25 research outputs found

    An application of the plant functional group concept to restoration practice on coal mine spoil heaps

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    The history of coal mining in South Poland has left a legacy of many spoil heaps across the landscape. These have presented the opportunity to study their colonisation and spontaneous successional sequences over a long time period. We use the plant functional group (PFG) approach to characterize and compare species diversity on spoil heaps of different ages by utilising the ecological characteristics (PFG categories) of the species recorded during the course of spontaneous vegetation development. By changing species frequency into functional group frequency it was possible to find the significant differences in the functional composition of the studied vegetation and to analyze the dataset using non‐parametric statistics. There was a small increase in the number of species over time, while the frequency of geophytes, nanophanerophytes and megaphanerophytes increased significantly. A significant increase was also recorded for the frequency of competitors, stress‐tolerators and stress‐tolerant competitors and for native species. We found that the significant differences in species composition measured as PFG diversity occurred between the youngest and the oldest age classes. The PFG approach provided valuable insights into the nature of the species composition of the developing vegetation on hard‐coal mine spoil heaps. We suggest that it could be usefully applied in restoration practice in the future by facilitating the natural colonization of native species adapted to local conditions and thus retaining the local gene pool in these areas

    Functioning of Women with Migraine Headaches

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    Background. Migraines are one of the most commonly occurring ailments affecting the nervous system. The aim of this research paper was to evaluate the effect migraines have on the everyday functioning of women. Method. The study involved women with diagnosed migraine headaches (IHS-2004) undergoing treatment at a neurological clinic. In order to evaluate the influence of headaches on the everyday functioning of women, a MSQ v.2 questionnaire was used, whereas pain severity was assessed on a linear VAS scale. Results. Among the clinical factors, the most influential was the frequency of headaches. Headache duration was particularly significant for women below the age of 40. Pain severity cited at 8–10 pts on the VAS significantly disrupted and limited everyday functioning. On the emotional function subscale, the most influential factors were age, education, and the frequency of headaches. Conclusions. On account of headache frequency emerging as the most significant influencing factor, it is of the utmost importance to inform patients of the value of taking prophylactic measures. Central to this is the identification of factors that trigger the onset of migraines. This approach would greatly aid the individual in choosing the appropriate treatment, either pharmacological or others

    Results of preventive radioiodine therapy in euthyroid patients with history of hyperthyroidism prior to administration of amiodarone with permanent atrial fibrillation — a preliminary study

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    Wstęp: Terapia radiojodem (RAI) jest standardowym postępowaniem w leczeniu nadczynności tarczycy. Jednakże stosowanie RAI w stanie eutyreozy u pacjentów wymagających przewlekłego podawania amiodaronu (AM), w przypadku braku skuteczności innych leków przeciwarytmicznych, jest kontrowersyjne. Celem pracy była ocena bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności profilaktycznego zastosowania RAI, przed podaniem AM, u pacjentów w eutyreozie z utrwalonym migotaniem przedsionków (PAF), w przeszłości leczonych z powodu nadczynności tarczycy.Materiał i metody: przeprowadzono analizę retrospektywną. Chorych oceniano na początku badania oraz 2, 6, 8 i 12 miesięcy po zastosowaniu RAI. 17 pacjentów z eutyreozą z towarzyszącym PAF zostało zakwalifikowanych do RAI (kobiety/ mężczyźni 3/14; wiek: 65–87, mediana 71 lat). Pacjenci wymagali przewlekłego stosowania AM jako profilaktyki nagłego zgonu sercowego.Wyniki: Każdy pacjent otrzymał dawkę ablacyjną 131I {800 MBq (22 mCi)}. Po podaniu RAI, jak również w okresie obserwacji nie zaobserwowano powikłań. Subkliniczna nadczynność tarczycy wystąpiła w 2 przypadkach (11,8%) po 2 miesiącach od podania RAI i 5 tygodniach od włączenia AM. W tej sytuacji leczenie RAI przeprowadzono ponownie. Trzech pacjentów (17,6%) po 6 miesiącach oraz 2 (11,8%) po 8 miesiącach wymagało podania dodatkowej dawki 131I z powodu nadczynności tarczycy indukowanej AM. Dwunastu pacjentów (70,6%), powróciło do spontanicznego rytmu zatokowego w ciągu dwóch miesięcy. Po 6 i 12 miesiącach leczenia 14 pacjentów (82,4%) wykazało rytm zatokowy w badaniu kontrolnym.Wnioski: Prewencyjne zastosowanie RAI przed włączeniem AM u pacjentów w eutyreozie (w wywiadzie: nadczynność tarczycy) z PAF, gdy terapia innymi lekami antyarytmicznymi okazuje się nieskuteczna, może być rozważana jako metoda z wyboru. Jest to szczególnie ważne w przypadku pacjentów wymagających stałego podawania AM jako leku ratującego życie. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (4): 270–274)Introduction: Radioiodine (RAI) therapy is a standard procedure in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. However, the use of RAI in euthyroid patients requiring chronic administration of amiodarone (AM) where other antiarrhythmic drugs may lack efficacy is still controversial.Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of an AM therapy prior to treatment with radioiodine therapy in euthyroid patients with permanent atrial fibrillation (PAF), who had been treated for hyperthyroidism in the past.Material and methods: This was a retrospective observational study. Patients were assessed at baseline and two, six, eight, and 12 months after RAI therapy. 17 euthyroid patients with PAF were qualified to the RAI (female/male 3/14; age range 65 to 87, median 71). The patients required chronic administration of AM as a prophylaxis against sudden death.Results: Each patient received an ablative dose of 800 MBq (22 mCi) of 131I. At baseline and during follow-up, no side effects of the therapy and no signs of drug intolerance were observed. Subclinical hyperthyroidism occurred in two (11.8%) cases after two months of RAI and five weeks of AM administration. In this situation, RAI therapy was repeated. Three patients (17.6%) after six months, and another two (11.8%) after eight months, required an additional dose of 131I due to amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT). Twelve patients (70.6%) returned to spontaneous sinus rhythm within two months. Fourteen patients (82.4%) had sinus rhythm during follow-up after six and 12 months of treatment.Conclusions: Preventive RAI in euthyroid (but previously hyperthyroid) patients with PAF before administration of AM may be the method of choice. This is particularly important for patients who will require permanent AM administration as a life-saving drug. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (4): 269–274

    Alterations in metabolism and metabolic enzyme function and carcinogenesis

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    Dr Otto H. Warburg wykład 1966 Nobliści w Lindau, Niemcy „Rak, ponad wszystkie inne choroby ma niezliczoną ilość wtórnych przyczyn. Jednak nawet w przypadku raka istnieje tylko jedna główna przyczyna. Podsumowując w kilku słowach, główną przyczyną raka jest zastąpienie oddychania tlenowego w normalnych komórkach organizmu przez fermentację cukru…” Wzrost i rozwój organizmu jest nieodłącznie związany z dostępnością składników odżywczych. W związku z tym wyewoluowały specyficzne mechanizmy pozwalające na koordynację tych procesów w zależności od dostępności pożywienia, co umożliwia organizmom przetrwanie w czasie głodu. Zmniejszenie zasobów energetycznych powoduje wydłużenie życia, natomiast nadmiar kalorii jest powiązany z otyłością i chorobami nowotworowymi. Na poziomie komórkowym prawidłowe, dzielące się komórki aktywują szlaki metaboliczne, umożliwiające akumulację masy i energii wykorzystywanych do syntezy DNA w celu reprodukcji. Natomiast komórki nowotworowe przeprogramowują w sposób, wydaje się, kontrolowany swój metabolizm, aby dzielić się i rozprzestrzeniać w sposób niekontrolowany. Pewne geny kodujące enzymy metaboliczne zostają wyłączone w komórkach nowotworowych, a inne ulegają zwiększonej ekspresji, powodując zmiany metaboliczne. Badania prowadzone w ostatnich latach pokazały, że niektóre enzymy procesu glikolizy, mające swoją główną funkcję w cytoplazmie, mają zdolność do przemieszczania się do jądra komórkowego, gdzie pełnią zupełnie inne niemetaboliczne funkcje, np. biorą udział w kontroli ekspresji genów. Dlatego poznanie wpływu metabolizmu na kontrolę ekspresji genów może być niezwykle istotne w zrozumieniu przyczyn nowotworzenia.Dr Otto Warburg (Nobel in 1931) in his lecture on Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting in 1966, Germany, stated: “Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes… But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. To summarise in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar…” Growth and development of organisms are strictly dependent from availability of nutrients. Evolved specific mechanisms controlling those processes can help organisms to survive starvation. Calorific restriction leads to longer life span, but the opposite, too many calories are associated with obesity and tumourigenesis. On a cellular level, normal dividing cells activate particular metabolic pathways to accumulate cell mass and energy for DNA synthesis required for reproduction. By contrast tumour cells reprogramme their metabolism, possibly in controlled way, for uncontrolled division and growth. Some genes encoding metabolic enzymes are inactivated while others exhibit increased expression, causing metabolic changes in tumour cells. Recent studies showed that certain glycolytic enzymes mainly active in cytoplasm may move from cytoplasm to the nucleus where they can play different, nonglycolytic functions e.g., control the gene expression. Therefore, to understand the influence of metabolism on gene expression can be crucial to discovering the causes of carcinogenesis.

    Rozpiętość rozkładu objętości erytrocytów — nowy marker zaostrzenia niewydolności krążenia u pacjentów z niedoczynnością tarczycy po leczeniu jodem promieniotwórczym

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    Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases constitute a major cause of health problems and death in developed countries across the world. The increased value of the index of distribution of red blood cells volume (RDW) may be a prognostic marker in patients diagnosed with chronic heart failure (CHF). Hypothyroid patients present higher RDW values if compared to healthy controls. Taking into consideration that RDW might be both affected by thyroid status and CHF, we decided to determine the effect of concomitant hypothyroidism following radioiodine therapy (RIT) and CHF on hematological parameters. Materials and methods: Patients with toxic nodular goiter and heart failure with concomitant anemia were included. Patients underwent treatment with radioiodine before the planned heart transplant or pacemaker implantation (combined ICD/CRT-D). After RIT patients were divided into the three subgroups: with overt hypothyroidism (TSH ≥ 10µIU/mL, Group I), subclinically hypothyroid patients (TSH 4.3-9.0 µIU/mL, Group II) and with high-normal level of TSH (2.6-4.2 µIU/mL, Group III). Results: Significant correlation between TSH and RDW was observed (r=0.46; P < 0.0001) after RIT, whereas no correlation between serum TSH levels and TIBC and Fe was observed. In Group I significant correlation between TSH and RDW (r= 0.48; P = 0.002) after RIT was observed, whereas in two other subgroups there were no significant correlation. Conclusions: Subclinical hypothyroidism or high-normal levels of TSH did not affect RDW in a significant manner in the studied population. Our results demonstrates that overt hypothyroidism may contribute to deterioration of CHF reflected in changes of RDW value. Wstęp: Choroby sercowo-naczyniowe stanowią główną przyczynę problemów zdrowotnych i zgonów w krajach wysoko uprzemysłowionych na całym świecie. Podwyższona wartość rozpiętości rozkładu objętości erytrocytów (RDW) może stanowić marker prognostyczny u pacjentów z przewlekłą niewydolnością serca (PNS). Pacjenci z niedoczynnością tarczycy mają wyższe wartości RDW w porównaniu z osobami zdrowymi. Biorąc pod uwagę, że RDW może być zmienione zarówno przez stan czynnościowy tarczycy, jak i PNS, autorzy niniejszej pracy postanowili ustalić wpływ współistniejącej niedoczynności tarczycy spowodowanej terapią jodem promieniotwórczym (RIT) i PNS na parametry hematologiczne. Materiały i metody: Włączono pacjentów z wolem guzkowym toksycznym, PNS oraz towarzyszącą niedokrwistością. U pacjentów prze­prowadzono RIT przed planowanym przeszczepieniem serca lub implantacją urządzenia resynchronizującego lub defibrylatora (ICD/CRT-D). Po RIT pacjentów podzielono na 3 podgrupy: z jawną niedoczynnością tarczycy (TSH ≥ 10 μIU/mL — grupa I), z subkliniczną niedoczynnością (TSH 4,3–9,0 μIU/mL — grupa II) oraz z TSH w górnej granicy normy (2,6–4,2 μIU/mL — grupa III). Wyniki: Zaobserwowano istotną korelację między TSH i RDW (r = 0,46; P &lt; 0,0001) po RIT, podczas gdy nie zaobserwowano kore­lacji między stężeniem TSH i stężeniem żelaza oraz TIBC. W grupie I zaobserwowano istotną korelację między TSH i RDW (r = 0,48; P = 0,002) po RIT, jakkolwiek w dwóch pozostałych podgrupach nie zaobserwowano istotnej korelacji. Wnioski: Subkliniczna niedoczynność tarczycy, jak i wartości TSH w górnej granicy normy nie wpływały na RDW w sposób istotny w grupie badanej. Wyniki wskazują, że jawna niedoczynność tarczycy może przyczynić się do zaostrzenia PNS odzwierciedlonej zmianą wartości RDW

    The level of cotinine - marker of tobacco smoking, in patients with hyperthyroidism

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    Introduction: Orbitopathy associated with Graves&#8217; disease TAO (thyroid associated orbitopathy) is likewise connected with environmental factors including tobacco smoking. Tobacco smoking increases the risk of ophthalmologic pathology and leads to the orbital tissue damage due to the hypoxia. The aim of the study was to correlate the concentration of urinecotinine (marker of tobacco smoking) in Graves&#8217; disease patients with TAO with points received on the Fagerström questionnaire. Materials and methods: Thirty women with different degree of exacerbation of TAO in Graves&#8217; disease (34.28 &plusmn; 12.04 yr.) were examined. As control we used 29 women with Graves&#8217; disease without TAO (29.35 &plusmn; 12.33 yr.). The diagnosis was established according to level of TSH and level of thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAb). Measure of tobacco smoking or exposure to second hand tobacco smoke ETS (environmental tobacco smoke) carried out according to the Fagerström questionnaire, and measured cotinine level (the major metabolite of nicotine in urine). The level of clinical ophtalmopathy was measured according to the CAS (Clinical Activity Score) scale and degree of progression of TAO according to American Thyroid Association (NOSPECS scale). Additionally increase of exophthalmus was measured using the Hertl&#8217;s exophthalmometer. Results: In the group with TAO: 19 (63.3%) persons had mild exophthalmos (according to CAS), medium in 13 (43.3%) patients, and pronounced exophthalmous in 10 (33%) patients. There was statistically significant difference in the level of TRAb (18.4 &plusmn; 8.2 vs. 5.1 &plusmn; 3.4 IU/l; p < 0.0001) between TAO and controls. There was no correlation between TSH (0.6 &plusmn; 0.02 vs. 0.4 &plusmn; 0.04; p = 0.18) and fT4 (38.8 &plusmn; 29.3 vs. 26.1 &plusmn; 17.3; p = 0.026) in both analyzed groups. Smokers and non-smokers with TAO had no statistically significant in level of TRAb (Mann-Whitney test p = 0.16). No correlation was found between smoking tobacco (cotinine level) and the level of TRAb in patients with TAO (Pearson r = 0.28 p = 0.58). There was a statistically significant difference between the level of urine cotinine in smoking patients with TAO in the highest level of ophthalmopathy exacerbation (> 24 mm; &#8805; 4 points according to CAS) and those without TAO (Mann-Whitney&#8217;s test p = 0.04). Conclusions: 1. In patients with Graves&#8217; disease with TAO the highest score of tobacco smoking has been found in persons with the highest ophthalmopathy exacerbation. 2. Estimation of cotinine concentration in urine is the most objective and useful method of tobacco smoking.Wstęp: Orbitopatia (TAO, thyroid associated orbitopathy) występująca w chorobie Gravesa-Basedowa (GB) uwarunkowana jest dodatkowo czynnikami środowiskowymi, w tym paleniem tytoniu. Nikotynizm prowadzi do uszkodzenia tkanek miękkich oczodołu poprzez wywołanie w nich hipoksji. Celem pracy była ocena stężenia kotyniny u pacjentów z TAO oraz porównanie uzyskanych wyników z punktacją testu Fagerströma. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto wyłącznie 30 kobiet z różnym stopniem nasilenia TAO (34,28 &plusmn; 12,04 lat). Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 29 kobiet z GB bez TAO (29,35 &plusmn; 12,33 lat). Rozpoznanie ustalona na podstawie oznaczenia stężenia tyreotropiny (TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone) oraz stężenia przeciwciał przeciwko receptorowi TSH - TRAb. Ocenę palenia tytoniu oraz biernego narażenia na dym tytoniowy (ETS, environmental tobacco smoke) przeprowadzono, opierając się na: badaniach ankietowych (test Fagerströma) oraz ocenie stężenia kotyniny, głównego metabolitu nikotyny w moczu. Za pomocą skali Clinical Activity Score (CAS) oraz skali American Thyroid Association (NOSPECS) oznaczono wskaźnik aktywności klinicznej oftalmopatii oraz stopień nasilenia wytrzeszczu. Ponadto nasilenie wytrzeszczu mierzono za pomocą egzoftalmometru Hertla. Wyniki: W grupie GB z TAO 19 osób (63,3%) miało wytrzeszcz łagodny (według CAS), natomiast u 11 osób (36,7%) stwierdzono wytrzeszcz naciekowo-obrzękowy. Wartości pomiaru egzoftalmometrycznego: wytrzeszcz łagodny rozpoznano u 7 (23,3%) osób, wytrzeszcz umiarkowany u 13 (43,3%) oraz wytrzeszcz nasilony u 10 (33%) badanych. Stwierdzono istotnie znaczącą statystycznie różnicę w zakresie stężenia TRAb (18,4 &plusmn; 8,2 vs. 5,1 &plusmn; 3,4 jm./l; p < 0,0001) pomiędzy grupą badaną a kontrolną. Nie wykazano istotnej statystycznie zależności między stężeniem TSH (0,6 &plusmn; 0,02 vs. 0,4 &plusmn; 0,04; p = 0,18) oraz fT4 (38,8 &plusmn; 29,3 vs. 26,1 &plusmn; 17,3; p = 0,026) w obu analizowanych grupach. Osoby palące i niepalące z TAO w przebiegu GB nie różniły się istotnie statystycznie w zakresie stężenia TRAb (test Manna-Whitneya p = 0,16). U chorych z TAO nie wykazano korelacji pomiędzy paleniem tytoniu (stężeniami kotyniny) a stężeniem TRAb (Pearson r = 0,28; p = 0,58). Stwierdzono natomiast istotną statystycznie różnicę pomiędzy stężeniem kotyniny u chorych palących z największym stopniem nasilenia TAO (> 24 mm; &#8805; 4 według CAS) a stężeniem w grupie chorych bez wytrzeszczu (test Manna-Whitneya p = 0,04). Wnioski: 1. W grupie chorych z oftalmopatią w przebiegu choroby Gravesa-Basedowa najwyższy wskaźnik narażenia na dym tytoniowy stwierdzono u osób z największym jej nasileniem. 2. Ocena stężenia kotyniny w moczu stanowi najbardziej przydatne i obiektywne narzędzie określające natężenie czynnego i biernego narażenia na dym tytoniowy

    The organisation of physiotherapy for people with multiple sclerosis across Europe: a multicentre questionnaire survey

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    Background Understanding the organisational set-up of physiotherapy services across different countries is increasingly important as clinicians around the world use evidence to improve their practice. This also has to be taken into consideration when multi-centre international clinical trials are conducted. This survey aimed to systematically describe organisational aspects of physiotherapy services for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) across Europe. Methods Representatives from 72 rehabilitation facilities within 23 European countries completed an online web-based questionnaire survey between 2013 and 2014. Countries were categorised according to four European regions (defined by United Nations Statistics). Similarities and differences between regions were examined. Results Most participating centres specialized in rehabilitation (82 %) and neurology (60 %), with only 38 % specialising in MS. Of these, the Western based Specialist MS centres were predominately based on outpatient services (median MS inpatient ratio 0.14), whilst the Eastern based European services were mostly inpatient in nature (median MS inpatient ratio 0.5). In almost all participating countries, medical doctors - specialists in neurology (60 %) and in rehabilitation (64 %) - were responsible for referral to/prescription of physiotherapy. The most frequent reason for referral to/prescription of physiotherapy was the worsening of symptoms (78 % of centres). Physiotherapists were the most common members of the rehabilitation team; comprising 49 % of the team in Eastern countries compared to approximately 30 % in the rest of Europe. Teamwork was commonly adopted; 86 % of centres based in Western countries utilised the interdisciplinary model, whilst the multidisciplinary model was utilised in Eastern based countries (p = 0.046). Conclusion This survey is the first to provide data about organisational aspects of physiotherapy for people with MS across Europe. Overall, care in key organisational aspects of service provision is broadly similar across regions, although some variations, for example the models of teamwork utilised, are apparent. Organisational framework specifics should be considered anytime a multi-centre study is conducted and results from such studies are applied.PubMedWoSScopu

    Protein and folic acid content in the maternal diet determine lipid metabolism and response to high-fat feeding in rat progeny in an age-dependent manner

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    Maternal diet during gestation can exert a long-term effect on the progeny’s health by programming their developmental scheme and metabolism. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of maternal diet on lipid metabolism in 10- and 16-week-old rats. Pregnant dams were fed one of four diets: a normal protein and normal folic acid diet (NP-NF), a protein-restricted and normal folic acid diet (PR-NF), a protein-restricted and folic-acid-supplemented diet (PR-FS), or a normal protein and folic-acid-supplemented diet (NP-FS). We also tested whether prenatal nutrition determines the reaction of an organism to a postweaning high-fat diet. Blood biochemistry and biometrical parameters were evaluated. The expression patterns of PPARα, PPARγ, and LXRα in the liver and adipose tissue were examined by real-time PCR. In the 10-week-old, rats folic acid supplementation of the maternal diet was associated with reduced circulating glucose and total cholesterol concentrations (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). Neither prenatal diets nor postnatal feeding affected blood insulin concentrations. In the 16-week-old rats, body weight, abdominal fat mass and central adiposity were reduced in the progeny of the folic acid–supplemented dams (P < 0.01, P < 0.001 and P < 0.01, respectively). Maternal protein restriction had no effect on biometry or blood biochemical parameters. Folic acid supplementation of the maternal diet was associated with reduced expression of PPARα, PPARγ, and LXRα in the liver (P < 0.001). Reduced protein content in the maternal diet was associated with increased PPARα mRNA level in the liver (P < 0.001) and reduced LXRα in adipose tissue (P < 0.01). PPARα and PPARγ transcription in the liver, as well as LXRα transcription in adipose tissue, was also dependent on interaction effects between prenatal and postnatal diet compositions. PPARγ transcription in the liver was correlated with the abdominal fat mass, body weight, and calorie intake, while PPARγ transcription in adipose tissue was correlated with reduced body weight and calorie intake. Total serum cholesterol concentration was correlated with LXRα transcription in the liver. Folic acid supplementation of the maternal diet may have favorable effects for lipid metabolism in the progeny, but these effects are modified by the postnatal diet and age. Furthermore, the expression of LXRα, PPARα, and PPARγ in the liver and adipose tissue largely depends on the protein and folic acid content in the maternal diet during gestation. However, the altered transcription profile of these key regulators of lipid metabolism does not straightforwardly explain the observed phenotype

    How Big Is Ecological Footprint of the Polish Economy?

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    The ecological footprint concept was conceived by Wackernagel and developed by Wackernagel and Rees to estimate how much biologically productive space people use to sustain themselves. Ecological footprint calculations are based on two assumptions: first, it is possible to keep track of most of the wastes we generate; secondly, most of these resource and waste flows can be converted to a corresponding biologically productive area. Thus, ecological footprint of any defined population (from a single individual to a whole city or country) is the total area of biologically productive land and water occupied exclusively to produce all the resources consumed and to assimilate all the wastes generated by that population, using prevailing technology. Ecological footprinting takes into account arable land separated into cropland, pasture land, and forest. Thus, ecological footprints give a direct comparison between nations regarding the level and patterns of consumption of their citizens. Just as important as the level of consumption is the ecological space which the nation has available. This determines how many people a nation can support at the current lifestyle without, on balance, appropriating ecological space from other nations. The ecological footprinting, for very pragmatic reason, should meet the following criteria: (1) the calculation procedure should be objective and scientifically sound, (2) indicators should have a clear interpretation and be understandable by non-scientists, (3) indicators should relate to clear policy objectives. In the paper we present ecological footprint estimates made for the Polish nation within its border over 1955Ś1997. In this approach we managed to reach numbers comparable with other countries' studies. It appears that Polish footprints do not differ very much from western developed societies. However, as usual in dynamic economies, they seemto be too large when compared to available ecological space. The ecological footprint is one attempt at developing a biologically based ecological economics, which approximates reality better than many economic expansionist models. There are several advantages and limitations associated with the development of the ecological footprint concept. The major advantage of the ecological footprint concept over some other indicators like environmental space is that the former concept gives a clear, unambiguous message often in an easily digested form. The clarity of the message is an important function of any indicator for both policy makers and the general public. Next, the calculation upon which the ecological footprint is based is relatively easy to undertake and much of the data is available at different spatial scales. Nevertheless, the presentation of ecological footprinting needs to be greatly improved. Ecological footprint is a static measure, it ignores technological change, it ignores underground resources, it is a stock measure and does not measure flows, it lacks measures of equity. The energy footprint aspect needs to be tackled by experts in the energy field. More work needs to be done on the vexed question of forest yield factors and sustainability. But despite of the many problems, there remains tremendous potential in the use of ecological footprints for estimating how many people each nation can support in a specified consumption and production patterns.