18 research outputs found

    Systems analysis and controlled malaria infection in Europeans and Africans elucidate naturally acquired immunity

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    Controlled human infections provide opportunities to study the interaction between the immune system and malaria parasites, which is essential for vaccine development. Here, we compared immune signatures of malaria-naive Europeans and of Africans with lifelong malaria exposure using mass cytometry, RNA sequencing and data integration, before and 5 and 11 days after venous inoculation with Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites. We observed differences in immune cell populations, antigen-specific responses and gene expression profiles between Europeans and Africans and among Africans with differing degrees of immunity. Before inoculation, an activated/differentiated state of both innate and adaptive cells, including elevated CD161(+)CD4(+) T cells and interferon-gamma production, predicted Africans capable of controlling parasitemia. After inoculation, the rapidity of the transcriptional response and clusters of CD4(+) T cells, plasmacytoid dendritic cells and innate T cells were among the features distinguishing Africans capable of controlling parasitemia from susceptible individuals. These findings can guide the development of a vaccine effective in malaria-endemic regions.Malaria immunity can be acquired through natural infection, but the correlates of protection are still being determined. Yazdanbakhsh and colleagues combine experimental infection of volunteers with Plasmodium falciparum with systems analysis to throw light on the nature of protective immune responses.Radiolog

    A controlled human Schistosoma mansoni infection model to advance novel drugs, vaccines and diagnostics

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    Schistosomiasis treatment relies on the use of a single drug, praziquantel, which is insufficient to control transmission in highly endemic areas(1). Novel medicines and vaccines are urgently needed(2,3). An experimental human model for schistosomiasis could accelerate the development of these products. We performed a dose-escalating clinical safety trial in 17 volunteers with male Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, which do not produce eggs (clinicaltrials.gov ), at the Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands. The primary endpoints were adverse events and infectivity. We found a dose-related increase in adverse events related to acute schistosomiasis syndrome, which occurred in 9 of 17 volunteers. Overall, 5 volunteers (all 3 of the high dose group and 2 of 11 of the medium dose group) reported severe adverse events. Worm-derived circulating anodic antigen, the biomarker of the primary infection endpoint, peaked in 82% of volunteers at 3-10 weeks following exposure. All volunteers showed IgM and IgG1 seroconversion and worm-specific cytokine production by CD4(+) T cells. All volunteers were cured with praziquantel provided at 12 weeks after exposure. Infection with 20 Schistosoma mansoni cercariae led to severe adverse events in 18% of volunteers and high infection rates. This infection model paves the way for fast-track product development for treatment and prevention of schistosomiasis.A new human challenge model of schistosomiasis, which affects more than 290 million people globally, will aid development of novel therapies and vaccines for this neglected tropical disease