232 research outputs found

    Chromatin structure and methylation of rat rRNA genes studied by formaldehyde fixation and psoralen cross-linking

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    By using formaldehyde cross-linking of histones to DNA and gel retardation assays we show that formaldehyde fixation, similar to previously established psoralen photocross-linking, discriminates between nucleosome-packed (inactive) and nucleosome-free (active) fractions of ribosomal RNA genes. By both cross-linking techniques we were able to purify fragments from agarose gels, corresponding to coding, enhancer and promoter sequences of rRNA genes, which were further investigated with respect to DNA methylation. This approach allows us to analyse independently and in detail methylation patterns of active and inactive rRNA gene copies by the combination of HpaII and MspI restriction enzymes. We found CpG methylation mainly present in enhancer and promoter regions of inactive rRNA gene copies. The methylation of one single HpaII site, located in the promoter region, showed particularly strong correlation with the transcriptional activit

    Frequency of C > T polymorphism in fourth chromosome and levels of crp in patients with atrial

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    Introduction. Atrial fibrillation is a heart rhythm disorder, characterized by rapid and uncoordinated atrial activation which is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice. Atrial fibrillation is observed in 1.5 - 2% of the general population and its incidence increases with age reaching more than 8-15% by 80 years of age. Atrial fibrillation is traditionally considered as a non genetic disorder. The cause of atrial fibrillation in 10-20% of cases is unknown and it is diagnosed as idiopathic

    Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma – Characteristics, Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Ювенилният назофарингеален ангиофибром е рядък съдов тумор, срещащ се с честота под 0,5% от всички тумори на главата и шията. Въпреки че е хистологично бенигнен, той притежава локална инвазивност, подобно на злокачествените неоплазми. Лечението до ден-днешен е сериозно предизвикателство, криещо множество рискове от тежки, понякога животозастрашаващи усложнения.Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is a rare high vascular tumor with a frequency of less than 0,5% of all head and neck tumors. Although histologicaly benign, it possess invasiveness similar to malignant neoplasms. The treatment is still a challenge with risk of sometimes lifethreatening complications

    Phosphorus consumption. From linear to circular flow

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    Wastewater and waste sludge are generated in all parts of the world during domestic and industrial activities. Conventional wastewater treatment methods generate a highly concentrated municipal sludge, which needs to be disposed of effectively without leading to secondary pollution. Animal manure and post generated manure wastewater are another environmental concern. Both of the above wastewater and sludge/manure are rich in organic/inorganic forms of carbon, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Anthropogenic and industrial activities in the global biogeochemical cycles have resulted in a drastic one-way mobilization of these resources into the atmosphere and the environment.The current intensive agriculture requires huge quantities of nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) containing fertilizers. The industrial production of ammonia and nitrates is quite energy demanding; however, nitrogen is abundantly present in the nature and therefore it is a non-restricted resource for nitrogen derivate production. Unlike nitrogen, P can be obtained primarily from mineral deposits available only in few geographic locations. The phosphate rock reserves are finite and the current intensive fertilizer production based on economically mined rocks could last only another 50-100 years. Since phosphates are available only in limited geographic locations and the recognition that geologic phosphates are a non-renewable resource, Phosphorus recovery becomes a crucial for sustainable food production as EU depends for 90% on import of phosphate rocks (European Commission 2017). Within the EU only Finland has some phosphate rocks. The list of supplying countries is quite short; more than 70% of the present known global reserves of phosphate rock are located in Morocco as of all mined and processed phosphate rock (2009).  Phosphorus, being a finite resource with deficits starting approximately from the year 2070 due to increased demand might also result in high prices and reliance on single point sources, giving them monopoly over the market.The EU phosphorus flows show that the main losses of phosphorus in the food sector are through sewage sludge, other waste water and food waste. In general, phosphorus can be recycled, mainly from wastewater (e.g. sewage water), manure and organic waste (e.g. wasted food). Thus, wastewater can be considered as a renewable source of N and P. Instead of releasing the N and P rich wastewater into coastal and inland waters increasing eutrophication risk their utilization can be beneficial resulting in multiple benefits like nutrient recovery, water reclamation for reuse and maintenance of ecological balance in aquatic systems.Presently, the recovery and reuse of P is still far from being a main stream practice. Yet, the techniques already accepted and applied differ by the origin of the used matter (wastewater, sludge, ash) are mainly focused on the process of precipitation. One of these techniques is struvite precipitation, which can be implemented in wastewater treatment plants that use enhanced biological or semi biological/chemical phosphorus removal. Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate or MAP (MgNH4PO4·6H2O)) is formed by a basic precipitation reaction in different stages of the wastewater treatment process where magnesium (Mg2+), ammonium (NH4+) and orthophosphate (PO4−3).The article discusses the progress in extracting P from sewage sludge and animal manure, the conditions to create optimal conditions for struvite precipitation in such media and the way to overcome the problems associated with choosing the right Mg source, pH adjustment and the non-acceptable level of organic matter in the initial suspension

    Membrane filtration pretreatment preceding struvite precipitation

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    The ability of Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF) technique for separation of organic matter in treatment of nutrient rich fluids is investigated in the study. Such separation is of great importance in case of performing magnesium-ammonium phosphate hexahydrate (struvite) precipitation as the struvite yield depends negatively on organic matter content.The advantage of cross-flow UF in separating the particulate organic matter and soluble phosphorus (P) was proved. Such a process allows COD removal rates over 99 %, while the P in permeate was kept high enough to perform a successful P precipitation as struvite

    Pearl powder - an innovation in medicine and dermatocosmetics

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    Въведение: Познанието за перления прах, използван от традиционната китайска медицина като лечебно средство, датира от преди 2000 години. Добиван от природни източници - черупки и перли на миди, стриди и морски охлюви, днес перленият прах провокира сериозен научен интерес поради уникалните си характеристики и качества. Цел: Да се анализира достъпната литература, реферирана в базите данни MEDLINE (PubMed), Scopus и Web of Science през последните 10 г. Материал и методи: Проучени са съдържанията на резюметата и пълнотекстовите публикации по проблема. Резултати: Перленият прах се разглежда като активно вещество с овлажняващ, избелващ, стимулиращ регенерацията и заздравяването на рани, антиконвулсивен, антиоксидантен, седативен, остеогенен, антиостеопоротичен ефект. Доказано е и противостареещото му действие. Изводи: Приложението на перлен прах е иновация както в медицината, така и в дерматозметиката. Модифицирането на перлен прах посредством нанотехнологии демонстрира големи промени в абсорбцията и бионаличността на веществото, което го прави още по-ефективно средство.Introduction: Pearl powder has been known for more than 2000 years, including as a remedy in traditional Chinese medicine. Nowadays, pearl powder raises serious scientific interest due to its unique characteristics and properties. The main natural sources include shells and pearls of mussels, oysters and molluscs. Aim: The aim of this paper is to evaluate the literature referred in the last 10 years in MEDLINE (PubMed), Scopus and Web of Science-referred literature data bases. Materials and Methods: Abstracts and full text publications on the topic were reviewed. Results: Pearl powder is considered an active substance with numerous actions, including moisturizing, whitening, anticonvulsive, antioxidant, sedative, antiosteoporotic and osteogenic effects. It stimulates regeneration and wound healing and is shown to have anti-aging properties. In addition, pearl powder modifications via nanotechnology demonstrate considerable changes in absorption and bioavailability. Conclusion: Pearl powder application is an innovation in both medicine and dermatocosmetics. Combined with nanotechnology it can become even more effective


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    The effects of piracetam (2 x 200 mg/kg b. w.) injected intraperitoneally for three days on erythropoiesis and some functional characteristics of erythrocytes were studied in Wistar rats. A significant increase of reticulocytes in relative (by 122,03 %, p < 0,01) and in absolute counts (by 109,29 %, p < 0,01), an increase of 59Fе incorporation in newly-formed erythrocytes (by 13,80 %) and a significant rise of erythroblasts as followed: total counts (by 59,39 %, p < 0,01), proerythroblasts (by 52,87 %, p < 0,05), and orthochromatic erythroblasts (by 54,25 %, p< 0,01) were observed in the piracetamtreated rats. It was accepted that piracetam stimulated erythroid proliferation and differentiation. Erythroid deformability enhanced by 14,69 % (p < 0,01) but spontaneous haemolysis of erythrocytes reduced by 16,95 % (p < 0,025). Thus it could be suggested that piracetam, along with its stimulatory effect on erythropoiesis, improves some of the most important functional characteristics of erythrocytes such as deformability and oxidative resistance

    Tips for Programming the Speech Processor

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