5,069 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Radio-Selected Galaxy Overdensity at z=1.11

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    We report the discovery of a galaxy overdensity at z=1.11 associated with the z=1.110 high-redshift radio galaxy MG0442+0202. The group, CL0442+0202, was found in a near-infrared survey of z>1 radio galaxies undertaken to identify spatially-coincident regions with a high density of objects red in I-K' color, typical of z>1 elliptical galaxies. Spectroscopic observations from the Keck telescope reveal five galaxies within 35" of MG0442+0202 at 1.10<z<1.11. These member galaxies have broad-band colors and optical spectra consistent with passively-evolving elliptical galaxies formed at high redshift. A 45ks Chandra X-Ray Observatory observation detects the radio galaxy and four point sources within 15" of the radio galaxy, corresponding to a surface density two orders of magnitude higher than average for X-ray sources at these flux levels, S(0.5-2keV) > 5e-16 erg/cm2/s. One of these point sources is identified with a radio-quiet, typeII quasar at z=1.863, akin to sources recently reported in deep Chandra surveys. The limit on an extended hot intracluster medium in the Chandra data is S(1-6keV) < 1.9e-15 erg/cm2/s (3-sigma, 30" radius aperture). Though the X-ray observations do not confirm the existence of a massive, bound cluster at z>1, the success of the optical/near-infrared targeting of early-type systems near the radio galaxy validates searches using radio galaxies as beacons for high-redshift large-scale structure. We interpret CL0442+0202 to be a massive cluster in the process of formation.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Increase in whole-body peripheral vascular resistance during three hours of air or oxygen prebreathing

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    Male and female subjects prebreathed air or 100% oxygen through a mask for 3.0 hours while comfortably reclined. Blood pressures, heart rate, and cardiac output were collected before and after the prebreathe. Peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) was calculated from these parameters and increased by 29% during oxygen prebreathing and 15% during air prebreathing. The oxygen contributed substantially to the increase in PVR. Diastolic blood pressure increased by 18% during the oxygen prebreathe while stystolic blood pressure showed no change under either procedure. The increase in PVR during air prebreathing was attributed to procedural stress common to air and oxygen prebreathing

    Distant galaxy clusters in the COSMOS field found by HIROCS

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    We present the first high-redshift galaxy cluster candidate sample from the HIROCS survey found in the COSMOS field. It results from a combination of public COSMOS with proprietary H-band data on a 0.66 square degree part of the COSMOS field and comprises 12 candidates in the redshift range 1.23 < z < 1.55. We find an increasing fraction of blue cluster members with increasing redshift. Many of the blue and even some of the reddest member galaxies exhibit disturbed morphologies as well as signs of interaction.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, in print format, accepted for publication by A&A Letter

    Chemistry by Mobile Phone (or how to justify more time at the bar)

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    By combining automatic environment monitoring with Java smartphones a system has been produced for the real-time monitoring of experiments whilst away from the lab. Changes in the laboratory environment are encapsulated as simple XML messages, which are published using an MQTT compliant broker. Clients subscribe to the MQTT stream, and produce a user display. An MQTT client written for the Java MIDP platform, can be run on a smartphone with a GPRS Internet connection, freeing us from the constraints of the lab. We present an overview of the technologies used, and how these are helping chemists make the best use of their time


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    2019 provided no shortage of excitement, as there were more oil and gas opinions issued by the Kansas Supreme Court than in a usual year. These cases will be the main focus of this Survey, as there are no major legislative developments to report for this year. The first case decided whether the common-law rule against perpetuities should be applied to exceptions of defeasible term mineral interests. The second case is “yet another round in [a] high-dollar subsurface prize fight” about who has the right to gas that has escaped from an under- ground natural gas storage facility. The third case analyzes whether the misappropriation of royalty payments gives rise to a claim of adverse possession. Additionally, the Kansas Court of Appeals released an oil and gas opinion, which will be briefly discussed

    Justifying the Special Theory of Relativity with Unconceived Methods

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    Many realists argue that present scientific theories will not follow the fate of past scientific theories because the former are more successful than the latter. Critics object that realists need to show that present theories have reached the level of success that warrants their truth. I reply that the special theory of relativity has been repeatedly reinforced by unconceived scientific methods, so it will be reinforced by infinitely many unconceived scientific methods. This argument for the special theory of relativity overcomes the critics’ objection, and has advantages over the no-miracle argument and the selective induction for it

    Proximal business intelligence on the semantic web

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    This is the post-print version of this article. The official version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2010 Springer.Ubiquitous information systems (UBIS) extend current Information System thinking to explicitly differentiate technology between devices and software components with relation to people and process. Adapting business data and management information to support specific user actions in context is an ongoing topic of research. Approaches typically focus on providing mechanisms to improve specific information access and transcoding but not on how the information can be accessed in a mobile, dynamic and ad-hoc manner. Although web ontology has been used to facilitate the loading of data warehouses, less research has been carried out on ontology based mobile reporting. This paper explores how business data can be modeled and accessed using the web ontology language and then re-used to provide the invisibility of pervasive access; uncovering more effective architectural models for adaptive information system strategies of this type. This exploratory work is guided in part by a vision of business intelligence that is highly distributed, mobile and fluid, adapting to sensory understanding of the underlying environment in which it operates. A proof-of concept mobile and ambient data access architecture is developed in order to further test the viability of such an approach. The paper concludes with an ontology engineering framework for systems of this type – named UBIS-ONTO

    Clinical and serological studies of tuberculosis patients in Argentina receiving immunotherapy with Mycobacterium vaccae (SRL 172)

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    AbstractTwo small, placebo-controlled studies of immunotherapy with heat killed Mycobacterium vaccae added to routine chemotherapy for pulmonary tuberculosis, together involving 40 HIV seronegative patients, were carried out in Argentina. The immunotherapy was associated with reduced sputum smear positivity of AFB at 1 month and a greater reduction in ESR at 2 months. In the first study radiological improvement was better (P < 0·05) among immunotherapy recipients. In the second study, weight regain and time to become apyrexial were measured and were found to be improved amongst immunotherapy recipients (P < 0·05).In the first month of treatment the levels of IgG to the 65 kDa and 70 kDa heat-shock proteins showed greater falls following immunotherapy (P < 0·05 and P < 0·001, respectively). On admission serum cytokine levels of interleukins 4 and 10 (IL-4, IL-10), interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) were grossly raised in comparison with a matched control group (P < 0·001). After 1 month. Levels of IL-4, IL-10 and TNF-α fell (P < 0·001, P < 0·01 and P < 0·01, respectively) and levels of IFN-γ rose more (P = 0·005) in immunotherapy recipients than in those receiving chemotherapy alone. The results are in accord with a switch towards a TH1 immunological status and clinical benefit for immunotherapy recipients

    A Sr-Rich Star on the Main Sequence of Omega Centauri

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    Abundance ratios relative to iron for carbon, nitrogen, strontium and barium are presented for a metal-rich main sequence star ([Fe/H]=--0.74) in the globular cluster omega Centauri. This star, designated 2015448, shows depleted carbon and solar nitrogen, but more interestingly, shows an enhanced abundance ratio of strontium [Sr/Fe] ~ 1.6 dex, while the barium abundance ratio is [Ba/Fe]<0.6 dex. At this metallicity one usually sees strontium and barium abundance ratios that are roughly equal. Possible formation scenarios of this peculiar object are considered.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Accepted to ApJ

    Galaxy Cluster Correlation Function to z ~ 1.5 in the IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey

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    We present the galaxy cluster autocorrelation function of 277 galaxy cluster candidates with 0.25 \le z \le 1.5 in a 7 deg^2 area of the IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey. We find strong clustering throughout our galaxy cluster sample, as expected for these massive structures. Specifically, at = 0.5 we find a correlation length of r_0 = 17.40^{+3.98}_{-3.10} h^-1 Mpc, in excellent agreement with the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey, the only other non-local measurement. At higher redshift, = 1, we find that strong clustering persists, with a correlation length of r_0=19.14^{+5.65}_{-4.56} h^-1 Mpc. A comparison with high resolution cosmological simulations indicates these are clusters with halo masses of \sim 10^{14} Msun, a result supported by estimates of dynamical mass for a subset of the sample. In a stable clustering picture, these clusters will evolve into massive (10^{15} Msun) clusters by the present day.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. ApJ Letters, in pres