47 research outputs found

    The advanced methods of hyperhidrosis treatment using Botulinum toxin

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    Introduction and purpose: Sweating plays an important role in the mechanism of human thermoregulation. A state in which the amount of sweat produced exceeds the physiological demand is called hyperhidrosis. About 4.8% of the population complains of this condition. The inconvenience of excessive sweat production significantly decrease the standard of living of patients suffering from this disorder. Nowadays, botulinum toxin injections are increasingly being used as a therapy for excessive sweating. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Botulinum toxin is an exotoxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum . It is now considered one of the most potent poisons found in nature. Thanks to research conducted since the 1970s, the positive effects of using TB to treat strabismus, eyelid spasm, torticollis and other conditions associated with excessive muscle spasticity have been noted. This discovery coused a flood of subsequent research on the use of botulinum toxin in medicine and cosmetology. It derives its features from inhibiting the release of Acetylcholine in nerve endings, which prevents muscle contraction. Acetylcholine is the main transmitter of the sympathetic nervous system, which innervates the sweat glands. Thanks to these features, botulinum toxin has begun to be widely used to treat excessive sweating. Summary: Excessive sweating is very often resistant to treatment attempts with iontophoresis or external substances. Botulinum toxin injections into the areas most affected by the condition, which are most often the hands, feet, armpits, bring significant improvement in patients. Currently, research is being conducted about the use of botulinum toxin in other areas of the body

    Variations and morphometric analysis of the proximal segment of the superior cerebellar artery

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    Introduction: The superior cerebral artery is a clinically significant vessel, but little is known about its radiological anatomy. The aim of this study was to describe the anatomical variations of the proximal segment of the superior cerebellar artery using Computed Tomography Angiography. Materials and methods: The study group consisted of 200 subjects (54.5% female, mean age ± SD 56.2 ± 17.2 years) that had undergone head Computed Tomography Angiography. Subjects with any intracranial pathologies were excluded. Images in Maximum Intensity Projections were used to study the anatomical anomalies of the superior cerebellar artery. Results: In 200 subject 388 superior cerebellar arteries were found. Twelve (3.09%) SCAs were duplicated in 11 patients and all originated from the basilar artery. In 8 (4.00%) patients the superior cerebellar artery was absent. The origin of the SCA was most often bilateral, mainly from the basilar artery (76.29%). The superior cerebellar artery diameter, measured atthe site of the origin, was statistically significantly different depending on the place of the origin: wider when originating from the basilar artery as a single vessel (1.48 ± 0.42 mm vs. 1.34 ± 0.52 mm; p = 0.03) and narrower when originating as duplicated one (1.38 ± 0.48 mm vs. 1.46 ± 0.44 mm; p = 0.55). Conclusion: Superior cerebellar artery usually originates bilaterally from the basilar artery as a single trunk. Its diameter is significantly wider in that type in comparison to other anatomical variations

    Variations and morphometric analysis of the proximal segment of the superior cerebellar artery

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    Introduction The superior cerebral artery is a clinically significant vessel, but little is known about its radiological anatomy. The aim of this study was to describe the anatomical variations of the proximal segment of the superior cerebellar artery using Computed Tomography Angiography. Materials and methods The study group consisted of 200 subjects (54.5% female, mean age±SD 56.2±17.2 years) that had undergone head Computed Tomography Angiography. Subjects with any intracranial pathologies were excluded. Images in Maximum Intensity Projections were used to study the anatomical anomalies of the superior cerebellar artery. Results In 200 subject 388 superior cerebellar arteries were found. Twelve (3.09%) SCAs were duplicated in 11 patients and all originated from the basilar artery. In 8 (4.00%) patients the superior cerebellar artery was absent. The origin of the SCA was most often bilateral, mainly from the basilar artery (76.29%). The superior cerebellar artery diameter, measured at the site of the origin, was statistically significantly different depending on the place of the origin: wider when originating from the basilar artery as a single vessel (1.48±0.42mm vs. 1.34±0.52mm; p=0.03) and narrower when originating as duplicated one (1.38±0.48mm vs. 1.46±0.44mm; p=0.55). Conclusion Superior cerebellar artery usually originates bilaterally from the basilar artery as a single trunk. Its diameter is significantly wider in that type in comparison to other anatomical variations

    Risk factors for postoperative infectious complications after RIRS treatment of kidney and ureteral stones

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    Abstract Introduction and aim of the study: Urolithiasis is a disease involving the formation of deposits in the lumen of the urinary tract. The continued development of minimally invasive treatment methods allows for more effective treatment with greater operator comfort and less risk to the patient. It has been concluded that retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) is superior to other therapeutic methods in many respects. The aim of this study is to review the available studies and publications and to identify potential complications following treatment of kidney and ureteral stones by RIRS, with a particular focus on infectious complications and their risk factors.   Method and materials: We reviewed the literature available on PubMed and Google Scholar, using the words 'urolithiasis'; 'urolithiasis treatment'; 'retrograde intrarenal surgery'; 'infectious complications of retrograde intrarenal surgery'.   Results: Among the risk factors associated with infectious complications after RIRS, long duration of surgery, recent positive urine culture, urinary tract infections or antibiotic use, purulent urine, urinary nitrites, obstructed access through the ureter, struvite stones, co-morbidities play a special role.   Conclusions: Among the complications of surgical treatment of nephrolithiasis and ureteral stones by RIRS, infectious complications are of particular concern. In view of the knowledge of their risk factors, preventive measures should include limiting the duration of surgery, possible antibiotic therapy and considering the use of a larger diameter UAS. This is especially true for patients with abnormal urine results, struvite stones, a history of urinary tract infection or predisposing comorbidities.   Key words: Urolithiasis; Kidney Calculi; Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery; Urolithiasis infection

    Decreased plasma concentrations of a-ketoglutarate in patients with chronic symptomatic coronary heart disease compared with healthy controls

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    WSTĘP: Wyniki dotychczasowych badań sugerują, że już od najwcześniejszych etapów rozwoju miażdżycy naczyń krwionośnych zachodzą zmiany w funkcjonowaniu mitochondriów komórek. Wyniki badań eksperymentalnychsugerują, że dysfunkcja śródbłonka, podwyższone stężenia cytokin prozapalnych, jak równieżnadmierne wytwarzanie wolnych rodników tlenowych, obserwowane w przebiegu miażdżycy, znacząco zaburzają reakcje cyklu Krebsa. Obecnie jednak mało jest danych z badań klinicznych na temat wpływu miażdżycy na stężenia metabolitów cyklu Krebsa u ludzi. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie wpływu niedokrwienia mięśnia sercowego u pacjentów z chorobą wieńcową na osoczowe stężenie a-ketoglutaranu.MATERIAŁ I METODY: Do badania włączono 53 pacjentów z potwierdzoną w badaniu koronarograficznym chorobą niedokrwienną serca, którzy zostali przyjęci do szpitala z powodu utrzymywania się, mimo zastosowania farmakoterapii, objawów stabilnej dławicy piersiowej, bez towarzyszącego wzrostu stężenia markerów martwicy mięśnia sercowego we krwi. Do grupy kontrolnej włączono 20 zdrowych osób. Wartości osoczowych stężeń a-ketoglutaranu określono z zastosowaniem wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej (HLPC).WYNIKI: Pacjenci z utrzymującymi się objawami stabilnej przewlekłej choroby wieńcowej charakteryzowali się istotnie niższymi wartościami stężeń a-ketoglutaranu w osoczu w porównaniu z osobami z grupy kontrolnej. Obie grupy nie wykazywały istotnych statystycznie różnic pod względem innych analizowanych parametrów klinicznych i biochemicznych.WNIOSKI: 1. Wartości osoczowych stężeń a-ketoglutaranu u pacjentów ze stabilnym niedokrwieniem mięśnia sercowego są niższe w porównaniu z osobami zdrowymi. 2. Spadek zawartości a-ketoglutaranu w osoczu u tych pacjentów może być rezultatem zaburzeń przebiegu reakcji cyklu Krebsa spowodowanych dysfunkcją śródbłonka i procesami zapalnymi w naczyniach zaangażowanych w rozwój miażdżycy, chociaż do potwierdzenia tej tezy potrzebne są dalsze badania.BACKGROUND: Recent studies revealed that mitochondrial function is altered since the earliest stages of atherosclerosis development. Experimental studies results revealed that endothelial dysfunction, elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines, such as excessive reactive oxygen species production, which underlie atherosclerosis, result in significant disruptions in the Krebs cycle flux. However, there is little data about the influence of atherosclerosis on the Krebs cycle intermediates concentrations in people. The aim of the study was to evaluate a possible influence of chronic cardiac ischemia on plasma concentrations of a-ketoglutarate in people with stable symptomatic coronary heart disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 53 patients, with stable, symptomatic coronary heart disease confirmed in coronarography, who were admitted to the hospital due to persistent severe angina despite pharmacological treatment, without the elevation of cardiac enzymes blood level. The control group included 20 healthy people. Plasma concentrations of a-ketoglutarate were determined using an high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). RESULTS: Patients with stable coronary heart disease had significantly lower a-ketoglutarate plasma concentrations compared to healthy controls. There were no statistically significant differences in other analyzed clinical and biochemical parameters between both groups. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Patients with chronic myocardial ischemia have lower plasma concentrations of a-ketoglutarate comparing to healthy controls. 2. The decrease of plasma a-ketoglutarate concentrations in these patients may be a consequence of the Krebs cycle disruption due to the influence of endothelial dysfunction and inflammatory processes involved in the development of atherosclerosis, however further investigations are required

    Analysis of the coliform in the Wilga River (southern Poland)

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    Rzeka Wilga należy do najbardziej zanieczyszczonych rzek w Krakowie. Zanieczyszczenie tej rzeki wynika głównie z obecności obiektów przemysłowych w jej pobliżu. Analizy miana coli próbek wody pobranych w 16 miejscach (począwszy od źródła rzeki w Raciborsku aż do Podgórza w Krakowie) wzdłuż rzeki przeprowadzone zostały w 2014 roku. Analiza ta jest podstawową metodą służącą do wykazania obecności ścieków w ciekach wodnych i jest oparta na pojawieniu się pęcherzyka powietrza w rurce Durhama, co z kolei jest efektem fermentacji laktozy prowadzonej przez bakterie Escherichia coli. Wodę o największej czystości wykazano w środkowym biegu rzeki, gdzie zaobserwowano szybki nurt oraz brak zabudowań gospodarczych w pobliżu rzeki. Wodę złej jakości stwierdzono nawet przy źródle rzeki, gdzie miano coli wynosiło 0,1. Wilga wykazuje tendencję do samooczyszczania się, co można było zaobserwować na odcinkach: Janowice-Sygneczów-Gołkowice oraz Swoszowice-Łagiewniki. Rzeka ta wykazałaby sporą tendencję do samooczyszczania się w przypadku braku ścieków odprowadzanych w sposób pośredni i bezpośredni. Samooczyszczanie się rzek jest procesem długotrwałym, dlatego przy znacznym dopływie ścieków proces ten jest hamowany i przez to trudny do zaobserwowania

    Molecular Approach to the Systematics of European Tortricini (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

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    Preliminary studies of antimicrobial activity of new synthesized hybrids of 2-thiohydantoin and 2-quinolone derivatives activated with blue light

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    Thiohydantoin and quinolone derivatives have attracted researchers’ attention because of a broad spectrum of their medical applications. The aim of our research was to synthesize and analyze the antimicrobial properties of novel 2-thiohydantoin and 2-quinolone derivatives. For this purpose, two series of hybrid compounds were synthesized. Both series consisted of 2-thiohydantoin core and 2-quinolone derivative ring, however one of them was enriched with an acetic acid group at N3 atom in 2-thiohydantoin core. Antibacterial properties of these compounds were examined against bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The antimicrobial assay was carried out using a serial dilution method to obtain the MIC. The influence of blue light irradiation on the tested compounds was investigated. The relative yield of singlet oxygen ((1)O(2)*, (1)Δ(g)) generation upon excitation with 420 nm was determined by a comparative method, employing perinaphthenone (PN) as a standard. Antimicrobial properties were also investigated after blue light irradiation of the suspensions of the hybrids and bacteria placed in microtitrate plates. Preliminary results confirmed that some of the hybrid compounds showed bacteriostatic activity to the reference Gram-positive bacterial strains and a few of them were bacteriostatic towards Gram-negative bacteria, as well. Blue light activation enhanced bacteriostatic effect of the tested compounds

    Molecular Analysis (RAPD-PCR) of Inter-strain Hybrids of the Paramecium aurelia

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