179 research outputs found

    QCD NLO with Powheg matching and top threshold matching in WHIZARD

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    We present the status of the automation of NLO processes within the event generator WHIZARD. The program provides an automated FKS subtraction and phase space integration over the FKS regions, while the (QCD) NLO matrix element is accessed via the Binoth Les Houches Interface from an externally linked one-loop program. Massless and massive test cases and validation are shown for several e+e- processes. Furthermore, we discuss work in progress and future plans. The second part covers the matching of the NRQCD prediction with NLL threshold resummation to the NLO continuum top pair production at lepton colliders. Both the S-wave and P-wave production of the top pair are taken into account in the resummation. The inclusion in WHIZARD allows to study more exclusive observables than just the total cross section and automatically accounts for important electroweak and relativistic corrections in the threshold region.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, Talk given at 12th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Radcor 2015) and LoopFest XIV (Radiative Corrections for the LHC and Future Colliders); v2: reference adde

    Automation of NLO processes and decays and POWHEG matching in WHIZARD

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    We give a status report on the automation of next-to-leading order processes within the Monte Carlo event generator WHIZARD, using GoSam and OpenLoops as provider for one-loop matrix elements. To deal with divergences, WHIZARD uses automated FKS subtraction, and the phase space for singular regions is generated automatically. NLO examples for both scattering and decay processes with a focus on e+e- processes are shown. Also, first NLO-studies of observables for collisions of polarized leptons beams, e.g. at the ILC, will be presented. Furthermore, the automatic matching of the fixed-order NLO amplitudes with emissions from the parton shower within the POWHEG formalism inside WHIZARD will be discussed. We also present results for top pairs at threshold in lepton collisions, including matching between a resummed threshold calculation and fixed-order NLO. This allows the investigation of more exclusive differential observables.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Talk presented at ACAT 2016 at UTFSM, Valpara\'iso, Chil

    Top Physics in WHIZARD

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    In this talk we summarize the top physics setup in the event generator WHIZARD with a main focus on lepton colliders. This includes full six-, eight- and ten-fermion processes, factorized processes and spin correlations. For lepton colliders, QCD NLO processes for top quark physics are available and will be discussed. A special focus is on the top-quark pair threshold, where a special implementation combines a non-relativistic effective field theory calculation augmented by a next-to-leading threshold logarithm resummation with a continuum relativistic fixed-order QCD NLO simulation.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS15), Whistler, Canada, 2-6 November 201

    Mucociliary and long-term particle clearance in airways of patients with immotile cilia

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    Spherical monodisperse ferromagnetic iron oxide particles of 1.9 μm geometric and 4.2 μm aerodynamic diameter were inhaled by seven patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) using the shallow bolus technique, and compared to 13 healthy non-smokers (NS) from a previous study. The bolus penetration front depth was limiting to the phase1 dead space volume. In PCD patients deposition was 58+/-8 % after 8 s breath holding time. Particle retention was measured by the magnetopneumographic method over a period of nine months. Particle clearance from the airways showed a fast and a slow phase. In PCD patients airway clearance was retarded and prolonged, 42+/-12 % followed the fast phase with a mean half time of 16.8+/-8.6 hours. The remaining fraction was cleared slowly with a half time of 121+/-25 days. In healthy NS 49+/-9 % of particles were cleared in the fast phase with a mean half time of 3.0+/-1.6 hours, characteristic of an intact mucociliary clearance. There was no difference in the slow clearance phase between PCD patients and healthy NS. Despite non-functioning cilia the effectiveness of airway clearance in PCD patients is comparable to healthy NS, with a prolonged kinetics of one week, which may primarily reflect the effectiveness of cough clearance. This prolonged airway clearance allows longer residence times of bacteria and viruses in the airways and may be one reason for increased frequency of infections in PCD patients

    Negaton and Positon Solutions of the KDV Equation

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    We give a systematic classification and a detailed discussion of the structure, motion and scattering of the recently discovered negaton and positon solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. There are two distinct types of negaton solutions which we label [Sn][S^{n}] and [Cn][C^{n}], where (n+1)(n+1) is the order of the Wronskian used in the derivation. For negatons, the number of singularities and zeros is finite and they show very interesting time dependence. The general motion is in the positive xx direction, except for certain negatons which exhibit one oscillation around the origin. In contrast, there is just one type of positon solution, which we label [C~n][\tilde C^n]. For positons, one gets a finite number of singularities for nn odd, but an infinite number for even values of nn. The general motion of positons is in the negative xx direction with periodic oscillations. Negatons and positons retain their identities in a scattering process and their phase shifts are discussed. We obtain a simple explanation of all phase shifts by generalizing the notions of ``mass" and ``center of mass" to singular solutions. Finally, it is shown that negaton and positon solutions of the KdV equation can be used to obtain corresponding new solutions of the modified KdV equation.Comment: 20 pages plus 12 figures(available from authors on request),Latex fil

    Construction of exact solutions to eigenvalue problems by the asymptotic iteration method

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    We apply the asymptotic iteration method (AIM) [J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36, 11807 (2003)] to solve new classes of second-order homogeneous linear differential equation. In particular, solutions are found for a general class of eigenvalue problems which includes Schroedinger problems with Coulomb, harmonic oscillator, or Poeschl-Teller potentials, as well as the special eigenproblems studied recently by Bender et al [J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 9835 (2001)] and generalized in the present paper to higher dimensions.Comment: 10 page

    Motion and twisting of magnetic particles ingested by alveolar macrophages in the human lung: effect of smoking and disease

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    BACKGROUND: Magnetic microparticles being ingested by alveolar macrophages can be used as a monitor for intracellular phagosome motions and cytoskeletal mechanical properties. These studies can be performed in the human lung after voluntary inhalation. The influence of cigarette smoking and lung diseases on cytoskeleton dependent functions was studied. METHODS: Spherical 1.3 μm diameter ferrimagnetic iron oxide particles were inhaled by 17 healthy volunteers (40 – 65 years), 15 patients with sarcoidosis (SAR), 12 patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and 18 patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB). The retained particles were magnetized and aligned in an external 100 mT magnetic field. All magnetized particles induce a weak magnetic field of the lung, which was detected by a sensitive SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) sensor. Cytoskeletal reorganizations within macrophages and intracellular transport cause stochastic magnetic dipole rotations, which are reflected in a decay of the magnetic lung field, called relaxation. Directed phagosome motion was induced in a weak magnetic twisting field. The resistance of the cytoplasm to particle twisting was characterized by the viscosity and the stiffness (ratio between stress to strain) of the cytoskeleton. RESULTS: One week after particle inhalation and later macrophage motility (relaxation) and cytoskeletal stiffness was not influenced by cigarette smoking, neither in healthy subjects, nor in the patients. Patients with IPF showed in tendency a faster relaxation (p = 0.06). Particle twisting revealed a non-Newtonian viscosity with a pure viscous and a viscoelastic compartment. The viscous shear was dominant, and only 27% of the shear recoiled and reflected viscoelastic properties. In patients with IPF, the stiffness was reduced by 60% (p < 0.02). An analysis of the shear rate and stress dependence of particle twisting allows correlating the rheological compartments to cytoskeletal subunits, in which microtubules mediate the pure viscous (non-recoverable) shear and microfilaments mediate the viscoelastic (recoverable) behavior. The missing correlation between relaxation and particle twisting shows that both stochastic and directed phagosome motion reflect different cytoskeletal mechanisms. CONCLUSION: Faster relaxation and a soft cytoskeleton in patients with IPF indicate alterations in cytoskeleton dependent functions of alveolar macrophages, which may cause dysfunction's in the alveolar defense, like a slower migration, a retarded phagocytosis, a disturbed phagosome lysosome fusion and an impaired clearance

    Connection Between Type A and E Factorizations and Construction of Satellite Algebras

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    Recently, we introduced a new class of symmetry algebras, called satellite algebras, which connect with one another wavefunctions belonging to different potentials of a given family, and corresponding to different energy eigenvalues. Here the role of the factorization method in the construction of such algebras is investigated. A general procedure for determining an so(2,2) or so(2,1) satellite algebra for all the Hamiltonians that admit a type E factorization is proposed. Such a procedure is based on the known relationship between type A and E factorizations, combined with an algebraization similar to that used in the construction of potential algebras. It is illustrated with the examples of the generalized Morse potential, the Rosen-Morse potential, the Kepler problem in a space of constant negative curvature, and, in each case, the conserved quantity is identified. It should be stressed that the method proposed is fairly general since the other factorization types may be considered as limiting cases of type A or E factorizations.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, no figure, to be published in J. Phys.

    Tunneling Violates Special Relativity

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    Experiments with evanescent modes and tunneling particles have shown that i) their signal velocity may be faster than light, ii) they are described by virtual particles, iii) they are nonlocal and act at a distance, iv) experimental tunneling data of phonons, photons, and electrons display a universal scattering time at the tunneling barrier front, and v) the properties of evanescent, i.e. tunneling modes is not compatible with the special theory of relativity
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