772 research outputs found

    Interrelationships among Language Skills, Externalizing Behavior, and Academic Fluency and Their Impact on the Academic Skills of Students with ED

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    There is growing interest in understanding the factors that influence the academic achievement of students with emotional disturbance (ED). Structural equation modeling was used to test the interrelationships among language skills, externalizing behavior, and academic fluency and their impact on the academic skills of students with ED. Results showed that language skills exerted a significant proximal effect and distal effect on academic skills. The effect of language skills was mediated through academic fluency (path coefficient = .389) but also had a proximal effect on academic skills (path coefficient = .359). However, externalizing behavior failed to have a statistically significant effect on language skills, academic fluency, or academic skills. Overall, fit indices suggested a marginally acceptable fit of the data. Results and implications are discussed

    The Three-Dimensional Structure of Cassiopeia A

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    We used the Spitzer Space Telescope's Infrared Spectrograph to map nearly the entire extent of Cassiopeia A between 5-40 micron. Using infrared and Chandra X-ray Doppler velocity measurements, along with the locations of optical ejecta beyond the forward shock, we constructed a 3-D model of the remnant. The structure of Cas A can be characterized into a spherical component, a tilted thick disk, and multiple ejecta jets/pistons and optical fast-moving knots all populating the thick disk plane. The Bright Ring in Cas A identifies the intersection between the thick plane/pistons and a roughly spherical reverse shock. The ejecta pistons indicate a radial velocity gradient in the explosion. Some ejecta pistons are bipolar with oppositely-directed flows about the expansion center while some ejecta pistons show no such symmetry. Some ejecta pistons appear to maintain the integrity of the nuclear burning layers while others appear to have punched through the outer layers. The ejecta pistons indicate a radial velocity gradient in the explosion. In 3-D, the Fe jet in the southeast occupies a "hole" in the Si-group emission and does not represent "overturning", as previously thought. Although interaction with the circumstellar medium affects the detailed appearance of the remnant and may affect the visibility of the southeast Fe jet, the bulk of the symmetries and asymmetries in Cas A are intrinsic to the explosion.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 54 pages, 21 figures. For high resolution figures and associated mpeg movie and 3D PDF files, see http://homepages.spa.umn.edu/~tdelaney/pape

    The Child Outcomes of a Behavior Model

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    Within 3-tier behavioral models, universal interventions are expected to prevent the onset of problem behavior in a majority of children altogether and to sustain improvements in child outcomes by the selected and indicated interventions. A cohort longitudinal design was used to assess the extent to which a 3-tier model achieves these expected outcomes. The respective universal, selected, and indicated interventions included Behavior and Academic Support and Enhancement. First Step to Success, and MultiSystemic Therapy. A total of 407 children in Grades K-3 from 1 of 4 longitudinal cohorts participated. The results of 2-level linear growth analyses indicate that the 3-tier behavior model achieved the anticipated outcomes with respect to social behavior. The results, limitations, and implications are discussed

    On the Expansion Rate, Age, and Distance of the Supernova Remnant G266.2-1.2 (Vela Jr.)

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    An analysis of Chandra ACIS data for two relatively bright and narrow portions of the northwestern rim of G266.2-1.2 (a.k.a. RX J0852.0-4622 or Vela Jr.) reveal evidence of a radial displacement of 2.40 +/- 0.56 arcsec between 2003 and 2008. The corresponding expansion rate (0.42 +/- 0.10 arcsec/yr or 13.6 +/- 4.2%/kyr) is about half the rate reported for an analysis of XMM-Newton data from a similar, but not identical, portion of the rim over a similar, but not identical, time interval (0.84 +/- 0.23 arcsec/yr, Katsuda et al. 2008a). If the Chandra rate is representative of the remnant as a whole, then the results of a hydrodynamic analysis suggest that G266.2-1.2 is between 2.4 and 5.1 kyr old if it is expanding into a uniform ambient medium (whether or not it was produced by a Type Ia or Type II event). If the remnant is expanding into the material shed by a steady stellar wind, then the age could be as much as 50% higher. The Chandra expansion rate and a requirement that the shock speed be greater than or equal to 1000 km/s yields a lower limit on the distance of 0.5 kpc. An analysis of previously-published distance estimates and constraints suggests G266.2-1.2 is no further than 1.0 kpc. This range of distances is consistent with the distance to the nearer of two groups of material in the Vela Molecular Ridge (0.7 +/- 0.2 kpc, Liseau et al. 1992) and to the Vel OB1 association (0.8 kpc, Eggen 1982).Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    Perceptions and experiences of different Long COVID community rehabilitation service models from the perspectives of people living with Long COVID and healthcare professionals

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    Objectives: To explore the perceptions and experiences of barriers and facilitators to accessing Long COVID community rehabilitation.Design: We used a qualitative descriptive design over two rounds of data collection with three participant groups: i) people with experience of rehabilitation for Long COVID (PwLC), ii) NHS staff delivering and/or managing community rehabilitation services (allied health professionals (AHPs)), and iii) NHS staff involved in strategic planning around Long COVID in their health board (Long COVID leads).Setting: Four NHS Scotland territorial health boards. Participants: 51 interviews: eight Long COVID leads (11 interviews), 15 AHPs (25 interviews), and 15 PwLC (15 interviews).Results: Three key themes were identified: i) Accessing care for PwLC, ii) Understanding Long COVID and its management, and iii) Strengths and limitations of existing Long COVID rehabilitation services.Conclusions: Organisational delivery of Long COVID community rehabilitation is complex and presents multiple challenges. In addition, access to Long COVID community rehabilitation can be challenging. When accessed, these services are valued by PwLC but require adequate planning, publicity, and resource. The findings presented here can be used by those developing and delivering services for people with Long COVID

    Multilineage Differentiation Potential of Equine Adipose-Derived Stromal/Stem Cells from Different Sources

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    The investigation of multipotent stem/stromal cells (MSCs) in vitro represents an important basis for translational studies in large animal models. The study’s aim was to examine and compare clinically relevant in vitro properties of equine MSCs, which were isolated from abdominal (abd), retrobulbar (rb) and subcutaneous (sc) adipose tissue by collagenase digestion (ASCs-SVF) and an explant technique (ASCs-EXP). Firstly, we examined proliferation and trilineage differentiation and, secondly, the cardiomyogenic differentiation potential using activin A, bone morphogenetic protein-4 and Dickkopf-1. Fibroblast-like, plastic-adherent ASCs-SVF and ASCs-EXP were obtained from all sources. The proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation potential did not differ significantly between the isolation methods and localizations. However, abd-ASCs-EXP showed the highest adipogenic differentiation potential compared to rb- and sc-ASCs-EXP on day 7 and abd-ASCs-SVF a higher adipogenic potential compared to abd-ASCs-EXP on day 14. Osteogenic differentiation potential was comparable at day 14, but by day 21, abd-ASCs-EXP demonstrated a higher osteogenic potential compared to abd-ASCs-SVF and rb-ASCs-EXP. Cardiomyogenic differentiation could not be achieved. This study provides insight into the proliferation and multilineage differentiation potential of equine ASCs and is expected to provide a basis for future preclinical and clinical studies in horses

    Comparison of Sources and Methods for the Isolation of Equine Adipose Tissue-Derived Stromal/Stem Cells and Preliminary Results on Their Reaction to Incubation with 5-Azacytidine

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    Physiological particularities of the equine heart justify the development of an in vitro model suitable for investigations of the species-specific equine cardiac electrophysiology. Adipose tissue-derived stromal/stem cells (ASCs) could be a promising starting point from which to develop such a cardiomyocyte (CM)-like cell model. Therefore, we compared abdominal, retrobulbar, and subcutaneous adipose tissue as sources for the isolation of ASCs applying two isolation methods: the collagenase digestion and direct explant culture. Abdominal adipose tissue was most suitable for the isolation of ASCs and both isolation methods resulted in comparable yields of CD45-/CD34-negative cells expressing the mesenchymal stem cell markers CD29, CD44, and CD90, as well as pluripotency markers, as determined by flow cytometry and real-time quantitative PCR. However, exposure of equine ASCs to 5-azacytidine (5-AZA), reportedly inducing CM differentiation from rats, rabbits, and human ASCs, was not successful in our study. More precisely, neither the early differentiation markers GATA4 and NKX2-5, nor the late CM differentiation markers TNNI3, MYH6, and MYH7 were upregulated in equine ASCs exposed to 10 µM 5-AZA for 48 h. Hence, further work focusing on the optimal conditions for CM differentiation of equine stem cells derived from adipose tissue, as well as possibly from other origins, are needed

    Metallic foreign body in middle ear: an unusual cause of hearing loss

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    This is a rare case report of a foreign metallic body found in the middle ear. During the use of an electric welding by a metalworker, a glowing drop of dissolved metal overrun, burning the skin of his external auditory meatus, perforated the tympanic membrane and finally was implanted around the ossicles as a foreign body. Due to difficulty of the physical examination and the moderate symptoms (hearing loss and sense of fullness), the foreign body was detected six months after the incident, by CT scanning and it was removed by a transcanal approach under general anesthesia. A successful ossiculoplasty-tympanoplasty was followed four weeks later