26 research outputs found

    Dynamische Lieferzeit-Preisgestaltung in variantenreicher Produktion : Ein adaptiver Ansatz mithilfe von Reinforcement Learning

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    Das Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk ist heute zur dominierenden Wertschöpfungsstruktur im Bereich der Produktion geworden. Für produzierende Unternehmen in solchen Netzwerken ist das Auftragsmanagement eine zentrale Aufgabe, die sich in einem Umfeld wachsender Herausforderungen befindet. Zum einen setzen kürzere Produktlebenszyklen und zunehmende Individualisierung die Unternehmen unter Druck. In diesem Zusammenhang hat die variantenreiche Produktion an Bedeutung gewonnen. Andererseits steigen die Wahrscheinlichkeit und die Auswirkungen von Störungen, insbesondere in Netzwerken, was die Leistungsfähigkeit von Produktionssystemen herausfordert. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz in diesem Zusammenhang ist die Verwendung einer dynamischen Lieferzeit-Preisgestaltung über eine kontinuierliche Preis-Lieferzeit-Funktion. Durch den Einsatz einer dynamischen Lieferzeit-Preisgestaltung könnte es möglich sein, die Nachfrage im Netz mit den Fähigkeiten des Produktionssystems in Einklang zu bringen. Die Idee ist, Nachfragespitzen zu verschieben und die Kunden entsprechend ihrer individuellen Präferenzen zu beliefern. Auf diese Weise kann der Gesamtgewinn gesteigert werden, obwohl die Kapazitäten konstant bleiben. Um die aufgestellten Hypothesen zu untersuchen, wird in dieser Arbeit eine Methodik zur dynamischen Lieferzeit-Preisgestaltung für die variantenreiche Produktion entwickelt. In einem ersten Schritt werden Leistungskennzahlen und eine Zielfunktion festgelegt. In einem zweiten Schritt wird ein Actor Critic Reinforcement-Learning-Verfahren als Grundlage für ein Lösungsmodell motiviert. Für das Training und das spätere Testen des resultierenden Lernagenten wird ein Simulationsmodell als Umgebung entwickelt und ein Verfahren zur Durchführung und Auswertung der Experimente ausgearbeitet. Der Ansatz wurde im Rahmen der BMBF-Forschungsprojekte ReKoNeT und BaSys4SupplyQ diskutiert und angewendet. Die Ergebnisse aus zwei Anwendungsfällen zeigen, dass der Ansatz in der Lage ist, bei gleicher Kapazität deutlich höhere Gewinne zu erzielen und Nachfragespitzen in gewissem Umfang zu glätten. Gleichzeitig zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass das Einsparen von Kapazitäten keine dominante Strategie zu sein scheint. Dies spiegelt die anwendungsspezifische Berücksichtigung verschiedener Ziele wie Service, Kapazitätskosten und Marge wider

    Identification and Root Cause Mapping of Supply Chain Collaboration Resistors

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    This paper aims to investigate different resistors of supply chain collaboration and gives insights into how these resistors can be overcome. Specific focus is set in behavioral resistors which have been neglected in the past. Behavioral resistors are still not as prominently examined as they should be. This paper follows the call of previous research to examine behavioral resistors. In order to do so an extensive previously missing overview and framework for current collaboration resistors is developed. In a root cause analysis the interrelation of resistors is shown

    Adaptive and Dynamic Feedback Loops between Production System and Production Network based on the Asset Administration Shell

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    In production networks, production must run efficiently across company boundaries. Companies must be able to react quickly as a single unit. Two trends are influencing this situation: On the one hand, the progressing servitization leads to the increased offering of digital services in the field of manufacturing. From the literature, it is known that digital services let manufacturers, suppliers, and industrial customers interact more closely and frequently in a production network. On the other hand, the concept of the digital twin is trending. It promises the real-time prognosis and control of production systems. Although the concept of the digital twin itself can be vague there are some technologies trying to implement the digital twin of production. The asset administration shell (AAS) is an example of such a technology that draws growing attention. Picking up the initial situation these two trends could be used to create a feedback loop between the production system and network and thus improve the overall efficiency in production networks. Based on this idea, the paper first presents an approach to model systematically a possibility for a feedback loop orienting to the business model concept. Second, a reference architecture is derived from the RAMI 4.0 standard. The specified reference architecture is the basis for the specific implementation. Third, a procedure is developed to implement a specific architecture. For implementing an architecture, the usage of the asset administration shell is assumed. Finally, the approach is validated in a use case from the high precision weight industry

    Deriving Collaboration Cases in Production Networks Considering Smart Services

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    The ongoing individualization of products forces companies to focus more on flexibility and adaptability. To achieve this, cooperating companies need to intensify their cooperation into collaboration. New types of collaboration are enabled by a wave of digitalization reducing organizational efforts and risks of collaboration. Especially smart services can be a medium to incentivize more interaction. This paper contributes a method to connect the loose ends from the study of collaboration on a strategic level to the digitalization trend on an operational level, representing all key aspects of a collaboration like relevant stakeholders, case of application and system interrelation

    Successful Collaboration in Global Production Networks - fair, secured, connected

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    In today\u27s world, manufacturing companies face many challenges due to the uncertainty and complexity of environmental influences as well as increasing competitive pressures. The pandemic has clearly illustrated how volatile and fragile our supply chains have become. One way to overcome these chal-lenges together is to collaborate with other companies in the value network. Collaborations, i.e. successful cooperation with strategic partners and customers to achieve common goals, will continue to gain in importance. Instead of individual companies, entire value chains and networks will therefore compete with each other in the future. This will require a shift toward fast and seamless data exchange between the players in the value network. Advancing digitization and thus a generally increasingly networked world are increasingly supporting such collaborations, as the sharing and collaborative use of data is becom-ing much simpler. At the same time, the right handling of data will be decisive for competition. Digitization is moving from being a driver of change to an enabler of change. Innovative business models and the exploita-tion of the potential hidden in data will make it possible to realize reliable, flexible and, at the same time, resource-conserving value creation. The number of existing cloud-based collaboration platforms is growing steadily. Small and medium-sized enterprises in particular have to serve many different customer platforms at the same time, while they them-selves are still struggling with internal digitization challenges. Standardization initiatives for secure data rooms in the industry, such as GAIA-X, therefore hold great potential. In addition to these fundamental infrastructural issues, there are further challenges with regard to collaboration projects. Particular importance is attached to the competent handling of data protection and data security. There are often reservations that the disclosure of data and information will result in the loss of hard-earned expertise and com-petitive advantages that have been built up over time. At the same time, however, users from an engineering environment are only able to assess the risks of digital collaboration to a limited extent. In order to secure one\u27s own competitive position in the long term, digital competencies must therefore be built up and barriers to collaboration overcome. Success stories and clear recommendations for action can provide an important impetus for the implementation of successful collaboration projects, showing how collaborations can be approached in practice and what added value they generate. That is why we would like to provide manufacturing compa-nies with such guidance in the form of this action guide. The collaboration projects explained below and the best practices derived from them are intended to help companies find their own strategies on the path to more collaboration. We hope you enjoy reading this guide and are always available for questions and discussions

    Using smart services as a key enabler for collaboration in global production networks

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    Collaboration in global production networks becomes more important in times of increased interconnectivity and complexity. However, due to various resistors the collaboration potential has not been realized, yet. At the same time digitalization has become a key enabler in today’s world of high complexity leading to new, disruptive solutions. Part of digitalization are smart services, triggering incentives by including business models. This and further characteristics of smart services have the potential of overcoming the resistors of collaboration. In this paper an approach is proposed for developing collaborative relationships - from strategy and collaboration scenario modelling to a service-oriented implementation

    Hermetia illucens meal as fish meal replacement for rainbow trout on farm

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    In a 7-week on-farm feeding trial rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) were provided with a diet containing 28% mechanically de-fatted insect meal prepared from larvae of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (HIM) and compared to a control that received a certified organic and fishmeal based diet. In the test diet insect meal replaced almost 50% of the fishmeal. The whole experiment was conducted under practical conditions on an organically certified rainbow trout farm in Switzerland. Fish of initially 66.5±2.3 g body weight were grown to 125±4.5 g and assessed for their growth performance, as well as analysed for their proximate composition, feed conversion ratio, fatty acid contents and organoleptic properties. Improved lipid utilisation and decreased protein utilisation were observed in fish fed the HIM diet. Furthermore, in a controlled degustation no differences except a slightly darker coloration of fish fed HIM were observed. The experiment demonstrated that substantial replacement of fishmeal by insect meal is possible without compromising growth, feed conversion and product quality. However, the decreased protein utilisation efficiency in HIM fed fish might lower production efficiency when applied over a whole production cycle and not only over 7 weeks

    Towards a Service-Oriented Architecture for Production Planning and Control: A Comprehensive Review and Novel Approach

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    The trends of shorter product lifecycles, customized products, and volatile market environments require manufacturers to reconfigure their production increasingly frequent to maintain competitiveness and customer satisfaction. More frequent reconfigurations, however, are linked to increased efforts in production planning and control (PPC). This poses a challenge for manufacturers, especially in regard of demographic change and shortage of qualified labour, since many tasks in PPC are performed manually by domain experts. Following the paradigm of software-defined manufacturing, this paper targets to enable a higher degree of automation and interoperability in PPC by applying the concepts of service-oriented architecture. As a result, production planners are empowered to orchestrate tasks in PPC without consideration of underlying implementation details. At first, it is investigated how tasks in PPC can be represented as services with the aim of encapsulation and reusability. Secondly, a software architecture based on asset administration shells is presented that allows connection to production data sources and enables integration and usage of such PPC services. In this sense, an approach for mapping asset administrations shells to OpenAPI Specifications is proposed for interoperable and semantic integration of existing services and legacy systems. Lastly, challenges and potential solutions for data integration are discussed considering the present heterogeneity of data sources in manufacturing

    Modeling the effect of workpiece temperature on micromagnetic high-speed-3MA-testing in case of AISI 4140

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    The growing trend towards industry 4.0 requires in-process identification of the surface properties. The non-destructive highspeed-3MA-testing can be used to characterize surface layers of ferrous materials during turning processes. However, in-process measurements will result in higher workpiece temperatures and thus would interfere with the micromagnetic properties of the workpiece. In the presented study, workpiece surface temperatures will be experimentally determined when turning AISI 4140. Further on, workpieces will be heated up to the respective temperatures, which will then be measured with the 3MA-sensor as they rotate. The effect of temperature will be modelled and used for compensating the associated errors