24 research outputs found

    Antenna subtraction at NNLO with identified hadrons

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    We extend the antenna subtraction method to include hadron fragmentation processes up to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QCD in e+ee^+e^- collisions. To handle collinear singularities associated with the fragmentation process, we introduce fragmentation antenna functions in final-final kinematics with associated phase space mappings. These antenna functions are integrated over the relevant phase spaces, retaining their dependence on the momentum fraction of the fragmenting parton. The integrated antenna functions are cross-checked against the known NNLO coefficient functions for identified hadron production from γ/Zqqˉ\gamma^*/Z^* \to q\bar{q} and HggH \to gg processes.Comment: 33 pages, 2 tables, two ancillary files with the expressions for the NNLO fragmentation antenna functions enclose

    Antenna subtraction at NNLO with identified hadrons

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    We extend the antenna subtraction method to include hadron fragmentation processes up to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QCD in e+^{+}e^{−} collisions. To handle collinear singularities associated with the fragmentation process, we introduce fragmentation antenna functions in final-final kinematics with associated phase space mappings. These antenna functions are integrated over the relevant phase spaces, retaining their dependence on the momentum fraction of the fragmenting parton. The integrated antenna functions are cross-checked against the known NNLO coefficient functions for identified hadron production from γ/Zqq {\gamma}^{\ast }/{Z}^{\ast}\to q\overline{q} and H → gg processes

    Identified hadrons in antenna subtraction at NNLO

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    Processes with identified hadrons require the introduction of fragmentation functions to describe the hadronisation of a quark or a gluon into the observed hadron particle. Such identified particles in the final state make the treatment of infrared divergences more subtle, because of additional collinear divergences to be handled. We extend the antenna subtraction method to include hadron fragmentation processes up to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QCD in e+e− collisions. To this end, we introduce new double-real and real-virtual fragmentation antenna functions in the final-final kinematics, with associated phase space mappings. These antenna functions are integrated over the relevant phase spaces, retaining their dependence on the momentum fraction of the fragmenting parton

    The muon parton distribution functions

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    We compute the Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) of the unpolarised muon for the leptons, the photon, the light quarks, and the gluon. We discuss in detail the issues stemming from the necessity of evaluating the strong coupling constant at scales of the order of the typical hadron mass, and compare our novel approach with those currently available in the literature. While we restrict our phenomenological results to be leading-logarithmic accurate, we set up our formalism in a way that renders it straightforward to achieve next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy in the QED, QCD, and mixed QED×\timesQCD contributions.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Flavor Identification of Reconstructed Hadronic Jets

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    Identifying the flavor of reconstructed hadronic jets is critical for precision phenomenology and the search for new physics at collider experiments, as it allows one to pinpoint specific scattering processes and reject backgrounds. Jet measurements at the LHC are almost universally performed using the anti-kT algorithm; however, no approach exists to define the jet flavor for this algorithm that is infrared and collinear safe. We propose a new approach, a flavor-dressing algorithm, that is infrared and collinear safe in perturbation theory and can be combined with any definition of a jet. We test the algorithm in an e+e- environment and consider the pp→Z+b-jet process as a practical application at hadron colliders

    The parton-level structure of e+ee+e− to 2 jets at N3LO

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    We investigate the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) corrections to hadronic final states in electron-positron collisions at O \mathcal{O} (αs3 {\alpha}_s^3 ) in the strong coupling constant αs_{s}. Namely, we analytically compute the total cross section for this process by separately integrating the tree-level five-parton, the one-loop four-parton, the two-loop three-parton, and the three-loop two-parton matrix elements over the respective phase space. All the contributions to the calculation are treated in a common framework whereby phase space integrals are expressed as physical cuts of the four-loop two-point function. We check the cancellation of infrared poles at all colour levels and we reproduce the known result for the R-ratio at order αs3 {\alpha}_s^3

    The parton-level structure of Higgs decays to hadrons at N3^3LO

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    We present the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) corrections for Higgs boson decays to hadronic final states at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3^3LO) in the strong coupling constant αs\alpha_s. In particular, we consider the Higgs boson decay to massless bottom quarks and the Higgs boson decay to a pair of gluons in the limit of a heavy top quark. The tree-level five-parton, the one-loop four-parton, the two-loop three-parton, and the three-loop two-parton matrix elements are integrated separately over the inclusive phase space and classified by partons appearing in the final state and by colour structure. As a check, we reproduce known results for the hadronic RR-ratios at N3^3LO. We study patterns of infrared singularity cancellation within the colour layers of the integrated expressions and observe an agreement in the highest trascendental weight terms in the decay of different colour singlets to quarks. We anticipate that our result will be an essential ingredient for the formulation of N3^3LO subtraction schemes.Comment: 50 pages, 4 tables, ancillary files with results in FORM forma

    Radiation from a gluon-gluino colour-singlet dipole at N 3 LO

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    We compute the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) corrections to the decay of a neutralino to gluinos and partons at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3LO) in the strong coupling constant αs, integrated separately over the phase-space of two, three, four or five particles in the final state. The resulting matrix elements are related to the quark-gluon antenna functions, completing the set of integrated antenna functions in final-final kinematics required for the extension of the antenna subtraction scheme to N3LO. For a model with massless partons (quarks and gluons) and an arbitrary number of adjoint fermions, we obtained the following new results to Oαs3: the inclusive cross section for the decay of a neutralino, the renormalization of the effective coupling of a neutralino to a gluino and gluon(s), the gluino collinear anomalous dimension, the gluino contribution to the parton collinear anomalous dimensions and the neutralino-gluino-gluon(s) vertex form factors. A special case of this model is the N = 1 super Yang-Mills theory, where we can relate some of our findings to known results

    Radiation from a gluon-gluino colour-singlet dipole at N3LO

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    We compute the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) corrections to the decay of a neutralino to gluinos and partons at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3^{3}LO) in the strong coupling constant αs_{s}, integrated separately over the phase-space of two, three, four or five particles in the final state. The resulting matrix elements are related to the quark-gluon antenna functions, completing the set of integrated antenna functions in final-final kinematics required for the extension of the antenna subtraction scheme to N3^{3}LO. For a model with massless partons (quarks and gluons) and an arbitrary number of adjoint fermions, we obtained the following new results to O(αs3) \mathcal{O}\left({\alpha}_s^3\right) : the inclusive cross section for the decay of a neutralino, the renormalization of the effective coupling of a neutralino to a gluino and gluon(s), the gluino collinear anomalous dimension, the gluino contribution to the parton collinear anomalous dimensions and the neutralino-gluino-gluon(s) vertex form factors. A special case of this model is the N \mathcal{N} = 1 super Yang-Mills theory, where we can relate some of our findings to known results

    The parton-level structure of Higgs decays to hadrons at N3^3LO

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    We present the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) corrections for Higgs boson decays to hadronic final states at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3^{3}LO) in the strong coupling constant αs_{s}. In particular, we consider the Higgs boson decay to massless bottom quarks and the Higgs boson decay to a pair of gluons in the limit of a heavy top quark. The tree-level five-parton, the one-loop four-parton, the two-loop three-parton, and the three-loop two-parton matrix elements are integrated separately over the inclusive phase space and classified by partons appearing in the final state and by colour structure. As a check, we reproduce known results for the inclusive hadronic decay rates at N3^{3}LO. We study patterns of infrared singularity cancellation within the colour layers of the integrated expressions and we comment on the similarities between H →bb b\overline{b} and γ^{∗}qq q\overline{q} . We anticipate that our result will be an essential ingredient for the formulation of N3^{3}LO subtraction schemes