputation among the population.
Medical personnel through frequent and close contact with patients are exposed to various pathogens that cause disease. The increase in influenza flu among medical personnel facilitates the transmission of a disease that is spreading among patients and other employees. This creates a significant coordination problem, associated with the need to deal with staff shortages among employees, mainly during the epidemic seasons typical of influenza. The results of serological tests show that seasonal exposure to influenza virus is about 25% of medical workers [1]
Bruxism, that is, the impact of stress on temporomandibular joint
The pace of life in the 21st century, stress and all its negative effects make this problem a civilization disease. In 2013, World Health Organization provided the guidelines on the procedures in the cases connected with stress. About 77% of population regularly feels physical symptoms of stress, 17% suffers from bruxism (gnashing of teeth).
The occurrence of bruxism has large impact on functional quality of temporomandibular joint. Long-term disease may lead to limitation of movements, which causes serious deterioration of quality of life. Bruxism may also lead to the disorders within muscles making moves in the discussed joint such as hypertrophy of masseter and temporal muscle, which results in the change of shape of the face („square face”) and to pain in the region of the attachments of these muscles.
Many people suffer from bruxism and the effects of functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint are a serious health problem. Therefore, education making people aware of this disease and early diagnostics to implement appropriate treatment are necessary
Congenital Abnormalities of the Temporomandibular Joint - single conditions
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), due to its morphological structure, is a bicondylar joint, coupled in every movement. Intensive development of TMJ occurs in the early fetal period. Diseases of the temporomandibular joints differ in etiology and symptoms. The dysfunction of temporomandibular joint may lead to many problems connected with disorders of masseter muscles and bones building this joint and tissues around it. The aim of these studies is to describe several congenital abnormalities of the temporomandibular joint. Congenital deformities of the temporomandibular joint complex can present as a growth of mandible disturbances. They can occur as single condition characterized by hyperplasia or hypoplasia of joint structures. In extreme cases it can occure as agenesis, which is lack of formation. Tempotomandibular joint may be also affected by fibrous dysplasia, form of hyperplasia. They can also occur as a complex symptom with congenital mandible deformity, what can cause the problems with correct diagnosis. Temporomandibular joint disorders constitute a significant percentage of the viscerocranium diseases. All disorders occurring within these structures are usually associated with severe pain and significant discomfort. In dental practice, it is important to know in detail the symptoms associated with diseases of temporomandibular joint and also differentiate single conditions and complex symptoms.
Respiratory and motor rehabilitation in the patients with chest drainage
Introduction: Chest drainage is a procedure applied in life or health-threatening situations. It is an integral part accompanying patients undergoing thoracic surgery. It allows evacuation from the pleural cavity of pathological fluid, blood, air and perulence.
The patients with chest drainage are struggling with many symptoms, such as pain, feeling of pressure or dyspnoea associated with a given disease entity through movement restrictions, especially on the side affected by drainage. Currently, respiratory and motor rehabilitation is an important part of treatment in patients undergoing thoracic surgery. Breathing and movement exercises and other elements of rehabilitation are of great importance in the whole treatment process, and when applied together, properly and regularly contribute to improvement of patient's health, reduce the risk of complications and improve the comfort of treated person.
The goal of the thesis: The goal of the thesis was to review literature about pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with chest drainage.
Results: Respiratory and motor rehabilitation conducted in the patients with chest drainage has a significant impact on their recovery. Educating patients about postoperative rehabilitation has a beneficial effect on their performance of individual rehabilitation elements
Implementation of experimental cellular (cellular-genetic) therapies on the example of eye diseases
The development of technology and a modern research approach in the 21st century has enabled access to new therapies in many fields of medicine and nanotechnology. Work on the use of cellular therapies is carried out in leading centers around the world. According to the "clinicaltraial.gov" service, it is estimated that there are about 5.5 thousand clinical trials using stem cells. The classification of stem cells is based on their potential to differentiate into other cells, tissues, organs or the whole organism. In cell therapy 3 groups of stem cells are used: Pluripotent Stem Cells (PSC), multipotent and unipotent, which have two common features: the ability to self-revalue, that is, to divide and to differentiate in many directions. To date, there are no objective, randomized clinical trials that would clearly determine the efficacy and safety of the cell therapy used in ophthalmic diseases. Hope is given by gene therapies such as the recently approved Luxturna™ gene therapy used in hereditary retinal degeneration caused by mutations in the RPE65 gene. Research is currently underway on experimental cell therapies to treat the following diseases of the optic system: glaucoma, retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), optic nerve atrophy, retinal pigmentation (RP) and Stargardt's disease. Stem cell-based medical therapies are a promising and rapidly developing method of innovative treatment, especially for conditions that were previously considered incurable. The use of experimental cellular gene therapies in diseases of the visual organ gives hope to both patients and scientists, but the age of regenerative medicine has yet to come
Complications associated with oncological therapy - how to minimize?
During cancer therapy, patients undergo long-term treatment with chemotherapists. Unfortunately, although chemotherapy effectively destroys cancer cells, its toxicity may cause many adverse effects, weakening the patient's body. Their intensity is determined by many factors, including the age of the patient, the dose and type of drugs, the efficiency of metabolism and the occurrence of coexisting diseases. The most common side effects associated with chemotherapy include: myelosuppression, anaemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, thromboembolic disease, cardiovascular disorders, hair loss, nausea, diarrhoea, mucositis, taste change or fatigue.The complications that occur during or after chemotherapy are still a huge challenge for modern oncology. It is very important that the treatment of a patient with cancer is conducted by a team of doctors with many specializations. The individualization of treatment and the introduction of combined therapy may significantly minimize the occurrence of many serious complications, which may affect not only the quality of treatment, but also the patient life expectancy
Knowledge of the perinatal care standard among women giving birth to children in the hospitals in Szczecin
Introduction: In order to improve the quality of perinatal care in Poland, the Regulation of the Minister of Health of September 20, 2012 introduced the standards of medical treatment when providing medical care from the field of perinatal care to women during the period of physiological pregnancy, physiological childbirth, postpartum and newborn care ( so-called the standards of perinatal care). Although the standards have been in force for several years, there are still problems with their compliance and their low knowledge among women giving birth.
Research objective: Assessment of the level of knowledge about the Standards perinatal care and of Patients' Rights and the rights arising from them by women giving birth in the hospitals in Szczecin.
Materials and Methods: The study included 335 women who have given birth in the hospitals in Szczecin. The study was performed since January 2016 till March 20158 by means of a diagnostic survey, based on the author’s questionnaire, developed on the basis of the standards of perinatal care 20th September 2012.
Results: Among women giving birth vaginally 42% reported knowledge of the standard. 41% of women who have given birth by caesarean section declared that they know the standard. No statistically significant differences were found between the knowledge or lack of knowledge of the standards in terms age, education, and attend or not at antenatal class. We found statistically significant relationship between the knowledge of the standards and having a birth plan.
Conclusions: 1. Knowledge of the standards declared more women, in comparison to the research conducted a few years earlier. Despite this their knowledge is still not high.
2. Women in spite of declaring knowledge of the standard are not aware that they were not followed.
3. There is still a need to educate women and staff on the standards of prenatal care and Patients' Rights
Prechtl’s diagnostics as a valuable research tool applied before implementation of NDT Bobath therapy
Early Prechtl’s diagnostics applied before implementation of NDT Bobath therapy was described in this article. Prechtl’s diagnostics allows therapist to determine whether child development will be disturbed at psychomotor level and whether rehabilitation with the use of NDT Bobath method should be implemented. Quick implementation of the therapy allows to suppress improper motor patterns and develop proper distribution of muscle tone and change the repertoire of the movements in children.
Key words: NDT-bobath, Prechtl’s diagnostics, neurodevelopmental therapy
The sex assessment among children and juveniles from the medieval cemetery in Sanok
Informacja o płci biologicznej szczątków ludzkich jest konieczna do stawiania archeologicznych bądź antropologicznych hipotez o podziale pracy, religii i rozwarstwieniu społecznym w społeczeństwach historycznych. Metody morfologiczne mają stosunkowo wysoki wskaźnik skuteczności zwłaszcza w przypadku szkieletów dorosłych, jednak identyfikacja płci nieletnich przysparza wiele trudności. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena płci osobników młodocianych pochodzących ze średniowiecznego cmentarza w Sanoku. Analizy przeprowadzono w oparciu o morfologię żuchwy, morfologię kości biodrowej i pomiary uzębienia mlecznego. Badania obejmowały 42 osobniki z grup wiekowych Infans I i Infans II. Do analizy kości biodrowej zastosowano metodę Schutkowskiego. Żuchwy badano również przy użyciu metody Schutkowskiego oraz metod Loth i Henneberga i Molleson i Cruse, natomiast do uzębienia mlecznego wykorzystano równanie regresji Żądzińskiej. Kompleksowej oceny płci dokonano sumując wszystkie kryteria. Płeć została oznaczona dla 34 szkieletów. Wyróżniono 13 (30,95%) osobników płci męskiej i 21 (50%) osobników płci żeńskiej. Otrzymane dane zestawiono z wynikami z innych populacji (średniowiecznej i współczesnej).Information on the biological sex of human remains is necessary to make forward an archeological or anthropological hypothesis about division of work, religion and social stratification in historical human societies. morphological methods have a relatively high success rate especially on adult skeletons, while identification of juvenile causes lot of difficulties.The purpose of this research was to assess the age of juvenile remains that are date back to the Middle Ages and were found at the medieval cemetery in Sanok.The analysis was conducted on the basis of mandible’s morphology, ilia’s morphology and deciduous teeth’s analysis. The research included 42 individuals, age group Infans I and Infans II. The Schutkowski method was applied to analyze the ilia. Mandibles were examined using the Schutkowski, Loth and Henneberg’s and Molleson methods. The Żądzińska’s regression was used to examine deciduous teeth. All criteria were added up to identify of juvenile skeletons in comprehensive manner. Sex was specified in 34 remains. 13 (30,95%) of individuals were males and 21 (50%) were females. The data of the research was compared with results from other populations (medieval and coeval)