25 research outputs found

    Integración de la gestión y el intercambio del conocimiento para apoyar el aprendizaje organizacional y el impacto de la investigación agrícola para el desarrollo

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    Para potenciar la competitividad, la resiliencia y la sostenibilidad de la agricultura en los países en desarrollo, es necesario un intercambio continuo de procesos y resultados de investigación entre agricultores, expertos en desarrollo, científicos y formuladores de políticas, entre otros. En los últimos años, han surgido nuevas oportunidades que permiten que las organizaciones de investigación adopten prácticas innovadoras que fomentan la gestión y el intercambio del conocimiento, tanto a nivel interno como entre sus respectivas redes. Este documento sintetiza 10 años de experiencia del CIAT y CGIAR en este campo, con énfasis especial en las opciones para integrar la gestión y el intercambio del conocimiento en la investigación para el desarrollo, y está dirigido a profesionales y grupos directivos que buscan adoptar un enfoque integral de este proceso en sus organizaciones y redes

    Mainstreaming knowledge management and sharing to support organizational learning and increase the impact of agricultural research for development

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    Making agriculture more competitive, resilient, and sustainable in developing countries requires continuous sharing of research processes and outcomes between farmers, development experts, scientists, and policymakers, among others. In recent years, new opportunities have emerged for research organizations to adopt innovative practices that foster knowledge management and sharing (referred to subsequently as KM) both internally and within their networks. This policy brief summarizes 10 years of experience with KM in CIAT and CGIAR, with particular emphasis on options for mainstreaming KM in research for development. The document is intended for professionals and management teams interested in a comprehensive KM approach for their organizations and networks

    Knowledge management strengthens decision making: The case of the "Knowledge Center for Assessing Vulnerability to and Impact of Climate Change on the Andes of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru"

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    Under the REGATTA Initiative (Regional Portal for Technology Transfer and Action against Climate Change in Latin America and Caribbean) this project seeks to develop actions towards vulnerability and adaptation to climate change assessment in agriculture and water resources in the Andes of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The clear knowledge focus of this project led to the successful creation of an on-line Community of Practice (COP-Andes) through which key project stakeholders of public and private sectors gathered with civil society in order to discuss recommendations and promote debates on local issues and alternatives, using online dialogues and virtual discussion forums

    Demand analysis report: gender-responsive participatory research

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    Lessons learned and ways forward on CGIAR capacity development: A discussion paper

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    This paper is a contribution to the establishment of a new capacity development (CD) strategy, a process that the Consortium Office will facilitate, with external input, during 2013. The paper explores the lessons learned from CGIAR’s experience with CD and reflects the findings of a working group that was brought together in late 2012

    Ageing in relation to skeletal muscle dysfunction: redox homoeostasis to regulation of gene expression

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    Learning to share knowledge for global agricultural progress

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    Web 2.0 tools combined with face-to-face methods offer new opportunities for better knowledge sharing across disciplines, languages and borders. This article comprises an overview and case studies – the personal accounts of six participants and one facilitator of a 2008 Workshop on Knowledge Sharing, sponsored by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. It lays out the rationale for, and lessons learned from, those efforts, as well as from a second workshop hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It explains why, in today's culture of self-directed learning, group experiences remain essential. The authors describe their learning trajectories and application of knowledge sharing tools and methods in their work.Online publication date: Wed, 17-Mar-2010<br/