3,173 research outputs found

    Bulk Spin-Hall Effect

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    We show that a two-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled system in the presence of a charge/spin-density wave with a wave-vector perpendicular to an applied electric field supports bulk manifestations of the direct/inverse spin-Hall effect. We develop a theory of this phenomenon in the framework of the spin diffusion equation formalism and show that, due to the inhomogeneity created by a spin-grating, an anomalous bulk charge-density wave is induced away from sample boundaries. The optimal conditions for the observation of the effect are determined. The main experimental manifestation of the bulk spin-Hall effect, the induced charge/spin-density-wave, is characterized by a pi/2-phase shift relative to the initial non-homogeneous spin/charge-polarization profile and has a non-monotonic time-varying amplitude.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Surface states, Friedel oscillations, and spin accumulation in p-doped semiconductors

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    We consider a hole-doped semiconductor with a sharp boundary and study the boundary spin accumulation in response to a charge current. First, we solve exactly a single-particle quantum mechanics problem described by the isotropic Luttinger model in half-space and construct an orthonormal basis for the corresponding Hamiltonian. It is shown that the complete basis includes two types of eigenstates. The first class of states contains conventional incident and reflected waves, while the other class includes localized surface states. Second, we consider a many-body system in the presence of a charge current flowing parallel to the boundary. It is shown that the localized states contribute to spin accumulation near the surface. We also show that the spin density exhibits current-induced Friedel oscillations with three different periods determined by the Fermi momenta of the light and heavy holes. We find an exact asymptotic expression for the Friedel oscillations far from the boundary. We also calculate numerically the spin density profile and compute the total spin accumulation, which is defined as the integral of the spin density in the direction perpendicular to the boundary. The total spin accumulation is shown to fit very well the simple formula S ~(1 - m_L/m_H)^2, where m_L and m_H are the light- and heavy-hole masses. The effects of disorder are discussed. We estimate the spin relaxation time in the Luttinger model and argue that spin physics cannot be described within the diffusion approximation.Comment: 22 pages, 8 color figure

    Spin relaxation in a generic two-dimensional spin-orbit coupled system

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    We study the relaxation of a spin density injected into a two-dimensional electron system with generic spin-orbit interactions. Our model includes the Rashba as well as linear and cubic Dresselhaus terms. We explicitly derive a general spin-charge coupled diffusion equation. Spin diffusion is characterized by just two independent dimensionless parameters which control the interplay between different spin-orbit couplings. The real-time representation of the diffuson matrix (Green's function of the diffusion equation) is evaluated analytically. The diffuson describes space-time dynamics of the injected spin distribution. We explicitly study two regimes: The first regime corresponds to negligible spin-charge coupling and is characterized by standard charge diffusion decoupled from the spin dynamics. It is shown that there exist several qualitatively different dynamic behaviors of the spin density, which correspond to various domains in the spin-orbit coupling parameter space. We discuss in detail a few interesting phenomena such as an enhancement of the spin relaxation times, real space oscillatory dynamics, and anisotropic transport. In the second regime, we include the effects of spin-charge coupling. It is shown that the spin-charge coupling leads to an enhancement of the effective charge diffusion coefficient. We also find that in the case of strong spin-charge coupling, the relaxation rates formally become complex and the spin/charge dynamics is characterized by real time oscillations. These effects are qualitatively similar to those observed in spin-grating experiments [Weber et al., Nature 437, 1330 (2005)].Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Two-dimensional surface charge transport in topological insulators

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    We construct a theory of charge transport by the surface states of topological insulators in three dimensions. The focus is on the experimentally relevant case when the electron doping is such that the Fermi energy εF\varepsilon_F and transport scattering time τ\tau satisfy εFτ/1\varepsilon_F \tau/\hbar \gg 1, but sufficiently low that εF\varepsilon_F lies below the bottom of the conduction band. Our theory is based on the spin density matrix and takes the quantum Liouville equation as its starting point. The scattering term is determined accurately to linear order in the impurity density. We consider scattering by charged impurities and short-range scatterers such as surface roughness. We calculate also the polarization function in topological insulators, emphasizing the differences from graphene. We find that the main contribution to the conductivity is ni1\propto n_i^{-1}, where nin_i is the impurity density, and will have different carrier density dependencies for different forms of scattering. Two different contributions to this conductivity are traced to the scalar and spin-dependent terms in the Hamiltonian and their relative weight depends on the doping density. Our results contain all contributions to the conductivity to orders zero and one in the impurity density. We discuss also a way to determine the dominant scattering angles by studying the ratio of the transport relaxation time to the Bloch lifetime as a function of the Wigner-Seitz radius rsr_s. We also discuss the effect on the surface states of adding metallic contacts. Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Role of disorder in half-filled high Landau levels

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    We study the effects of disorder on the quantum Hall stripe phases in half-filled high Landau levels using exact numerical diagonalization. We show that, in the presence of weak disorder, a compressible, striped charge density wave, becomes the true ground state. The projected electron density profile resembles that of a smectic liquid. With increasing disorder strength W, we find that there exists a critical value, W_c \sim 0.12 e^2/\epsilon l, where a transition/crossover to an isotropic phase with strong local electron density fluctuations takes place. The many-body density of states are qualitatively distinguishable in these two phases and help elucidate the nature of the transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Superconductivity in a two dimensional extended Hubbard model

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    The Roth's two-pole approximation has been used by the present authors to investigate the role of dpd-p hybridization in the superconducting properties of an extended dpd-p Hubbard model. Superconductivity with singlet dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave pairing is treated by following Beenen and Edwards formalism. In this work, the Coulomb interaction, the temperature and the superconductivity have been considered in the calculation of some relevant correlation functions present in the Roth's band shift. The behavior of the order parameter associated with temperature, hybridization, Coulomb interaction and the Roth's band shift effects on superconductivity are studied.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Structural and magnetic properties of CoPt mixed clusters

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    In this present work, we report a structural and magnetic study of mixed Co58Pt42 clusters. MgO, Nb and Si matrix can be used to embed clusters, avoiding any magnetic interactions between particles. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) observations show that Co58Pt42 supported isolated clusters are about 2nm in diameter and crystallized in the A1 fcc chemically disordered phase. Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS) and Grazing Incidence Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (GIWAXS) reveal that buried clusters conserve these properties, interaction with matrix atoms being limited to their first atomic layers. Considering that 60% of particle atoms are located at surface, this interactions leads to a drastic change in magnetic properties which were investigated with conventional magnetometry and X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichro\"{i}sm (XMCD). Magnetization and blocking temperature are weaker for clusters embedded in Nb than in MgO, and totally vanish in silicon as silicides are formed. Magnetic volume of clusters embedded in MgO is close to the crystallized volume determined by GIWAXS experiments. Cluster can be seen as a pure ferromagnetic CoPt crystallized core surrounded by a cluster-matrix mixed shell. The outer shell plays a predominant role in magnetic properties, especially for clusters embedded in niobium which have a blocking temperature 3 times smaller than clusters embedded in MgO

    Finite Temperature Density Instability at High Landau Level Occupancy

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    We study here the onset of charge density wave instabilities in quantum Hall systems at finite temperature for Landau level filling ν>4\nu>4. Specific emphasis is placed on the role of disorder as well as an in-plane magnetic field. Beyond some critical value, disorder is observed to suppress the charge density wave melting temperature to zero. In addition, we find that a transition from perpendicular to parallel stripes (relative to the in-plane magnetic field) exists when the electron gas thickness exceeds 60\approx 60\AA. The perpendicular alignment of the stripes is in agreement with the experimental finding that the easy conduction direction is perpendicular to the in-plane field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures. We show explicitly that a transition from perpendicular to parallel stripes (relative to the in-plane magnetic field) exists when the electron gas thickness exceeds 60\approx 60\AA. The perpendicular alignment of the stripes is in agreement with the experimental finding that the easy conduction direction is perpendicular to the in-plane fiel