37 research outputs found

    Anthoxanthum alpinum (Poaceae – Aveneae) u planinama od Hrvatske do Makedonije

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    The present paper makes a contribution to knowledge of the distribution of Anthoxanthum alpinum in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Macedonia. The data from literature, the investigation of herbarium material and the results of field research reveal that A. alpinum is present in the area of the Dinaric mountain chain as part of alpine grassland vegetation at altitudes of 1400 m a.s.l. and above. The ecological optimum for the species in Croatia is in the stands dominated by Nardus stricta, but it has also been recorded in the Festucetum pungentis association and in mountain communities with Deschampsia caespitosa.Ovim radom daje se doprinos poznavanju rasprostranjenosti vrste Anthoxanthum alpinum u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori, Srbiji i Makedoniji. Podaci iz literature, pregled herbarskog materijala i rezultati terenskih istraživanja pokazuju da je vrsta A. alpinum prisutna na Dinarskim planinama u sastavu planinske vegetacije travnjaka na nadmorskoj visini od 1400 m i više. Čini se da je ekološki optimum vrste u Hrvatskoj u sastojinama vrste Nardus stricta. Vrsta je također zabilježena u ass. Festucetum pungentis i u planinskim sastojinama vrste Deschampsia caespitosa

    Drugi prilog flori Kornatskih otoka (Hrvatska)

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    According to the literature sources, 605 taxa of vascular flora have been recorded so far for the Kornati National Park. Floristic investigations during 1994 and 1995 established another 29 new species, and consequently the flora of the Kornati now contains 634 plant taxa. In detailed investigations of five islands of the Kornati archipelago (Arapovac, Kornat, Klobučar, Lavsa and Ravna sika) we discovered new finding sites of plant taxa which belong to the 634 taxa of the flora of the Kornati islands, but were so far unknown for certain islands: 123 of them for Lavsa, 113 for Kornat, 57 for Klobučar, 51 for Ravna sika and 47 for Arapovac.U sastavu flore Nacionalnog parka Kornati prema literaturnim izvorima dosad je zabilježeno 605 svojti vaskularne flore. Florističkim istraživanjima tijekom 1994. i 1995. godine utvr|eno je još 29 novih vrsta, pa flora Kornata sada ukupno broji 634 biljne svojte. Detaljnim istraživanjima pet kornatskih otoka (Arapovac, Kornat, Klobučar, Lavsa i Ravna sika) zabilježena su nova nalazišta biljnih svojti, koje se ubrajaju u ukupni popis od 634 svojti kornatske flore, ali nisu dosad bile poznate za pojedinačne otoke, od čega je 123 novih nalazišta za otok Lavsu, 113 za otok Kornat, 57 za Klobučar, 51 za Ravnu siku i 47 za Arapovac

    Modulation of Functional Characteristics of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells by Acellular Preparation of Porcine Hemoglobin

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    Exploring the potential usage of the acellular preparation of porcine hemoglobin (PHb) isolated from slaughterhouse blood as a cell culture media component, we have tested its effects on the functional characteristics of stromal cells of mesodermal origin. Human peripheral blood mesenchymal stromal cells (PB-MSCs) were used in this study as a primary cell model system, along with three mouse cell lines (ATDC5, MC3T3-E1, and 3T3-L1), which represent more uniform model systems. We investigated the effect of PHb at concentrations of 0.1, 1, and 10 μM on these cells’ proliferation, cycle, and clonogenic and migratory potential, and found that PHb’s effect depended on both the cell type and its concentration. At the lowest concentration used (0.1 μM), PHb showed the least evident impact on the cell growth and migration; hence, we analyzed its effect on mesenchymal cell multilineage differentiation capacity at this concentration. Even under conditions that induce a specific type of MSC differentiation (cultivation in particular differentiation media), PHb modulated chondrogenic, osteogenic, and adipogenic differentiation, making it a potential candidate for a supplement of MSC culture. Through a model of porcine hemoglobin, these findings also contribute to improving the knowledge of extracellular hemoglobin’s influence on MSCs in vivo


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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita efi kasnost primene luteolitičkog preparata–kloprostenola u tretmanu krmača posle prašenja, ulaskom krmača u estrusunutar sedam dana posle zalučenja i uticaj na fertilitet krmača izražen kroz brojoprašenih krmača i procenat (%) prašenja. Ispitivanjem su bile obuhvaćene krmačeod trećeg do šestog pariteta. Od ukupnog broja zalučenih krmača u oglednoj grupi„O“ (n=55), u prvih sedam dana posle zalučenja osemenjene su 53 krmače, što predstavlja96,36%, dok je u kontrolnoj grupi „K“ (n=55), od 55 krmača, u prvih sedamdana posle zalučenja osemenjeno 47 krmača, što predstavlja 85,45%. Naročito trebanaglasiti direktan uticaj kloprostenola na matericu i regeneraciju endometrijuma jerevakuiše sadržaj iz materice pojačavajući njene kontrakcije, a pored toga indukujei lizu žutog tela. Rezultati u ovom istraživanju jasno ukazuju da primena kloprostenolakod krmača posle prašenja utiče na brže uspostavljanje estrusa posle zalučenja.Primena kloprostenola kod krmača nakon prašenja predstavlja dobar preduslov zaostvarivanje visokog broja oprašenih krmača i procenat prašenja

    Dosadašnje stanje rasprostranjenosti nekih neofita u Hrvatskoj

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    During research into neophyte distribution in Croatia, a total of 332 new localities for 21 neophyte species has been discovered. The most numerous are new localities of Bidens subalternans (52), followed by Impatiens glandulifera (49), Aster squamatus (43), Impatiens balfourii (29), Datura inoxia (25), Euphorbia prostrata (11), Galinsoga parviflora (17), Amaranthus albus (14), Galinsoga quadriradiata (15), Diplotaxis erucoides (11), Xanthium strumarium ssp. italicum (9), Phytolacca americana (12), Artemisia verlotiorum (7), Chamomilla suaveolens (7), Xanthium spinosum (7), Eleusine indica (6), Euphorbia maculata (7), Ambrosia artemisiifolia (5), Paspalum paspalodes (3), Euphorbia nutans (2) and Paspalum dilatatum (1). The majority of the species investigated occur in all localities in a great number, only a few of them occurring individually.Istraživanjem rasprostranjenosti neofita u Hrvatskoj ukupno je otkriveno 332 novih nalazišta za 21 neofitsku vrstu. Najviše novih nalazišta ima vrsta Bidens subalternans (52), zatim slijede Impatiens glandulifera (49), Aster squamatus (43), Impatiens balfourii (29), Datura inoxia (25), Euphorbia prostrata (11), Galinsoga parviflora (17), Amaranthus albus (14), Galinsoga quadriradiata (15), Diplotaxis erucoides (11), Xanthium strumarium ssp. italicum (9), Phytolacca americana (12), Artemisia verlotiorum (7), Chamomilla suaveolens (7), Xanthium spinosum (7), Eleusine indica (6), Euphorbia maculata (7), Ambrosia artemisiifolia (5), Paspalum paspalodes (3), Euphorbia nutans (2) i Paspalum dilatatum (1). Najveći broj istraživanih neofitskih vrsta pojavljuje se u velikoj množini na svim lokalitetima, a vrlo mali broj vrsta pojedinačno

    Comparative studies on osmosis based encapsulation of sodium diclofenac in porcine and outdated human erythrocyte ghosts

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    The objective of our study was to develop controlled drug delivery system based on erythrocyte ghosts for amphiphilic compound sodium diclofenac considering the differences between erythrocytes derived from two readily available materials - porcine slaughterhouse and outdated transfusion human blood. Starting erythrocytes, empty erythrocyte ghosts and diclofenac loaded ghosts were compared in terms of the encapsulation efficiency, drug releasing profiles, size distribution, surface charge, conductivity, surface roughness and morphology. The encapsulation of sodium diclofenac was performed by an osmosis based process - gradual hemolysis. During this process sodium diclofenac exerted mild and delayed antihemolytic effect and increased potassium efflux in porcine but not in outdated human erythrocytes. FTIR spectra revealed lack of any membrane lipid disorder and chemical reaction with sodium diclofenac in encapsulated ghosts. Outdated human erythrocyte ghosts with detected nanoscale damages and reduced ability to shrink had encapsulation efficiency of only 8%. On the other hand, porcine erythrocyte ghosts had encapsulation efficiency of 37% and relatively slow drug release rate. More preserved structure and functional properties of porcine erythrocytes related to their superior encapsulation and release performances, define them as more appropriate for the usage in sodium diclofenac encapsulation process

    Potencijal za proizvodnju fumonizina kod izolata Fusarium verticillioides sa zrna kukuruza i pšenice iz Srbije

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    The production of fumonisins by potentially toxigenic Fusarium verticillioides isolates originating from Serbian maize and wheat kernels was tested in vitro. A total of six F. verticillioides isolates were incubated on yeast extract sucrose medium (YESA) for 4 weeks at 25 °C in the dark. Their toxin production potential was tested by applying a modified HPLC method for determination of fumonisins in cereals, since the TLC method gave no results. Analyses were performed on a HPLC-FLD system after sample extraction from YESA and extract clean-up on a SPE column. Although the isolates were tested for fumonisin B1, B2 and B3, only fumonisin B1 was detected. The results showed that all tested isolates had toxigenic potential for fumonisin B1 production. The average fumonisin B1 production of the isolates ranged from 7 to 289 µg/kg, thus indicating a highly variable toxigenic potential among the isolates. Isolate 1282 expressed the highest toxigenic potential for fumonisin B1 production (289 µg/kg), while isolate 2533/A showed a questionable potential for fumonisin production (7 µg/kg).Proizvodnja fumonizina kod potencijalno toksikogenih Fusarium verticillioides izolata sa zrna kukuruza i pšenice poreklom iz Srbije testiran je in vitro. Ukupno šest izolata F. verticillioides inkubirano je na agarizovanoj podlozi sa ekstraktom kvasca i saharozom (YESA) tokom četiri nedelje, u mraku na 25 °C. Kapaciteti odabranih izolata za proizvodnju toksina detektovani su primenom modifikovane HPLC metode za određivanje fumonizina u zrnu žitarica, jer brza trijažna TLC metoda nije dala pozitivne rezultate. Analiza je izvedena na HPLC-FLD sistemu nakon ekstrakcije uzorka iz YESA kultura izolata i prečišćavanja ekstrakta na SPE koloni. Sve analize su urađene u tri ponavljanja. Iako su izolati F. verticillioides testirani na prisustvo fumonizina B1, B2 i B3, samo je fumonizin B1 bio detektovan. Rezultati su pokazali da svi testirani izolati imaju potencijal u sintezi fumonizina B1. Prosečna vrednost proizvedenog fumonizina B1 kod izolata F. verticillioides kretala se od 7 do 289 µg/kg, što ukazuje na izuzetno varijabilan toksigeni potencijal istih izolata. Izolat označen sa 1282 pokazao je najveći potencijal za biosintezu fumonizina B1 (289 µg/kg), dok je izolat 2533/A ispoljio diskutabilan potencijal za proizvodnju istog fumonizina (7 µg/kg)

    Classification of mesic grasslands and their transitions of South Transdanubia (Hungary)

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    Relevés from meadows and pastures of South Transdanubia (Hungary) are evaluated by clustering and ordination methods. The relevé selection focused on the Arrhenatheretalia order but its transitions towards other types were also included. The groups of relevés are delimited and described according to differential, dominant and constant species. Ecological conditions of the groups were compared using indicator values. Nine groups were distinguished, four of them belonging strictly to the order Arrhenatheretalia. Each alliance of Arrhenatheretalia presented in the study area (Cynosurion, Arrhenatherion) was represented by two groups. Groups from these two alliances are separated along a light gradient, while groups of the same alliance differ in nutrient values. Within Cynosurion, the nutrient-poor group cannot be identified unambiguously as any syntaxa previously known from Hungary. The nutrient-rich Cynosurion meadows are similar to Lolio–Cynosuretum, however, they show a stronger relationship with wet meadows. Within Arrhenatherion, Pastinaco–Arrhenatheretum is recognised as a hay meadow of nutrient-rich soils. The other meadow type is similar to Filipendulo–Arrhenatheretum, thus raising syntaxonomical problems. There are transitional groups towards semi-dry and wet meadows, one dynamic phase and one outlier group among the other five clusters

    European Vegetation Archive (EVA): An integrated database of European vegetation plots

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    © 2016 International Association for Vegetation Science. The European Vegetation Archive (EVA) is a centralized database of European vegetation plots developed by the IAVS Working Group European Vegetation Survey. It has been in development since 2012 and first made available for use in research projects in 2014. It stores copies of national and regional vegetation- plot databases on a single software platform. Data storage in EVA does not affect on-going independent development of the contributing databases, which remain the property of the data contributors. EVA uses a prototype of the database management software TURBOVEG 3 developed for joint management of multiple databases that use different species lists. This is facilitated by the SynBioSys Taxon Database, a system of taxon names and concepts used in the individual European databases and their corresponding names on a unified list of European flora. TURBOVEG 3 also includes procedures for handling data requests, selections and provisions according to the approved EVA Data Property and Governance Rules. By 30 June 2015, 61 databases from all European regions have joined EVA, contributing in total 1 027 376 vegetation plots, 82% of them with geographic coordinates, from 57 countries. EVA provides a unique data source for large-scale analyses of European vegetation diversity both for fundamental research and nature conservation applications. Updated information on EVA is available online at http://euroveg.org/eva-database

    Effect of extracellular hemoglobin of xenogeneic origin on functional characteristics of mesenchymal cells in vitro

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    Истраживања обухваћена овом докторском дисертацијом имала су за циљ добијање података о утицају ванћелијског хемоглобина на функцијска својства мезенхимских ћелија in vitro. Свињски и говеђи хемоглобин коришћени су као модел ксеногених, лако доступних хемоглобина, који показују висок степен хомологије са хуманим хемоглобином. Као адекватни ћелијски модел системи одабрани су леукоцити периферне крви човека и мезенхимске матичне ћелије периферне крви човека (ПК-ММЋ), као ћелије са којима ванћелијски хемоглобин може доћи у контакт при инстраваскуларној хемолизи. Додатно, утицај хемоглобина испитан је и на четири ћелијске линије ATDC5, MC3T3-E1, 3T3-L1 и C2C12 које представљају униформније модел системе у односу на ПК-ММЋ за проучавање хондро-, остео-, адипо- и миогенезе. Добијени резултати показују да ванћелијски хемоглобин има значајан утицај на функцијска својства мезенхимских ћелија, који зависи од врсте организма из ког је хемоглобин изолован, примењене концентрације и типа ћелија на којима је ефекат испитиван. Ванћелијски хемоглобин модулише вијабилност, способност адхезије и продукције реактивних врста кисеоника испитиваних леукоцита, као и пролиферацију/диференцијацију опредељених матичних ћелија хематопоезе. Додатно, показано је да ванћелијски хемоглобин у концентрацији од 0,1 μM остварује ефекат на вијабилност, миграторни и имуномодулаторни капацитет мезенхимских ћелија и инхибира њихову диференцијацију ка хондрогеној, остеогеној, адипогеној и миогеној линији, модулишући експресију специфичних генских маркера. Ови резултати доприносе бољем сагледавању утицаја ванћелијског хемоглобина у условима интраваскуларне хемолизе на физиологију мезенхимских ћелија, као и његове потенцијалне примене као дијететског суплемента или адитива медијума за култивацију ћелија.hemoglobin on the functional properties of mesenchymal cells in vitro. Porcine and bovine hemoglobin were used as models of xenogeneic, readily available hemoglobins, showing a high degree of homology with human hemoglobin. Human peripheral blood leukocytes and human peripheral blood mesenchymal stem cells (PB-MSCs) were selected as adequate cell model systems, since extracellular hemoglobin may come into contact with these cells during instravascular hemolysis. In addition, the effects of hemoglobin were also tested on four cell lines ATDC5, MC3T3-E1, 3T3-L1, and C2C12 as more uniform model systems compared to PB-MSCs to study chondro-, osteo-, adipo-, and myogenesis. The obtained results show that extracellular hemoglobin has major effect on the functional properties of mesenchymal cells, which depends on the species of organism from which hemoglobin was isolated, hemoglobin concentration used and the type of cells tested. Extracellular hemoglobin modulates viability, adhesion and synthesis ability of reactive oxygen species of leukocytes examined, as well as proliferation/differentiation of committed hematopoietic stem cells. Furthermore, at a concentration of 0.1 μM extracellular hemoglobin had the effect on viability, migratory and immunomodulatory capacity of mesenchymal cells and inhibited their differentiation toward chondro-, osteo-, adipo- and myogenic lineages, modulating the expression of specific gene markers. These results contribute to a better understanding of the effects of extracellular hemoglobin during intravascular hemolysis on the physiology of mesenchymal cells, as well as its potential applications as a dietary supplement or cell culture media additive