31 research outputs found

    Clavibacter michiganensis downregulates photosynthesis and modifies monolignols metabolism revealing a crosstalk with tomato immune responses

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    The gram-positive pathogenic bacterium Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) causes bacterial canker disease in tomato, affecting crop yield and fruit quality. To understand how tomato plants respond, the dynamic expression profile of host genes was analyzed upon Cmm infection. Symptoms of bacterial canker became evident from the third day. As the disease progressed, the bacterial population increased in planta, reaching the highest level at six days and remained constant till the twelfth day post inoculation. These two time points were selected for transcriptomics. A progressive down-regulation of key genes encoding for components of the photosynthetic apparatus was observed. Two temporally separated defense responses were observed, which were to an extent interdependent. During the primary response, genes of the phenylpropanoid pathway were diverted towards the synthesis of monolignols away from S-lignin. In dicots, lignin polymers mainly consist of G- and S-units, playing an important role in defense. The twist towards G-lignin enrichment is consistent with previous findings, highlighting a response to generate an early protective barrier and to achieve a tight interplay between lignin recomposition and the primary defense response mechanism. Upon progression of Cmm infection, the temporal deactivation of phenylpropanoids coincided with the upregulation of genes that belong in a secondary response mechanism, supporting an elegant reprogramming of the host transcriptome to establish a robust defense apparatus and suppress pathogen invasion. This high-throughput analysis reveals a dynamic reorganization of plant defense mechanisms upon bacterial infection to implement an array of barriers preventing pathogen invasion and spread

    Stomatal Complex Development and F-Actin Organization in Maize Leaf Epidermis Depend on Cellulose Synthesis

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    Cellulose microfibrils reinforce the cell wall for morphogenesis in plants. Herein, we provide evidence on a series of defects regarding stomatal complex development and F-actin organization in Zea mays leaf epidermis, due to inhibition of cellulose synthesis. Formative cell divisions of stomatal complex ontogenesis were delayed or inhibited, resulting in lack of subsidiary cells and frequently in unicellular stomata, with an atypical stomatal pore. Guard cells failed to acquire a dumbbell shape, becoming rounded, while subsidiary cells, whenever present, exhibited aberrant morphogenesis. F-actin organization was also affected, since the stomatal complex-specific arrays were scarcely observed. At late developmental stages, the overall F-actin network was diminished in all epidermal cells, although thick actin bundles persisted. Taken together, stomatal complex development strongly depends on cell wall mechanical properties. Moreover, F-actin organization exhibits a tight relationship with the cell wall

    Mitochondria biogenesis via Lon1 selective proteolysis: Who dares to live for ever?

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    Quality control of proteins in eukaryotic organelles is predominantly maintained by members of the ATP-dependent proteases. Even though numerous biological analyses have shed light on the functional implications of such proteases, their involvement in developmental processes of multicellular organisms has not been determined. We recently identified two lon1 mutant alleles, both missing the carboxy terminal proteolytic domain, that show post-embryonic growth retardation resulting in delayed seedling establishment. In this addendum, we enlighten the role of Lon1 selective proteolysis in plant mitochondria biogenesis, a prerequisite for post-embryonic development and growth. In contrast to the weak lon1-2 allele, the polypeptide encoded by the strong lon1-1 allele carries the sensor- and substrate-discrimination domain allowing substrate recognition and binding. This type of molecular recognition hinders further degradation by the complementary Lon-independent proteolytic machineries resulting in an extra deleterious accumulation of protein aggregates into lon1-1 mitochondria. The most challenging and informative task will be to identify the recognition motifs on the Lon protein substrates and elucidate the molecular events that control plant mitochondrial differentiation

    Updating Insights into the Catalytic Domain Properties of Plant Cellulose synthase (CesA) and Cellulose synthase-like (Csl) Proteins

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    The wall is the last frontier of a plant cell involved in modulating growth, development and defense against biotic stresses. Cellulose and additional polysaccharides of plant cell walls are the most abundant biopolymers on earth, having increased in economic value and thereby attracted significant interest in biotechnology. Cellulose biosynthesis constitutes a highly complicated process relying on the formation of cellulose synthase complexes. Cellulose synthase (CesA) and Cellulose synthase-like (Csl) genes encode enzymes that synthesize cellulose and most hemicellulosic polysaccharides. Arabidopsis and rice are invaluable genetic models and reliable representatives of land plants to comprehend cell wall synthesis. During the past two decades, enormous research progress has been made to understand the mechanisms of cellulose synthesis and construction of the plant cell wall. A plethora of cesa and csl mutants have been characterized, providing functional insights into individual protein isoforms. Recent structural studies have uncovered the mode of CesA assembly and the dynamics of cellulose production. Genetics and structural biology have generated new knowledge and have accelerated the pace of discovery in this field, ultimately opening perspectives towards cellulose synthesis manipulation. This review provides an overview of the major breakthroughs gathering previous and recent genetic and structural advancements, focusing on the function of CesA and Csl catalytic domain in plants

    Precise Characterisation of Molecular Orientation in a Single Crystal Field-Effect Transistor Using Polarised Raman Spectroscopy

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    Charge transport in organic semiconductors is strongly dependent on the molecular orientation and packing, such that manipulation of this molecular packing is a proven technique for enhancing the charge mobility in organic transistors. However, quantitative measurements of molecular orientation in micrometre-scale structures are experimentally challenging. Several research groups have suggested polarised Raman spectroscopy as a suitable technique for these measurements and have been able to partially characterise molecular orientations using one or two orientation parameters. Here we demonstrate a new approach that allows quantitative measurements of molecular orientations in terms of three parameters, offering the complete characterisation of a three-dimensional orientation. We apply this new method to organic semiconductor molecules in a single crystal field-effect transistor in order to correlate the measured orientation with charge carrier mobility measurements. This approach offers the opportunity for micrometre resolution (diffraction limited) spatial mapping of molecular orientation using bench-top apparatus, enabling a rational approach towards controlling this orientation to achieve optimum device performance.This work was funded by the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills through the National Measurement System as part of the Innovation, Research and Development programme. M.S. acknowledges equipment funding from EPSRC UK Grant EP/I017569/1. S.G. and M.T would like to acknowledge the financial support from ERC StG 2012-306826 e-GAMES project and CIBER-BBN. Thanks are due to Prof. J.E. Anthony and his group from the University of Kentucky, for synthesising the functionalised pentacene derivative used in this work, and also, to J. Wade at Imperial College London for the DFT calculations.Peer reviewe

    TRH1 Encodes a Potassium Transporter Required for Tip Growth in Arabidopsis Root Hairs

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    Root hair initiation involves the formation of a bulge at the basal end of the trichoblast by localized diffuse growth. Tip growth occurs subsequently at this initiation site and is accompanied by the establishment of a polarized cytoplasmic organization. Arabidopsis plants homozygous for a complete loss-of-function tiny root hair 1 (trh1) mutation were generated by means of the T-DNA–tagging method. Trichoblasts of trh1 plants form initiation sites but fail to undergo tip growth. A predicted primary structure of TRH1 indicates that it belongs to the AtKT/AtKUP/HAK K(+) transporter family. The proposed function of TRH1 as a K(+) transporter was confirmed in (86)Rb uptake experiments, which demonstrated that trh1 plants are partially impaired in K(+) transport. In line with these results, TRH1 was able to complement the trk1 potassium transporter mutant of Saccharomyces, which is defective in high-affinity K(+) uptake. Surprisingly, the trh1 phenotype was not restored when mutant seedlings were grown at high external potassium concentrations. These data demonstrate that TRH1 mediates K(+) transport in Arabidopsis roots and is responsible for specific K(+) translocation, which is essential for root hair elongation