31 research outputs found

    Study sample composition and SpeB production according to <i>emm</i> pattern group and <i>emm</i> clade.

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    <p>All GAS isolates under study were assigned to an <i>emm</i> pattern group and <i>emm</i> clade, based on their <i>emm</i> type. Panels A and C: The <i>emm</i> pattern (panel A: pattern A-C, black; pattern D, speckled; pattern E, gray) and clade (panel C: clade X, speckled; clade Y, black) distributions (%) of each disease-defined subset of GAS strains is shown. Panels B and D: The fractional distributions of SpeB producers (dark gray) and SpeB non-producers (light gray) are plotted. SpeB phenotype is based on the Columbia-SM agar assay. The statistical significance of differences was tested using the Fisher exact test (2-tailed; ** for <i>p</i> < 0.01).</p

    TEM of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded lung from KD patient 1.

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    <p>A, ciliated bronchial epithelium demonstrating electron-dense apical ICI (block arrows). B, alveolar macrophage, demonstrating perinuclear, finely granular spheroid bodies similar to those seen within the bronchial epithelium (block arrow). N = nucleus, C = cilia. A = 9,500X, B = 26,000X.</p

    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of ciliated bronchial epithelium from glutaraldehyde-fixed, previously frozen lung from KD patient 3.

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    <p>A) Lower power image demonstrating finely granular, variably electron-dense ICI (block arrows). N = nucleus, L = lysosomes, M = mitochondria, C = cilia. B) Higher power image of ICI (block arrows). Note rough endoplasmic reticulum (thin arrow). ICI are spherical and do not appear membrane-bound. A = 14,000X, B = 52,000X.</p

    Patients with a history of Kawasaki Disease (KD) and the pathologic findings in their lungs.

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    <p>NA = not available, ND = not done, PE = pulmonary emboli, ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome, IHC = +indicates staining with antibody J but not antibody I,-indicates negative results with I and J</p

    Controls and the pathologic findings in their lungs.

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    <p>NA = not available, COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, SLE = systemic lupus erythematosis, IHC = +indicates staining with antibody J but not antibody I,-indicates negative results with I and J</p