85 research outputs found

    Poly (dimethyl siloxane) - based composite nanofiltration membranes for non-aqueous applications

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    This thesis presents a systematical experimental study performed in order to identify the key parameters that could affect the membrane transport characteristics through poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS)-based SRNF membranes. A complete understanding of the solvent, solute and membrane characteristics that influence the solvent/solute flux through the membrane could form the foundation for a modeling approach capable of predicting the membrane performances

    The UBI through a feminist looking-glass: can HE spot a Wollstonecraft dilemma?

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    As the growing debate around the policy and the theoretical implications of the Universal Basic Income prompts further discussions, one must acknowledge the issues this proposal has to face from anterior debates. In this case, the debate concerning the issue of the „Wollstonecraft dilemma” carries a lot of importance relative to the UBI. If the accomplishment of equality on the labour market and the maintenance of the difference between men and women is contradictory, the UBI can be said to have no chance of convincing feminists of its worth. I shall argue that the UBI, if the Wollstonecraft dilemma is conceived as a mostly misleading problem, can succeed in attracting the sympathy of feminists. I will begin by presenting the basic components of the UBI, some of its policy-oriented traits and then proceed to inventory the main arguments for and against the UBI from the feminist side. I will then summarily present Fraser’s „universal care giver” model, through which I will show that an appropriate amount of consideration can reconcile different and apparently contradictory contentions. Then, I will be considering the perceived inconsistencies between two systems as opposed as the care ethics and liberal feminism, only to conclude that they represent two sides of the same issue and that the UBI can be, due to its commitments, responsive to both

    Caries prevention — schematic presentation

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    Rezumat. Avantajul prezentării schematice a unui material este exprimat prin faptul, că poate fi redat: concret, succinct, informativ, complet şi integral. De aceea noi ne-am propus prezentarea profilaxiei cariei — schematic cu unele propuneri proprii asupra problemei în cauză.Summary. The advantage of schematic presentation of a material is expressed by the fact that it can be played: specifically, briefly, informative, completely and fully. Therefore we have proposed schematic presentation of caries prevention, with some own proposals on the matter

    Peculiarities of dental caries in young people

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    Catedra Stomatologie terapeutică FECMF USMF ”Nicolae Testemiţanu”, IMSP “SCMS”The study was conducted on 15 patients with "explosive" and hypomineralization dental caries. CRE index or the number of dental caries, restorations and extractions was calculated and estimated at 4 -10 points in those patients. Also, was made an analysis of the evolution of dental caries and its peculiarities to the young. During analysis, it was observed a pre-stage dental caries or hypomineralization, which is different from early tooth decay. Hypomineralization phase can be used as a test for early prevention of dental caries. All patients included in the study were prescribed a general and local remineralization treatment. After two months, hypo- and demineralization processes disappeared. Studiul s-a efectuat asupra unui lot de 15 pacienţi cu carii explozive şi hipomineralizări. CPE la aceşti pacienţi valora cu 4-10. S-a făcut analiza particularităţilor evoluţiei cariei şi a evidenţierii stării precarie-hipomineralizare la tineri, care diferă de caria maculară şi poate servi ca test pentru administrarea unor măsuri profilactice timpurii. Tuturor pacienţilor incluşi în lot li s-a efectuat un tratament complex local şi generalremineralizator. Peste 1-2 luni procesele hipo- şi demineralizate dispăreau complet

    Nanofiltration for non-aqueous applications

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