25 research outputs found

    Mehanizmi ili načini razvijanja i unapređenja bezbednosne kulture

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    In this text we will try to explain and recommend the ways in which security culture can be developed or promoted. Namely, within security studies this concept is most commonly represented as a means or analytical framework of understanding changes occurring in the security sphere over time. However, we would like to underscore the importance of viewing and applying security culture as an instrument of bringing about change, which could prove significant at a time (such as the present) when turbulent events are happening all over the world, carrying serious security implications. As well as analytical potential, the concept of security culture offers normative potential and in that regard it is important to determine all the mechanisms and factors that can contribute to its development and promotion. In this paper, we have chosen to present the role and significance of the national educational system, the establishment and development of standards, the introduction of a control mechanism and commitment. The elected mechanisms and/or factors are relevant as they satisfy he need for certain kinds of knowledge and skills, ensure that security measures, rules, procedures and expectations are followed and met, encourage behavior by which set values are up held ,and show long-term commitment to creating an open and trusting environment that is proactive and focused on reducing risks and threats to the well-being of all.U ovom tekstu pokušaćemo da objasnimo i preporučimo načine na koji se može razvijati ili unaprediti bezbednosna kultura. Naime, ovaj koncept se u studijama bezbednosti najčešće predstavlja kao sredstvo ili analitički okvir za razumevanje promena, koje se dešavaju u bezbednosnoj sferi tokom vremena. Međutim, želimo da naglasimo važnost razmatranja i primene bezbednosne kulture kao sredstva za stvaranje promena, što može biti značajno u (sadašnjem) trenutku turbulentnih dešavanja širom sveta, koji imaju naročite bezbednosne implikacije. Pored analitičkih mogućnosti, koncept bezbednosne kulture ima i normativne i u tom smislu je važno utvrditi koji sve mehanizmi pa i faktori mogu doprineti da se razvija i unapredi. Mi smo se u ovom radu opredelili da predstavimo ulogu i značaj sistema obrazovanja, uspostavljanje i razvijanje standarda, uvođenje mehanizma kontrole i obavezivanje i/ili posvećenost. Izabrani mehanizmi i/ili faktori su važni jer ispunjavaju/zadovoljavaju potrebu za određenim setom znanja i veština, obezbeđuju poštovanje bezbednosnih mera, pravila, procedura i očekivanja, utiču na ponašanje kojim se štite utvrđene vrednosti, a uz to pokazuju dugoročnu posvećenost kako bi se izgradilo otvoreno i poverljivo okruženje fokusirano i proaktivno prema smanjenju rizika i pretnji za dobrobit svih

    Culture as national securuty interest

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    Our aim in this paper is to point out that the social role and importance of culture in the modern world are perfectly legitimate in as much as culture is connected with all the aspects of social life and integrated in all social phenomena and processes. Culture can also be linked to security because together they encourage thinking about the ways of responding to threats and vulnerabilities affecting an individual, a social group or society as a whole, and even the state itself. The most general anthropological understanding of culture, commonly accepted by scholars yet criticized at the same time, deÞ nes culture as a “way of life” or as a “socially deÞ ned way of life”. However, this paper will focus on the approaches to interpreting culture that proceed from its fundamental functions, which serve to satisfy man’s needs but also to set normative goals, that is, determine the standards of a tolerant and desirable existence. We have singled out survival, communication, normative, cumulative, and security and protection functions as the most signiÞ cant functions of culture that promote the development and quality of life, at the same time building essentially on the concept of security culture. They will be discussed in this paper

    Planning and designing safe and secure open public spaces in Serbia

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    The main role of the city in the past was protection of its citizens and goods. Cities represented the places where people were able to hide from savagery, crime and wilderness, with the enemies left on the other side of the walls. However, during the twentieth century, cities were more associated with the absence of safety than with security. They experienced transformation from shelters into a major source of danger. Safety and perceptions of safety are important factors contributing to the sustainability of a contemporary city. Open public spaces as the main generators of users are the focus of social life and vitality of environment. In the paper, we have analysed the connection between urban planning and design and safety and security of open public spaces. Such analysis could help planners create urban design for a safer urban place. Principles of designing or redesigning a public space which contribute to the safety of that space are also investigated together with their instruments. Special attention is given to the CEN/TR 14383-2 technical standard for crime prevention, and its use in Serbia. The conclusion contains generic advice for improving urban design with the aim of addressing safety in open public spaces

    Značaj i uloga međunarodnih organizacija u očuvanju ekološke i ljudske bezbednosti

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    This paper presents key reflections on compromised ecological and human security. Man's growing insecurity has been affected by global ecological issues in two ways, directly and indirectly. The former involves health implications of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, while the latter is linked to potential climate changes and malnutrition. Not all ecological hazards are global, but it is clear that they exacerbate local pollution-related concerns and that individual countries are not capable of addressing them on their own. How the perspective of human security can be incorporated into the analysis of environmental challenges and how the ecological dimension can be bolstered in the analysis of human security are some of the other issues examined in this paper. The paper aims to recognize the role and importance of international organizations based on conceptual, analytical and operational considerations of ecological and human security issues. Namely, through mutual cooperation and joint activities these organizations are making great efforts to produce results by analyzing the interaction between factors of global change and degradation of the environment and factors affecting human security. Among the more important organizations mentioned are the UN and several of its agencies and suborganizations that are part of the 'UN family' (UNDP, UNESCO, UNU, UNU-EHS, UNEP, FAO) as well as a number of regional organizations such as OSCE and EU.Od kraja Hladnog rata shvatanje bezbednosti se radikalno menja tako što se širi i produbljuje, što je uslovilo pojavu novih razmišljanja koja obuhvataju svest o ugroženosti ekološke i ljudske bezbednosti. Globalni ekološki problemi kao što su: efekat staklene bašte, oštećenje ozonskog omotača, opadanje biološke raznovrsnosti, uništenje okeanskih i kopnenih staništa, doprinose ljudskoj nesigurnosti i to na dva načina: direktno i indirektno. Prvi način podrazumeva zdravstvene posledice izloženosti ultraviolentnom zračenju, a drugi indirektan, posredno putem potencijalnih klimatskih poremećaja i smanjene uhranjenosti. Nemaju sve ekološke opasnosti globalni karakter, ali je jasno da one sinergijski deluju na probleme na lokalnom nivou u vezi sa zagađenjem i mogućnošću njihovog otklanjanja. Usled nemogućnosti država da samostalno rešavaju ova pitanja, važno je ukazati na značaj i ulogu međunarodnih organizacija u rešavanju ovih problema. Za sada se radi na stavljanju na dnevni red brojnih programa i konferencija i uspostavljanju bolje saradnje između organizacija, kao i organizacija sa pojedinačnim državama. Među značajnije organizacije svakako treba navesti Organizaciju Ujedinjenih nacija (OUN) i neke od njenih agencija i podorganizacija koje čine deo 'porodice OUN' (UNDP, UNESKO, UNU, UNU-EHS, UNEP, FAO), ali i organizacije regionalnog karaktera kao što su: OEBS, EU i druge

    Identitet mladih - bezbednosno pitanje ljudskih resursa Srbije

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    The identities create and shape interests or needs, depending on the analysis context. Numerous interests, such as national security, depend on personal identity, which is related to comprehension of other identities. Some actors in social relations often cannot decide on their own interests before understanding what do they represent - 'who are they', and what is their role in the society. One of the most important, but often the most contradictory expression of the identity is national identity, which conditions development and presentation of other forms of identity. For the young of a society, national identity holds high importance, since it helps shaping their relationships towards some of the environmental entities and establishes interests or needs to be initiated. This text is a contribution to striving for the young and their issues with certain aspects of identity to be interpreted to the highest extent possible, under the paradigm of modern (Serbian) society and European environment as well. The young are not the problem or potential source of the problem to be solved; instead, they are a significant national resource, potential or 'vital social wealth', which can contribute to the social development. This text shall also highlight the possibility to set the fight of the young with building their own identity in the context of human resources security issues. Educational institutions are significant for youth socialization and behavior streamlining, especially to build the identity and shape the young as a social resource of Serbia.Identiteti stvaraju i oblikuju interese ili potrebe, u zavisnosti od konteksta analize. Mnogi interesi, na primer, nacionalne bezbednosti zavise od ličnog identiteta koji je u vezi sa shvatanjima drugih identiteta. Pojedini akteri u društvenim odnosima, često ne mogu da odluče koji su njihovi interesi, sve dok ne spoznaju šta predstavljaju - 'ko su' i koja je njihova uloga u društvu. Jedan od najvažnijih, ali često i najprotivrečnijih ispoljavanja identiteta jeste nacionalni identitet, koji uslovljava razvoj i ispoljavanja ostalih oblika identiteta. Za mlade u jednom društvu, posebno je važan nacionalni identitet, jer pomaže definisanju njihovog odnosa prema nekim sredinskim entitetima i određuje interese ili potrebe koji će ih pokrenuti. Ovaj tekst je prilog nastojanju da se mladi, njihovi problemi, sa određenim aspektima identiteta što bolje protumače u svetlu savremenog (srpskog) društva, ali i evropskog okruženja. Mladi nisu problem ili potencijalni izvor problema koji treba rešavati, već važan nacionalni resurs, potencijal ili 'vitalno društveno bogatstvo' koji može doprineti društvenom razvoju. U tekstu će takođe biti ukazano na mogućnost da se borba mladih za izgradnjom identiteta postavi u kontekst bezbednosnog pitanja ljudskih resursa. Obrazovne institucije su važne za socijalizaciju i regulisanje ponašanja mladih, a naročito izgradnju identiteta i njihovog oblikovanja kao društvenog resursa Srbije

    Razumevanje koncepta vojne kulture

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    This paper presents the articulation of the concept of military culture based on specific contextual factors that contribute to the internal dynamics and interrelations of society and the armed forces. This time, these factors pertain to the value system that forms the basis of national culture, professional ethos, and other elements of military ceremony and rules of conduct that affect group cohesion and a sense of community. In addition, the paper presents theories of civil-military relations that have been used to interpret and analyse some characteristics of military culture.Artikulacija koncepta vojne kulture predstaviće se na osnovu određenih kontekstualnih faktora koji doprinose unutrašnjoj dinamici i međuodnosima društva i oružanih snaga. Ti faktori se ovaj put odnose na sistem vrednosti na kojima je utemeljena nacionalna kultura, profesionalni etos i druge elemente vojne ceremonije i pravila ponašanja koji utiču na grupnu koheziju i osećaj zajedništva. Takođe, u ovom radu će se predstaviti teorije civilno-vojnih odnosa koje su u svojim razmatranjima interpretirale i analizirale neka obeležja vojne kulture

    Reflections on the learning objectives for sustainable development in the higher education curricula – three cases from the University of Belgrade

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    Purpose This purpose of this study is to explore the integration of the sustainable development concept and goals into the curriculum of higher education studies using the example of three faculties of the University of Belgrade. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative content analysis has been applied on two levels: the evaluation of the sustainability of courses starting from the criteria defined using the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (ASHE, 2017), and the analysis of the outcomes defined in the curricula of subjects within the three faculties using the UNESCO learning objectives related to selected sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a criteria. Findings While the largest number of courses were analyzed from the Faculty of Architecture, the highest proportion of sustainability courses was found in the Faculty of Security Studies. Both study areas reflect a stronger interdisciplinary orientation, although it should be strengthened in the case of the Andragogy study program. Based on the experience of the Faculty of Architecture, the courses implemented by linking theory and practice may significantly contribute to achieving the LOs and to implementing the education for sustainable development. At the University of Belgrade, strategic documents are missing that would encourage and oblige the faculties to apply the concept of sustainability. Originality/value This is the first study to apply this type of curricula analysis at the University of Belgrade. It is performed by teachers from the university, coming from different disciplinary fields but oriented towards an interdisciplinary perspective. Although performed in three specific study areas within a single university, the identified gaps and trends may be useful for planning interventions toward accelerating the implementation of SDGs in the higher education curricula

    Концепт полиције у заједници и насиље у породици : проблеми и решења

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    This paper problematizes relationships within the so-called "triangle": citizens' needs, domestic violence, model of police work in the community. Research practice based on foreign experiences, empirical findings, and theoretical concepts specifically analyzes the scope and limitations of police work in responding to domestic violence. The approach is directed towards the "victim concept", in accordance with the most significant international and domestic legal solutions in the field of combating gender-based violence. In Serbia, after the adoption of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence, and according to the reports on the results of its implementation in the period from 2017 to 2022, it is necessary to harmonize judicial practice and procedures, as well as to harmonize the positions of the courts in defining the criminal policy in relation to this social phenomenon. According to the recommendations of international institutions, it is necessary to intensify activities on research and monitoring of domestic violence in Serbia. Data collection is still carried out partially and sporadically, without a clear strategy, systematic and unique approach.Истраживачке базе полицијских наука западних земаља одликује висок степен изграђености теорије, истраживања и праксе када су у питању студије које се баве проблемом практичне реализације и ефикасности концепта полиције у заједници у односу према проблему породичног насиља, односно, примене превентивних програма и интегративних развојних теоријских и практичних модела сарадње полиције и локалне заједнице на плану спречавања породичног насиља. Домаћа истраживачка база је сиромашна и неконзистентна. Изузев неколико студија и теоријских радова који се баве реформским процесима у полицији Србије, евалуацијом концепта полицијског рада у заједници, процедурама, практичним политикама, стратегијама и ефикасношћу реаговања полиције на породично насиље у оквиру свакодневног полицијског рада, малобројна су истраживања која анализирају организованост, практичну применљивост и резултате савременог концепта полицијског рада у односу према породичном насиљу. Овај рад проблема тизује тај однос унутар такозваног „троугла”: локална заједница, насиље у породици, концепт полиције у заједници. Истовремено, истраживачки приступ заснован на страним искуствима, примерима из праксе и теоријским концептима посебно анализира домете и ограничења концепта полиције у заједници као одговора на насиље у породици. Приступ је усмерен ка „концепту жртве”, у складу са најзначајнијим међународним и домаћим правним решењима у области борбе против родно заснованог насиља. У Србији је након усвајања Закона о спречавању насиља у породици, а према извештајима о резултатима његове примене у периоду од 2017. до 2022. године, неопходно усагласити судску праксу и процедуре, као и ставове судова у дефинисању кривичне политике у случајевима насиља у породици. Поред тога, проблем је и недостатак координације институција које се баве насиљем у породици, осим на локалном нивоу у појединим општинама (нарочито између полиције и центара за социјални рад). Према препорукама међународних институција, потребно је интензивира ти активности на истраживању и праћењу насиља у породици у Србији. Подаци се и даље прикупљају делимично и спорадично, без јасне стратегије и систематског и јединственог приступа

    Bezbednosna kultura kao društveni resurs nacionalne bezbednosti

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    This paper presents security culture as a social resource and a factor in the development of the national security, involving two important processes: first, as a transfer of national culture into security culture, and second, as a transfer of national security into security culture. To develop this postulate, we have started from a national framework of security and security culture, and considered in what ways and including what factors, actors or institutions, the security culture should contribute to the development and maintenance of national security. There are many factors that affect the stability and development of national security. In addition to military, economic, political and technological factors arising from the empowerment and stability of democratic processes and the level of institutional development and efficiency, very important are also those that originate from the sphere of culture, national culture, and then security culture as well. Security culture that resulted from the national culture by strengthening and empowerment of the national identity in particular, through the strengthening of the national will, the citizens' patriotic awareness and readiness to defend the vital national values, is focused also to achieving permanent national objectives, primarily relying on its own resources and assets in all areas of social development. The focus of the paper is on the role and importance of the social elite and the national education system, when it comes to the transfer of the national culture to the security culture, and the role of government and social institutions, when it comes to the transfer of national security to security culture.U ovom radu predstavljena je bezbednosna kultura kao društveni resurs i faktor razvoja nacionalne bezbednosti, uključujući dva bitna procesa: prvi, kao transfer nacionalne kulture u bezbednosnu kulturu i, drugi, kao transfer nacionalne bezbednosti u bezbednosnu kulturu. Da bismo razvili tu postavku, krenuli smo od nacionalnog okvira bezbednosti i bezbednosne kulture i razmotrili na koje sve načine i uključujući koje faktore, aktere ili institucije bezbednosna kultura treba da doprinese razvoju i očuvanju nacionalne bezbednosti. Brojni su faktori koji utiču na stabilnost i razvoj nacionalne bezbednosti. Pored vojnih, ekonomskih, političkih i tehnoloških faktora koji proističu iz osnaženosti i stabilnosti demokratskih procesa i institucionalne izgrađenosti i efikasnosti, veoma su značajni i oni koji potiču iz sfere kulture, nacionalne kulture, a zatim i bezbednosne kulture. Bezbednosna kultura koja je proistekla iz nacionalne kulture jačanjem i osnaživanjem, pre svega nacionalnog identiteta, kroz jačanje nacionalne volje, patriotske svesti građana i spremnosti da se brane vitalne nacionalne vrednosti, usmerena je i ka ostvarivanju trajnih nacionalnih ciljeva, prvenstveno uz oslanjanje na sopstvene resurse i kapacitete u svim domenima razvoja društva. Težište rada je na ulozi i značaju društvene elite i nacionalnog sistema obrazovanja, kada je u pitanju transfer nacionalne kulture u bezbednosnu kulturu, odnosno na ulogu državnih i društvenih institucija, kada je u pitanju transfer nacionalne bezbednosti u bezbednosnu kulturu

    Modeli ostvarivanja bezbednosti u školama u Republici Srbiji

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    This work represents scientific and expert analysis of data collected on project and programms that deal with student safety and security of schools in period since 2000 onwards, which were financed and supported by two key institution dealing with youth. Those two institutions are Ministry of Education and Ministry of Youth and Sport, which is after passing National Youth Strategy supported many projects that deal with the youth problems. The text has been made with the purpose to isolate key element for the presentation and analysis of projects and programs realized and which realization is still in progress in the Republic of Serbia, and then to give a critical evaluation of each one in order to come to an optimal model and programs to protect security of schools in the Republic of Serbia, which is the purpose of the project. First of all, named criteria used for selection of projects that will enter the field of analysis and presentation, and then the criteria or parameters by which we evaluate the pros and cons of each. The following text is part of Faculty of Security Studies financed by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia named by 'Safety and Protection of Organization and Functioning of Educational System in Republic of Serbia'.Ovaj rad predstavlja naučno-stručnu analizu prikupljenih podataka o projektima i programima koji su se bavili bezbednošću učenika i bezbednošću škole uopšte i to u periodu od 2000. godine do danas, a koje su finansirale i podržale dve ključne institucije koje se bave mladima. To su pre svih Ministarstvo prosvete, a zatim i Ministarstvo za omladinu i sport, koje je posle donošenja Nacionalne strategije za mlade (2008) podržalo mnoge projekte koji se bave problemima mladih. Tekst je rađen i s namerom da se izdvoje ključni elementi za predstavljanje i analizu projekata i programa koji su realizovani ili čija realizacija i dalje traje širom Republike Srbije, a zatim da se da kritična ocena svakog od njih kako bi se na kraju došlo do optimalnog modela i programa zaštite bezbednosti škola u Republici Srbiji što i jeste cilj projekta. Kao prvo, navedeni su kriterijumi koji su poslužili odabiru projekata koji će ući u polje analize i predstavljanja, a zatim i kriterijumi ili parametri po kojima ćemo oceniti pozitivne i negativne strane svakog od njih. Tekst koji sledi deo je realizacije projekta Fakulteta bezbednosti koje finansira Ministarstvo prosvete i nauke Republike Srbije pod nazivom 'Bezbednost i zaštita organizovanja i funkcionisanja vaspitno obrazovnog sistema u Republici Srbiji'