175 research outputs found

    Interaction of PC-3 cells with fibronectin adsorbed on sulfonated polystyrene surfaces

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    The ability of cancer cells to invade neighboring tissues is crucial for cell dissemination and tumor metastasis. It is generally assumed that cell adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins is an important stage of cancer progression. Hence, adhesion of cancer cells under in vitro conditions to proteins adsorbed on a substratum surface has been studied to provide a better understanding of cell-protein interaction mechanisms. A protein, adsorbed in an appropriate conformation on a substratum surface, creates a biologically active layer that regulates such cell functions as adhesion, spreading, proliferation and migration. In our study, we examined the interaction of PC-3 cells under in vitro conditions with fibronectin adsorbed on sulfonated polystyrene surfaces of a defined chemical composition and topography. We investigated cell adhesion to fibronectin and cell spreading. Using automatic, sequential microscopic image registration, we are the first to present observations of the dynamics of PC-3 cell spreading and the cell shape during this process. Our results show that cell adhesion and the shape of spreading cells strongly depend on the time interaction with fibronectin. The analysis of images of cytoskeletal protein distribution in the cell region near the cell-substratum interface revealed that induction of a signal cascade took place, which led to the reorganization of the cytoskeletal proteins and the activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK). (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 706–718

    Glycosyltransferase efficiently controls phenylpropanoid pathway

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In a previous study, anthocyanin levels in potato plants were increased by manipulating genes connected with the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway. However, starch content and tuber yield were dramatically reduced in the transgenic plants, which over-expressed dihydroflavonol reductase (DFR).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Transgenic plants over-expressing dihydroflavonol reductase (DFR) were subsequently transformed with the cDNA coding for the glycosyltransferase (UGT) of Solanum sogarandinum in order to obtain plants with a high anthocyanin content without reducing tuber yield and quality. Based on enzyme studies, the recombinant UGT is a 7-O-glycosyltransferase whose natural substrates include both anthocyanidins and flavonols such as kaempferol and quercetin. In the super-transformed plants, tuber production was much higher than in the original transgenic plants bearing only the transgene coding for DFR, and was almost the same as in the control plants. The anthocyanin level was lower than in the initial plants, but still higher than in the control plants. Unexpectedly, the super-transformed plants also produced large amounts of kaempferol, chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid, sinapic acid and proanthocyanins.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In plants over-expressing both the transgene for DFR and the transgene for UGT, the synthesis of phenolic acids was diverted away from the anthocyanin branch. This represents a novel approach to manipulating phenolic acids synthesis in plants.</p

    Reasons for low influenza vaccination coverage – a cross-sectional survey in Poland

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    Aim To assess the reasons for low influenza vaccination coverage in Poland, including knowledge of influenza and attitudes toward influenza vaccination. Methods This was a cross-sectional, anonymous, selfadministered survey in primary care patients in Lodzkie voivodship (central Poland). The study participants were adults who visited their primary care physicians for various reasons from January 1 to April 30, 2007. Results Six hundred and forty participants completed the survey. In 12 months before the study, 20.8% participants had received influenza vaccination. The most common reasons listed by those who had not been vaccinated were good health (27.6%), lack of trust in vaccination effectiveness (16.8%), and the cost of vaccination (9.7%). The most common source of information about influenza vaccination were primary care physicians (46.6%). Despite reasonably good knowledge of influenza, as many as approximately 20% of participants could not point out any differences between influenza and other viral respiratory tract infections. Conclusions The main reasons for low influenza vaccination coverage in Poland were patients’ misconceptions and the cost of vaccination. Therefore, free-of-charge vaccination and more effective informational campaigns are needed, with special focus on high-risk groups

    Application of flow cytometry to immunohematological tests of red blood cells

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    Flow cytometry (FC) has been primarily applied to the diagnosis of hematological malignancies, and thereafter, to detection and quantification of CD34+ cells in bone marrow transplants, and granulocytes in neutropenias and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). In PNH and hereditary spherocytosis, changes in some of the erythrocyte membrane proteins are tested (CD59, CD55, and band 3). The purpose of this paper is to focus on the use of FC in RBC testing. With anti-D, -HbF, and -CA (carbonic anhydrase), we can detect RhD+, HbF+, and CA- fetal RBCs in the maternal RhD-, HbF-, and CA+ blood sample. Obtained results allow to select the appropriate dose of anti-D Ig in the RhD prophylaxis of feto-maternal incompatibility, or to detect the cause of fetal anemia. Expression of antigens and their weak variants, and concentration of specific antibodies, can also be assessed. It is possible to observe changes in selected CD molecules during storage of RBC units. If RBCs for transfusion are unavailable, due to patient's unusual antibody specificity, some of the available RBCs are opsonised, and then phagocytosis with the recipient monocytes is assessed. The microscopic time-consuming and subjective assay is usually used. Stained CD14+ monocytes and CD235a+ erythrocytes are visible on cytograms as well as their interaction. It makes evaluation of phagocytosis easier and objective. Microparticles of RBCs released during storage are also detected. They are 235a+. In differentiation of hemolysis causes, it is important to measure osmotic fragility, and that can be also achieved using FC. Flow cytometry should be applied to immunohematological testing of red blood cells more often than now

    Biological Traits of Impatiens parviflora DC. under Different Habitat Conditions

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    Small balsam Impatiens parviflora DC. (Balsaminaceae) is the invasive species that colonises natural European forest. The morphological and physiological traits of the species under different natural conditions were analysed. The studies were carried out in the forest communities in the National Park (Ojców National Park – Southern Poland) with the known history of the plot: P1 – bottom of the valley, Alno-Ulmion Br.-Bl. et R.Tx. 1943, P2 – terrace of the valley, Tilio-Carpinetum Tracz. 1962 stachyetosum, P3 – south slope of the valley, Tilio-Carpinetum Tracz. 1962 typicum. The plots differed with the soil parameters and microclimatic conditions as well as with species richness, species composition and cover of I. parviflora. The significant statistical differences in the length of the aboveground parts of collected small balsam specimens on the studied plots were showed. The longest shoots among specimens growing in plot P1, and the shortest in plot P3 were observed. In the above ground part of plants, the highest values of water content among the specimens on plot P1 and the lowest on plot P3 were revealed. The highest percentage of electrolytes leakage among the specimens from the plot P2 and the lowest of the plot P1 were observed. The significant differences of the chlorophyll a fluorescence of I. parviflora leaves on the plot P2 were observed, compared to specimens from the two remaining plots. The results pointed that disturbance light availability in dense forest canopy could influence on abundance the local population of small balsam

    Biological traits of impatiens parviflora DC. under different habitat conditions

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    Small balsam Impatiens parviflora DC. (Balsaminaceae) is the invasive species that colonises natural European forest. The morphological and physiological traits of the species under different natural conditions were analysed. The studies were carried out in the forest communities in the National Park (Ojców National Park - Southern Poland) with the known history of the plot: P1 - bottom of the valley, Alno-Ulmion Br.-Bl. et R.Tx. 1943, P2 - terrace of the valley, Tilio-Carpinetum Tracz. 1962 stachyetosum, P3 - south slope of the valley, Tilio-Carpinetum Tracz. 1962 typicum. The plots differed with the soil parameters and microclimatic conditions as well as with species richness, species composition and cover of I. parviflora. The significant statistical differences in the length of the aboveground parts of collected small balsam specimens on the studied plots were showed. The longest shoots among specimens growing in plot P1, and the shortest in plot P3 were observed. In the underground part of plants, the highest values of water content among the specimens on plot P1 and the lowest on plot P3 were revealed. The highest percentage of electrolytes leakage among the specimens from the plot P2 and the lowest of the plot P1 were observed. The significant differences of the chlorophyll a fluorescence of I. parviflora leaves on the plot P2 were observed, compared to specimens from the two remaining plots. The results pointed that disturbance light availability in dense forest canopy could influence on abundance the local population of small balsam

    MicroRNAs in cardiovascular diseases

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    MikroRNA to endogenne, małe, niekodujące cząsteczki RNA, które odgrywają kluczową rolę w regulacji ekspresji genów. MikroRNA biorą udział w wielu procesach biologicznych, takich jak proliferacja, różnicowanie komórek, angiogeneza czy apoptoza. Doniesienia naukowe wskazują, że mikroRNA znamiennie determinują fizjologię i patofizjologię serca; mogą również mieć znaczenie diagnostyczne jako nowe biomarkery użyteczne w rozpoznawaniu i przebiegu na przykład zawału serca.MicroRNAs are endogenous small non-codig RNA, that they play crucial roles in the regulation of gene expression. MicroRNAs participate in many essential biological process, such as cell proliferation, differentiation, angiogenesis and apoptosis. Emerging evidence has indicated that microRNAs are involved in cardiac physiology and pathophysiology, including the regulation of cardiac physiological function and participation in the genesis of cardiac diseases. MikroRNAs are also recognized as a new diagnostic biomarkers of myocardial injury

    Small and long regulatory RNAs in the immune system and immune diseases

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    Cellular differentiation is regulated on the level of gene expression and it is known that dysregulation of gene expression can lead to deficiencies in differentiation that contribute to a variety of diseases, particularly of the immune system. Until recently, it was thought that the dysregulation was governed by changes in the binding or activity of a class of proteins called transcription factors. However, the discovery of micro-RNAs and recent descriptions of long noncoding RNAs have given enormous momentum to a whole new field of biology: the regulatory RNAs. In this review, we describe these two classes of regulatory RNAs and summarize what is known about how they regulate aspects of the adaptive and innate immune systems. Finally, we describe what is known about the involvement of micro-RNAs and long noncoding RNAs in three different autoimmune diseases (celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and multiple sclerosis)