18 research outputs found

    Covid-19 seroprevalence among healthcare workers of a large covid-19 hospital in rome reveals strengths and limits of two different serological tests

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    Healthcare workers are at the forefront against COVID-19, worldwide. Since Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli (FPG) IRCCS was enlisted as a COVID-19 hospital, the healthcare workers deployed to COVID-19 wards were separated from those with limited/no exposure, whereas the administrative staff were designated to work from home. Between 4 June and 3 July 2020, an investigation was conducted to evaluate the seroprevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) immunoglobulin (IgG) antibodies among the employees of the FPG using point-of-care (POC) and venous blood tests. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values were determined with reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction on nasal/oropharyngeal swabs as the diagnostic gold standard. The participants enrolled amounted to 4777. Seroprevalence was 3.66% using the POC test and 1.19% using the venous blood test, with a significant difference (p < 0.05). The POC test sensitivity and specificity were, respectively, 63.64% (95% confidence interval (CI): 62.20% to 65.04%) and 96.64% (95% CI: 96.05% to 97.13%), while those of the venous blood test were, respectively, 78.79% (95% CI: 77.58% to 79.94%) and 99.36% (95% CI: 99.07% to 99.55%). Among the low-risk populations, the POC test’s predictive values were 58.33% (positive) and 98.23% (negative), whereas those of the venous blood test were 92.86% (positive) and 98.53% (negative). According to our study, these serological tests cannot be a valid alternative to diagnose COVID-19 infection in progress

    Effect of Lockdowns on Hospital Staff in a COVID Center: A Retrospective Observational Study

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    At the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, individual and social measures were strengthened through restrictive non-pharmaceutical interventions, labelled with the term "lockdown". In Italy, there were two lockdowns (9 March 2020-3 May 2020 and 3 November 2020-27 March 2021). As part of preventive measures, healthcare workers and the administrative staff population of Policlinico A. Gemelli underwent nasopharyngeal swab tests from 1 March 2020 to 9 February 2022, a long time interval that includes the two aforementioned lockdowns. The population included 8958 people from 1 March 2020 to 31 December 2020; 8981 people from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021; and 8981 people from 1 January 2022 to 9 February 2022. We then analysed pseudo-anonymized data, using a retrospective observational approach to evaluate the impact of the lockdown on the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infections within the population. Given the 14 day contagious period, the swab positivity rate (SPR) among the staff decreased significantly at the end of the first lockdown, every day prior to 18 May 2020, by 0.093 (p < 0.0001, CI = (-0.138--0.047)). After the fourteenth day post the end of the first lockdown (18 May 2020), the SPR increased daily at a rate of 0.024 (p < 0.0001, 95% CI = (0.013-0.034)). In addition, the SPR appeared to increase significantly every day prior to 17 November 2020 by 0.024 (p < 0.0001, CI = (0.013-0.034)). After the fourteenth day post the start of the second lockdown (17 November 2020), the SPR decreased daily at a rate of 0.039 (p < 0.0001, 95% CI = (-0.050--0.027)). These data demonstrate that, in our Institution, the lockdowns helped to both protect healthcare workers and maintain adequate standards of care for COVID and non-COVID patients for the duration of the state of emergency in Italy

    Una nuova rivista/A new journal

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    L\u2019etnomusicologia richiede una riconsiderazione della propria ragion d\u2019essere, del proprio sguardo transculturale, dei propri metodi e tecniche. Le radici e i tratti peculiari della ricerca italiana possono rappresentare una prospettiva dalla quale affrontare nuove sfide e intraprendere nuovi percorsi. L\u2019Italia infatti ha una tradizione consolidata di ricerche sul campo, di intersezione tra indagine storica ed indagine etnografica, di riflessione metodologica a partire da sguardi e approcci non colonialisti. E l\u2019Italia appare oggi in prima linea nella riflessione critica e autocritica su compiti e prospettive di una ricerca transculturale sulle pratiche musicali contemporanee


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    ll primo numero di una rivista ha la responsabilità di far capire ai lettori e ai possibili collaboratori quali siano le linee editoriali su cui i promotori si orientano. Abbiamo cercato quindi di costruire un volume che risponda al progetto che abbiamo in mente. Ci è sembrato giusto, in via preliminare, premettere ai saggi e ai contributi degli autori che ci hanno dato fiducia una “dichiarazione di intenti” che spiegasse la nostra visione di una nuova rivista, i suoi presupposti storici nell’ambito dell’esperienza italiana, e le questioni, i temi, gli approcci metodologici su cui riteniamo oggi utile richiamare l’attenzione

    Sinus Augmentation with Biomimetic Nanostructured Matrix: Tomographic, Radiological, Histological and Histomorphometrical Results after 6 Months in Humans

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    Background: Many bone substitutes have been applied for sinus regeneration procedures, such as autogenous bone, inorganic bovine bone, porous and resorbable hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate, bioactive glass, and blood clots. The aim of the present study was a tomographic, histological and histomorphometrical evaluation in humans, of specimens retrieved from sinuses augmented with MgHA/collagen-based scaffolds, after a healing period of 6 months.Materials and Methods: Eleven healthy patients and a total of 15 sinuses were included in this study. The maxillary sinuses were filled with commercial MgHA/collagen-based scaffolds (RegenOss) with a porous three-dimensional (3D) structure (Fin-Ceramica Faenza S.p.A., Faenza, Italy). These grafts have a composite design, that replicate the organization of bone structure, obtained by a technique in which a specific hybrid organic–inorganic composite is spontaneously built by a biological mechanism. The CBCT scans were done before the procedure, after the surgical protocol (T1), and 6 months after sinus surgery (T2) for implantology. Bone specimens were stored in 10% formalin solution, embedded in a glycolmethacrylate resin and sectioned by a high-precision diamond disc. Histologic and histomorphometric analysis were carried out to evaluate the graft reabsorption and bone healing.Results: The mean volume after graft elevation, calculated for each of the 15 sinuses, was 2,906 mm3 in the immediate postoperative period (5–7 days), ranging from 2,148.8 to 3,146.4 mm3. In the late postoperative period (6 months) it was 2,806.7 mm3, ranging from 2,010.9 to 3,008.9 mm3. The sinuses were completely healed and no residual MgHA/collagen-based scaffolds were visible. Osteoblasts appeared actively secreting bone matrix and marrow spaces contained moderate numbers of stromal cells and vascular network. Osteoblasts were observed actively secreting osteoid matrix. The tissues present in the samples were composed of 1.9 ± 1.9% of lamellar bone, 36 ± 1% of woven bone and 58 ± 3.8% of marrow spaces.Conclusion: Mg-MgHA/collagen-based scaffolds can successfully be used for sinus augmentation procedures

    Patient-based assessment of tooth extraction with ultrasonic dental surgery

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    The aim of this study was to compare the postoperative period and healing of 2 methods used for simple tooth extraction: traditional and ultrasonic bone surgery. The clinical healing of the sockets and psychologic acceptance of the ultrasonic bone surgery were also evaluated

    Socket Preservation Using a Biomimetic Nanostructured Matrix and Atraumatic Surgical Extraction Technique

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of biomimetic composite bone substitute composed of equine collagen I and Mg-hydroxyapatite in improving socket preservation after tooth extraction in humans. METHODS: Thirty-two patients were subjected to a single tooth extraction, performed without elevation of the full-thickness flap. In each patient, socket was grafted with the bone substitute and specimens were retrieved 2 months after surgery and processed for histological observations. The clinical outcome variables were healing index, visual analog score for pain, postsurgery complications, and patient satisfaction evaluated through a questionnaire. RESULTS: No adverse reaction or infection occurred, in which healing index averaged 5.8 (range 4-7). Pain scores were lower. The patients' questionnaire outcomes were unanimously in favor of the test treatment. At low-power magnification, it was possible to see a portion of native bone with small marrow spaces and many areas of bone remodeling. At high-power magnification, it could be observed that small newly formed trabeculae originated from the preexisting bone and bone spicules in the middle of the defect. CONCLUSION: Grafting the postextraction socket with composite bone substitute may improve the healing process by accelerating socket closure and tissue maturation. Such a product demonstrated excellent biocompatibility as no inflammatory reaction could be detected histologically and was well accepted by patients

    Processi di trasformazione nelle musiche di tradizione orale dal 1900 ad oggi. Ricerche storiche e indagini sulle pratiche musicali contemporanee.

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    L'Unità di Bologna si occuperà specificamente di metodologie e problemi della documentazione audio-visiva nella ricerca etnomusicologica e nelle culture indagate. Provvederà anche alla costituzione di un archivio delle registrazioni audio e filmiche della musica (negli eventi rituali e nella vita quotidiana) tra gli stranieri immigrati in Italia, e alla realizzazione di film documentari che diano conto di come le culture musicali si sono trasformate in conseguenza delle nuove possibilità di comunicazione e registrazione e/o in ragione dell'emigrazione e del contatto con ambienti e culture diverse. Se ne ricaveranno anche considerazioni di metodo sulla nuova funzione del filmare come strumento di comunicazione tra chi osserva e chi è osservato. Si indagherà in specie la comunità dei rom del Kosovo presenti in Italia, che presenta uno speciale interesse. Perché alla minoranza rom appartengono parecchi musicisti professionisti, che prestano la propria opera per la loro comunità ma anche per altri gruppi linguistici ed etnici; perché la loro cultura e la loro musica si nutrono di un peculiare rapporto tra elementi di estrema arcaicità ed elementi di modernità; perché l'uso di nuovi strumenti e tecnologie è largamente frequentato dalla comunità (dai sintetizzatori e gli impianti di amplificazione alla comunicazione on-line, all'uso intensivo di telecamere e sistemi di registrazione del suono come elementi pertinenti e necessari dei riti e della loro perpetuazione). I rom del Kosovo poi, a Bologna e a Trento, hanno costituito delle associazioni culturali che hanno, a loro dire, lo scopo di favorire l'integrazione in città dei loro figli e nipoti: i quali, cresciuti in Italia, hanno bisogno, per meglio articolare la relazione con gli altri, di mantenere e alimentare la propria memoria. Hanno costituito una squadra giovanile di calcio e un corpo di ballo femminile, ma hanno anche iniziato a pensare alla necessità di archiviare i documenti sonori e visivi della comunità e di utilizzarli per la costruzione della propria storia, di rom kosovari e di immigrati in Italia. Così hanno guardato al lavoro di documentazione condotto dalla cattedra di Etnomusicologia dell'Università di Bologna, che durava già da una ventina d'anni, con nuovo interesse. Non più soltanto per scopi privati, familiari, ma di comunità. Questo segna una mutazione profonda delle loro relazioni col contesto locale. Nel corso di questa ricerca ci si occuperebbe dunque, in collaborazione con le loro Associazioni culturali, di realizzare un archivio con i materiali già posseduti da ciascuna delle famiglie che appartengono alla comunità (soprattutto filmati delle feste di nozze e di circoncisione); di censire i filmati che i rom del Kosovo mettono su Youtube, allo scopo di valutare il modo in cui questi intervengono nella statuizione e nella modifica della loro posizione sociale e culturale. Il progetto avrebbe così una rilevanza non soltanto nell'ambito specializzato degli studi di etnomusicologia, ma anche sul terreno più ampio delle tematiche dell'integrazione e delle dinamiche culturali e sociali della diaspora