466 research outputs found

    Bound on the Dark Matter Density in the Solar System from Planetary Motions

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    High precision planet orbital data extracted from direct observation, spacecraft explorations and laser ranging techniques enable to put a strong constraint on the maximal dark matter density of a spherical halo centered around the Sun. The maximal density at Earth's location is of the order 10510^5 GeV/cm3{\rm GeV/cm^3} and shows only a mild dependence on the slope of the halo profile, taken between 0 and -2. This bound is somewhat better than that obtained from the perihelion precession limits.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Solar system constraints on the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati braneworld theory of gravity

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    A number of proposals have been put forward to account for the observed accelerating expansion of the Universe through modifications of gravity. One specific scenario, Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) gravity, gives rise to a potentially observable anomaly in the solar system: all planets would exhibit a common anomalous precession, dw/dt, in excess of the prediction of General Relativity. We have used the Planetary Ephemeris Program (PEP) along with planetary radar and radio tracking data to set a constraint of |dw/dt| < 0.02 arcseconds per century on the presence of any such common precession. This sensitivity falls short of that needed to detect the estimated universal precession of |dw/dt| = 5e-4 arcseconds per century expected in the DGP scenario. We discuss the fact that ranging data between objects that orbit in a common plane cannot constrain the DGP scenario. It is only through the relative inclinations of the planetary orbital planes that solar system ranging data have sensitivity to the DGP-like effect of universal precession. In addition, we illustrate the importance of performing a numerical evaluation of the sensitivity of the data set and model to any perturbative precession.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Timing of Millisecond Pulsars in NGC 6752: Evidence for a High Mass-to-Light Ratio in the Cluster Core

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    Using pulse timing observations we have obtained precise parameters, including positions with about 20 mas accuracy, of five millisecond pulsars in NGC 6752. Three of them, located relatively close to the cluster center, have line-of-sight accelerations larger than the maximum value predicted by the central mass density derived from optical observation, providing dynamical evidence for a central mass-to-light ratio >~ 10, much higher than for any other globular cluster. It is likely that the other two millisecond pulsars have been ejected out of the core to their present locations at 1.4 and 3.3 half-mass radii, respectively, suggesting unusual non-thermal dynamics in the cluster core.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter. 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Discovery of Five Binary Radio Pulsars

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    We report on five binary pulsars discovered in the Parkes multibeam Galactic plane survey. All of the pulsars are old, with characteristic ages 1-11 Gyr, and have relatively small inferred magnetic fields, 5-90e8 G. The orbital periods range from 1.3 to 15 days. As a group these objects differ from the usual low-mass binary pulsars (LMBPs): their spin periods of 9-88 ms are relatively long; their companion masses, 0.2-1.1 Msun, are, in at least some cases, suggestive of CO or more massive white dwarfs; and some of the orbital eccentricities, 1e-5 < e < 0.002, are unexpectedly large. We argue that these observed characteristics reflect binary evolution that is significantly different from that of LMBPs. We also note that intermediate-mass binary pulsars apparently have a smaller scale-height than LMBPs.Comment: 5 pages, 4 embedded EPS figs, accepted for publication by ApJ Letter

    X-ray observations of the compact central object in supernova remnant G347.3-0.5

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    We present Chandra, XMM-Newton and RXTE observations of 1WGA J1713.4-3949, a compact source at the center of the galactic supernova remnant (SNR) G347.3-0.5. The X-ray spectrum of the source is well-fitted by the sum of a blackbody component with a temperature of about 0.4 keV plus a power law component with photon index about 4. We found no pulsations down to 4% in the 0.01-0.16 Hz range and down to 25% in the 0.01-128 Hz range. This source resembles other compact central objects (CCOs) in SNRs, and we suggest that 1WGA J1713.4-3949 is the associated neutron star for G347.3--0.5. We also measured the properties of the adjacent radio pulsar PSR J1713-3945 with a 392 ms period and show that it is not associated with 1WGA J1713.4-3949 nor, most probably, with SNR G347.3-0.5 as well.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Interferometric Astrometry of the Low-mass Binary Gl 791.2 (= HU Del) Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: Parallax and Component Masses

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    With fourteen epochs of fringe tracking data spanning 1.7y from Fine Guidance Sensor 3 we have obtained a parallax (pi_abs=113.1 +- 0.3 mas) and perturbation orbit for Gl 791.2A. Contemporaneous fringe scanning observations yield only three clear detections of the secondary on both interferometer axes. They provide a mean component magnitude difference, Delta V = 3.27 +- 0.10. The period (P = 1.4731 yr) from the perturbation orbit and the semi-major axis (a = 0.963 +- 0.007 AU) from the measured component separations with our parallax provide a total system mass M_A + M_B = 0.412 +- 0.009 M_sun. Component masses are M_A=0.286 +- 0.006 M_sun and M_B = 0.126 +- 0.003 M_sun. Gl 791.2A and B are placed in a sparsely populated region of the lower main sequence mass-luminosity relation where they help define the relation because the masses have been determined to high accuracy, with errors of only 2%.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. The paper is to appear in August 2000 A

    Discovery of a Young Radio Pulsar in a Relativistic Binary Orbit

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    We report on the discovery of PSR J1141-6545, a radio pulsar in an eccentric, relativistic 5-hr binary orbit. The pulsar shows no evidence for being recycled, having pulse period P = 394 ms, characteristic age tau_c = 1.4 x 10^6 yr, and inferred surface magnetic dipole field strength B = 1.3 x 10^12 G. From the mass function and measured rate of periastron advance, we determine the total mass in the system to be (2.300 +/- 0.012) solar masses, assuming that the periastron advance is purely relativistic. Under the same assumption, we constrain the pulsar's mass to be M_p < 1.348 solar masses and the companion's mass to be M_c > 0.968 solar masses (both 99% confidence). Given the total system mass and the distribution of measured neutron star masses, the companion is probably a massive white dwarf which formed prior to the birth of the pulsar. Optical observations can test this hypothesis.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for Publication in Ap

    Measurement of Relativistic Orbital Decay in the PSR B1534+12 Binary System

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    We have made timing observations of binary pulsar PSR B1534+12 with radio telescopes at Arecibo, Green Bank, and Jodrell Bank. By combining our new observations with data collected up to seven years earlier, we obtain a significantly improved solution for the astrometric, spin, and orbital parameters of the system. For the first time in any binary pulsar system, no fewer than five relativistic or "post-Keplerian" orbital parameters are measurable with useful accuracies in a theory-independent way. We find the orbital period of the system to be decreasing at a rate close to that expected from gravitational radiation damping, according to general relativity, although the precision of this test is limited to about 15% by the otherwise poorly known distance to the pulsar. The remaining post-Keplerian parameters are all consistent with one another and all but one of them have fractional accuracies better than 1%. By assuming that general relativity is the correct theory of gravity, at least to the accuracy demanded by this experiment, we find the masses of the pulsar and companion star each to be 1.339+-0.003 Msun and the system's distance to be d = 1.1+-0.2 kpc, marginally larger than the d ~ 0.7 kpc estimated from the dispersion measure. The increased distance reduces estimates of the projected rate of coalescence of double neutron-star systems in the universe, a quantity of considerable interest for experiments with terrestrial gravitational wave detectors such as LIGO.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the Ap

    The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey: PSR J1811-1736 - a pulsar in a highly eccentric binary system

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    We are undertaking a high-frequency survey of the Galactic plane for radio pulsars, using the 13-element multibeam receiver on the 64-m Parkes radio telescope. We describe briefly the survey system and some of the initial results. PSR J1811-1736, one of the first pulsars discovered with this system, has a rotation period of 104 ms. Subsequent timing observations using the 76-m radio telescope at Jodrell Bank show that it is in an 18.8-day, highly-eccentric binary orbit. We have measured the rate of advance of periastron which indicates a total system mass of 2.6 +- 0.9 Msun, and the minimum companion mass is about 0.7 Msun. This, the high orbital eccentricity and the recycled nature of the pulsar suggests that this system is composed of two neutron stars, only the fourth or fifth such system known in the disk of the Galaxy.Comment: 6 pages, 3 embedded EPS figures, to be published in MNRA

    PSR J1016-5857: a young radio pulsar with possible supernova remnant, X-ray, and gamma-ray associations

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    We report the discovery of a young and energetic pulsar in the Parkes multibeam survey of the Galactic plane. PSR J1016-5857 has a rotation period of 107 ms and period derivative of 8e-14, implying a characteristic age of 21 kyr and spin-down luminosity of 2.6e36 erg/s. The pulsar is located just outside, and possibly interacting with, the shell supernova remnant G284.3-1.8. Archival X-ray data show a source near the pulsar position which is consistent with emission from a pulsar wind nebula. The pulsar is also located inside the error box of the unidentified EGRET source 3EG J1013-5915, for which it represents a plausible counterpart.Comment: 5 pages, 3 included figures, accepted for publication by ApJ Letter
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