23 research outputs found

    The Use of the Word in the Counseling Process

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the problem of what is meant by pastoral care and pastoral counseling, and by the counseling process, the techniques used in that process, and the place of the pastoral counseling process in the practical ministry of the pastor; then, to relate these findings to a sound scriptural approach of the use of the Word in the counseling process

    Entanglement requirements for implementing bipartite unitary operations

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    We prove, using a new method based on map-state duality, lower bounds on entanglement resources needed to deterministically implement a bipartite unitary using separable (SEP) operations, which include LOCC (local operations and classical communication) as a particular case. It is known that the Schmidt rank of an entangled pure state resource cannot be less than the Schmidt rank of the unitary. We prove that if these ranks are equal the resource must be uniformly (maximally) entangled: equal nonzero Schmidt coefficients. Higher rank resources can have less entanglement: we have found numerical examples of Schmidt rank 2 unitaries which can be deterministically implemented, by either SEP or LOCC, using an entangled resource of two qutrits with less than one ebit of entanglement.Comment: 7 pages Revte


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    Das Rollenspiel als Erhebungsmethode in der qualitativen Sozialforschung bietet, verbunden mit dem Auswertungsverfahren der tiefenhermeneutischen Textinterpretation, die Möglichkeit, kollektiv unbewusste Prozesse in Gruppen in ihrem Bedeutungsgehalt für die den Interaktionen zugrunde liegenden Muster zu erkennen und zu verstehen. Gruppendynamische Prozesse werden erfasst und das rollenspezifische Handeln der Gruppenteilnehmenden bezogen auf das jeweilige Erfahrungsfeld analysiert. In dem Beitrag werden die Durchführung der Rollenspiele sowie deren Dokumentation und die Auswertung der in den Rollenspielen erhobenen Daten vorgestellt, insbesondere anhand konkreter Anwendungsbeispiele die Dokumentations- und Auswertungsschritte praxisorientiert dargelegt und Limitationen der Einsatzes von Rollenspielen diskutiert

    Lucas: La vida y el ministerio de Jesucristo según el evangelio de San Lucas

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    Este curso será un estudio concienzudo del Evangelio según San Lucas. Se dará un repaso general del mensaje de Lucas, con énfasis especial en áreas y acontecimientos que no se encuentran en los otros Evangelios Sinópticos. La vida y el ministerio de Jesucristo serán el enfoque del curso

    Práctica de la predicación

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    Un curso sencillo que presenta el arte de preparar y predicar sermones, utilizando las distintas partes de la tradición Luterana teológica del uso de Ley y Evangelio y la teología de la cruz. Se combina el estudio de los principios bíblicos y teológicos que determinan los patrones de adoración congregacional y la importancia de proclamar el Evangelio de Cristo


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    Ground surveys and remote sensing are integral to establishing fair and equitable property valuations necessary for real property taxation. The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) has embraced aerial and street-view imaging as part of its standards related to property tax assessments and audits. New technologies, including unmanned aerial systems (UAS) paired with imaging sensors, will become more common as local governments work to ensure their cadastre and tax rolls are both accurate and complete. Trends in mapping technology have seen an evolution in platforms from large, expensive manned aircraft to very small, inexpensive UAS. Traditional methods of photogrammetry have also given way to new equipment and sensors: digital cameras, infrared imagers, light detection and ranging (LiDAR) laser scanners, and now synthetic aperture radar (SAR). At the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), we work extensively with unmanned aerial systems equipped with each of these newer sensors. UAF has significant experience flying unmanned systems in the US National Airspace, having begun in 1969 with scientific rockets and expanded to unmanned aircraft in 2003. Ongoing field experience allows UAF to partner effectively with outside organizations to test and develop leading-edge research in UAS and remote sensing. This presentation will discuss our research related to various sensors and payloads for mapping. We will also share our experience with UAS and optical systems for creating some of the first cadastral surveys in rural Alaska